MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 92 Second watch

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In the hot afternoon, Lin Ling was only wearing a loose, thin black T. The wide hem of the black T was tucked into her jeans, making her legs 1.8 meters long.

Duan Hu looked at Lin Lingjiao's good figure and couldn't move his eyes away. He stared at her for a while, and suddenly found that the black T-shirt on her body was somewhat similar to the black T-shirt worn by Lu Yu, and said without thinking: "Captain, The clothes you two wear really look alike."

He Ming also looked at the two when he heard the words, could it be that Lin Ling was wearing the captain's clothes?

Duan Hu looked at the two of them again and again, "If you weren't wearing the same clothes, I thought you were wearing the same one."

At the end of Xia, he glanced at Lin Ling's black clothes suspiciously, thinking that wasn't this what Captain Lu gave to his sister last time?

Lin Ling was a little guilty by Xia Mo's gaze. She glanced at Lu Yu quickly, met Lu Yu's gaze, and then quickly separated. She pursed her lower lip uncomfortably, "There are a lot of black T, It’s normal to have the exact same one.”

Duan Hu thinks about it and thinks it makes sense, "I thought only our captain loved to wear black all the year round, but I didn't expect you to do the same. You two are destined."

Lin Ling chuckled, not wanting to discuss black T or fate with Duan Hu, so she changed the subject very bluntly, "You haven't eaten all the way here, have you? Now it happens to be jealous, I'll make you a hot and sour one." Powder it."

Lu Yu doesn't like being jealous: "No, we're going to City Z right away."

"Captain, we can rush over tomorrow." Duan Hu was unwilling to leave now, he wanted to spend more time with Lin Ling.

"Go there early." Lu Yu got into the car directly, "Let's go."

He Ming dragged Duan Hu into the car, "Let's go, don't delay the business."

"It's just to negotiate with the caveman, and there's nothing serious about it." Duan Hu muttered in a low voice. He didn't want to just leave, but he couldn't disobey the captain's order. A forum friend? I can notify you directly if there is any good stuff in the future."

Lin Ling hesitated for a moment, but Duan Hu said again in the next second: "The safety zone is now producing fabrics again, and new clothes should be made after a while, and there are also livestock such as ducks, cows, and sheep. It can be distributed to you in the future, and I can notify you as soon as possible."

After hearing Duan Hu's words, Lin Ling agreed after thinking about it: "Okay, add one."

Lu Yu couldn't help but frowned watching the actions of the two, feeling a little irritated in his heart, and started the car: "Let's go."

"Come right away." Duan Hu reported his forum account, "You search, my user name is 'climbing mountains and wading rivers to fight zombies'."

"Have you found it?"

Lin Ling hummed, "I found it."

"Then you remember to add it, I'll go first." Duan Hu saw that Lu Yu had already driven away in the car, and immediately ran after the car. It took a lot of effort to climb into the back of the car. He kept shouting at Lin Ling: "It must be added."

Lin Ling glanced at Duan Hu's name in disgust, but still added him as a friend, hoping that he could really help get the duck, cow and sheep.

Duan Hu looked at the forum friends who had already added, and he couldn't help showing off to Lu Yu and He Ming: "She added me, her name is so cute, she is so busy in the rice fields, she is so tall. Tall and thin, it should be called the pole that is too busy to fly."

"I'll say hello to her." Duan Hu pressed his phone and said, "I don't know how old she is. I'm thirty-five years old, and I'm a rooster. I don't know what her genus is. If she is a dog I have to think about it.

Lu Yu's lips were pursed into a line, and he drove like a rocket.

The speed of the car was so fast that Duan Hu couldn't read the words on the phone clearly, "Captain, drive slower."

"Damn it." Duan Hu looked at the expression pack of Kiss that he pressed out with trembling hands, "What should I do? What should I do?"

He Ming looked back at Duan Hu in the back row: "What's wrong?"

