MTL - The Sweet Little Fulang-Chapter 145

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Compared to the black-hoofed sheep with long horns, this doe in the backyard is significantly less aggressive. With being tied, it can only watch Lugu vigilantly and can do nothing else.

In autumn, many trees, fruits, grasses and fruits in the forest are ripe. Sometimes Lu Gu goes out to dig wild vegetables or cut wolfberries and encounters them, so he will pick some and bring them back to eat.

I heard Shen Xuanqing say that deer also eat fruit. He sometimes picks grass for the doe. Fruits in the mountains can be picked anywhere, and the doe can be fattened and sold for money.

Most of the wild animals are wary of their relatives, and Lu Gu is not a disgusting temperament. Every time he feeds a doe, he pours fruits and grass branches in front of it and leaves, and he will not stay long.

Taking advantage of the good weather and the bright sun today, he put on a basket and went to the woods not far away to pick up fungi.

He and Shen Xuanqing often dig wild vegetables to collect mushrooms in the surrounding woodlands, so there are not many. He wandered around for a while to pick up six edible ones, but this was enough. There are quite a few, and a large bowl of autumn vegetables can be fried in the yard.

This is the way of relying on the mountain to eat the mountain. There are few people and many things in the deep mountains. As long as you go out to look for it, you will never starve to death in this lush mountain.

The persimmon trees in the mountains are very thick, and the ripe persimmons are hanging brightly on the branches, and the unripe Huang Chengcheng is also beautiful.

The birds fell on the branches to peck at the soft persimmons, and when Lu Gu approached, they were disturbed, and they all flew away.

Lu Gu stood on tiptoe and grabbed a branch and pulled it down. He looked at it carefully and picked up seven or eight good persimmons that had not been pecked open. Not enough to eat, he was thinking about picking a few more, Shen Xuanqing has been out for two days, and may be back today.

They also have persimmon trees at home, and my mother must have dried dried persimmons and persimmon cakes at home, and some of them are eaten in winter.

It's a pity that the mountains are too far from home, and it's too tiring to carry heavy objects back, and most of them must be carried by Shen Xuanqing. Hunting is already tiring enough, so he doesn't want to get too many mountain goods, and besides, those at home are enough for them to spend the winter.

Before entering the yard, Lu Gu subconsciously glanced at the forest in the east, but he didn't hear a dog barking, and there was no one. He thought that he might only come back in the evening.

He didn't wash the fungus immediately. If Shen Xuanqing didn't come back tonight, the fungus could be put in the soil tomorrow, and when Shen Xuanqing came back, he would fry it with Qiu Cai.

He put the persimmons in the bamboo basket in a row on the kitchen window sill, and picked two very red and soft ones and peeled them off. The flesh of the persimmons is very soft and sweet, and everyone who eats them is happy.

He didn't rest after tasting the sweet persimmons, it was still early, and before dinner was cooked, he took a long axe and chopped firewood in the courtyard.

As he was busy, he suddenly heard a "Brother Guzi" from a distance, telling him to stay in place, thinking that he had been alone for a long time and heard something wrong, just like a dream, Shen Yan was at home.

However, he heard a second sound, and even heard Brother Daqing shouting millet, so he threw down his axe and hurried out to see.

Two figures came up on a low **** not far away, making him surprised and delighted, and hurried over with a promise.

"Brother Guzi, I'm exhausted this way." Shen Yan's cheeks were flushed as she walked, and her forehead was sweating.

"It's almost there, you can rest after entering the door." Lu Gu's eyes curled.

Shen Yaoqing didn't hear the dog barking and didn't see Shen Xuanqing, so he asked, "Is the second brother not here?"

"He went out to fight foxes the day before yesterday and hasn't come back." Lu Gu replied.

Shen Yaoqing pulled the empty scooter, and there were two bamboo baskets on it, and a few sacks were stuffed in the bamboo baskets.

