MTL - The Strongest Hokage-Chapter 7 Sorry, I still suffered 1 injury.

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If you switch to other students, in the face of this C-class ninjutsu, it is likely to be directly killed in seconds!

The face of the feather night became dignified, and the foot did not hesitate to force it back.

But the speed of the retreat is obviously not as fast as the impact of the fireball.

Just when the fireball was about to hit the night of the feathers, the night of the night of the feathers flashed in the cold, and the white light halo appeared in the hands of the bitterness, pointing to the bottom.

"Give me a crack!!"


The white halo burst at this moment, but under the control of the feather night, it was not facing the fireball, but splitting it toward the sides.

Haohuo ball basically reached the limit distance at this time, under the shock of the full force of the feather night... splitting!

The flames blew from the sides of the night, and there was no impact on the night of the feathers.

"it is good!"

Seeing this scene, Feather Night did not show any joy, but it was more and more calm.

Now I can't fight against C-class Ninjutsu, I can only deal with it by tricks... But it's not too far from directly smashing C-level Ninjutsu!

The flames are burning, and the students outside are all with a look of horror.

"It won't be dead..."

"Oh my God, this is killing, so terrible."

Students can't see what's happening in the area covered by the fireball. They can only see the night of the night being covered by a fireball.

Everyone is scared.

On the other side, the whirlpool 玖辛奈 has been unable to hold back, and has to rush into the field, and her eyes even have tears, and at the same time, incomparable self-blame.

Why do you want to let Yubei go and Uchibo Spring also play, why not stop the feather night!

At this time, the only teacher who could stop it was watching this scene biting his teeth and holding back.

It seems that the night is dead.

Uchiha Izumi also looked at the flaming ball that gradually dissipated, and my heart was thinking that the night should have been burned to ashes, and his face was slightly pale, but with a hint of coldness.

But in the next moment, his expression stagnate directly.

There is a faint and incredible color in the eyelids.

Because, from the flame that gradually dissipated, a figure became clearer and clearer, and finally it was hard to rush out.

The person who rushed out is a feather night!


How is the fireball... actually resisted by the night? !

Uchiha Izumi only felt that it was almost unbelievable. When he saw the feathers coming out of the flame, he panicked and hit the night.

Against the next fireball, the feather night is definitely the end of the strong, just in the hard support.

Thinking this way, Uchiha Izumi also showed a hint of confidence in his eyes.

However, in the face of his punch, Yu night eyes are cold, but also a punch.

A faint white glow, surrounded by the fists of Feather Night.

The next moment, the two fists collided in the air.

Hey! !

It was the strange sound, and the tiny cracks spread in the air. It seemed that the space was broken and the horror was extremely extreme.

The arm of Uchiha Izumi also made a squeaking voice, directly with the feathers of the night, his body is finally unable to resist, the arm was shocked by the hard!

And the power of the turbulence spread, and the whole person was shocked to fly out.

"This is impossible……"


Uchiha Izumi also fell into the distance, with amazement to the incredible expression in the eyelids, and then squirted a blood, unable to bear the pain under the whole body, directly fainted.

The scene is silent.

At this time of the night, only a few burning flames on his clothes were smashed, and the burnt hair was gently smashed down and thrown away.

After the silence, it was finally a loss.

"This is impossible!!"

"God! Is it a scam?!"

"How the feather night is so horrible, it’s incredible."

When I reacted, everyone felt as if they were dreaming.

All students can't help but reveal a shocking and incredible expression.

Feather night... actually won the Uchiha Springs? !

In other words, the feather night is no longer the tail of the crane, but a genius that is second only to the wind and water gate!

It is an incredible miracle!

In the crowd, the whirlpool 玖辛奈 looked at the field, and there was a faint glimmer of tears in the corner of his eye.

She hasn't reacted until now.

Yu Ye did not pay attention to the shocking students, but looked at Yu Xinnai and apologized to wipe a little bit of skin burned on his arm.

"Sorry, I still suffered a little injury."


Yan Xinnai licked her mouth.

The tears in the corner of the eye are still falling into the tears of crystal, but it is a happy tear.


玖辛奈 rubbed her own eyes, biting the lips, and then screaming at the feathers, and restored the lively look.

In the field, Zhong Ren teacher has not responded yet.

He looked at the night with a look of horror and sluggishness.

"you you……"

"It seems that I won?"

Yu night calmly looked at Zhong Ren teacher, said faintly.

Zhong Ren’s face was incredible, and he couldn’t help but blink his eyes.

He didn't even think that the night of the feathers would win, and the last serious victim was Uchiha Izumi!

If it is a feather night injury, it doesn't matter, but Uchiha Izumi is also injured. He has to bear a lot of pressure and responsibility in him.

His expression was incomparably ugly, but in the end it was only bitter to announce the victory of the night.

However, I noticed the injury of Yu Zhibo Quan in the distance. At the same time, Zhong Ren’s face was ugly, and he said something in Yu’s ear.

"Put the people of the Uchiha family like this, you can do it yourself."

"This will not bother the teacher."

Feel the faint response of the night, then went off the field.

Countless people look at the night's gaze, and they all have the shocking color that has been difficult to dissipate for a long time.

Even the wind and water gates are full of singular blindness, constantly looking at the feather night, and paying attention to the feather night.

After this actual assessment, Yu night also instantly became the center of the entire Ninja School.

Many people are amazed at what power is used in the night.

Yu’s explanation for this is to shake the blood and limit the boundaries.

This explanation has no After all, in the world of tolerance, there is no limit to the blood limit. There are such a kind of sacral surgery, such as the eye of the eye, and the body of the genital gang. At the same time, there are hibiscus and hail.

Everyone is at a loss.

After the initial shock, it gradually subsided.


In the village of Muye, there is an open space.

The sky has gradually dimmed, but the feathers have not meant to leave, but continue to practice hard.

The first time she raised her eyebrows, but Feather Night knew that the next trouble would follow, so the night of the night, she worked harder to exercise the body and strengthen the power of the blood.

"Four hundred and fifty one, four hundred fifty two... four hundred ninety nine, five hundred!"


A predetermined number was reached, and the feathers stretched out almost stiff arms and stood up.

Exercising outside, he basically does not do extreme exercise.

Only at home, he will try to squeeze every part of his power.

Although this is not a big point, in this ninja world, Yu Ye still deliberately cultivates his vigilance from an early age.

"Let's go on like this, it's almost time to take the weight."

I licked the sweat from my body and went to the house at night.

It was a month since he had eaten the fruit that should not appear in this world, and got the shock and blood limit.

During this month, Yu Ye simply gave up the cultivation of Ninju and Chakra, and turned all the energy into the body. to the readers to read, the latest and most Fast, hottest serials are available at Mobile users please read.