MTL - The Strongest Hokage-v3 Chapter 117 1 year later, empty island

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Empty island.

Here is the dream cloud island above the 10,000 meters in the sky. It is like the sea of ​​the 10,000-meter-long fisherman island.

Like a dreamlike heaven, everything is built of clouds, and there are also seas and beaches here, as well as houses and roads, which are made up of sea clouds and island clouds.

The fisherman's island is like a dreamland, and the empty island is not inferior to the fisherman's island. Even the scope of the empty island is much larger than that of the fisherman island.

After all, the fisherman island is just a separate island, but there are more than one empty island.

On this empty island, there are empty islanders like angel wings, who lived here for generations, and the name of the supreme ruler is ‘God’.

Many years ago, the predecessor of God, Ganfuer, was defeated by Ai Nilu, who had eaten the fruits of the natural thunder, so today the ruler of the empty island has always been Ai Nilu.

Until a group of pirates took a ride in the sky and came to this empty island, it only set off a huge storm that swept the entire empty island.

This group of pirates naturally has already embarked on a great route, passing through the straw hats of Alabaster.

A group of Luffy, God Ai Ni Road, and together with half of Gaya Island were washed up in the sky, once Qinghai people, now Shandia people.

The empty islands of the tripartite forces are in chaos.

However, no matter which side of the three forces, even if they master the 'heart net', that is, Ai Ni Road, which is arrogant and domineering, it is not aware that there is still an area above the empty island.

It is not so much an area, but rather another space that is independent of this space.

Here is a small world created by the night.

After Gu Yina left the East China Sea, Yu Ye chose to use the empty island as a place for retreat. The Qinghai below is quite chaotic. If the fisherman island, the ability to experiment with some space time at any time is not suitable.

The empty island is suspended at an altitude of 10,000 meters. The actual range is actually the entire sky, and the range is extremely wide. Naturally, it is a suitable place.

This area is the space created by the night of the night. Naturally, only the night of the night can enter and exit freely, or it is allowed by the night of the night to enter and exit freely.

Otherwise, even if it is Aini Road, it will not enter, and even the existence of this space will not be noticed.

In addition to this... The time flow rate in this space is completely different from the time flow rate outside!

Because the time ability has been studied, the space created by Yu Ye has deliberately distorted the time, causing the time flow in this space to be ten times faster than the outside.

That is to say, in the past ten years, it has only been a year outside.


It is a space. In fact, it is a world that is more complete than the night before the night of the feathers. In addition to the basic elements, the rules are extremely complete, even life can be Grow.

There is no difference between a real world and a real world.

In the center of this small world, there are several thatched houses that don’t look too eye-catching, but the environment around this thatched house is like a fairyland on earth, and even the scenery of the fisherman’s island and the empty island cannot match it. .

It seems that there is some kind of brilliant light, surrounded by it, every flower, every grass, is shining.

on the lawn.

A girl with a long, beautiful hair, about 17 or 18 years old, is sitting cross-legged. The beautiful long hair is naturally placed on the grass behind her. On her knees, she is holding a sword.

The girl is naturally Guina.

In the past year, the time in this small world has passed for ten years. From the night of the night, Gu Yin left the East China Sea and went to the sea to reach the empty island. It has been more than a year, and this small world has passed. For more than ten years.

However, it is extremely strange that due to time distortion, although the outside world has been in the past ten years, it will last ten years, but in the feelings of Al Ain and Guina, it seems that the actual time spent is less than one year.

It’s just that it feels like this, but Guinna’s body has grown into a wonderful body, but it shows the passage of time and the difference in feeling.

Fast and slow.

Two different times are filled here. The source of all this is naturally the night, the night has been studying the power of time, and inadvertently dialing the timeline will have a certain impact on the world.

Guina sat quietly there, realizing the mystery of swordsmanship. There was a hidden sword in her body. This sword seemed to be a peerless sword without a sheath. Once she was unsheathed, she was sharp. It will be earth-shattering.

In this world, in the time of the night of the night, Guina really realized what is called the vastness of the sky, the distance between heaven and earth.

Just came here, just beginning to practice with the night, she is like Sauron who has never seen the eagle eye, does not know the real power, what is the concept.

And now, her eyes have long been different from the past.

The true strength of Guina, because there is no way to play in this small world, know how strong she is now, only Yu Ye and Ian.

For Yu Ye night, Gu Yina's strong nature is nothing, even if it is ten times stronger, it is not a big deal, but it is different for Ain.

Now Guyina... is stronger than Ian!

Although Ain's strength has also improved a lot, but she is not thinking about becoming stronger, or her heart is not a strong heart, initially her strength crushed Guya, but later was Gu Yi Na is a bit more than that.

Guina’s talent is extremely high, and it has a strong heart, especially after seeing the night of the night, creating a small world in the void, and designing various rules, understand What is called real power, she has made great strides in the realm of swordsmanship.

Originally, the sword of Guina was a word of the word but the sword is now in the hands of Sauron, so when Guina came here, she carried the sword that Geng Silang gave her.

As a big sword tycoon, Geng Silang is naturally one of the top 12 workers.

However, even if there is no big knife and 12 knives, it is not enough to see in the eyes of Yu Ye, so when Gu Yina realized the true meaning of '斩' and achieved the realm of Dajianhao, Yuyue specially created for her. A sword, this is the sword that Guina is using now.

When Guina was a great swordsman, she once asked Yu Yu, who can now become the world's largest swordsman. The answer given to her by Yu Ye is to continue to hone, so she continued to practice.

Gu Yina sat there with her eyes closed, and the breath seemed to have merged with the sword. The body seemed to gradually gather together, almost smashing the sword of the sky.

At this time, one of the inconspicuous thatched houses in the distance, sounded a door opening that had not sounded for a long time.


The door that was closed for a long time was gently pushed away by one hand.

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