MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 140

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The pork feast is mainly pork, supplemented by pig offal, seasoned with green vegetables, chili and garlic to enhance the flavor, and then through the shovel of Lin Ling's men, a table of pork dishes with complete color, flavor and taste is easily prepared.

Lin Ling made a total of six dishes and one soup, which were braised pork with potatoes, fried pork slices with green peppers, twice-cooked pork with garlic sprouts, spicy blood, stir-fried pork liver, braised fat intestines, and a little pork lung soup to relieve the greasy.

Because of the large number of people, each dish has a large portion, and the stainless steel basin is full, which is enough for everyone to eat to their heart's content.

Lu Yu's team members Lin Ling who came here this time have all seen her before, except for He Ming, Duan Hu, Brother Qiu, Big K, and Lao Ba who knows wood-type abilities, the other two are here for the first time, so it seems A little cautious, half of this restraint was hindered by Lu Yu's previous majesty, and half was because he wanted to restrain himself in front of the captain's wife so as not to lose his manners.

"You are all welcome, eat quickly." Lin Ling's pork lung soup was not cooked a lot. She was afraid that everyone would find it too spicy and hot enough to drink.

If Lin Ling didn't come, the captain didn't move his chopsticks, and neither could they. He Ming said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry about it, come and eat together."

Brother Qiu and the others also looked at Lu Yu and Lin Ling, "That's right, it's enough. If there's not enough water, it's the same for us to drink cold water."

Lin Ling: "It's okay, it will be soon."

Lu Yu pulled away the chair beside him and signaled Lin Ling to sit down: "Don't be so busy, everyone can't move their chopsticks if you don't come."

"Okay." Lin Ling didn't want everyone to wait for a long time, so he sat down next to Lu Yu, and waved everyone to move their chopsticks, "You are welcome."

"Okay, then we won't be polite." Brother Qiu picked up his chopsticks and stretched them towards the nearest spicy blood dish. This dish is bright red, fragrant, spicy and numb, but even if it is so spicy that he **** it from time to time. Cool, he also loves this dish.

"good to eat."

"Appetizer and dinner."

"It's been a long time since I've eaten such a delicious meal. The last time was..." Brother Qiu thought in a blink of an eye that the last time he ate cold rabbit at Lin Ling's place. There were so many people in the safe area and his family, he couldn't bear to use it when cooking. What an important ingredient, you can only eat such delicious meals here.

Brother Qiu looked at these meals and thought that he still had to farm the land to get enough food. If he had known that he would have let his family get the land to grow food, what would be the use of staying in the safe zone besides safety and insurance? A certain amount of food is distributed by labor every day.

It's the same work. Wouldn't it be more comfortable to work for yourself after receiving the land? Brother Qiu thought about returning to the safe zone, and he must ask again to see if he can still claim the territory. When he retires, he will also contribute to the safe zone.

The others are bachelors, they didn't think too much, they just focused on the food in front of them, "This pork liver is so tender."

He Ming was also full of praise for the fried pork liver with spinach. After he ate it, he still reminded others to eat it: "This pork liver nourishes the blood, right? Big K, you were injured before, you should eat more to make up for it." repair."

Big K said casually: "The captain also needs to make up for it."

After hearing this, Lin Ling looked at Lu Yu, his eyes moved back and forth on his upper body, trying to find where he was injured?

Lu Yu didn't admit it, but just glanced at Big K, and reminded him in a cold tone: "You really need to eat more."

Replenish the blood and nourish the brain by the way.

Big K realized that he was disgusted and wanted to argue a few words, but when he thought of the table full of dishes, he decided to finish eating before talking.

I didn't stop after eating it. Every dish was very delicious, not because it was pork, but because all the dishes were delicious in color and flavor. The only drawback was that it was a bit heavy, and everyone broke out in a sweat.

Brother Qiu ate the twice-cooked pork with big mouthfuls, "This pork is delicious, more than ten times more fragrant than the ones eaten in the safe zone, and it doesn't smell fishy at all. Did it go through the pigs?"

He Ming said: "Of course the gelding has passed."

Brother Qiu looked at Lin Ling in surprise: "Lin Ling, do you know how to do this?"

Lin Ling smiled embarrassedly, "Researched it."

Brother Qiu felt that Lin Ling was being modest, "It should be that the craftsmanship is very good."

"...It's okay." Lin Ling said in a low-key manner.

Duan Hu on the side couldn't help but look at Lin Ling, why did he think it was not only okay?

He Ming glanced at Lu Yu sympathetically, Captain, you should be careful in the future.

Lu Yu stretched his legs, but didn't speak.

"Everyone, eat quickly, it won't taste so delicious when it's cold." Lin Ling was embarrassed to continue bringing up this matter at the dinner table, and changed the subject abruptly.

Everyone is also very cooperative. After all, you can’t eat such delicious dishes in the safe zone. The only disadvantage is that it is spicy and numb. It feels like chili and peppercorns are free.

It's true that it doesn't cost money. Lin Ling has planted several acres of pepper trees.

"Lin Ling, the dishes you cook have the characteristics of a certain place in the Southwest. You used to live in the Southwest?" After taking a few sips of wine, Brother Qiu began to talk more and more.

Lin Ling hummed.

"No wonder you like to cook such spicy dishes, but they are delicious and delicious." Qiu Ge paused, and asked again: "Did you learn it before?"

