MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 77

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Stews are the easiest home cooking.

Chop the chicken into pieces, after blanching, put some oil and stir-fry, then add some spices, add some water, cook for a while, then throw the cut potatoes into a pot and cook in a pot. The chicken meat of a few months is very tender and does not need to be cooked. If it takes too long, the potatoes can be cooked until they are soft.

Everyone gathered around the stove, looking at the delicious stewed chicken nuggets with potatoes, couldn't help swallowing, "It smells so good."

Chun Mian couldn't help but yelled a few times: It tastes delicious.

Little Green shook the leaves: These are your brothers.

Chun Mian pretends to be stupid: What brother, I don't know.

Lin Ling: "..."

It is indeed the gene of the chicken ancestor.

After cooking, the dishes added with meat and oil became even more fragrant, nearly a hundred times more fragrant than usual dishes. Looking at the oily chicken thighs, Lin Ling couldn't help swallowing, "Bring your bowls here."

Except for Lin Ling and Xia Mo who eat with porcelain bowls and chopsticks, the rest of the little ones have their own exclusive stainless steel basin or small stainless steel bowl. When everyone heard Lin Ling say that dinner is ready, they all ran to the restaurant with their own rice bowls in their mouths. In front of Lin Ling, line up to get the meat.

Xiaolu is the smallest, but squeezed in the front: I want big chicken legs.

The starling who came in second said, "I want big chicken legs too."

The chicken ancestor in the third row tilted its buttocks and knocked myna and Xiaolu out. It walked up to Lin Ling: You said that the big chicken legs are for me.

"Yes, it's for you." At the beginning, Lin Ling lured the chicken ancestor to settle here with a big chicken leg, so she didn't want to deny it, took out a big chicken leg and put it in the chicken ancestor's rice bowl, and scooped some potatoes with a spoon With a few pieces of meat, I shook the spoon like the lady in the cafeteria, and then poured them all into the chicken ancestor's rice bowl.

The starling, who dared not speak out, squeezed into the line again: "Boss, I'll sing you a song, and give me another chicken thigh, okay?"

Mynah immediately began to sing: "In the world, only mothers are good, and children with mothers..."

"Who is your mother?" Lin Ling said in a deep voice, "The other chicken leg is for me, the head of the family, two chicken wings for Xia Mo and Brother Chou, and two chicken feet for Big Black and Little Green. As for Forget about you and Chunmian."

Mynah chirped: "I just want..."

"Shut up." Lin Ling shook off a piece of meat in the spoon, "Take a piece of meat from you."

Starling looked at the meat that fell into the pot as if it had been hit by a bolt from the blue, "My meat..."

Lin Ling: "Get out of the way, one more word and I'll scoop out the meat."

Although a piece of meat was deducted, there were still nine yuan in the bowl. Mynah protected the bowl and walked quickly to the side, fearing that it would be snatched back again.

After the starlings left, Lin Ling distributed the meat to Xiaolu and them. Everyone based on an average of five pieces of meat, plus the meat obtained from the ranking of the exam. The most was at the end of summer, with thirteen pieces. Brother Chou, Little Green and Big Black also have ten yuan each.

The least is Chunmian, who doesn't like to study at all, and takes the bottom one every time in the exam.

It looked at the meat in its bowl sadly: it was so little.

No one paid any attention to it, and all happily ate meat.

After Chun Mian finished eating the meat, she turned her eyes to the starling. When she saw the meat left in the starling's bowl, her eyes lit up: Dad.

Starling looked at Chun Mian vigilantly:? ? ? ?

Chunmian opened her mouth and sang: Dad, Dad, good dad, I have a good dad...

Starling almost choked to death on a piece of chicken, "cough cough cough..."

Chun Mian approached the starling: Dad, I still want to eat meat.

The starling guarded the bowl, and it didn't want to give it any.

Chun Mian shouted again: Dad?

The starling is still unwilling: "If you try to do better in the exam next time, you can eat a few more yuan."

After finishing speaking, Starling felt that Chun Mian didn't have that IQ: "Forget it, you should eat as much as you have."

