MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 68

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The sky was dark and the wind was blowing by the river.

Lin Ling looked warily at the woman who suddenly appeared, and asked coldly, "Why are you here?"

"This is my territory, what's wrong with me here?" The black and thin woman thought of Lin Ling beating her up a month ago, and jealousy flashed in her eyes.

The gloomy gaze of the woman gave Lin Ling a bad feeling, "What do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?" The woman sneered, and said sinisterly, "I want you to die!"

As the words fell, the woman picked up the knife and chopped off the rope that Lin Ling tied to the big rock. The tight rope lost its support and slid into the river all at once.

The woman laughed loudly: "Last time you were lucky that you didn't die, but this time you are not so lucky."

Lin Ling looked at the woman with a sullen face. She knew that she should have killed the woman last time, "You really think I can't get through without the rope? You idiot!"

"The river is very fast, and you still want to swim over? Let's see if you have the ability." The woman had already made up her mind that she would not let Lin Ling leave alive today.

Lin Ling felt that women were really stupid, "Who said I wanted to swim across? How did you survive the end of the world if you were so stupid?"

Lin Ling called her an idiot again and again, the woman was angry, she had no supernatural powers, and humbled herself around countless men, and finally killed a man and snatched the gun, identity and food, and tried every means to get it. When it comes to the right to use the land, "I'm not an idiot! You are!"

"You say you're an idiot, but you still don't admit it." Lin Ling said to the chicken ancestor, and then the chicken ancestor clucked a few times towards the river, and the big flower emerged from the water, picked up the rope and gave it back Lin Ling.

Seeing this, the woman's face changed, but she quickly thought of something: "What if you bought it? It can't come to the shore here."

Lin Ling snorted, "It just can't go ashore, but it can hunch me over."

"That depends on whether you can go ashore." The woman lifted up a few boulders and started to smash them as soon as Lin Ling passed by.

Lin Ling folded his hands and looked at the woman suspiciously. Why did this woman think that only a few stones could stop her from going to the other side?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong, looking at the darkening sky, "Are you delaying time?"

The woman smiled bitterly: "It seems that you are not very stupid."

"It's going to be dark soon, the beasts in the deep forest should have already smelled it and moved out?"

Lin Ling turned her head and glanced at the dark forest. The forest was extremely quiet, and there was a cold and damp air blowing towards her face, which was a bit eerie.

Occasionally, a dark wind blew by, and she vaguely heard the startled sound of wild birds. She took a deep breath, took a rope, **** all fifteen sacks of seeds, tied them together, and then asked Dahua to hump her up later. past.

She secretly avoided the woman's sight and ran straight into the forest.

Seeing Lin Ling running into the woods, the woman smiled wildly: "You actually ran into the woods? I think you are the real idiot!"

The woman took out her mobile phone and said to someone through a private message: "No more, that woman ran into the forest to seek her own death."

As soon as she sent it out, she was startled by movement behind her. Before she could turn around, a green vine wrapped around her neck. Lin Ling, who appeared quietly, whispered in her ear: "I know there is a word called Is extreme joy begets sorrow?"

It was a very gentle sentence, but the woman seemed to hear the death knell, and her eyes widened in disbelief: "When did you come here?"

"When you are very proud." Lin Ling silently tightened the vines that strangled the woman's neck, with a bit of excitement in his voice: "I give you two choices, one is to kill yourself by biting your tongue, and the other is to strangle you to death .”

The woman was so panicked that her voice was trembling: "Please forgive me..."

As soon as she spoke, she stabbed at Lin Ling with a knife in her backhand. Lin Ling dodged the woman's attack with quick eyes and hands, and kicked the knife in her hand away.

The woman cried out in pain, "Ah, my hand."

"It seems that you have already made a decision." Lin Ling held onto the vine tightly, suppressing his anger: "You go all the way."

"You can't kill me," the woman yelled.

"No?" Lin Ling laughed, "Who cares if someone dies in the last days?"

"The safe zone let us come out to farm. If I haven't heard from me for a long time, do you think the safe zone will come?" The woman reached out and grabbed the vine, "If the people in the safe zone know that you killed me, they will arrest you Come to jail and take back your land.”

"Those trees and crops you planted, as well as your dogs and people, will all belong to the safe zone. You don't want the food you worked so hard to belong to others, do you?"

Lin Ling relaxed a little, but she didn't let go of the woman: "It's not up to others to agree with you? You have plotted against me again and again, isn't it just because you always want to occupy my village and my crops?"

"I'm jealous of you, but didn't you die?" The woman who got a fresh breath took a deep breath: "As long as you are willing to forgive me this time, I will definitely follow your lead in the future and listen to you in everything." .”

"So I should still thank you?" Lin Ling pinched the woman's neck skillfully, as if she had done it hundreds of times. She glanced at her hands in doubt, and quickly moved her eyes away: "You Careful thinking may be useful for men, but not enough for me."

"I spared you last time, you didn't spare your life, so I can't blame me." Lin Ling **** the woman and threw it aside, then walked to the other side and picked up the knife: "Tell me, which one of your Start chopping your hands?"

The woman withdrew her hand in fright.

