MTL - The Strongest Sect of All Times (Eternal Strongest Sect)-Chapter 1987 Fertile water does not flow outside the field

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Heavenly Devil Emperor's injury is not light, must be adjusted as soon as possible.

He guessed that Jun Changxiao would definitely find himself, so he must find a way to delay time.

All the powerful cadres worshipped, and the job of attracting attention could only be left to the red-haired man.


These two brothers are also very pitiful.

One was abused by Nezha and the other was abused by monkey brother.

The red-haired man also recovered a lot from his injuries and decided to help in order to regain his freedom.

The question is, how can it be attracted?

There is only one way to think about it, and that is to pretend to be a demon king and go to a more remote place to do something.

Redheads are also betting.

Bet that you will not be caught, otherwise it will be very dangerous.

He was still wondering who hurt the Emperor Demon Emperor, but the latter let himself attract Jun Changxiao, and the answer is self-evident.

That rascal!

Sure enough!


Recalling that he had been directly killed by the Flame Boy, the red-haired man said helplessly: "I hope I can win."

Speaking of gambling pain.

If it weren't for this old problem, how could it be controlled by the Demon Emperor.

I have known for a long time that I should be in the ordinary plane and in the ordinary ethnic group.

Walking out of the land of flames, the red-haired man's complexion gradually became difficult to look at.

The moment he was killed by Nezha made him realize what he felt, and his heart was even more guilty. He guilty of abandoning the woman and his own son.


The redhead stopped and said, "Go back and see!"

He can't guarantee whether he can win, but if he loses, he will definitely die, so when he is still alive, he must go back to see the two of them, at least... there is no regret.

"call out!"

The red-haired man turned around and turned into a streamer and flew past.

The place I went to was just the upper bound.


Besides, Jun Chang laughed. After searching outside for half a month, he couldn't find the Emperor Devil. He had no choice but to return to the ancient world and decided to mobilize Zongmen and the masses to turn him upside down.


When I first came back, I saw a battleship hanging from the surrounding stars.

Rescue the undead world from the mouth of the Demon Emperor, the news has already spread through dozens and dozens, and many planes and forces decided to surrender.

Of course.

There is a full array of protection in the protection industry, and they want to enter through a strict review.

"Finally got rid of it?"

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head.


Just sitting in the Zongmen Hall, Yuan Gongzi hurried to report: "There are too many warriors applying to enter the eternal world. Do we want to..."

"Put them all in."

"Don't review?"

"No need to."

"What if there is a mischievous person?"

"Give them ten guts and don't dare to mess with this site."

After completing the legendary mission, Zongmen's senior officials and disciples collectively improved their strength, and Jun Changxiao confidently faced everything.

The first-class Protoss Realm of the upper universe has been destroyed. As long as it is not the level of the Devil Emperor, the dog is really scared.


Yuan Gongzi was ordered to suspend the operation of the protection circle, and announced that the forces waiting outside could enter at will, but only if they were registered.


The ancient world chose to release, and battleships of all planes swarmed in.

In fact, when they came to the periphery of the ancient world, they were stunned when they saw such a large volume. Now they came to the inside and felt the richer heaven and earth attributes, and their inner shocks became stronger!


Why not come early?

Jun Changxiao is very generous. Except for Van Gogh, every area of ​​the Van Gogh world is open to all face-to-face warriors, allowing them to experience and shock.


"I'm afraid the level here has already surpassed the top planes such as Xingling Realm!"

"How did you do it!"

Everyone browsed the ancient world, and the shock in their hearts couldn't be more.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

At this moment, the Undead Realm Master was heading towards the location of Van Gogh Zong and said, "Thank you for your help, I am grateful!"

There are countless people behind him. If it wasn't for Jun Changxiao who came ahead of time and successfully repulsed the Devil Emperor, it would have become a **** matter at this moment.

"Same beings in the universe, we should help each other."

