MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 90

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Why didn't Lin Ling choose to go to City G the next day?

Because there is still a chicken at home that has not been eaten.

A group of greedy little cuties in the family have been staring at the chicken. If she doesn't eat the chicken before leaving, I'm afraid there will only be chicken bones left when she comes back.

No, maybe the chicken bones were chewed up and eaten by Brother Chou.

So Lin Ling cooked the chicken at noon the next day. She originally planned to use it for stewing soup, but she changed her mind when she saw a basket of peppers drying under the eaves. Used it for cooking.

So Lin Ling directly took half a catty of dried peppers and cut them open, took out the seeds and stored them, then simply soaked the cut peppers and sun-dried Chinese prickly ash in water, so as not to burn them later.

Xia Mo stared suspiciously at Lin Ling's preparations, as if he was going to stew chicken soup with radishes, "Isn't it stewing soup?"

"No, make a new dish." Lin Ling asked Brother Chou to cook the rice first, and then she started to make stir-fried spicy chicken.

First cut the chicken into small pieces, pour into the pot and blanch in water, wait until the blood is cooked, remove and drain the water. Then put her freshly squeezed rapeseed oil into the pot, wait until the oil is cooked, pour in the blanched chicken, and stir-fry over low heat until golden brown.

Then add onion, ginger, garlic, dried chili and Chinese prickly ash and fry together. After frying the aroma of chili, add a little salt and it will be out of the pan.

There are a lot of peppers, it looks like a big red plate, the color is bright red, the fragrance is strong, and the smell will make people appetite.

The chicken ancestors, Dahei, and starlings who had been happily waiting to share the food were discouraged by the bright red dry-stir-fried spicy chicken. Can this be eaten?

They have tasted chili peppers before, but very few. They don’t like the taste of chili peppers. Looking at the pot full of chili peppers, they are worried that they will turn into roast chicken, fish, or bird after eating them.

Xiaolu also looked at this pot of red hot and spicy chicken with vigilance, and didn't dare to try it. After thinking about it, she pushed the starling standing beside her: You go and try it.

Starling is not a fool either, he knew it must be exciting again just by smelling it, so he pushed the ugly brother next to him: "Chou brother, you have a try?"

Although it smells delicious, Brother Chou doesn't want to try it.

The starling pushed the ignorant Chun Mian again: "Son, go and taste it, okay? If it tastes good, I'll give you the meat I deserve."

Chun Mian has not been fooled by as many women as Mynah has ever molested, so she agrees after coaxing her, and she yells at Lin Ling arrogantly: Boss, I want to eat meat.

Lin Ling looked sympathetically at Chun Mian, who was being treated as a poisonous chicken, and generously gave it a piece of chicken, "Try if it's delicious."

Chun Mian walked aside with the chicken in her mouth, and began to savor it carefully.

Xiaolu, Starling, Chouge, Ji Zuzong and Dahei all stared at Chunmian's movements, waiting for its feedback.

After waiting for five seconds, Chun Mian was choked by the pungent spicy and numb smell, "cough cough cough..."

Xiaolu, Starling, Chouge, Jizuzu, and Dahei all had 'I knew it would be like this' expressions on their faces.

Chun Mian was so hot that she felt that her tongue was not her own anymore, she looked at mynah with panicked eyes: Dad, I'm poisoned, I'm going to die...

The starling avoided Chun Mian's sight with a guilty conscience, he was not a good father, if his son died from the heat, he would definitely eat two less pieces of meat.

Well, when the time comes, you must remember to remind the boss that you must not make such spicy chicken again.

Chun Mian was taken aback by the mynah's gaze, why did it think that Dad wanted to eat it?

Xia Mo looked at Chun Mian sympathetically, young man, you are right.

Lin Ling couldn't stand it anymore, picked up water and poured some water for Chun Mian, "Just drink some water."

Chun Mian took more than a dozen sips of water to stop the hot feeling in her throat.

Lin Ling pursed her lips and asked with a smile, "Are you still eating?"