"I sent the wrong emoji." Duan Hu explained: "The captain's speed was too fast, I wanted to say hello, but I accidentally pressed the wrong button and sent a kiss, she wouldn't think I was a hooligan, would she? You won’t block me, right? Will she not believe me when I explain that I clicked the wrong button?”

Lu Yu glanced at the bewildered Duan Hu through the rearview mirror, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and the speed of the car gradually slowed down.

Duan Hu stared at the phone, not aware of Lu Yu's expression, "It's not possible to withdraw the news from the forum these days, I must complain to the engineer in charge of the development when I go back."

After hearing Duan Hu's complaint, He Ming glanced at the captain who was driving again. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the captain seemed to be in a much better mood.

Lin Ling on the other side didn't look at her mobile phone, but hurriedly got some vermicelli out to soak. After soaking, she went to the vegetable field to pick some vegetable leaves. She planned to make hot and sour noodles in the evening.

In addition to the seasoning, hot and sour noodles also need to prepare some saozi. There is no pork to make miscellaneous sauce saozi, and there is no ribs or beef. The only thing she can do is to use the chicken county that was killed two days ago and put in the refrigerator. Liver, chicken intestines and other things are made into chicken offal.

After the chicken offal was fried, her vermicelli was also soaked.

After the water was boiled, Lin Ling put the vermicelli down to cook. During the cooking time, she took out three big bowls to season the sauce. Because there was no meat, Little Green and the others didn't come to join in the fun. Only Lin Ling, Xia Mo and Brother Chou eat.

First add a little onion, **** and garlic water, and then add an appropriate amount of pepper powder, pepper, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, chili oil, and then add a small amount of boiling water to cover the bottom.

In addition, put the boiled vegetable leaves at the bottom, wait for the vermicelli to be cooked, and then scoop them into several bowls.

"Okay." Lin Ling first stirred Brother Chou's portion and poured it into his special bowl, then spooned two spoonfuls of chicken offal onto its vermicelli noodles, and added a handful of fried soybeans, A handful of scallions, "you can eat it."

Lin Ling turned around and scooped up two spoonfuls of chicken giblets into her and Xia Mo's bowls respectively, and sprinkled soybeans and green onions on top.

After putting it away, she took the hot and sour powder and sat down at the dining table. She looked at Xiaolu and starling: "Would you like to try it?"

The starling smelled the sour smell and hid away, "Don't eat."

"It's delicious, and you'll regret it if you don't eat it." Lin Ling looked at mynah regretfully, "There's no such shop after this village."

The starling yelled a few times: "I'm so sour, can I still open a shop?"

"Don't be prejudiced against food, it's easy to miss good things." Lin Ling warned mynah based on the experience of people who came here. She used to stay away from the smell of stinky tofu, snail noodles, and durian, but she also stopped after tasting it once. Yes, it smells so good!

Mynah is still unwilling to eat.

Lin Ling asked Xiaolu on a plate: "Where is Xiaolu?"

Xiaolu shook her head and said no.

"Then if you don't eat it, we will eat it." Lin Ling told Xia Mo to eat it quickly, "how about a taste?"

Xia Mo on the side stirred with chopsticks, picked up a chopstick and blew it, and then put it in his mouth. It was not as spicy as the dry fried spicy chicken that he ate last time, but more sour, hot and sour, delicious and rich in taste , It was different from the vermicelli he had eaten before.

"Sister, this sour taste is strange and delicious."

Lin Ling reminded Xia Mo: "If you think the sour taste is not enough, you can put it in again."

Xia Mo nodded and said yes.

Lin Ling took a sip of the hot and sour powder, "This vinegar is quite tasty, next time I will use this vinegar to make sweet and sour fish for you."

Little Green arched Lin Ling's wrist: Is it sugar?

Lin Ling replied, "Sugar is something sweet."

Xiaolu shook the leaves: Is it delicious?

Lin Ling hesitated for a moment, and changed the word "delicious" to "not delicious", lest Xiaolu and starlings steal it.

Xiaolu didn't believe it: Is it really not delicious?

