MTL - The Strongest Sect of All Times (Eternal Strongest Sect)-Chapter 1983 Jun Changxiao VS Devil Emperor (1)

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Undead world.

Warships landed near the major cities, and the warriors rushed in.

Obviously, they are about to escape.

But there were so many people that it was impossible to move out in the shortest time, so I had no choice but to let some of the subjects on board first.

"Realm Master!"

A senior executive said in pain: "I'm afraid it's too late, we must make a choice!"


The lord hanging in the sky clenched his fists.

He is more responsible, hoping to let his people leave, so it is difficult to accept the so-called trade-offs.

no way.

At this time, you must make a choice whether to take some creatures away or to stay waiting for death.


The lord sighed with a sigh: "Take away all the ships."

"Boom!" Just made a difficult choice. Suddenly there was a trembling bombardment, and the whole ground was shaking slightly.

Someone is fighting?

This is the first reaction of the host and high-level.

And when they released their thoughts and filled the past, they saw a man with a sword coming out of the broken area in the distance. The knife-like face and the cold eyes were not the guys who appeared in the light curtain!

"Why is he here?"

The Realm was stunned until he saw the Heavenly Demon Emperor standing on the opposite hill, feeling the monstrous demon qi, and his face appeared panic.

As the master of a world, he is already a heavenly realm, but compared with that demon head, the momentum alone was killed in seconds!

"Jun Chang laughs!"

The eyes of the Demon Emperor were about to split.

Destroy his men, destroy his army, and cut off the opportunity to enter the land of eternal life. His hatred for the dog left has reached the level of the bone marrow.

"Emperor Demon."

Jun Chang came out with a smile and said coldly: "You and I are also the first meeting in the true sense."

That's right.

first meet.

Although the two previously had an intersection, one was a doppelganger and the other was a phantom. Now the deity is deity, and reality is reality for the first time.

"Heaven... Demon Emperor?" Hearing Jun Changxiao's words, the horror in the eyes of the undead landlords and high-level leaders was even better.

"Hurry up!"

"Hurry up!"

Just now I was suffering to temporarily give up part of the warriors and leave first. Now I know that standing on the hilltop in the distance is the big devil of the universe. The master of the undead world can’t wait to take people away and how far they can run.

As for the ones that were not taken away, it was only destiny.

Don’t blame the ruthless leader, but in a life-and-death crisis, you can only let some people live as much as possible, otherwise you have to pounce on the street.

"Jun Chang laughs!"

The Demon Emperor's eyes were cold and said: "The first meeting today is your sacrifice day next year!"


Between the speeches, the sleeves came from the wind without wind, and the cold and powerful magic energy gathered together, causing the entire undead world to instantly fall into darkness.


Preparing to shoot, Jun Chang smiled and said.

"Is there a last word to say?" Emperor Demon coldly said.

"It's too troublesome to fight in this plane, you and I might as well go to the universe to fight." Jun Chang laughed.

"Jin Jie!"

The Devil Emperor smiled and said, "Do you want to give the garbage time to escape?"

"Since they are **** in your eyes, they must not bother to take their lives?" Jun Chang laughed.


Heavenly Devil Emperor said: "This emperor naturally does not care about garbage."

"Huh ————" In the talk, first flew out of the undead world, and said calmly: "However, this plane will eventually become the food of the emperor, no one can stop it!"

Jun Chang laughed in relief.

He was really afraid that the guy would fight here in desperation, and eventually cause more deaths.

"What a stunned."

Looking at the terrified Undead Realm Master, Jun Chang smiled and said in a deep voice: "Hurry up and take them away!"

After that, he flew out of the undead world.

Although the words are a bit ugly, the Undead Realm Master is grateful because he knows that the other party is buying time for himself and his people!



Hundreds of warships flew out of the undead world and fled the area at the fastest speed.

As for Jun Changxiao, hanging over the plane, seeing them go, raising with one hand, the majestic energy was released, quickly shrouded the undead world, and then easily lifted up, directly thrown out as a ball.

It's too slow to move from batch to batch, which is relatively simple and rough!

The Devil Emperor did not take the opportunity to shoot suddenly, but was interested: "The strength has improved."

"Not as good as you." Jun Chang smiled faintly.

In the land of eternal life that met in the state of phantom, the Devil Emperor gave him the feeling that it was irresistible, but now he has broken through the top celestial realm. Although the distance is much closer, there is no such suffocation, but there is still great pressure. .

