MTL - The Strongest Sect of All Times (Eternal Strongest Sect)-Chapter 1999 legend!

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All the disciples of the Eternal Sect came back to life.

This is not a dream, but the most real thing.


Why is it suddenly resurrected?

You know, it's been several years since Jun Changxiao made a wish, and it must have nothing to do with the former.

When something cannot be explained from a scientific point of view, then we can only classify it into what the system does.

Strange to say.

When all the sects appeared, the system never said anything.

Jun Changxiao tried to shout, but couldn't get a reply, so bad feelings arose in his heart, and said: "Could it... it sacrificed itself and resurrected the Eternal Sect?"

"Do not!"

The dog was left looking up to the sky and roaring.

Sentimental snowflakes fluttered, and the north wind shook quietly.

"Stop howling!"

At this time, the system finally spoke.

Jun Changxiao was overjoyed in his heart. It turned out that it still existed and he didn't sacrifice himself.

"Since you are alive, why don't you speak?"

"I'm calculating why the upper and lower sects will come back to life."

"Is it calculated?"

"Almost, not far from ten."

"Why come back to life?"

"If you guess right, your disciple's death is not a death in the true sense, but a test left by the Seven Profound Sages, to test whether you work together, and when the Queen of Heaven is eradicated, you will naturally be resurrected."


Jun Changxiao agreed.

"There is another possibility." The system said again: "The host has destroyed the great demon who was doing harm to the common people, and the disciple has also gained supreme merit because of his assistance, so he is naturally resurrected."

This is more reliable than the test left by the Seven Profound Saints.

"Everyone is happy."

A smile appeared on Jun Chang's smiling face.

The planes and creatures that were destroyed by the Heavenly Demon Emperor or fiercely were all resurrected, and there were no casualties in the Eternal Sect, which was the most ideal ending.

If you insist on regret.

That is the eternal sect lost its former glory.

The problem is not big.

As long as the disciples are still there.

Not to mention that the sect regressed to be tattered, even if there is no cultivation base at this moment, sooner or later, it will stand on the top again.

Are you so confident?

Because there are also systems with various facilities and secrets.


Countless years later, some historians defined the demon emperor to be exterminated by Jun Changxiao as the first year of the eternal calendar.

This eternal calendar refers to eternal domain.

Because the world in the universe is still condensing, a complete operating system has been formed decades later.

As a creator, Jun Changxiao not only integrates the upper universe, but also draws in the lower universe with the cultivation of the heavens and formulates a new unified realm.

From then on, Fanchen lost the martial artist, and the upper level lost the Zhuan Pill Realm and the Realm Searching Realm.

They have new names and more detailed levels.

As for what it is, I'm too lazy to write it. Maybe the protagonist of the next book will live in the eternal realm integrated by Jun Changxiao, step by step to reveal the martial arts system he formulated.


Don't talk about it for now or never talk about it.

The eternal domain also has obvious levels.

The first is the eternal world, without a doubt, the central brain of the universe, an absolute martial arts holy land.

Secondly, there are many planes that have migrated. They are scattered all around, and there is an interconnected teleportation array.

Because the new system has just been born, you have not yet formed your own unique style, so there is nothing to say about it for the time being.

A little.

Jun Changxiao said that the city he implemented in the Eternal Realm back then must have Zhongwu and Dawu Academy operating in all major planes. The younger generations want to get ahead and enter the Eternal Realm. This is one of the important channels for ascending.

of course.

There is no dog left to interfere excessively with the development of the plane.

He just set up the martial arts school that should be there, so that all creatures have channels to practice.

As for the families, powers and even sects of the plane, they can develop and recruit talents at will.

Because the planes are very close to each other, and because of the intercommunication teleportation array, the interactions between the people of the Eternal Realm are as simple as stopping by, which also greatly stimulates the exchange of martial arts.

Collective sublimation is only time.



Jun Changxiao hangs in the uppermost sky of the universe like a creator, looking down at the brand new area centered on the eternal world, with a satisfied smile on his face.

The system said: "Soon, this place will be unprecedentedly prosperous, and the host's merits will be passed on forever."

"This is a false name."

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head, "I don't care."


The system couldn't help but spit out.

"Speaking." Jun Chang said with a smile: "How on earth did you come?"

"Is it important?"

"For readers, it is very important. If you don't explain your history, no matter how perfect the ending is, it can be classified as unfinished."

"It doesn't matter who I am. What is important is that I once helped the host and brought joy to the reader."


Jun Changxiao looked at you off the screen and shrugged helplessly: "This guy intends to remain mysterious forever."


time flies.

Ten years passed in a flash.

The Eternal Sect was transformed by Li Qingyang and Peggy's efforts. Finally restored to its former glory.

The disciples practiced as before, as if the death and destruction they experienced had never happened before.


This sect always exudes warmth and the taste of home.

In the past ten years, Jun Changxiao Mie Tian Demon Emperor has completely recovered from the trauma, and his strength is still at the top level of the Heavenly Mystery Realm, making him the first person in the Eternal Realm.

Whether or not you can be the first person is not your own decision, but the decision of historians and thousands of creatures.

The entire domain will not forget Jun Changxiao's achievements, and he has been written into history early, and unanimously identified as the pioneer of the new era, and another legendary warrior after the Seven Profound Saints.

Even Wanguzong is also defined as a legendary sect.

"Not bad."

"It's very relevant."

In the study, Jun Chang smiled and read the historical records of the Eternal Domain jointly compiled by many history experts, and saw that they agreed with their records and evaluations.

"You are really shameless!" The system was speechless.

"in fact."

Jun Changxiao put down the book, touched his chin, and said, "You can find someone to ghostwrite an autobiography."

"Who are you looking for?"

"Goodbye Jianghu."



520 years of the eternal calendar, May 20.

That is 520 years after the demon king was obliterated.

this day.

The entire eternal domain was in turmoil.

There is no other reason, the legendary strong, the lord of the legendary sect often laughs to make up for the grand wedding.


When many strong men received hot invitations, they said bitterly: "The last time the money was really for nothing?"

The day of the wedding.

The entire eternal world is booming and beaming.

People from all major planes, including families, forces and sects, all came to participate.

Not only that.

Before the wedding, Zhenfatang activated the image light screen that was prepared in advance, and all planes of the Eternal Domain could get real-time images of the wedding scene.

Historians commented on this incident as a legendary wedding with no one before and no one afterwards!

"Please bride!"

On the eternal martial arts field, the sword acting as the master of ceremonies returned to the market.

For an instant.

The noisy wedding scene was quiet, and all the martial artists watching the light curtain held their breath.

Just make up a wedding, and the whole domain is watching.

This card is simply invincible!

Not long after, a graceful figure appeared on the light curtain of UU Reading www.uukā, only seeing the beautiful flowers and roses wearing a phoenix crown, dressed in Xia Yu, supported by several female disciples and walked with a long back. The wedding dress rests on the floor, at least a few meters long.

Don't think about it.

This weird bridal wedding gown must have been designed by the dog himself.

"What a beauty!"

Everyone is watching Hua Rose, watching the face of the country and the city. In addition to feeling, they also sincerely wish that the sovereign and his wife will grow old with their heads and give birth to a child.

Speaking of the early birth of a child, the birth formula provided by Gu Tianxing seems to have been forgotten in the corner of the space ring. I wonder if it will come in handy in the future?


PS, The Upper Universe, End.

There should be a few chapters in the back that are similar to the story outside the fan, such as Ye Xingchen, He Wudi, and the daily sand sculptures of the sect.

Read The Duke's Passion