MTL - The Strongest Hokage-v3 Chapter 92 The 1st sun on the bottom of the sea

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"If you don't use bubbles, you will fly directly. Is this the ability of the feathers of the night?"

The white star floated in the air and was a little scared at first, but found himself completely unfloated and quickly quieted down.

After all, the fisherman island has a similar device that can be raised. The coated bubble can control the rise and fall at will, and the white star often plays when he is young.

"Yu night adults, you are going to..."

Neptune did not fly directly to the top of the fisherman island and was surprised. Instead, he looked at the night when he looked unclear.

When White Star heard Neptune's words, it was also a reaction. He looked at his eyes and looked at the night.

Alone alone seems to have thought about what is going to happen, and the corner of his mouth twitches slightly.

"Resolve that Vanderdeak, let you look at the sky and the sun."

Yu night smiled and looked at the white star, then suddenly reached out, his arm directly through the outermost bubble of the fisherman island, fell into the sea.

In the palm of the night, I hold the golden day of the glass from the cloud sword.

In the next moment, the sky changed from the shape of the ball to the shape of the ball, and the illusion turned into a golden long sword. After being held in the hands of the feathers, it waved toward the front.


But in the next moment, Neptune and White Star both opened their eyes in an instant, revealing an almost unbelievable look, as if they saw the most unforgettable scene in this life.

laugh! !

A sword is thrown out, the sea is divided into two!

There is no sturdy sword, no roaring and blasting, it is so silent, the 10,000-meter ocean above the fisherman's island is divided into two, splitting towards the sides!

At the bottom of the 10,000-meter sea, I also saw the blue sky through the split sea, saw the white clouds, and saw the golden sun!

Even Ai En, who has already seen countless terrorist forces in the night, is equally astonished by this scene. Scenes like this are really too difficult to see.

If it is not a feather night, it may not be possible to see it in a lifetime.

Even though I saw a feather in the night, I broke nearly half of the great route, but at the bottom of the 10,000-meter sea, a sword was thrown out, and the Wanmi sea area was divided into two parts. This scene is still shocking.

Did not see any murderous, did not see any scary swords, horrible scenes, this scene gives people the feeling, like a perfect artwork.

Take the sword as the pen, draw the blue sky and the golden sun with the sea as the scroll!


It is a few miles away from the fisherman island.

A horrible, gloomy pirate ship is floating here, and Van der Deacon is still standing on the deck of the ship, constantly making a variety of sinister voices.

"White Star! You belong to me! Do you think you can escape my palm?"

Van der Dyken faced the sea, showing a proud and arrogant smile, holding his palm that touched the white star and marked with white stars.

"No matter what, you can't escape, absolutely can't escape, white star!"

"If you can't receive your reply, then wait for me tomorrow, then prepare a gift for you."

Van der Decken's eyes flashed a touch of evil color, then threw away his own jug, turned directly and prepared to enter the cabin.

And his subordinates basically did not dare to answer, standing there watching Van Der Deken heading for the cabin.

However, in the next moment, one of Van der Deacon’s subordinates suddenly made an incredible sound, as if he had seen an incredible scene.

"Heaven...God, what is that?!"

With the appearance of this voice, Van Der Deken's other subordinates, all of them turned around and looked at them, and then their expressions were all stunned, as if in a moment they fell into a petrochemical state.


Van der Dyken also noticed the strangeness of the atmosphere, so he subconsciously turned his head.

Then he saw the last scene he saw in his life.

This scene also dispelled all his wine for almost a moment, and made him completely awake, but his look was sluggish, his body was motionless, and he could not even move a finger.

The expression on the face, the eyes almost reached the extreme, and the chin almost fell to the ground.

I saw that in front of the ship, a ray of light swelled rapidly, which was reflected by the sun shining in the sea of ​​10,000 meters.

This radiance almost makes this 10,000-meter-deep sea shine like white.

Moreover, this ray of light spreads in an instant, almost the moment when Van der Deacon reveals an incredible and extreme expression, and the light flashes past.

As the light arrives together, it is the split sea.

In an instant, not only Van der Dyken, but also the entire ship, suddenly appeared in the 10,000-meter seabed without water.

On both sides, it is the sea that is constantly separating from the two sides.

Above is a blue sky with a golden sun.

"Is this a dream...?"

Van der Dyken and all his subordinates, at this last moment, all thoughts flashed through their minds, and then they finally fell into the darkness.

The whole ship, silently turned into powder, without a trace of blood, and no bones left, as if by a brush, directly wiped out the traces of existence.

Until the last moment before his death, Van der Deken felt as if he was in a dream.


Fish Island.

In the common area of ​​the fisherman's island below the Dragon Palace, the mermaids play on the beach, and the fish people gather or disperse, doing their own things.

But just in the next moment.

"Is this a dream...?"

A mermaid looked up at the sky, and the beautiful and delicate face revealed a near-unbelievable look.

As if it was a plague spread in an instant, as the first mermaid looked up at the sky, followed by all the mermaid, including the fisherman, almost all raised their heads and looked up.

And each one saw the sea divided into two, saw the blue sky, saw the life of the golden sun, almost all under the illumination of this sun, directly into the petrochemical state.


He is also a member of the fisherman who is in a petrochemical state, looking at the sky with a sluggish look.

Very clear, people who can do this kind of thing, there is only one person on the whole fisherman island, that is the feather night!

Looking at the scene where the sea is divided into two, it is even hard to think of it. If this is on the fisherman's island, isn't the fisherman's island divided into two?

Moreover, it is not just a split into two. As soon as the bubble splits from the middle, it will inevitably collapse, and the sea will flow in instantly, destroying the beautiful fisherman's island beyond recognition.

In the face of such power, there is only awe in the heart. (To be continued.)

Read The Duke's Passion