MTL - The Sweet Little Fulang-Chapter 222

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It was dawn in the morning. Lu Gu and Shen Yan took their children to the butcher shop. Yesterday, Shen Yaoqing pulled a fat pig from the house. It was the beginning of winter. It was cold. I want to come over and collect money for the meat.

Brother Ling was used to playing in the shop. Because he got up too early today, he was afraid that he would cry. Lu Gu brought him preserved fruit and let him sit at the table to eat. Happy to eat and play.

People came and went in front of the butcher shop, and they were busy until almost noon, and a few came to buy main meat sporadically.

Shen Yaoqing brought meat back to two or three taverns and restaurants, and Lu Gu took off the apron on his waist and said, "Brother, let's go back to cook first, it's windy today, I'll go make you a pot of wine and have dinner. Come and watch and drink some to warm your body."

Shen Yaoqing nodded and said, "Okay, just hit it with a small gourd, you can't drink that much."

In the morning, I was busy and I kept walking. In the afternoon, there were few customers, and most of them were sitting. The door of the shop could not be closed. When the cold wind blew in the front and back, I couldn’t stand it even if I was holding Mrs. Tang.

Hearing this, Lu Gu took the small gourd hanging on the wall.

Shen Yan, who was collecting the money, carefully ordered it, threw dozens of copper plates into the money basin, and then took off his apron, picked up the bamboo basket, and walked out with him.

There are some winter bamboo shoots and a piece of cut meat in the bamboo basket. Now they don't need to buy meat. Winter bamboo shoots are passed by the shop when people are hawking them on the street in the morning.

Brother Ling has grown a little bit. Although the child is not fat, he is dressed in thick clothes. It is not easy to hug him in winter. Besides, he is having a good time, and he does not want to be hugged, holding Lu Gu's **** and dangling. Occasionally shouted.

The wine shop was on another street, and the three of them walked there. The north wind was tight, and Lu Gu closed his collar. Who knew that the little man who was holding his right hand suddenly loosened, and he quickly grabbed Brother Ling, who was running forward. Son.

"Why did you forget? Didn't Em told you that you can't run around when you go to the street, either with Eminem or auntie."

He grabbed Brother Ling's hand and clenched it tightly in the palm of his hand, even if there were not many people on the street, he didn't dare to let it go.

Some time ago, Shen Yaoqing brought a rabbit from his hometown and said that there was a family in Fenggu Town who lost the doll and couldn't find it.

Since then, he and Shen Yan have not dared to be distracted when looking at the child. The child is not sensible at all, not to mention being abducted. , but you can't watch it under your eyes all the time.

"Amu, I want a candy man." After being caught, Ling Ge'er was still well behaved. He didn't lose his temper, but kept his eyes on the candy man.

Lu Gu had told him before that if he lost, he would not be able to see Eminem, his aunt and uncle. He was timid, and when he didn't hear Eminem, he was frightened and cried for a while.

It wasn't that Lu Gu was deliberately trying to scare him. The child didn't understand the truth. Only by saying this could he be frightened.

"If you want to eat, just say, run whatever, aunt will buy it for you." Shen Yan smiled beside him.

So Linger's other small hand grabbed two of her fingers, and suddenly laughed.

"Okay, buy a small one." Lu Gu said standing in front of the candy stall, then turned to Lingge'er and said, "Didn't Grandpa Zheng say that if you eat too much candy, your stomach will hurt and you will need to go to the doctor. Hall."

Linggeer remembered that Grandpa Zheng was a doctor in the hospital. He subconsciously covered his stomach and didn't dare to shout about buying a bigger one. He stood beside him and looked up at Shen Yan.

The child is small, and it has been either a stomach or a fever in the past few months. Two or three times, the candy man can't eat more. Shen Yan also knows that, so he took the smallest one and stuffed it into Ling Ge'er's hand.

The candy man is sweet, and Eminem doesn't often buy it for him. After licking it a few times, Ling Geer was a little reluctant to eat it, holding the small wooden stick in his hand and watching it happily.

After getting a drink from the wine shop, Lu Gu subconsciously looked over to the street. This is the only way to enter the town. If Shen Xuanqing came back, he would definitely go here.

Jixing Town is bigger than Fenggu Town, so there are naturally a little more people. Those who live in a good life can wear warm clothes, and some even wear leather hats, but there are more people with patched clothes. Wearing a cotton coat, you can see that even the sewing is done with care.

As for the poorer, their clothes are thin and tattered, their hands are barely tucked into their sleeves, and they walk forward against the wind. When the cold wind blows, they can only shrink their necks, but the wind is unsympathetic. Blowing in through the cracks, there is no way to hide, and the more diligent poor people gather firewood or do day labor to make a living, so that they will not freeze to death and starve to death.

People came and went, many people walked on the street, but Shen Xuanqing was never seen.

There was a peddler carrying a stack of candied gourd to sell along the street. Brother Ling heard it and looked over there. He knew that Eminem would not buy it for him, so he raised his hand to grasp Shen Yan's sleeve, and whispered in a low voice: "Auntie ."

Shen Yan looked down at him, untied the crooked tiger cap for him, and fastened it under the chin again. This tiger cap can cover the ears, and it can be covered when tied, otherwise the child's ears will freeze. Turning red, she said while tying it, "Okay, there are candy people to eat, so I won't buy it today."

Brother Ling was a little aggrieved and lost, but after licking the candy man in his hand, he laughed again, it was really sweet.

"Go, go back, it's time to cook." Lu Gu looked away from the street.

