MTL - The Strongest Dan God-Chapter 564 Temporary allies!

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Ye Haoyue’s words are like the wind in the ear.

Her small face was tight and her expression was slightly irritated.

"Leaf front, you heard no, I want you to help me, what do you do alone?"

I saw the Ye Zifeng as if no one was around, leaned down, looked at the pile of herbs, and sometimes looked at other people, and sometimes took out some herbs, as if calculating what it was.

These behaviors are very strange to ordinary people!

"Hey, Ye Zifeng!"

"Slightly, I am busy..." Ye Zifeng did not say a word back.

When I heard that Ye Fengfeng said that there was a 60% chance of winning, Ye Haoyue’s heart was still “squeaky” and thought that there would be a miracle.

But now, her heart has been filled with despair.

Ye Zifeng is like this now, how can she count?

Therefore, other groups have begun to preheat the Dan furnace, and they are still almost motionless.

Ye Haoyue bit his lip: "But it, it’s my fault to look forward to you. It’s up to me to start alone!"


A group of nine people in Xu Datong, under the circumstance, laughed and talked open.

"Hey, Tong Geer, look, Ye Haoyue."

"Haha, yeah, these two people would have hoped for it. Now, the two people have not taken the shot from the beginning. Where is this going to be our opponent?"

Xu Datong laughed and said: "Miss Yue Yue is gone. What do you see when Ye Zifeng is doing? He thought that he was pumping firewood now, and he just laughed at my big teeth."


A crisp cough sounded in the ear of Xu Datong.

He was shocked and looked up and found that Mo Lao was staring at himself. In the deep hole, there seemed to be a blame.

"Xu Datong, refining your own Dan is, don't affect others, don't underestimate the enemy, understand?"

When Mo Lao said the last half of the sentence, he intentionally or unintentionally turned to the direction of Ye Haoyue. It is obviously intended.

Xu Datong is a light enemy of this group. He naturally wants to give a reminder to help them collect their thoughts.

"Yes Yes……"

Xu Datong stunned and nodded again and again, immediately put away the smug mind, turned back and waved his hand.

"Oh, everyone listens, don't worry about how people are doing. Now, according to what the Master has just said, first refine the Yuan Dan, the Master said, how do we do it."

Then, the next moment, the raging fire, hot air.

The fire in Dan furnace is getting stronger! Their progress in refining medicinal herbs is slowly taking the right track.


"It turns out that it is easy to refine the system. It can be refining in a short period of time. It is simple and feasible. It is indeed the style of Xu Datong."

Lu Ankang smiled with a smile and understood the meaning of Xu Datong's alchemy.

Win by volume! simple and clear!

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at the situation of alchemy on his side.

"Meditation, condense the fire, focus on the center of the Dan furnace!"

Lu Ankang, while commanding, frowned and walked to the edge of a gray disciple.

He shook his head violently and smirked the other person's shoulder: "You are in a wrong position. I have told you several times! If you want to fasten your alchemy, your body should lean forward and breathe in with the Dan furnace!"

"But... Brother Lu, if refining is too fast, I am afraid of quality..."

"As long as you control the quantity and quality, it is controlled by me and the master. You don't have to worry about it. Do you understand?"

"This... good! I will do it!"

The gray-clothed disciple heard the words and was busy with his head and did not dare to disobey the other side.

"Very good, now. Keep it all the way... Long Yuandan, maybe it can be done with quality and quantity."

Lu Ankang is satisfied with the smile and has a deep meaning.

The next moment, he looked up at Ye Haoyue's direction.

With his skillful skills, each action made by Ye Haoyue's alchemy is perfect.

"It's still the same, Haoyue is as good as before. Just..."

Lu Ankang paused for a moment and said with a sneer.

"In terms of quantity, we have eleven people; in quality, there is control between me and the master. Ye Haoyue, the gap between you and me is only at a grade, not enough to make up for such a big gap. You will lose this battle." After waiting for you to lose to me completely, I will ask you to ask for a kiss. I will see you when you have time, and if you have any enthusiasm, you dare not refuse me! As for Ye Zifeng, huh, huh, what do you have? The face is left in this windy school!"

At this time.

"Not necessarily."

Behind him, suddenly there was a voice of scorpion ink, faint as a wave, not ill.


Lu Ankang suddenly turned his head back. In the impression, this is the first time that Xunzi Mo has spoken to him.

"I advise you to use more thoughts. Sometimes, alchemy is more than a test. If you don't pay attention to quality and quantity, you can win. If you look at Ye Zifeng so little, you will suffer a big loss."

