MTL - The Strongest Dan God-Chapter 542 The last choice!

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Gu Nian slaves are shaped like electricity. In an instant, they disappeared without a trace.

The demon fox stepped forward and looked at Ye Zifeng with a puzzled look. He sighed a little.

"Oh... Ye Zifeng, I really served you, and the fire that called Gu Niannu had something to do with it. What is bad, but you have to make extra money and make things so complicated."

The cold moon also came forward and shook his head.

"Yes, I agree with the foxes in this matter. What's more, now I have to pay attention to the slaves and run away for two hours. I will not be able to catch up after the meeting. The ghost knows where he will go."

"Are you finished?"

Ye Zifeng smiled slightly and his eyes were slightly deep.

"This... finished." The fox and the cold moon glanced at each other and stared at each other.

Looking at Ye Zifeng's appearance, it seems that this decision was carefully considered by him.

At the very least, he has considered the fear of the fox and the cold moon.

"If I finish, then I will sum up. First, the first point, there is still more time, and the real end, there are two days left, and what I want is a living Qin Xiao..."


The demon fox just wanted to say the last sentence. I think that Ye Zifeng said only the first point. When I suppressed the emotion in my heart, I said.

"Well, what else, you can continue to talk."

Ye Zifeng first smiled: "Second, how can Gu Ninuo escape, where to escape, all the situations are..."

He took a few more steps and placed a dazzling crystal ball in front of everyone.

"This crystal ball is showing up."

"What." Under the public's words, it was a great deal.

Slightly dialed the crystal ball in the hands of Ye Feng, and the appearance of Qin Xiao and Gu Niannu was highlighted. Every move, smile and smile.

Seeing such a scene, even Zhao Laohe and Gu Yuanwu are also in great guilt.

The scene in this crystal ball is undoubtedly determined by the strength of Ye Zifeng.

It has nothing to do with their two masters.

"No, Ye Zifeng, when is this hand in the end, even his whereabouts are clear."

"This, let's talk about it, in fact... just under your eyes, that is, just when I lost the black bracelet." If the leaf front is smashed, it is especially simple, and it has its own unspeakable momentum.

"Black bracelet, can you say..." Zhao Lao looked at him and looked at Ye Zifeng in disbelief.

"Yes, I have set up a system of squadrons in this black bracelet. When I took care of my hand and took my bracelet, it was also when he fell into my battle."


When this statement comes out, everyone is lost.

The traps of others for Ye Zifeng not only became the conditions for Ye Zifeng’s negotiations, but also became the best weapon for countering opponents.

Who can think of his own trap, it is actually hiding a trap of others.

In the way of his own, he also applied him.

"Leaf front, you..." The fox and the cold moon lingered for a moment, but smiled and looked at the direction of Ye Zifeng: "It turns out that you are amazing, then there are other things."

Ye Zifeng smiled and continued to speak: "There is the third point, and the most important point: who said that I will be there, after two hours, I will start again."


The people around the dead were bright at the same time.


Running all the way, there is no stopping.

The little half hour passed.

Gu Niannu looked awe-inspiring, and he listened to the four directions and looked at all directions.

Four times, the birds are silent.

He jerked back and no one behind him.

"Call..." He took a long sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

"Oh, Gu Nun, you are so arrogant, really don't believe it. In my opinion, two hours, I am afraid it is just a blind man. If you are convinced, you are likely to suffer a big defeat."

"Xunzi, this sentence, you have already repeated it three times, Qin Xiao, my thoughts, why do you want to come and go, now you, give me honestly... close your mouth."

I saw the next moment.

Gu Nian slaves in the hands of the sword, blowing the whistling wind, facing Qin Xiao's chest.

I will go.

The blood of the blue sky falls like a snow flake.

"...what hurts me to do, if you have the ability, you will kill me directly." Qin Xiao groaned, hysterically screaming, although she was afraid of death, however, for some painful patience, It is much stronger than ordinary people.

She paused for a moment and continued: "I am kind enough to tell the truth, but you will report it to the enemy. I really don't know what was done in my life, I will know you."

I saw her biting the row of bright jade teeth and frowning.

"Oh..." Gu Niannu, in fact, is also somewhat inaccurate.

For him, the book of ghost servants was destroyed, and the efforts of more than a decade have been ruined and destroyed.

This made him suffer a lot in a short time, and many things, he would not want to calm down and think more.

He gave everything to instinct.

Today, Qin Xiao is so called, and is alone with the other side.