Shen Yan knew what he was looking for. The second brother left at the beginning of August, and now it has entered the winter months. He has been gone for three months. Before leaving, he said that he would be back in three months at most.

Lu Gu just waited like this. Later, he led Ling Geer to the town entrance every day. Sometimes it was an excuse to come over to buy something, and sometimes he didn't say anything at all. When he came over, he looked at the official road, but half a month passed. , I never saw Shen Xuanqing or the horse team.

It's snowing again.

Lu Gu stood under the eaves, his face was not very good these days, and he didn't smile much.

The snow started to fall in the middle of the night last night, and it has not stopped until now.

Shen Yaoqing was sweeping the yard, trying to figure out a way to walk.

On the white snow, where the good boy walked, he left a string of paw prints. He didn't go hunting in autumn this year, and he was often in the town. Some of the bones and meat residue in the butcher's shop were his own, and he ate more hairy meat than in previous years. Thick, not afraid of cold at all, because it is a hunting dog, it is not so fat and bloated, and it still runs like a gust of wind, vigorous and brave.

Lu Gu watched the sky for a while, but he didn't sit idle. He took a shovel to help shovel the snow. After being busy for a while, his body gradually warmed up.

When the front yard was finished, the snow piled up under the trees and in the vegetable field. He was about to walk to the backyard with Shen Yaoqing when he heard the child in the room calling out to Eminem.

Ling Geer is older than before, and he seldom cries after waking up. Sometimes he gets up by himself. Today, he probably felt cold and didn't get out of bed.

"I'll go." Shen Yan, who was in the kitchen heating water for breakfast, heard it, put a handful of firewood at the bottom of the stove, clapped her hands, and walked into the house.

As soon as she entered, she saw the quilt bulging. She smiled and pretended not to be able to see it. She asked why they couldn't find their little Lingjun. Brother Xiaoling, who had put his head in the quilt, didn't hold on for a while, and then laughed to himself. came out.

Lu Gu was sweeping snow in the backyard, and when he saw Lingjun, who was well-dressed, ran over and hugged his legs, a smile appeared on his face.

He put down the big broom, picked up his son, kissed the flesh on the cheek, and said, "My aunt boiled an egg for you, and I will peel it myself later, okay?"

"Okay." Brother Ling agreed, seeing that his eyelashes were wet, he stretched out his little hand to touch it.

Lu Gu's eyes were covered by a small hand, and he smiled and blinked.

His long eyelashes swept across Ling Ge'er's palm as soon as he moved. The child giggled. After playing for a while, Shen Yaoqing, who was shoveling the snow, straightened up and said with a smile, "Come on, uncle will bring you a snow lion."

I sold out the rabbits yesterday, and there are only five or six chickens and ducks left. The snow is so heavy that it’s hard to walk on the street. It’s okay to go late for a while. Naturally will come.

Linggeer was playing in the snow while watching the uncle build the little snow lions, the good boy watched the children play, and also ran and played in the snow, barking and barking, and the backyard was very lively for a while.

A prototype of the snow lion was built. Because the pile was small, it was just to coax the children to play. Shen Yaoqing didn't do it too carefully, and he had to go to the shop.

"Brother Ling, come, peel the eggs and eat." Shen Yan saw that the two of them seemed to have something to say, so she called the child into the main room. After playing for so long, the little meat hands were red.

In cold weather, hens don't lay eggs well. Eggs are expensive. Lu Gu only eats one every three or five times, and most of them are boiled for children.

Half a month ago, he was thinking that Shen Xuanqing should be back soon, so he saved some eggs. Shen Xuanqing likes to eat scrambled eggs.

Shen Yaoqing leaned the shovel under the eaves, not to mention Lu Gu, even he began to worry.

Before Luo Biao followed the horse team to the north, he would come back in three months at most. It has been three and a half months, but there is no news at all.

When Shen Xuanqing left, he said that he was going home to spend the winter before winter, and the snow fell several times, and it never diminished.

He paused and said, "I heard from Brother Yang Xian that there is a cloth farm owner over there, and he is going to Fucheng to buy some good goods. I thought about it and asked that person to inquire in Fucheng to see if the horse team was there. Where do you sell horses, you won't come back until they're sold out."

"That's good." Lu Gu nodded hurriedly, he just wanted to look around at the entrance of the town, there were more people in the city, and the cavalry team mostly sold horses in various cities, perhaps the sale of horses was delayed.

"Well, I'll go to Buzhuang to see later, the shop is not in a hurry." Shen Yaoqing knew that he was worried, so he comforted: "Don't worry, Erqing will be fine."

"Yeah." Lu Gu nodded heavily, and someone comforted him, which made him feel a little more relieved.

After eating breakfast, Shen Yaoqing went out.

Before leaving, seeing Lu Gu's earnest eyes, he smiled and said to Shen Yan, and his face did not collapse until he walked out of the courtyard, and his heart was full of sadness.

Shen Xuanqing has always been prudent. If he is delayed outside, he will write a letter back to report safety without thinking. If he sells horses in Yuqing Mansion, it is a matter of the horse team. It has nothing to do with Shen Xuanqing.

But these are all his guesses. If he really delays on the road, it's cold and snowing, it's not easy to go.

As he walked, he relieved himself, and when he went out, there was always something that stumbled on his legs and feet.

It was the quickest to ask someone to spend some money. Even so, until the end of winter, there was no news of Shen Xuanqing. In previous years, the cavalry team traveled to Yuqing Palace City and several surrounding large cities, and this year, even the cavalry team did not come back.

When Lu Gu learned that the Qiu family was also inquiring about the whereabouts of Mr. Qiu and Mr. Qiu, he was completely panicked.