MTL - The Strongest Hokage-v3 Chapter 119 Guina's 1 Sword

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A black passage suddenly appeared in the sky. Because it was hung in the sky, and the Ai Ni Road's Lei Ying was too large as a background, no one noticed the two girls, Guina and Ian, who walked out of the passage.

However, Ai Nilu, who had a good sense of domineering, noticed it, but after a little surprise, he directly dismissed it.

No one can resist the power of God, and under his welcoming, everything will be destroyed!

Just a glance, Ai Ni Road, who no longer cares, turned directly to look at the clouds on the other side. On that cloud, there was a huge golden bell.

This is the remains of the ancient city of Santo Dora, and the thing that Aini Road has been looking for. Seeing this huge golden bell, Aini Road has a hint of excitement in the eyelids, and feels the identity of this golden bell and his god. Very suitable.

Bring this golden bell to the endless land, the moon, it must be perfect.

However, almost when Aini Road was ready to go to the Golden Bell, his figure was suddenly fixed, and the foot that was taken out was suddenly stagnant in the air, and some turned incredulously.


I saw the sky above, Guina soft and beautiful long hair floating, like a sky blue silk, the whole person is slightly squatting, keeping a look like a sword, the sword in the hands do not know when, has been pulled out half.

Long hair is actually not suitable for swordsmen. For a swordsman like Guina, a long hair should be cumbersome, but now Guyina is already the realm of Dajianhao, comprehending the meaning of '斩', not Will be disturbed by any foreign objects.

The so-called Dajianhao is not how strong the sword is, how long the sword is, but what he wants.

The strength of the sword is only a measure of the strength of ordinary swordsmen, but a big sword tyrant is able to swing out a sword, so that thousands of uneven shells are all opened from the middle.

A sword is thrown out, so that the person in front of him can be unscathed at the same time, so that a mountain behind this person is split in two.

Can do this kind of thing, the floating hair will be messy, and it will not affect the sword.

"One knife flow...come."

Guina slightly lowered her head, no one could see her expression, and Ai, who was standing next to her, could hear her soft voice of low meditation.

After the low-pitched voice, the sword in the hands of Guina was not completely pulled out, but instead inserted into the scabbard.

Or, the process of pulling the sword and waving the sword has already been done!

Now, it is the action of collecting swords.

Hey! !

With a crisp sound, Guina's sword is completely sheathed.

That is, at this moment, a silver-white practice, in a moment, cut through the entire sky, like a meteor that crossed from the end of the sky, and instantly reached the other end.

Under this sword, the huge Lei Ying, which is enough to destroy an island, was suddenly smashed into two pieces from the middle!

It was desperately trying to get on the road, and stayed for a moment.

Next to Nami is also sluggish.

Robin Usop and others, all of them are instantly caught.

As for the empty island people below, they even showed a nearly **** expression.

The huge island-like thunderballs are directly smashed into two halves by a silver ball that runs through the sky. What a spectacular scene!

It’s like a sword, splitting the whole sky into two halves!

At this moment, someone finally saw Gu Yina and Ian stagnant in the sky, and saw Gu Yin slowly put the sword in his hand back to the side.

Everyone feels dry in the mouth, and the eyes are unbelievable.

No one is talking, and everyone has almost unbelievable thoughts in mind, even though this scene is like a dream, but... this is undoubtedly true!

The huge thunderball was actually split into two halves by a sword!

"It's amazing." Luffy was the first to react from a daze.

"That Thundercloud is actually being...this is a joke!" Nami’s face was unbelievably unpredictable, and she was almost sluggishly looking at it, which was opened by Guina’s sword and then slowly dissipated. Lei Ying.

This scene is too exaggerated.

At least for those who have just stepped into the first half of the great route, and only less than half of the straw hat pirates, it is too shocking.

Even if it is a rare Nicole Robin, watching this scene, the United States also showed a touch of almost shocking color.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this... Who is she? Why haven't she heard of her on the great route?"

Looking up at Guina in the sky, Robin’s eyes showed a look of uncertainty, but then Robin saw Al Ain around Guina.

At this moment, Robin felt extremely familiar, and then she immediately thought of something, and a pair of scorpions showed a shocking color.

"It's her! It turned out to be her?!"

"If you say that, that person... No, that **** is here too?!"

Robin used to work with Krolockard at the Baroque work club. He knew a lot about the intelligence. Maybe others couldn't recognize Ain, but she couldn't recognize it.

In addition to Robin, Usopp is also watching the sky, the body is constantly shaking.

"I... I must be dreaming..."

While trembling, Usopp looked at Sauron beside him, only to find that Sauron was still shaking in the body, which immediately made Usopp horrified.

Can Sauron, who has never seen this look, be afraid? !

"Hey, Sauron, how are you..."

After Usop swallowed, he couldn’t help but walk to Sauron, only to find that Sauron’s eyes were staring at the figure of Guina in the sky.

"Impossible... impossible! This is absolutely impossible!!"

Sauron’s eyes were with an unprecedented incredible, even more so than the shock when he arrived at the skiing!

Although Dasqi is very similar to Gu Yina, but in terms of personality and other aspects, it is still different. It is totally two people, especially for Sauron, from the breath, or the momentum, he I know that Dasqi is not Guina.

And seeing the sky, Gu Yina’s sword will smash the thunder into two scenes.

Soron almost instantly determined the people in the sky, that is, Guyina!

This is an instinct from the swordsman, or his instincts. When he was a child, he worked hard all the time. He wanted to surpass Guina, but he was always pressed by Guina until Guina died.

He will never admit his mistake!

But... Guina clearly has...

Sauron's body is constantly shaking, the expression on his face is not fear, but excitement, shock, incredible and other emotions are intertwined.

Read The Duke's Passion