Back then, in order to eat more meat and let Chun Mian earn meat to be filial to it, it tried its best to teach Chun Mian, but Chun Mian still got a good score in the test every time, and it was so angry that it vomited blood several times.

Now because of teaching Chunmian, mynah is learning better and better, and now he can compete with Xia Mo for the first place, so it has given up now, and does not expect Chunmian, a scumbag, to help it earn meat.

Chun Mian, who was abandoned, clucked a few times unhappily, then took advantage of mynah's inattention, quickly grabbed a piece of meat and ran out.

The starling jumped up angrily: "Damn child! You give me back my meat!"

Chun Mian looked back: slightly slightly.

"..." Lin Ling and the others were stunned, as expected of the son raised by myna.

This night, everyone was super happy because they ate the chicken that they had been thinking about.

"It turns out that chicken tastes like this." This is also the first time that the end of Xia has tasted what chicken tastes like. He used to hear from his mother that if he had a chance to raise a chicken, he would make fried chicken and roast chicken for him, although he hasn't tasted it yet. , but he felt that the taste would be great.

But he knew that he had to listen to his sister when he ate chicken or meat, so he didn't urge him or make any comments, because he knew that his sister was such a nice person, and he would definitely make it for them in the future.

After eating, the starling's stomach was all stretched out, and he lay on the soft straw in the yard, slamming his mouth and saying, "It's delicious."

Little green, big black, and ugly brother also said it was delicious: When can we eat it again?

Brother Ugly bit the bone that everyone couldn't chew: it won't be too long.

Yes, it won't be too long. How can Lin Ling who has eaten a chicken meal resist the temptation of those live chickens? She had just finished eating the chicken legs, and she had already planned in her heart that she would make a fried chicken next time, but the oil in the house had bottomed out, so she had to wait until the rapeseeds were planted.

In fact, beans, corn, and peanuts can all be extracted for oil, but the quantity is still too small. I will plant one or two crops after harvesting tomorrow, and I should not have to worry about lack of oil in the future.

After a good meal, everyone is in a good mood.

While watching TV at night, Lin Ling played with his mobile phone for a while, and glanced at the chatterbox he had hired for ten catties of wheat, and found that 1200 hadn't sent any messages.

Lin Ling clicked her tongue, this chatting with her was really irresponsible at all.

She sent a message: "Thank you for the breeding method you provided, I have successfully eaten chicken."

After waiting for a while, 1200 asked her, "Is it delicious?"

"Delicious." Lin Ling replied quickly: "I have never eaten chicken since the end of the world. It is so delicious."

"These chickens are only a few months old and are too tender to make soup. They can only be stir-fried or fried, or fried or roasted, but it's too much trouble to make roasted chicken."

1200: "..."

"do not talk."

Lin Ling smiled when she saw 1200's reply, "Greedy?"

1200 didn't speak, but Lin Ling knew that the other party must be very greedy, so he said cheaply: "Forget that you don't have chickens anymore."

1200 was silent, "Aren't you afraid of being robbed?"

Lin Ling said, "Anyway, you don't know where I am."

1200: "That's not certain."

Lin Ling froze for a moment, recalling that when he posted on the forum, he never revealed where he lived, and with so many people around City G and City X, he probably wouldn't suspect that they were hundreds of miles away. small place right?

Before she could figure it out, 1200 had already sent a message: "There is something wrong, we have withdrawn."

Looking at the news from 1200, Lin Ling secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and made a harmless little joke: "You are so incompetent, do you have the nerve to ask for my wheat?"

Lin Ling sent no reply to the message. It was not until the next morning that 1200 replied: "It's okay."

But Lin Ling didn't look at his phone, because the next morning, Lin Ling hurriedly went to the field again, and first took back all the 30 acres of potatoes he had planted before, and put them all in the newly dug storage room. The flat burrow is half full, which is enough for Lin Ling to support his big family for a long time.

So after harvesting this time, she didn't worry about planting potatoes anymore. Instead, she quickly planted another batch after beans, corn, and peanuts. Each of them planted ten acres of land, and the remaining few catties of seeds were left over. Then stay and eat.

