MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 2

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After the truck delivered Lin Ling to the vicinity of the destination, it turned back, surrounded by black mist, and the visibility was extremely low. Lin Ling did not dare to take the risk to go forward alone, so she found a nearby stone and sat down with her back. Hiding herself, she stared at her surroundings vigilantly, any slight movement made her back tense.

After waiting for an hour, the first ray of sunshine in the morning came up. The warm orange sunlight dispelled the thick black fog. After the haze cleared, the abandoned asphalt road in front of it was gradually revealed, and the road was covered with charred black marks.

On one side of the road is a bare hillside, and on the other side is a steep **** tens of meters high. Many charred vehicles have fallen below the steep slope.

After being able to see the surrounding environment clearly, Lin Ling breathed a sigh of relief. She stood up and moved her frozen limbs. Then she took out the map and looked at it. According to the map, go straight along the asphalt road and you will arrive at The land belonged to her.

Lin Ling carefully put away the map, carried his rations on his back and walked along the abandoned asphalt road. The asphalt road was not complete, and several huge pits appeared one after another in front of him, which should have been smashed by extremely powerful people. giant pit.

She walked around the big pit and continued walking for four hours, and finally arrived at a boundary with a stone tablet. The number NO: 00001 was engraved on the stone tablet, and it was January in the first year of the new calendar.

This is the land allocated to her by the country. Lin Ling walked inside a little excitedly, turned over a small hill, and was stunned when she saw the general outline of the land.

There are no green mountains and green waters as imagined along the way, and there are no fertile fields surrounded by mountains and rivers. It is scorched black as far as the eye can see, full of traces of being burned by the fire.

Lin Ling reached out and picked up a little ashes and smelled it. From the smell of smoke, he could tell that the fire had only been burnt for a while, and it should not have been more than a month. A month ago, the state sent people to clean up the hidden dangers. time.

At this time, Lin Ling also wanted to understand the source of the black mist in the morning. In the last days, natural disasters continued, causing the weather to become very extreme. It has not rained for a long time, causing the black dust to scatter endlessly, which led to the smog. Appear.

"It turns out that's how those people clean up hidden dangers." Lin Ling frowned and looked at the scorched black hills where not a single blade of grass grew. The state allocated her a total of 300,000 mu of land, and the mountains and rivers with a radius of tens of miles belonged to her, but all of them were How could she plant this scorched land?

The land is bad and she can't retreat, and it's not in Lin Ling's character to give up, but facing the endless black fog every day, I'm afraid she will be poisoned to death before she can grow food.

If you want the black mist to dissipate, you have to re-grow trees and green grass on the mountain as soon as possible to make the environment better. Lin Ling, who originally wanted to directly start cultivating food, had to change her plan. She decided to let these scorched mountains and forests return to verdure as soon as possible.

After making up his mind, Lin Ling first looked for a place to stay.

She continued to walk along the road, and after walking for an hour, she arrived at an abandoned village. There were ruins everywhere, and the walls were mottled with dark red blood, which showed the tragic situation in the village.

Having seen so many cruel things in the last days, Lin Ling was not moved in his heart, and continued to walk towards the village without squinting, looking for a suitable place to live.

Lin Ling wandered around the desolate and abandoned village, and found a relatively well-preserved two-story brick and tile building in the middle of the village in the courtyard. It collapsed in part.

She walked into the yard from the broken place, pushed open the door, and a dusty musty smell came over the face.

Lin Ling covered her face and walked into the living room. Except for a thick layer of dust, there was no rotting corpse, no blood, and no mess everywhere. It looked quite clean.

It seems that this family should have fled here early, but I don't know if they escaped in the end.

After inspecting the downstairs rooms, Lin Ling went upstairs lightly. There were three rooms upstairs, two of which had their doors wide open, allowing a clear view of the inside. Because the roof was broken, the beds and cabinets in the house were rotten, exuding a decaying smell.

There was another room with a closed door. She gently opened the door, and when she saw the situation inside, her pupils shrank.

There were four skeletons lying on the bed, two big and two small.

From a pesticide bottle placed on the ground beside the bed, it is not difficult to guess that the family of four did not choose to flee their homeland after the end of the world, but chose to commit suicide together.

There are many people who choose to commit suicide in the last days. Lin Ling understands the choice of this family of four. Instead of going out to face the world of unknown fears and wandering on the edge of despair all day long, it is better to be free as soon as possible. At least the family will be neat and tidy.

Lin Ling took a look at the roof of this house, it was the only room in all the rooms where the roof was not damaged, so she could only say sorry to the family of four.

"Sorry." Lin Ling went in and rolled up the bed sheet, wrapped up the bones of the family of four, and buried them in the wasteland behind the house, and kindly piled a small grave for them, "May the next life be well." , worry-free life."

