MTL - The Strongest Hokage-v3 Chapter 87 Goodbye

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Still not waiting for Ain to answer, the fishermen who were reduced by Ain were all afraid of opening.

"It's her, human... they want to kill us!!"


Hearing this sentence, the guard captain and the patrolling guard suddenly sinked his face.

One of them rushed to Yubei and Aien: "Even if you are a human navy, you can't just hurt the residents of our fisherman island."

"The situation is not like this, actually..."

When Ian saw it, I couldn't help but want to explain it.

However, before I finished talking about Ain, the feather night standing there suddenly shook his head slightly, and then his eyes suddenly flashed a glimmer of light.

Hey! ! !

A horrible momentum suddenly swept away in all directions.

Silent and silent, whether it is the ordinary guards of the fisherman's island, or the captain of the guards, almost all of them lost their consciousness in an instant, and then they fell to the ground.

"No explanation, too much trouble."

Yu night glanced around, and then said to Ain, where he would have a painful egg to explain what, and who has the qualification to explain what he said.

Ian looked at the people who had fallen all over the place with a black line, and heard the words of the night, only feeling powerless.

"That doesn't have to use the tyrannical domineering..."

Ain was helpless, revealing a defeated expression, but fortunately she had long been accustomed to the character of the night, this scene is not beyond her expectations.

The fisherman's island has such a big movement, naturally it has completely alarmed the entire fisherman island.

Even though the night of the night, the domineering domineering is just a one-off, and there is no pleasant impact on the entire fisherman's island, but it still makes the entire fisherman island, as if they are all shocked.

Those who have not been hit by the domineering domineering, almost all overflowed with cold sweat, turned to look into the distance, Yu Ye and Ian in that direction.

"What's wrong?! What happened!"

"This... a feeling of horror, what is this?!"

The fisherman and the mermaid are all looking suspicious expressions.

On a street in Yuren Island, a fisherman who was walking, raised his head and revealed a look of horror.

"Overlord color domineering?!"

"Daddy? No... this feeling, is it..."

This fisherman is awesome enough to have returned to the fisherman's island.

"Did he come to the fisherman's island? Oops!!"

At this time, the flat face, already revealing a stunned color, turned without hesitation, and rushed straight in that direction.


Dragon Palace City.

King Neptune, who was resting, was suddenly shocked and almost fell off the lounge chair.

"What is this? Is it imposing?" Neptune’s face showed a horrifying color, saying: "So horrible momentum, what big man is on the fisherman's island?"

After taking a deep breath, Nipton did not dare to neglect, quickly got up and walked out of the rest room, and the fire rushed to a palace in the Dragon Palace.


A bully of the night of the night is domineering. Although it does not directly stun the mermaid and the fisherman of the whole fisherman's island, it also shakes the entire fisherman's island.

Ordinary bully color domineering, the average person does not feel at all, if there is a feeling, it has been directly coma.

But the night of the night of the overlord color is different.

Yuba’s domineering domineering is not only a simple emptiness, but has already become a substance in general, even stronger than Red Shanks!

Even if it is far apart, people who have not been shocked can feel the stock, which is extremely large. It seems to stand in the clouds, which makes people feel a small terror.

at this time.

"Feathering the night, then where are we going?" Seeing the night of the night, using the tyrannical domineering, it seems that the entire fisherman's island has been shaken, and Ain asked for a helpless mutter at the night.

"Let's go to Dragon Palace City."

Feather night raised his head and casually glanced at the Dragon Palace above.

"Dragon Palace City?"

Ai’s face was amazed. Although she knew the fisherman’s island, she could not understand the internal structure of the fisherman’s island. The word was quite strange to her.

However, she is not an idiot. It can be analyzed instantly by name. Dragon Palace City should be the place where the person with the highest status of the fisherman island lives.

It is estimated that the scenery should also be more beautiful.

Just as Ain thought so, showing a look of hope, a fat figure in the distance appeared in the horizon, rushing forward.

Although very fat, but not awkward, but very flexible, and when the figure fell in front of the night and Ian, Ain suddenly showed a hint of cold.

"Seven wu sea... very flat."

Before she was trying to block the night, and trying to destroy the boat in the night, Yu night didn't care about it, but Ain was very concerned.

For Al Ain, anyone who blocks the night is her enemy.

"Don't do it, I am not hostile."

After taking a deep breath, he whispered to Ain. At this time, he certainly didn't dare to clash with Yu Ye.

Although I don’t know why Yuyue will come to the fisherman’s island, since the night is coming, it’s absolutely impossible to annoy the feather night, otherwise the whole fisherman’s island may be dangerous.

At the same time, I am still very grateful for the feather night.

Although Yubei still fought with the white beard, but finally killed the golden lion and left, and did not go back to kill the white beard.

For whatever reason, it is very grateful for the move to be a feather.

In his view, if the white beard is not dead, the world will at least not completely collapse and chaos. Coupled with the existence of a feather night, the world may gradually move towards complete peace, or maybe.

"Mr. Yu Ye, the last thing was really sorry." He was first apologized for the feather night, and his face was very sincere.

Feather night does not care, he has a very flat impression, before freezing the sea, since it is not flat, the night is too lazy to deliberately go back and pursue.

Feather night did not speak, even if he was flat, he would not dare to move.

It’s hard to grasp the character of Yu Ye’s night, and there is no doubt that once it gets into trouble, it’s not just him, but the whole fisherman’s island.

"no next time."

Feather night faintly sweeped a flat look.

When I heard the phrase of Feather Night, He was finally relieved and relieved.

After the heart finally relaxed, Chang Ping suddenly felt that the feather night did not seem to be so fierce and unreasonable.

After a little thought, I was very flustered at the friendly night of the feathers night: "That, you should come to the fisherman island, it should come to play."


Ian saw that the night of the night did not pursue the last thing her attitude was also slowed down, and she nodded evenly.

Very flat: "So, I know a few places that are suitable for playing..."

"Dragon Palace City, do you know how to get there?" Ain always thought about the Dragon Palace City that Yu Yu had just said, so he asked a question with a mouthful.

"This one……"

The moment before the very flat is still happy, the next moment will look awkward.

Originally, he wanted to give a tour guide to Yu Ye and Ain. By the way, he could try to avoid the trouble of Yubei in the fisherman island. The reason is that he is afraid that there will be an eye-opening night, so it will be troublesome.

The tyrannical domineering, and the people who have fallen all over the place, can almost speculate about what was born.

However, Dragon Palace is the king of Neptune and the fisherman's island, and the place where the prince and princess live. He can almost always be the other place in the fisherman's island. He can't do the Lord. (To be continued.)

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