After finishing all these tasks, Lin Ling planted another 25 mu of rice. It was already a month after all these tasks were completed.

"I'm exhausted." Lin Ling sat paralyzed on the stone steps under the eaves, and thumped her lower back.

Xiaolu stepped forward to help Lin Ling beat her waist: Are you comfortable?

Lin Ling glanced sideways at Xiaolu, who was "nothing to be courteous": "It's not bad."

Xiaolu beat Lin Ling's back hard again: what about now?

Lin Ling hummed, "Not bad."

Xiaolu thumped for a while, then climbed onto Lin Ling's shoulder: Let's have chicken tonight.

The ugly brother who was lying on the ground and the starling who was standing on the fence and patrolling around secretly raised their ears. Can Lin Ling agree?

Lin Ling knew it was like this: "You haven't done any work, so what right do you have to eat meat?"

Xiaolu looked very concerned about Lin Ling: You have been tired for so many days, why don't you eat some meat?

Lin Ling snorted: "I eat alone? It seems to be okay."

Xiaolu immediately said: We also helped with a lot of work.

"You just stand by the chicken coop and stare at my chickens every day, and occasionally go for a walk outside the fence, what did you do to you?" Lin Ling paused, and then said: "And we can't change chickens if we eat them all. Lobster."

Lin Ling still remembered the bearded chick in City X, but she has been very busy recently and has no time to deal with him for the time being.

Little Green doesn't know what a crayfish is, and now it only cares about the chickens raised in the bamboo forest: a new batch of chicks is about to hatch, and we can't eat them all.

"If I hadn't stopped you, you would have caught all the chickens." Lin Ling still doesn't know how cruel Xiaolu and Brother Chou are? If she hadn't explicitly prohibited it, the chicks might have been eaten before their shells broke.

In fact, I can understand it. After eating it once, I definitely want to eat it a second time. Lin Ling is no exception. She paused: "Anyway, we have to wait until it hatches."

If there is no direct rejection, then there is an opportunity! Xiaolu glanced at Mynah and Brother Chou proudly, and then coquettishly to Lin Ling: Eat, eat, those chickens have grown up again, they eat so many potatoes, what if they run out of them? We'll be out of potatoes by then.

"After eating, don't I know how to plant it?" Lin Ling looked at Xiaolu who wanted to eat meat with disgust, "Wait another half a month, after I finish planting the seeds I brought back last time."

Little Green shook the leaves unhappily: How long will it take?

Lin Ling laughed: "Then add half a month?"

Xiaolu immediately shook her head: Then half a month.

"Then hurry up and go to work." Now that there is not much work in the field, Lin Ling puts his attention on the barren hills outside the city, transplanting vegetation and making the air in this land change. it is good.

Next, she cooperated with Xia Mo and Brother Chou to plant all the seeds brought back from G City. First, she planted a lot of flowers along the roadside inside the wall, and then went outside the city to plant a large area of ​​flowers. When the flowers bloom, you can go outside the city to enjoy the flowers.

If the economy recovers in the future, maybe a flower paradise can be built, and it will be exclusively for local tyrants to come and enjoy the flowers.

But don't think about it in recent years. Maybe ten or twenty years later, there will be a chance.

Because of this idea, Lin Ling carefully planned the planting of flowers, plants and trees in the back, trying to plant them as beautifully as possible, so that they can be viewed or rebuilt by themselves in the future.

After the flowers were planted, trees were planted. After planting, Lin Ling planted trees all over the perimeter of the fence this time.

After spending half a month planting the trees, Lin Ling took the time to go to City X to make a deal with Hu Hu. He exchanged crayfish, small fish fry, loaches and eels, and also sold him a few batteries.

In addition to the beard, Lin Ling also exchanged things with people around City X, such as rapeseed, sweet potato vines, etc. In short, it was worth the trip.

Lin Ling was in a good mood after completing the transaction, and when she picked up her phone and saw a notification from the safe zone, her mood was even better.

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-12-13 21:03:55~2020-12-14 17:33:30~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Luo Xiaoxue 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 80 bottles of Luo Xiaoxue; 25 bottles of naphthalene; 10 bottles of hj;

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