Lin Ling patted the soil on her hands, turned around and went back to the yard. For the sake of safety, she naturally had to repair the courtyard wall first. She found a set of wall-building tools from the house, dug some soil, and used it in the yard for many years. The water from the well was stirred up, and it took an afternoon to build up the collapsed courtyard wall.

After the wall was built, it was completely dark, and the night was as black as ink, and not a single star could be seen.

Thinking back to the past, as long as you lived outside the city, you could see stars just by looking up at night, one, two, three, countless starlight. But after the end of the world, she never saw Lin Ling again. Occasionally seeing the moon is also blood red, indicating an ominous meaning.

Lin Ling climbed upstairs in the dark, walked into the only room where she could live, spread the sheets hastily, and lay down immediately. After she came out of the safe area, she never closed her eyes, and now she fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed.

It was the next day when I woke up again. When I woke up, it was still gray outside the window, and the air was filled with dust, which made it hard to breathe.

Lin Ling cleaned the window, sat by the window for a while, then took out a piece of dry food and devoured it. The dry food made of coarse grains was very dry and harsh, but she didn't say anything, and ate the dry food in big mouthfuls. At the same time, a pair of phoenix eyes stared at the surroundings vigilantly, for fear that he would miss the hidden danger.

After eating, Lin Ling wiped his mouth with his backhand, and then continued to work. Yesterday he built up the collapsed courtyard wall, and today he had to clean up the dust in the room.

It's not that she's picky about cleanliness. She had no choice when fleeing in the past. She slept in any place. Dirty bridge holes, smelly toilets, no matter whether it's dirty or messy, as long as she can sleep. But now that it is going to live for a long time, it is natural that it needs to be tidied up.

Lin Ling first fetched water from the abandoned well, scrubbed the inside and outside of the house, and threw away what should be thrown away.

The rotten wooden beds, cabinets, and curtains hung before the end of the world in the upstairs room were rotten and rotted into pieces with the slightest touch. Lin Ling took down all the curtains and put the original owner's curtains The bed sheet was hung up, but the bed sheet was opaque, and the room became very dark after hanging it up, but it made her feel safer if it was darker.

After hanging up the sheets, Lin Ling wiped the tables, chairs and floor tiles clean, exposing the original color of the tiles. The light came in from the half-closed glass windows, reflecting light and shadow on the off-white floor tiles.

Looking at the clean room, Lin Ling's suppressed emotions relaxed a little, this is the place where people live!

After tidying up the house, Lin Ling didn't take a rest. He cleaned the yard, and then cleaned the well with a bucket. The well water that had been abandoned for ten years could no longer be drunk, and all the water in it had to be scooped out and replaced. Disinfect and kill insects to avoid virus parasite eggs inside.

After scooping up the water, Lin Ling cleaned up all the moss and weeds inside, and waited for a few days to have clean water before drinking it.

Today's groundwater is very dirty, and there may be viruses lurking, but Lin Ling has no choice. She is not a water-type supernatural power, so she can't make water sources, so she can only wait for the well to store water, then use simple purification to filter it, and then boil it. Come drink again.

After cleaning the well, I went to the village to search again, and the day passed again.

Lin Ling washed her hands and sat down at the dining table in the living room. After sitting for a while, she felt a little deserted. She thought of a little bear doll that she cleaned up from upstairs in the morning. She put the little bear doll on the other side of the dining table, facing her. sit.

Lin Ling shook hands with Little Bear, and said solemnly: "I am alone, and Little Bear is also alone. Let's live together in the future. Please advise me in the future."

Little Bear Doll didn't answer, but the green vines that had been hidden on her wrists slowly popped out, wrapped around her fingers tightly, stood up her slender green body, and shook the leaves domineeringly, asking if you forgot me?

Lin Ling hurriedly explained to Lvteng: "I haven't forgotten."

During the few days on the road, Lin Ling slowly explored her new body. She found that her physical fitness was very good, and her wood-type powers were higher than hers. As long as she felt carefully, she could feel the vitality in her body. , like a tree with the most luxuriant branches and leaves, it continuously exudes the power of life.

Although she couldn't figure out what was going on, Lin Ling felt very happy. She didn't have to go through those nine years of chaos to win directly, and she was able to live a peaceful life in such a remote place, which was a blessing in disguise.

Moreover, Lin Ling also found that the wood-type abilities in her body could support the growth of this domineering green vine, which does not know the nature of the species. Apart from being a bit more domineering and fierce, the green vines also seemed to help her upgrade her abilities.

Thinking of this, Lin Ling decided to get along well with Lvteng in the future. She slightly bent her fingers and nodded to the two leaves on top of its head: "What should I call you?"

"Is Xiaolu okay?" Lin Ling looked at the green branches of the green vine, and thought it was very suitable: "I will call you Xiaolu from now on."

The green vine shook the leaves, it was as tasteless as ever!

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