MTL - The Strongest Dan God-Chapter 7 Raise

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The Soul Wufu is the most prestigious place of military training in Leizhou City. Many of the city’s dignitaries will desperately go to the Wufu. Because here, not only do many high-level mentors of the martial arts period gather here, but also three old men of the ranks of the martial arts peaks, the number of martial arts learned, is a famous name, for the growth of young cultivators, you can lay a very Good foundation.

On this day, the military theater in Wufu began to become more lively.

Because today is a good gamble between the waste Chai Ye and Wang Lin. This alone may not attract the attention of others, but the bet is: Whoever loses, he has to kneel down and give the other party a gimmick. Although Ye Jia has not fallen, but Hao Hao is also a family of Leizhou City. Many people are looking forward to his day of depreciation, so this time, everyone can’t wait to see the firewood of Yejia against Wang Lin. The sac of the skull is like a sac.

This is not, Ye Fengfeng has not yet arrived, Wang Lin came over a few onlookers and talked about it one by one.

"Lin brother, you said that this waste wood leaf front is not caught in the door panel, a double waste in the refining period. Three days ago, it actually went to the two brothers who were already four years of refining. Level challenge?"

"It's not all. Have you heard such a message, it seems that the firewood was doing something wrong, and these three days were all locked in the firewood."

"The house was closed for three days. The waste is waste. Even his family is not waiting to see him." Wang Lin smiled coldly, and the disdain in his eyes was more obvious.

He thought that Ye Zifeng had any adventures in the past few days, or hidden tricks, but now it seems that this kind of worry is superfluous.

For a full three days, if a person is locked up in the firewood room, what else can he toss?

"Lin brother, this waste wood has not come yet, is it necessary to think about the softness of the feet afterwards, do not dare to come over?"

Wang Lin laughed out loudly: "This is not impossible. I can't think of this waste. It's also hard to be smart. I know what it means to be resigned. I haven't let Ye Jia get a bigger shame."

"Hey, it’s scattered... I knew that this leaf front was a waste. I didn’t expect it to be a kind of cockroach." The man waiting for the show was shaking his head.

Suddenly, there was a faint scent in the entire martial arts field, which caused everyone to stop and stagnate.

"Who said that my brother is a kind of cockroach?" Ye Xueyi glared at the crowd, her refining eight, among these low-level students, she has a kind of unrestrained momentum. And her beautiful face made the students unable to marvel.

For a time, the entire martial arts field was silent, everyone looked at the field, and no one asked to leave.

"Ye Xueyi?" Wang Lin's eyes flashed a complex color, he is naturally not afraid of the leaf front, but Ye Xueyi's words will inevitably give him a trace of concern.

Wang Lin looked coldly at Ye Fengfeng: "What do we have to do with your sister in the duel between the two?"

Ye Zifeng smiled slightly: "Is there any problem with taking her over, or is it that you are afraid?... But it doesn't matter, how to say it, she still understands the rules of the military field, so you can rest assured that she just came over and watched. , not to intervene in the battle."

"Brother... Let's go, you can't beat him, let me..." Looking at Ye Xueyi's look, I really want to fight.

"Go, squeeze the mud under the shade of the trees."

Ye Xueyi saw his tongue and spit out his tongue. He had to sneak out "oh" and went to the stands.

The Wuhun mainland is dominated by Wu, and here is the Wufu. Therefore, the duel of the official appointment will be allowed as long as it does not kill people. The outsiders must not interfere in any form and perform the gambling after the gambling. There must be no objection.

"So very good." Wang Lin smiled, in his eyes, as long as his sister Ye Xueyi did not shoot, the result of this gambling has been fixed.

"I guess you have never been to this martial arts field in this life, so I kindly remind you that this martial arts field is equipped with a special weapon room. There are more than twenty different weapons in total. You can choose the leaves at the same time. After I have chosen it, I will play with me again." Wang Lin pointed his hand and pointed to the position of the weapon room not far away.

"Then you Wang Lin use no weapons?"

Wang Lin sneered a little: "Do you still have weapons to deal with your waste?"

Ye Zifeng smiled faintly: "Well, if you don't need it, then I don't need any weapons. Let's start directly. Wait until the game is over. The family still wants me to go back earlier. I heard that I have to eat an important dinner, so I have to Take some time."

"You!" Wang Lin's face was a bit hanged. Ye Zifeng's speech just said that he did not put himself in his eyes. What is the time to grasp it?

"Waste wood leaves, you believe it or not, I will beat you all over the floor!"

Next to it, he began to shake his head and pointed at the leaf front.

"This Ye Feng Feng is really unclear. It is obviously a waste of two heavy periods in the refining period. He dares to speak with Lin Ge so arrogantly."

"Lin brother, you can kill him according to the rules, and you will abolish him!"

"Fat, people's Ye Zifeng is already a waste, how do you want Lin to waste him?"

The whole audience suddenly burst into a burst of laughter. In contrast, Wang Lin’s face was gloomy. It seems that he really wanted to make the leaf front waste.

"Look at the face of your sister Ye Xueyi. This time, Laozi interrupts your three ribs!"

There is a fierce flash in the eyes of the leaves: "If you have the ability, then come."

I have practiced to the realm of Wu Zong before, and the rich experience of combat. Where is Wang Lin, a small person who can't get on the table can be shoulder to shoulder.