In fact, if the Emperor Demon didn't take in so many planes, the gap between the two would not be too big, even if they were fighting, there was no problem with self-preservation.

just now.

It's hard to say.

It was precisely because he was worried about this that the system persuaded him to continue to go.

Jun Chang smiled a lot, because the upper universe is facing a huge disaster, he must stand up.

For example, if the Undead Realm did not come in advance, if it did not drag the Demon Emperor, how could hundreds of warships carrying countless creatures leave safely.

Many people may still wonder if the dog left has taken any tasks and must stand up forcibly.

The fact? No!

This kind of chivalrous person's mentality for the country and the people is not sudden, but Jun Changxiao's choice to enter the abyss of despair and enter a special environment.

At that time, Qixuan Shengzun asked him whether he was willing to sacrifice himself for his own right, or whether he was alone.

Nowadays, there is no utilitarian and no benefit. Jun Changxiao dares to stand up and definitely chose the former.

"Monarch Sovereign."

After making a choice, the sound of Seven Profound Saints sounded in his ears: "The upper universe will come to you."

The simple words made him feel heavy.

However, since I chose to sacrifice myself, I can only do my best!

This path was chosen by himself, even if there are thorns ahead, he must go on, willingly, without complaint or regret!

At that moment, as the protagonist who focused on sand sculptures and shameless, not only the soul and thoughts were sublimated, but people also became... Special Secondary 2!

"Without further ado!"

The Devil Emperor waved his hand in a big voice and said coldly, "Stop it!"


In an instant, the surrounding space was distorted, and a dark magical energy gradually emerged, like a big cauldron covering it fiercely.

"call out----"

Jun Changxiao turned into a streamer and flew out, but the **** pot seemed to install a GPS positioning system. When he moved away, he turned around and chased him directly. During the movement, the power of horror magic energy was even stronger.



Wherever he passed, space cracked.

Fortunately, the Undead Realm was thrown out by Jun Changxiao, otherwise, it would be difficult to withstand the magical erosion of terror, so as to instantly collapse the void.


Suddenly, the **** pot pressed down, and the star field shook violently.

Jun Chang smiled and lifted his sword, holding the sky.

Although he resisted the suppression of the cauldron, as the above magic continued to explode, his body fell step by step, and his expression on his face was also grievous.

"The gap is too big!"

The system said: "Hurry up!"

Experts know if there is any.

Demon Emperor devouring dozens of planes has an absolute advantage in overall strength!


Jun Chang smiled and gritted his teeth, and the energy source was poured into the Xuanyuan Excalibur, trying to slow down the speed of falling, and shouted: "Fuck!"



Suddenly, six arms emerged from the back, sticking directly on the black pot, and the flame like a lotus burst suddenly, directly covering the whole cauldron like a dumpling!


Heavenly Devil Emperor stunned.

"call out--------"

At this moment, a ray of fire light approached instantly.

This speed is very fast. The red-haired man has experienced it before, but the result is that he can't avoid it and can only stand on the spot.

The Devil Emperor is different. Between the electric light and flint, the body hides to the side, and the five fingers converge on the magic energy to bombard it at a tricky angle.

Avoid, counterattack.

The whole process is simply going through the clouds!


Instead of hitting the target, the sudden firelight was directly shot and flew out, and after being stabilized in the distance, it showed that there was Nezha holding a fire-pointed gun, stepping on a hot wheel, and shouldering the Qiankun circle.


At the same time, the **** pot wrapped in flames exploded completely, and Jun Changxiao was relieved, standing sweating with sweat and collapsed in his heart: "Too strong!"


Nezha said lightly: "This devil is a little tricky."

"Can it be solved?"



"You can invite the Great Saint."

Hearing this sentence, Jun Chang almost cried with a smile.

If Dasheng listens to my he call you out!

"Oh." Heavenly Demon Emperor disdained: "No wonder they dare to die, there are helpers."


"In this upper universe, the emperor is invincible, but he is just a ant!"

Yingshen Nezha heard the words, raised a fire-pointed spear, and wrapped it around the handle of the gun, coldly said: "Everyone is so arrogant, so arrogant, it is unbearable!"

When the two were talking, Jun Changxiao had already hid far away and cheered with a loud voice: "Third Brother, come on, I'm optimistic about you!"


The system growled: "If you say good luck, you can run faster than a rabbit!"


PS, readers who see the title of this chapter must be flustered, meaning that (upper, middle, and lower) is not enough to play, it is estimated that there are (two three four five six seven)

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