"Did I lie to you?" Lin Ling poured some vinegar and fed it to Xiaolu, "Do you think this vinegar is delicious?"

Little Green smelled it and felt that it was going to be sour. It shook the leaves violently: it is not delicious.

Lin Ling tidied it up on purpose, "Taste a little, and I'll know how to write a diary later."

Xiaolu's face was full of resistance: I'm not Dahei, I can write even if I don't eat.

Dahei: Brother, it is forbidden to step on it!

Lin Ling raised her eyebrows: "You really don't want to eat?"

Xiaolu nodded resolutely: Even if you beat me to death, I won't eat it.

"I don't know the goods." Lin Ling poured the poured out vinegar into her hot and sour noodles. Being jealous is good for your health.

After finishing the hot and sour noodles, Lin Ling burped in satisfaction, "It tastes really good."

There is another dish added to Xia Mo's favorite recipe, and he also nodded, "Sister, we will eat it in the future."

"Okay." Lin Ling thought about the few vermicelli left, "It's been a few times to eat the remaining vermicelli. After the next potato harvest, I will make more vermicelli. You can eat it anytime you want in the future."

Happy to say hello at the end of summer.

After clearing away the dishes, Lin Ling taught everyone about the origin of vinegar, its production process and function, and then assigned homework for everyone to write a 100-word essay on the theme of 'vinegar' .

Xia Mo, who had eaten hot and sour powder, was able to grasp this as a topic, and wrote a 100-character composition in a short while, with neat handwriting, which looked very pleasing to the eye.

It was much more difficult for Xiaolu and the others. With the help of their bodies, they wrote with difficulty, twisted into a ball, and it took Lin Ling to guess for a long time to understand.

After reading their compositions, Lin Ling was really speechless.

Little Green wrote:

what! Vinegar!

You are so sour!

It's so sour that my leaves are turning yellow!

I don't want to drink you at all, but she still forces me to drink it, you are so unpalatable, why does she still like it so much?

I am a teng (a lot of black dots are drawn here on the vine, and a pinyin is written at the end). How can I understand her heart alone? I can't pierce her heart to have a look.

Lin Ling's heart skipped a beat, can I still live if my heart is opened?

The rest are all off topic.

Dahei wrote: Help! The master wants to be jealous of the fish, will I be eaten by the master? I want to sneak away the master's vinegar.

Lin Ling pursed her lips, Dahei, I have my eyes on you!

The starling wrote: There was a woman on TV who liked to eat sour food. Ten months later, she gave birth to a baby. The boss likes to eat sour vinegar so much. Will she give birth to a baby in ten months? beauty? If a little beauty is born, I will definitely take good care of her and never leave her...

Lin Ling frantically unplugged the TV they were watching, "Watching too many TV shows can make you brainless, don't watch them all!"

The mutated beasts who lost their source of happiness wailed, "We didn't do anything, why are you doing this to us?"

"I didn't do anything? Myna, explain, what did you write?" Lin Ling pasted the paper on myna's face, "Who told you that those who eat sour will have babies?"

The starling looked innocent: "In the TV series, there is a little beauty who keeps clamoring to eat sour fruit. She gave birth to a baby not long after eating it."

"You still write in your composition when you're acting blindly in TV dramas?" Lin Ling felt that it's wrong to show love TV dramas to this group of mutant beasts, and they all learned badly one by one: "You are not allowed to watch TV dramas in the future."

Xiaolu, Dahei, and Ugly Brother are all mourning: it was written by mynah, so don't allow it to read in the future.

Lin Ling snorted: "One of you wants to secretly throw away my jealousy, and the other wants to break my heart, so don't even think about it."

At the end of Xia, he almost didn't see Xiaolu, he sighed, these little idiots, they knew that the composition they wrote was for Lin Ling to read, why would they go to death?

The author has something to say: I ate hot and sour noodles at noon,

Then come back and continue coding,

I feel that if I work hard, I can finish it before the Chinese New Year~~·

At that time, you can be in the waves~~

Read The Duke's Passion