When Lu Gu saw the scooter, he knew that they were going up the mountain to pick up the mountain goods, so he said, "Mother and sister-in-law are at home?"

Last year, their family of six worked together to hunt chestnuts and hazelnuts in the mountains. Thinking about it, it has been a year.

"No, my sister-in-law can't take care of her alone, so my mother has to accompany her." Shen Yan bent over as she walked, picked a wild flower from the ground and turned it around in her hand.

Shen Yaoqing also said: "What's the ambition of the grass that the livestock eat? I don't need my mother to cut it. I will let the third uncle rest at the new house at night to help and watch, only Dabai will definitely not be able to do it there."

The three quickly entered the courtyard gate, the trolley was parked in the front yard, and Lu Guchai stopped chopping. When asked if they only ate dry food on the road, they quickly rolled up their sleeves and went into the kitchen to cook.

The fungus is ready-made, and when he tore the fungus to clean it, he asked Shen Yan to pull an autumn vegetable in the yard.

"Er Qing caught a female deer two days ago and brought it back, and tied it up in the backyard." He said to the two who were sitting and resting in the yard with a happy face.

Shen Yan sat on the stool and slung off the outermost leaves of Qiu Cai and threw them away. The two leaves were too old, her eyes lit up when she heard this, she put down the Cai Xian and Shen Yaoqing went to the backyard to see the doe.

Unlike mutton, venison is very valuable, not to mention Shen Xuanqing, even if other hunters catch Merlu and come back, they are also reluctant to eat it. Usually, they are sold in whole to restaurants or high-profile households, otherwise they would kill them to sell meat. The people couldn't afford it at all, and they only spoiled the fresh venison.

When they came out, Shen Yaoqing also had a smile on his face.

With two more people, more laughter and more talk. The yard was much busier than when he was alone. Lu Gu was very happy. He ate half of the steamed buns during dinner.

Shen Yan and Shen Yaoqing were tired and hungry after walking all the way. It could be said that the wind was blowing through the clouds. They ate a bowl of fried autumn vegetables with mushrooms and a bowl of fried wild sunflower, and they didn't even drink any wild vegetable soup.

When washing dishes and chopsticks, Lu Gu didn't let Shen Yan do it. She was so full that she still rested. To him, the arrival of Shen Yan and Shen Yaoqing was undoubtedly a joy, and the joy never dissipated.

When night fell, Shen Xuanqing hadn't come back, so Shen Yaoqing had to put the courtyard door on top first. Lu Gu made a bed for him in another room, and the three of them washed and went back to their rooms to sleep. Shen Yan naturally slept with Lu Gu.

Hearing Lu Gu asked about Zhao'er, Shen Yan turned over to face him, the room was dark behind closed doors and windows, but she still said with a smile, "Zhao'er has gained weight, her little hands are fleshy, but her body and bones are still too soft. , I don't dare to hug."

"I saw it when my mother and sister-in-law changed his clothes. His arms were also fleshy, but they were soft, especially the flesh on his little buttocks."

After having Zhaoer, Shen Yan often referred to herself as her aunt, and she loved Zhaoer in all her words.

Lu Gu was equally happy when he heard it, but suddenly, Shen Yan turned the words to him.

"Brother Guzi, when will you and the second brother have one? At that time, I will be the aunt of the two nephews." Shen Yan's tone was naive, and even said: "Zhao'er is a little guy, or you and the second brother. When I have a little twin or a little daughter, I can dress her up, comb her hair and pick flowers to wear."

She didn't know about Lu Gu's visit to the doctor before.

"I, I..." Lu Gu hesitated and didn't know how to answer. In a hurry, he made an excuse and said, "Your second brother and I are not in a hurry. We have Zhao'er at home."

"Yes, one doll is enough. If there are two, the family will be in chaos." Shen Yan was innocent and didn't think much about it.