"Good!" Wang Lin said three times in a word, obviously it is already very angry: "Look at Laozi not to take your sick body, smash him!"

A high-spirited warfare was lifted up in Wang Lin's body, and the momentum of the whole person was revival. He cultivated to the four-year refining period, and the aura of one body has been small.

"Give me less to die!"

The boxing movement is mixed with the sound of the wind, and it goes straight to the face of the Ye Fengfeng. In the eyes of everyone, if the boxing is to be solid, I am afraid that the Ye Feng will be disfigured on the spot and screaming for mercy. Ye Xueyi closed his eyes and could not bear to look again.

However, the unexpected things did not happen.

The Ye Zifeng only crossed one step and slowly extended a palm. It was this understatement that made Wang Lin's entire fist seem like a mud cow into the sea, like a sponge.

The surrounding crowd of people looked at the scene with amazement, especially those who were the most powerful people who had just smashed the leaves. At this time, they couldn’t even say anything. Even if there are a few masters who have come to see the doorway, the heart is very strange: Is the leaf front not a refining?

"Leaf front... He, what did he just do? Why didn't Lin brother fly a boxer to fly him? They two, but they have lost two realms!"

Ye Zifeng stood quite steadily, holding a fist and holding Wang Lin's fist.

"Lin brother, you put the water too much, let's solve this waste wood!"

"That is to say, Lin Ge, you just used a little effort, to deal with this kind of waste, don't be merciful."

Wang Lin’s horror at this time is far more than everyone else’s. They are all watching, and he is actually playing with Ye Zifeng. The strength of the punch just now is that he can directly hit Ye Zifeng. It is a full force shot, there is no water at all!

He now has a whole face that looks like a pig liver. However, no matter how hard he tries, he can't get rid of the palm of his hand.

"You!" Wang Lin looked at Ye Zifeng with horror, as if he had never known him before.

Ye Zifeng smiled slightly: "Did you say that you didn't hear it? Why didn't you use all your strength? You didn't want to beat me all over the floor?" His wrist was slightly hard, and Wang Lin screamed. Call it out.

At the same time, Wang Lin's gloomy gaze condensed, and his left hand burst out of the long-lasting instinct, it was his killing!

"It is the wind **** of Lin Ge!"

"Let Lin brother get angry to this extent, Ye Jia's waste is almost finished."

However, Ye Zifeng is still a faint shot, and he has taken over Wang Lin’s wind cracking fist. Just as he did before, the horrible force contained in the wind cracking fist seems to have not yet erupted, and he was killed by the leaf slash in the cradle. in. From the predecessor of Wu Zong, he used clever use of power to see the clue in this palm.

The audience was very quiet, and even the masters in the stands couldn’t help but hold it.

If the punch just now, it can be attributed to Wang Lin's intention to add water, then, Ye Feng Feng is now easily resolved this cracking fist, enough to let the most sour and mean people shut up. Ye Xueyi is even more beautiful, and cheers for Ye Zifeng. There are some impulses to cry, because his brother has been treated as a waste wood since childhood. Today, he finally raised his eyebrows. She is proud of her heart.

"So close distance to use this wind cracking box to count me, is it to kill me?" Ye Zifeng smiled coldly, both hands at the same time, only listen to the crisp sound of bone break, suddenly resounded throughout the show .

"Ah!" With the broken bones, Wang Lin’s painful screams.

"Lin brother!"

The people around me opened their mouths and couldn't believe the facts that happened in front of them. Wang Lin’s hands were not even a moment after the two men played, and they were defeated by Ye Feng. In this way, Ye Zifeng not only surpassed Wang Lin in two orders, but also was very different from his previous image. So, can he still be a waste wood?

"Leaf front, I killed you!" Wang Lin slammed on the ground in pain. His wrists were broken and broken by the leaves. Afterwards, he was bound to delay in the practice of martial arts.

Ye Zifeng was cold and cold, and he looked at Wang Lin’s eyes without any grief. Some little people, no matter how you treat him, he will fight hard with you sooner or later; and some things, or do not, once done, it is like a thunder, directly face, innocent! This time, Wang Lin is the unlucky one to establish his prestige. Ye Zifeng is also more than happy.

"Before killing me, you will never forget, there are some things that haven't been done yet?" Ye Zifeng's voice is cold as a knife.

"What... what?"

Ye Zifeng slowly walked up to him, feeling indifferent and not feeling affection: "We have a duel for the duel, do you still remember, I need to remind you again, what should the loser do?"

"Leaf front, do you want me to...?" Wang Lin couldn't help but be shocked. If he really fell down to Ye Zifeng, he wouldn't want to raise his head in front of people.

In front of everyone, Ye Zifeng said with a loud voice: "Hurry up, didn't you say it before? I will have an important dinner to eat, and I can't waste time with you here."

He said a slight meal, cold and cold smile: "Right, if this gimmick is not satisfied with me, then it can not count, it is necessary to find me happy..."

"You! You are so deceiving too much!" Wang Lin heard the words, his eyes straightened, staring at the look of Ye Zifeng, for a long time can not say a word, and then a moment, was actually stunned on the spot.

"Lin brother! Lin brother!"

"Lin brother! You wake up!"

Ye Zifeng smiled coldly and never looked at Wang Lin again.

"Snow, let's go..."

Read The Duke's Passion