MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 5

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While it was still early, Lin Ling took out the hoes, sickles, kitchen knives and other tools that were packed yesterday. These knives hadn't been used for ten years, and they were all rusty and needed to be sharpened.

The sound of sharpening the knife was very long and noisy.

Xiaolu got out of Lin Ling's sleeve and shook the leaves angrily, as if asking: What are you going to do? It's disturbing me!

Lin Ling continued to sharpen the **** without raising her head: "I'm going to plow the land to grow vegetables."

Xiaolu was puzzled: Wouldn't it be good to use your wood-type abilities?

"I can't use it anymore." Lin Ling used a lot of wood-type abilities today, and he hasn't recovered yet.

Little Green shook the two leaves above her head: Tomorrow.

Lin Ling said, "Tomorrow we will have to dig the ground with a hoe."

Xiaolu was a little angry, and arched the back of Linling's hand in disgust, as if to say why are you so stupid?

"I need to save some energy." Lin Ling and Xiaolu explained: "I can use the wood-type ability to urge vegetable seedlings, but growing vegetables requires land, and the land is dry and hard, so it must be cultivated before it can be cultivated. .And I will grow a lot of vegetables and food in the future, I can’t rely on supernatural powers all the time, it will be exhausting.”

Lin Ling's abilities are not always inexhaustible. Every time she overuses her body, she feels very uncomfortable, and it takes a long time to recover. Moreover, now that the end of the world is over, the country allocates land for them to cultivate. Let them return to normal life. Now that she was going to return to normal life, Lin Ling felt that she couldn't always rely on supernatural powers to survive.

Xiaolu shook the leaf above her head in disgust: You are so weak.

Lin Ling: "You are not weak, you dig the ground for me."

Xiaolu shook the leaves, and arched Linling fiercely: You go!

Lin Ling glanced at Xiaolu, she was really fierce and lazy! Where did you pick up the little ancestor?

Lin Ling was full of resentment, but there was nothing she could do. She continued to sharpen the **** for a long time. After the rust was polished off, the blade glowed silvery white under the sunlight, making it look very sharp.

After sharpening the hoe, Lin Ling carried the **** out of the yard. The several acres of land next to the yard used to be the family's vegetable field. She planned to reclaim the surrounding fields first, and wait until there was water. Start growing vegetables.

The land was dry and hard. Lin Ling dug hard. It took half an hour to dig out a few square meters wide. According to this speed, it is unknown when the wasteland in front of him will be reclaimed.

"It would be great if I had soil abilities." Lin Ling recalled the earth-type abilities he had seen. They could manipulate the soil to build city walls and dig ditches. It was a breeze for them to reclaim such hard land. little things.

Lin Ling thought of the young woman who came to the South District by truck together. She is an earth-type supernatural power user. I don't know if she needs wood-type supernatural powers to help breed a seed?

Although he thought about it a lot, but he couldn't get in touch for the time being, Lin Ling could only slowly plow the land by himself, and only returned to the yard when it was getting dark.

After a busy day, she was already hungry, so she smeared and went to the kitchen to start a fire. This was the first time she had used an open fire in the three days she had been here.

The firewood burned quickly, making a crackling sound, and the smell of fireworks instantly permeated the small courtyard in this wilderness.

In the apocalyptic world, one needs to be cautious when using open flames. Flames can drive away the cold, and can also attract beasts and zombies. For safety reasons, Lin Ling seldom uses open flames to make hot food. Every time, he makes some dry food that can be stored for a long time.

After Lin Ling's observation in the past few days, there are no beasts and zombies around the village, and they can't be found in farther places, so she boldly started cooking.

Boil the filtered water first, then fill part of the boiling water into the large kettle she carries, and use the remaining boiling water to cook a small bowl of batter for eating.

A bowl of batter was not much, and it was less than half full after eating it, but there was not much ration left, so Lin Ling had to save some food.

Lin Ling, who hadn't eaten hot food for a long time, felt warm all over after eating a bowl of hot batter. A little smell of fireworks, how long has it been since she sat quietly and ate a hot meal?

I can't remember it for a while, but it feels good to sit down and cook a hot meal and eat it slowly.

At this moment, Lin Ling finally realized that the apocalypse was really over, and she finally didn't have to live in fear like before.

After eating, it was completely dark, and the temperature dropped sharply, like the twelfth lunar month in winter.

Lin Ling closed the doors and windows and went up to the second floor. She got into the thick quilt and hid. She was tired and fell asleep quickly. Xiaolu didn't like being pressed inside, and she arched out like a piggy. The quilt, crawled on top of her head and fell asleep.

A night without dreams.

After waking up, Lin Ling was in good spirits and recovered her physical strength. She washed her face and went out.

Lin Ling first went to the pond not far away, the pond was completely dry, but the rectangular threshing bucket was already filled with water, and the **** fish was lying in the water to sleep at the moment.

"Get up and work!" Lin Ling poked the **** fish with a wooden stick, "You sprayed such a little water all night?"