Chun Mian shook her head, it would never eat this spicy food again.

"If you don't want to eat it, I will eat it." Lin Ling picked up a piece of chicken and put it in his mouth. The moment he put it in, he didn't feel spicy. in every corner of the mouth.

Lin Ling hurriedly took two mouthfuls of rice, suppressing the spicy taste in her mouth, and after the spicy taste dissipated, she picked up a few more pieces to eat. Although it was very spicy, the chicken was firm and full of salty aroma, which made people feel Can't stop.

While eating, she still didn't forget to remind Xia Mo: "Eat quickly."

Xia Mo let out an oh, and picked up his chopsticks to eat. The first piece was very spicy and numb, but he got used to it when it was spicy. The more he ate, the more he craved it, as if he was born to eat chili. .

Humans and animals accept spiciness differently. For example, all starlings stare at the delicious dry-stir-fried spicy chicken in fear, "Boss, are you kind?"

Lin Ling, who was concentrating on being a cook, raised her eyes to Starling, "What?"

The starling pointed at the bright red dry-stir-fried spicy chicken: "Did you make such spicy and spicy food on purpose so that we couldn't eat it?"

Lin Ling really didn't think so, she really just wanted to make a new dish: "Don't frame me."

Xiaolu also felt that she had grasped the truth: I didn't expect you to be such a person! What a pain in the **** to keep us from eating chicken!

Lin Ling raised her eyebrows: "Have you learned idioms for nothing?"

Dahei and Chunmian looked at Xiaolu one after another: Brother, you actually know how to use words behind our backs? Didn't we agree to be the bottom one together?

Xiaolu shook the leaf triumphantly, and pointed at Lin Ling with the leaf: You are a wolf-hearted dog...

Before Xiaolu could finish her sentence, Lin Ling knocked her on the head with a chopstick, "Teaching you idioms is not for you to use indiscriminately, go and memorize the idiom dictionary for me!"

Xiaolu covered the leaves: Hey, it's me again!

"Who doesn't always have a brain!" Lin Ling looked at Xiaolu with disgust. In her eyes, she suspected that the reason why Xiaolu didn't have a long memory was because it had no brain.

After Xiaolu went to memorize the idiom dictionary, the starlings also left.

Lin Ling asked mynah: "You really don't want to eat it? It's really delicious."

Starling shook his head resolutely: "If I don't eat a meal, I'm just too hungry. After eating this meal, I should be smiling."

Chun Mian also nodded: It's good to be alive.

Lin Ling sighed, "...All right."

So for this meal, Lin Ling, Xia Mo and Brother Chou ate it, but Brother Chou also ate and drank water at the same time. After eating, he lay on the ground in the yard and breathed out non-stop.

After finishing the fried spicy chicken, both Lin Ling and Xia Mo were sweating, "It's quite delicious."

Xia Mo wiped her swollen lips, "It's delicious."

Lin Ling wiped off his sweat: "We will continue to do this in the future."

Xia Mo: "Still doing it?"

"Well, if they don't eat this way, we can eat more." When Lin Ling said this, he looked at the starling who was eavesdropping outside the door, and curled his lips, "We will do this from now on."

The starling stamped its feet angrily, but it didn't dare to argue with Lin Ling, so it could only walk to the basket of peppers, angrily took a pepper and flew outside, it threw away all her peppers, and she never Can't cook spicy food anymore.

The little green star saw the mynah's action with sharp eyes, and immediately went to sue: it stole your chili.

Lin Ling caught my starling as soon as he walked out the door: "Put it back."

The starling immediately defended, "I want to dry the peppers for you."

Lin Ling didn't tear it open, and said in a flat tone: "Go to the field and collect all the cabbage seeds after drying. They can't be harvested before dark. I will let you eat chili tonight."

Starling shivered, "I'll go right away."

Xiaolu jumped on Linling's shoulders climbing the mountain: There is a reward for reporting, can I stop memorizing the idiom dictionary?