"Isn't it very arrogant to cut my rope just now? What are you hiding now?" Lin Ling raised his foot to step on the woman's shrinking foot, "How about starting with your foot? You have become a cripple, and you should be honest from now on. .”

The woman cried out in fright: "You can't cut off my feet."

Lin Ling hummed, and readily agreed: "Okay, I'll only cut two."

The little green on the side shook the leaves: It was as if this woman had three legs.

"I'm just talking." Lin Ling said to Xiaolu, then raised the knife and was about to drop it.

At this time, the screen of the mobile phone that the woman deliberately left aside lit up.

Xiaolu hurriedly picked up the phone and handed it to Lin Ling: Look.

Lin Ling picked up the phone and took a look, "So you still have accomplices."

The woman's face changed, "What are you talking about, I don't understand."

"Don't understand? Then I'll read it to you." Lin Ling clicked on the private message page, swiped up and down, and the more she looked up, the more frightened she felt, "So you are mother and daughter."

Lin Ling clicked her tongue softly, "Since you are mother and daughter, you should die together if you want to die. It would be lonely to leave one alone."

The woman hurriedly said: "It has nothing to do with her. I led this matter. I cut the rope. It's none of her business."

"I'm sorry, I just like to sit together and take you all together." Lin Ling directly sent a message to the other party: "It's done, she brought a lot of food, come and move."

The other party responded quickly with a good one.

Lin Ling handed the phone screen to the woman to take a look: "Just wait, I will reunite you mother and daughter tonight, and you won't be alone in hell."

Seeing that Lin Ling really did this, the woman scolded Lin Ling like crazy: "You bitch, you're going to die!"

"You're dead. No one will count on it. I will live to be a hundred years old." Lin Ling found a raw potato, cut half of it and stuffed it into the woman's mouth so that she would not make a sound to remind her daughter. : "Just wait for me honestly!"

As the sky gradually darkened, Lin Ling found a place to hide from the wind. She took a woman's mobile phone and studied it, and found that the mobile phone should have belonged to a man.

Lin Ling looked at the chat interface between the woman and her daughter twice again, and guessed a possibility.

She immediately took out her mobile phone, reported the affairs here through the consulting report section, and asked the safety zone to send someone to take over as soon as possible.

The other party quickly replied to the message, saying that no one was around, and that someone would arrive tomorrow morning, and reminded her to pay attention to safety.

Xiaolu wrapped around Lin Ling's wrist: We won't be going tonight?

Lin Ling hummed: "We'll go back when the person who takes over comes."

When Xiaolu heard that she couldn't go back, she was sleepy: Then I can't watch TV tonight.

Lin Ling said, "They can't watch it at the end of Xia."

Xiaolu said again: They will secretly watch.

Lin Ling said, "If they watch it secretly, I'll show them a horror movie tomorrow night."

Xiaolu clapped her hands: Good! scare them to death!

"Little rascal." Lin Ling looked at Ancestor Ji, "We won't be able to go back tonight, you can go chat with Big Snake for another night."

The chicken ancestor also wanted to go back to his old nest to sleep for a night, but before he had time to reach the river, he heard a roar of a wild animal from the woods on the other side of the river, followed by the aboriginal wild birds in the woods. Gotta fly.

The woman whose mouth was covered heard the sound of the beast whining excitedly, and tried to lure the beast over. Even if she died, she would drag one person to die.

Lin Ling looked at the woman coldly: "Since you want to die so much, then I will help you."

She directly threw the woman out, and then controlled Xiaolu to directly pierce the woman's calf bone, and the blood immediately overflowed, "You just wait here to die."

The woman looked at Lin Ling in despair, she didn't expect Lin Ling to be so ruthless!

Lin Ling wiped the blood splattered on her face in disgust, turned around and walked back to her hiding place. She looked in the direction of the opposite bank and asked Ancestor Ji: "Do you know what kind of beast it is?"

The chicken ancestor giggled and said he didn't know, it never went deep in the forest, at most it only yelled a few times in the wild boar's territory, and was driven out by the wild boar: the wild boar is also afraid of the wild animals inside.

Lin Ling looked at the wide river in the middle: "There is a river in the middle, can you come here?"

The chicken ancestor said no: no beasts have ever crossed the river.

Lin Ling looked at the woman's bleeding leg and said it was a pity.

It's really a pity that the woman is still alive when the beasts can't get through.

Lin Ling silently watched the movement on the other side of the river. After about half an hour, the movement stopped.

Lin Ling sat for a while, and asked the chicken ancestor in a low voice: "Aside from this beast, is there anything else inside?"

The chicken ancestor thought for a while: there is still a white house.

Lin Ling asked: The white house?

Ancestor Chicken nodded: It's a very big house.

Lin Ling asked again: "Is there anyone?"

Ji Zuzong shook his head and said that he had never seen it before, but only saw a house from a distance.

If there are wild animals, there should be no one there, but this is not the time to discuss these, and Lin Ling doesn't plan to go there to explore, so he didn't ask any more questions.

After sitting for a while, footsteps came from the other side of the hillside.

The author has something to say: Everyone wear a mask when going out~~·

I want to wear two masks~

But with two breathless,