The **** fish was suddenly awakened by the poke, and in a daze forgot that he had moved. He slammed his head on the wooden barrel, hit his head, flicked his tail, and splashed water everywhere.

Lin Ling looked at the wet ground, fortunately he was standing far away, otherwise he would have been splashed all over his face by the fishy-smelling water.

The **** fish was knocked dizzy: Heck, it hurts so much!

Lin Ling looked at the dazed look of the **** fish, and shook his head. He really didn't know how it survived in the last days, "Get up and work!"

The **** fish shook its tail: I have already sprayed a big bucket of water.

"Spraying such a little water in one night? Are you ashamed to say that." Yesterday the **** fish sprayed more water than this, Lin Ling looked at the **** fish coldly, "You must let this pond accumulate water today. Get the water, or I'll chop you up to make fish soup at night!"

The **** fish immediately started spraying water, life-saving is the most important thing!

After the **** fish started to spray water, Lin Ling continued to dig the ground with the **** on his shoulders. It took him a long time to dig three parts of the ground, and he even turned the hoe.

Xiaolu looked at the curly-bladed **** and shook the leaves: Why don't you dig anymore?

"The **** is broken, so I can't dig anymore." Lin Ling threw the **** aside and stretched his sore wrist.

The two leaves on the top of Little Green's head kept shaking, and she bent over with laughter: Can you still do it? A **** can be broken by you.

"Am I trying to dig it up? It's because the ground is too hard." Lin Ling stretched out her hand and squeezed the leaves of Xiaolu. It was soft and delicate, and it was quite comfortable to touch: "Don't gloat."

Xiaolu avoided Lin Ling's hand, and slapped the back of her hand with a leaf: don't touch it.

The leaves are very light and thin, and they don't weigh much on the back of the hand. Lin Ling frowned and smiled slightly: "What's wrong with touching it?"

Xiaolu twisted her small body, entangled Lin Ling's fingers, and threatened, "Try touching me."

Lin Ling has a deep understanding of Xiaolu's 'winding skill', and dare not confront it head-on, "It's just two leaves, I don't bother to touch them."

Xiaolu tightened her grip a little: Hurry up and go to work!

"Listen to you." Lin Ling thought of the little rations left, sighed in his heart, changed to a **** and started working again.

In the evening, she finally plowed more than half an acre of land. Although it was not wide, it was enough to grow some potatoes.

Originally, Lin Ling wanted to reclaim a few more acres of land before planting, but now he found that reclaiming the land was not an easy task, so let's plant his own rations first. First tidy up the well-turned geography, and then go to scoop water to irrigate the ground and try to make the ground as moist as possible.

When Lin Ling walked to the pond with the wooden bucket, he saw the **** fish floating motionless on the threshing water, looking as if it was dead.

Little Green shook the leaves, and pointed at the **** fish: It turned its belly! it's dead!

Lin Ling glanced at the gloating little green, found a wooden stick and poked the **** fish. Even after poking it several times, it didn't move, "It's not really dead, is it?"

Is the free labor that has worked so hard to fight back so dead? Unwillingly, Lin Ling jumped down from the pond, walked to the side of the threshing bucket, stared at the **** fish carefully, twitched the corner of her mouth, and sneered.

"You like to pretend to be dead so much? Then I will help you." Lin Ling took a sharp wooden stick and stabbed at the **** fish.

The **** fish that pretended to be dead and wanted to escape immediately dodged and swam to the corner: Hey, I didn't play dead, I'm just too tired!

Lin Ling looked down at the pond. There was only a shallow layer of water in it, which barely wetted the bottom of the small pond, "How dare you tell me that you are too tired after spewing out such a little water in one day?"

The water system ability of the **** fish is not low. According to its strength, it can fill the pond with at least five centimeters of water in one day.

The **** fish chirped: There's nothing here, I'm so hungry, I don't have the energy to spray water!

Lin Ling looked at the **** fish with rolling eyes, "Don't play tricks on me, I can't let you go back to the reservoir to find food."

The **** fish didn't expect his little scheme to be exposed, so he dived into the water with a guilty conscience.

Little Green put a leaf on her hips and said fiercely: "Beat it!"

The **** fish dived into the water again, this green vine is so fierce!

Lin Ling looked around, picked up a water plant brought back from the reservoir yesterday on the ground, directly used the ability to spawn some water plants and threw them into the threshing bucket, "Eat!"

Big black fish: I am a catfish, I eat meat!

Lin Ling will not be spoiled by the **** fish: "I only have grass here, do you like it or not!"

Xiaolu made a beating motion: Don't eat and beat to death!

The **** fish chirped: Do you still have the right to fish?

Regardless of whether the **** fish was eaten or not, Lin Ling took the bucket and filled it with water from the threshing bucket to irrigate the field. He went back and forth ten times, and simply watered half an acre of land.

After watering the ground, it was almost dark, so Lin Ling tidied up and went back to the yard, using the remaining light to cook some batter, went to bed when he was full, and planted vegetables after dawn.

As night fell, everything was silent, and Lin Ling, who fell into a deep sleep, did not notice the faint sound of plants growing in the pond.

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