"Keep memorizing, or I'll be **** off by you sooner or later." Lin Ling can finally understand a sentence now. He is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid that elementary school students are educated and use idioms indiscriminately, which can make people angry.

Xiaolu fell on Lin Ling's shoulder, not afraid of anything, but afraid that Lin Ling would let him read and write, and it would kill him!

Lin Ling didn't bother to talk to her, and began to prepare the things needed for tomorrow's transaction, such as fully charged batteries, power banks, chickens, eggs, rice, etc.

At the end of Xia Xia put all the charging treasures into the basket: "Sister, there are only dozens of charging treasures left."

"I'll bring some back when I go to City G tomorrow." Lin Ling loaded the things into the pickup truck and took a few spare batteries, "Tomorrow you all stay at home to look after the house, and you don't go out of the fence by yourself. "

Xia Mo agreed, "Then sister, come back early."

"If you don't come back tomorrow night, come back during the day after tomorrow. Don't wait for me." Lin Ling steamed some steamed buns for food at night, and drove out before dawn the next day.

The journey went smoothly, and he arrived in City G without any hindrance.

Lin Ling drove directly to the agreed place. When she arrived, she found that there were already three people waiting there in the open space. She watched them vigilantly to prevent being plotted against.

The other party also seemed to see Lin Ling's worry, and quickly explained: "We are all acquaintances, we met on the way here, and we learned that we made an appointment with you to buy things, so we came here together and waited for you."

The other two also nodded, took out their mobile phones and showed Lin Ling the information they communicated with Lin Ling, "I really didn't lie to you."

Lin Ling nodded after confirming the information, and then took out the things they asked for. After checking the goods with each other, they all got what they were satisfied with.

"Big Brother, in fact, you can find a day to set up a stall every once in a while, so we don't have to watch you on the phone every time."

"That's right, we can also come over and set up a stall, and then we don't have to worry about bad deals on the forum."

"Now the vicinity of City G has been cleared several times. Apart from us, only people from the safe zone will come here. It is quite safe. I heard from people in other areas on the forum that a trading market has already sprung up there. Although there are not many people, we can exchange some useful things.”

Lin Ling thought this was a good way, and she also missed the excitement of going to the market, "If everyone is willing to trust each other, you can give it a try."

"Big Brother, don't worry, I'm sure I have no wrong thoughts." One of them said first, "I definitely wouldn't say that when the apocalypse just ended, but now that the apocalypse has been over for two years, everyone is used to it." Now that we live a stable life, and now we can eat enough and wear warm clothes, and it’s good to have some entertainment once in a while, everyone should not have the same crooked thoughts as before."

The other two thought about it and thought it made sense. At least they are now farming the land and food with peace of mind and will not come up with other bad ideas.

Lin Ling was stunned for a moment, unknowingly the apocalypse had ended for more than two years, it was like another day, when she saw the relaxed faces of the three, she breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief, as if a boulder had been unloaded.

The apocalypse is really over, but she has been vigilant and guarded against everything, because of the woman who stole her identity. She lives in the fence, and has been reluctant to step out. In fact, she is not as brave as these people at all.

Even though he thought so, Lin Ling still didn't immediately agree. He was used to being cautious, so he should think more about it.

After separating from them, Lin Ling went to another direction to make a deal with the rest of them. During the deal, she carefully looked at the faces of these people. Although their expressions were not as relaxed as those of the three just now, their words were not what they said. It also reveals a bit of briskness that is not short of food: "Big Brother, I will buy your chickens when I harvest the next time I harvest food."

Lin Ling smiled helplessly. It seemed that she was famous for raising chickens.

After dealing with a few people, Lin Ling went to find the last client - Zhao Xiaoling.

When she saw Zhao Xiaoling and her stomach, Lin Ling was stunned.

The author has something to say: I suffered the loss of not saving the manuscript,

Writing every day is too hurtful,

I really have to save the full text of the next book before opening it!

I have been thinking for the past two days how can I write a fast-paced novel that readers can't catch up with on horseback?

It's hard to think about it, but forget it.

Read The Duke's Passion