Jun Changxiao’s voice came from Tiegu Mountain: “No need to say thanks.”

The tone is very solemn, the momentum is very majestic, especially the fan of the master of a world and the master of a sect.

The leftovers on weekdays will naturally become serious on important occasions.

"Sovereign Sovereign!" said the Undead Realm Realm: "If you don't dislike it, I will wait to enter your realm and follow your orders!"

The last few words represent obedience.

This is not so simple to settle in, but is willing to become a vassal of the eternal world.

The plane that was supposed to perish, because Jun Chang laughed back to life, became a vassal and it was no surprise to him.

not to mention.

The ancient world is still so powerful.

"it is good."

Jun Chang said with a smile: "I have a lot of open space, you can choose whatever you want."

The ancient world has expanded several times, and many places are still in a desolate and untapped state. Naturally, people from other worlds are willing to settle.

to be honest.

I have a lot of land, you live anywhere!

"Thank you!"

There is a joy in the hearts of the undead world.

He was quite worried at first. Jun Chang smiled and couldn't look down on his own people. He didn't expect to agree so readily.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

At this time, a white-haired old man arched his hand and said: "My water division is also willing to settle in your realm!"

"I am willing to fire the world!"

"My toast world is willing too!"

In an instant, representatives of the major planes expressed their views one after another.

Heavenly Demon Emperor is a disaster to the universe, and his homeland may be swallowed at any time. If he has to leave his hometown, he will definitely be willing to live in a plane with stronger attributes!

"no problem."

Jun Chang said with a smile: "Everyone who comes today can settle in the eternal world!"

Land, atmosphere!

So, everyone faced to choose a suitable place to live, and began to contact their own home, decided to move in as soon as possible!


Just as everyone was eager to choose a location, Jun Chang smiled and said: "Jun Mou has a ruthless invitation."

"Sovereign Sovereign, please talk."

"Since you have moved in, the original plane is naturally empty. If you leave it alone, you will definitely be swallowed by the Devil Emperor. Junmou means..." Jun Chang smiled and said: "Fat water does not flow outside the field."

"Doesn't the fat water flow outside the field?"

Everyone was at a loss.


Undead world.

Because all the souls moved into the eternal world, they seemed extremely empty.


Jun Chang laughed down.

Although the level of this plane is not too high, it is at least a complete world, so...

Still old rules.

Jun Changxiao came to the depths of the underground and began to do both hard and soft to the source.

The so-called fat water does not flow outside the field, which means that since the souls of the undead world have moved into the eternal world, then it is equivalent to a family, and this source can naturally be taken away.

to be honest.

All major planes can be settled in.

But as a condition, they must integrate their origins.

What is the difference between this method and the Devil Emperor?

The difference is very big. First of all, Jun Changxiao didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, but instead provided a better environment for the original creatures. Second, the Devil Emperor might make a comeback. If he didn't integrate in advance, it would be equivalent to leaving him with food.

In summary.

Must be integrated with the eternal world.

Moreover, after the integration, the overall strength has improved, and the environment in which the creatures live must have improved to a higher level.

Why not be both selfish and beneficial to the people?


It didn’t take long for UU to read www.uukanshu. The origin of com undead world was taken away, and it successfully merged with the eternal world, and the area was slightly improved.

As for the planes of the water division, they have not escaped the fate of being merged.

In just half a month, the eternal world standing in the stars merged more than 20 planes. Although the level is not high, the overall area is still a big circle!

The plane expanded and there were more vacancies.

So Jun Changxiao needed more souls to settle in, and then... merged the original planes of the settlers.

This has formed a virtuous circle. If it goes on in the long run, the planes of the upper universe may have to disappear, and all creatures must live in the eternal world. At that time, it was not a new era and it was a new era!



One day, Li Luoqiu came to the newspaper: "The upper bound sent news that a mysterious person suddenly appeared."

"Mystery man?"

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