"This..." Lu Ankang’s eyes condensed, turned his head, and looked suspiciously toward Ye Zifeng.

However, there is still no movement on his side.

He sneered aloud: "I look down on him? I am afraid that I am taking it seriously now, and I am already looking at him."

He paused for a moment, staring at the scorpion ink, and snorted with a smile.

"It's your scorpion ink, known as alchemy, skillful, and capable, you have won him Ye Zifeng and us, try it?"

In his words, he was full of provocation: "Oh... I almost forgot, I see you scorpion ink now, nothing has been done? What are you thinking about in your mind, don’t you think you can’t win, just I want to drag us into the water!"

At the end of the day, his voice is already eight degrees higher.

At this time.

"Lu Ankang!"

A sound of screaming, from the mouth of Mo Lao.

He screamed and said: "There are still scorpions, you two privately talk and communicate, violate the rules, now you are only the first time, counted as a warning, and once again, directly expel you from the game!"

"But... how are you, it has nothing to do with me."

Scorpion ink sighed and shook his head helplessly, and he was not interested in reminding Lu Ankang any more.

He glanced around for a circle.

Xu Datong pays attention to the quantity. Lu Ankang pays attention to quality and quantity. The wind chime is a person who slowly refines the medicine and does not know what is busy.

Ye Haoyue's alchemy skills are superb, and the speed of refining medicinal herbs is particularly rapid. For the time being, even if she can be an enemy, it is not an exaggeration.

However, no matter who it is, in the eyes of Scorpion ink, there is no way for him to stay in sight for more than three seconds.

In addition to one person, Ye Zifeng!

"Less master, just now Lu Ankang, in fact, he said that there is a reason, we can't wait, right now, in the end, still do not refine the alchemy? If you lose to Ye Haoyue, then cultivate resources..."

A black-haired old slave replied with respect and enthusiasm, and he was obviously anxious.

Zhaizi turned his head and gave him a sigh of relief.

"To shut up!"

Can you win Ye Haoyue? For him, there is no trace of interest, and losing, there is no substantial impact on him.

Everything in his heart is revenge!

He must, wash all the humiliation received from the previous side of Ye Zifeng!

"Ye Feng, why have you not acted now? What are you waiting for?"

He stared at the action of Ye Zifeng meticulously, even the herbs he had chosen, and he wanted to see something from it, and he did not dare to slack off in his expression.

Suddenly, he found that Ye Zifeng felt like his sight, turned his head and looked at him from far away.

After a long while, Ye Zifeng actually took out a piece of magical grass from a pile of herbs, and placed it in front of him, so he swayed and did not avoid it.

"Fantasy grass? Ye Zifeng, you..."

Until now, the scorpion ink was discovered.

From now until now, Ye Zifeng has blocked the sight of others, but he has not blocked his sight.

Ye Zifeng is deliberate, telling him what he is doing.

"What illusion, little master, what do you mean in the end?" The black slave was hesitating for a moment and couldn't help but ask.

The scorpion ink was cold and cold, and the brow gradually began to rise: "Others will forget it. You have been following me last time. Have you forgotten, how did I lose the North?"

"Last time……"

The black old slave thought for a moment and blurted out and said: "No, can you say..."


Scorpion ink gestured to him to lightly click, and the old slaves took care of it, and then nodded.

"Less master, can you say that this is a sucking scent that can absorb other people's refining remedies?"

The scorpion ink no expression, nodded.

"It should be like this. I see the herbs selected by Ye Zifeng, and the magical grass that he specially showed us. There is no doubt that he is telling me this information."

"This... that's a good thing. Since we know that he is refining the spirits, now, use the medicinal herbs that can suppress the stagnation of Dan, so that you can easily win?"

Zhaizi shook his head and his face showed a firm color.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! What you mean is that I want to follow the script of Ye Zifeng, and he told me what kind of medicine he is refining, and then I will use his restraint to win him?" ”

"Win him, isn't it so good?" The black slave looked at the scorpion in a strange way.

"It's not good to say more! In short, if you do, even if you win him, it makes no sense. I will never do this."

"Little Lord!"


The voice of ghosts kept echoing in the mind of Ye Zifeng.

"Ye Feng Feng, you are so bold in looking at the plan to scorpion ink, is not afraid that his refining can restrain your remedy?"

"Do not worry, he will never do this. Even, he will not tell others about it."

Ye Zifeng smiled slightly and shook his head.

"You... why are you so sure?"

Ye Fengfeng’s mouth raised a smile: “That’s because I understand his self-esteem... If he wants to win me, he must be in confrontation with me... Before that, we are the best temporary ally."