His crazy eyes began to recover.

"What do you mean by what you do? You must know that the time of two hours in total is a very awkward time span. If you run away, you may indeed be able to escape... In other words, I think more about one of you now. The problem is to waste my time on this issue."

"So, after all, you still refuse to believe me." Qin Xiao smiled and shook his head and asked.


Gu Niannu squinted for a moment and bit his lip.

"Sorry, to be honest, I am so against you, how can you revenge me not too much, so I am not only against Ye Zifeng, but also against you."

The strength of Qin Xiao is beyond doubt.

Even if some knowledge of ghost servant control is given to him, but when it comes to talent and other strengths, she is better than Gu Niu.

Otherwise, she is really willing to contribute, and the help of Gu Niannu is very big.

"Oh... I am afraid that Ye Zifeng is thinking this way. I feel that the two of us will not join hands and will be broken by each. So, I will be taken away by Ling Wuzong and suffer from inhuman torture. If you suffer, then It’s the torture of Ye Zifeng, I’m afraid it’s not necessarily better than me.”

Qin Xiao sighed slightly, said the right color.

"Gu Niannu, you really hope, find out what happened."

"Of course not, just..."

Gu Niannu looked at Qin Xiao with a helpless look, and his expression was slightly indifferent.

"Even if this is the case, I still won't believe you."

"You...there is no medicine to save."

Qin Xiaomei’s shackles grew up and licked his red lips. After a long time, he shook his head and returned.

"But you are so paranoid, I don't want to take care of you any more... Then, look at the past feelings, and finally remind you that the situation around you has gradually changed, you are about to fall into the leaf front to prepare you. Cage, you wait, you can do it yourself..."

"what's the situation."

Gu Niannu heard a glimpse of it and looked around his own circle.

Even if it is a little bit of wind and grass, at this moment, it can cause his absolute attention.

In the process, his footsteps, without any pause, tried his best and flew forward.

"Don't look around, pay attention to your...foot."

"At the foot..."

Attracting the attention of Gu Niannu, Qin Xiao’s mouth raised a strange arc, opened his hands and fell backwards, almost falling to the ground.


Gu Nianu looked at it and felt unconscious.

So he immediately reached out and wanted to catch Qin Xiao.

After all, Qin Xiao’s existence, for him, is the biggest bargaining chip for Ye Fengfeng.

However, it is already late.

"It's now."

Near him, a low, familiar voice suddenly sounded.

The sound of the leaf front.

Above the ground, the glare of the road broke through the gaps in the earth's surface, and countless soul-wired things lingered on Qin Xiao's body, like a silkworm cocoon, wrapped her inside and outside tightly.

Gu Niannu’s sudden arrest was blocked by the strong light and failed.

"Leaf front, you are a git."

He snorted and still had a second time in the future. Under the soles of his feet, a huge force lifted him up.


The dust that floats in a whirlwind is layered and densely packed, making it almost impossible to open your eyes.

In fact, two hours are not enough, Ye Zifeng will start.

In this regard, he is actually psychologically prepared.

However, his attention was placed all around, even on the soul of the mind, completely did not expect that Ye Feng was actually burying the **** at the foot of his march.

If you are not familiar with his travel habits and make a pre-judgment, it is impossible to sneak a successful attack.

The sinister coldness of the giant bones of the bones, combined with the imposing power of the momentary power, the effect of the sneak attack is very good.

"Leaf front."

He snorted and finally looked at Qin Xiao's position, biting his teeth, and in the shortest possible time, made a decision to give up.

Ye Zifeng’s arrangement this time is appropriate. The primary purpose is to save people and ensure his own rewards instead of catching Gu Niu.

Therefore, Gu Niannu is now trying his best to rush forward, but it is really difficult to intercept him.

"What to do, Ye Zifeng, now, in the end, still can't chase after it." The fox looked at the back of Gu Nianu, and asked by frowning.

Grabbing Gu Nian, for Ye Zifeng, may not have much benefit, at least for the time being, it is not clear.

Moreover, the evidence is insufficient, and it is more likely that Gu Niang will turn his back and take a bite. After all, he seems to have a certain status in Lingwuzong.

"Yeah, Ye Zifeng, in the end is to ensure the vested interests, fully cope with Qin Xiao, to avoid her escape or suicide, or to chase the Gu Niu slave, choose it." Han Yue stared at Ye Zifeng, seriously said.

Ye Ziwei smiled slightly and looked into the distance: "Of course it is..."