Speaking of dressing up with flowers, she remembered the handkerchief she had embroidered at home, she touched Lu Gu's sleeve, and said cheerfully, "Brother Guzi, I embroidered a hibiscus flower handkerchief a few days ago, and it looks good. , Even my mother said that the embroidery is good, but I forgot to bring it up this time, I will show it to you when I go back."

The matter of having a baby was revealed, so Lu Gu quietly sighed in relief, and agreed, "Okay, I'll take a look when I go back."

He was exhausted from traveling during the day, and after talking for a while, he heard Shen Yan yawning, and he whispered that it was time to sleep.

All three had a good night's sleep.

The next morning, Shen Xuanqing still hadn't come back. Lu Gu was in the kitchen having a hot breakfast. When Shen Yaoqing got up, he had nothing else to do. He chopped up some of the firewood that he had not chopped yesterday. In the firewood room, if it is placed outside, it will get wet if it rains.

Tired from the journey, even Shen Xuanqing usually takes a day and a half to rest when he comes up the mountain, as does Shen Yaoqing and Shen Yan.

But after lunch, Shen Yaoqing couldn't take it easy because the chestnut forest was not too far away. He was a big man, and it was enough to stay with Shen Yan. In the end, he and Lu Gu had to avoid suspicion. After the water tank was full I just didn't know what to do. Lu Gu and Shen Yan were both doing embroidery work and shoe soles. He couldn't stand by and watch all the time, so he carried the bamboo basket on his back and said he was going to go around the chestnut forest and pick up some points. .

When he said this, Lu Gu and Shen Yan put down their work and went out. It is very convenient for Mao Lizi and Hazelnut to pick up. They will naturally fall when they are cooked, and they just bend over to pick them up in the woods.

The reason why I didn't go in the morning was that one was that I didn't bring the dog, and that there were only three of them. The mountain forest in the morning might be dangerous, and the other was that I wanted to wait for Shen Xuanqing to come back.

Before leaving, Lu Gu didn't lock the door, he just hung the bolt. He was afraid that Shen Xuanqing would be anxious if he didn't see him when he came back. Well, after the writing was finished, the three of them went to the chestnut forest.

Shen Xuanqing rarely talked to his family about the dangers in the mountains in the past few years, but after Lu Gu was attacked by a wild boar last time, even Shen Yaoqing was more careful this time, and did not go too far, the three picked it up After the two baskets of chestnuts, he saw the sun gradually going west. Although he came out with the sickle on his back, he took Shen Yan and Lu Gu back and was very cautious.

Before he had gone far, Lu Gu heard the barking of the dog, looked over subconsciously, and soon saw the good boy galloping over, with Da Hui and Da Hei following closely behind.

I haven't seen Shen Yan and Shen Yaoqing for a long time, the good boy is wagging his tail very hard, turning around, constantly rubbing against the legs of several people, obviously very happy.

"Big brother." Shen Xuanqing shouted from a distance.

"Second brother." Shen Yan also called out, her almond eyes curved. She usually hates the two brothers who are pulling her pigtails, but she hasn't seen each other for more than a month, so she will miss them in the end.

After walking over, Shen Xuanqing took the bamboo basket on Lu Gu's back, smiled and said to the three of them, "As soon as I went back, I saw the writing on the ground, so I brought the dog over to find you."

In fact, I didn't see Lu Gu coming out to greet him and the dog just now. All three dogs barked continuously. He also changed his face and hurried back. After seeing the handwriting on the ground, he put his heart back. Big brother and Shen Yan are here.

Mountain goods are also rations for winter, but picking up mountain goods to prepare rations is what every family in the countryside does. Even if there is enough rice and noodles this year, their family is no exception.

Shen Xuanqing and Shen Yaoqing walked behind with bamboo baskets on their backs, talking about the harvesting of autumn rice last month.

Lu Gu had heard Shen Yan say it again last night, but it did not prevent him from hearing Shen Yaoqing say that the remaining eight urns in the house were all filled with new rice, and he felt a spontaneous joy in his heart.

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