Lin Ling replied: "No, just follow the recipe."

"Just read the recipe?" He Ming seriously doubted that they read the same cookbook, "Is it really that simple?"

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Lin Ling handed the recipe to He Ming, "It's really simple, anyone who cooks casually according to the steps of the recipe will have 70 to 80% of the taste."

He Ming, who could only make a pile of black charcoal, felt that he was being ridiculed, but he dared not say it.

After eating a meal, Xiamo Xiaolu and the others had their wishes fulfilled. After eating, they took their mobile phones to join in the fun in the chat room of the village LAN.

Everyone inside is discussing how fat, fragrant and delicious Lin Lingfen's pork is today.

There are still many people who are praising Lin Ling for being good, and said that they will continue to work hard in the future, and try to buy a piglet to raise at the end of the year. Thinking about how many chickens and ducks there will be at home, and a big fat pig, life is going well It's so beautiful.

People who choose to come here want to spend the rest of their lives simply. If there are chickens and pigs, that is the icing on the cake.

"Sister, they all praise you." Xia Mo handed the phone to Lin Ling, "They are all very happy today, they said today is like celebrating the New Year."

Brother Qiu flipped through his phone, "Actually, these two days are the end of the lunar calendar, so it's also appropriate to regard it as the Chinese New Year."

He Ming also confirmed the date, "January 18 in the new calendar, according to the old Chinese calendar, it is December 28, and the day after tomorrow is New Year's Eve."

"If I had known it would be Chinese New Year, then I should have cooked more dishes." Lin Ling rarely counted the days, but Xia Mo and Xiao Lu only reminded her of the day of slaughtering pigs this time.

"These dishes are rich enough." He Ming and the others said, "We don't like Chinese New Year either, so there's no need to cook more food."

Chinese New Year is a day for reunion, but people who have experienced the disintegration of the last days are not willing to touch the scene, and it is unintentional to mention it today.

So Lin Ling didn't say anything, just let things take their course.

After Lin Ling cleaned up the tables in the house, He Ming and the others came over to say goodbye after cleaning up: "Sister-in-law, we have to leave first."

Lin Ling looked at the gradually darkening sky, "It's getting dark, you still want to leave?"

"We have to go back and hand in the task." Brother Qiu thought about going back early to reunite with his family and spend a year together.

He Ming was a bit reluctant to part with the food here, but he still had to go: "Yes, we still have tasks."

Lin Ling turned to look at Lu Yu: "What about you, Captain Lu?"

"Didn't you say yesterday that you could stay and help me with work?"

Lu Yun hummed, "I won't go."

Lin Ling's face brightened a little, so it's fine if he doesn't leave.

"The captain has a month's leave." He Ming winked at Lu Yu, cheers, captain!

Lu Yu turned his eyes away, pretending not to see He Ming's small movements, "It's getting late, why don't you leave?"

He Ming had an expression that I understood, "Let's go now."

Big K, who was also injured and was on vacation, opened his mouth and said: "I also have a vacation, and I want to..."

"No, you don't want to." He Ming grabbed Big K's shoulders and dragged him out.

Big K: "I think."

"Stupid, what are you staying here for? To help people light a fire or to be a big light bulb with several thousand watts?" He Ming dragged Big K out, "Hurry up and go."

Big K thinks that for the sake of delicious food, he can still consider being a big light bulb.

But the light bulb is not what you want to be. He Ming is such a good teammate, he will not allow this kind of thing to happen.

After He Ming and the others left, the yard suddenly became much quieter.

The evening wind blows gently, revealing a cool feeling.

Lin Ling drove the flocks of chickens and ducks back to the henhouse at the back. Looking at the chickens, ducks, rabbits and pigs eating happily, she felt very satisfied and happy in her heart. Her wish at first was to raise a few chickens, and then Raising a few pigs, now all my wishes have come true.

Lu Yu stood aside and asked Lin Ling, "Very happy?"

Lin Ling hummed, "Happy."

"When I came here, I was planning to grow rice first, then wheat, and also raise chickens and two big fat pigs." Lin Ling leaned against the wall, pointing to the chicken house and the pig house. Livestock, "Look, I not only raised them, but also raised a lot of them, and also raised so many extra ducks and rabbits."

"Very powerful." Lu Yu praised her without hesitation.

Lin Ling leaned against the fence, "Really?"

"Really." Lu Yu's words were not false. There are many people who have obtained land use right certificates, but there are very few people like Lin Ling who planted so many trees and raised so many trees. The area should be the largest among all the people who have landed, and the number of livestock raised is also the largest.”

"There should be the most accidents this year."

"The most?" Lin Ling didn't expect that she planted the most trees. She thought she was lazy enough.

Lu Yu: "Others don't have too many seeds."

"Then I have to thank you, Captain Lu." Lin Ling leaned her chin on Lu Yu's shoulder as she spoke, and looked up at him: "Thank you, Captain Lu."

Lu Yu turned sideways, lowered his head and kissed her rosy lips, "You're welcome."

Lin Ling laughed silently, "Captain Lu, you are taking advantage of me again."

"No." Lu Yu denied this statement: "I just want to get close to you."

The smile on Lin Ling's face widened again upon hearing this, "I'll give you a chance."

Lu Yu supported the back of her head with one hand, and pressed her against the wall, his lips and teeth were in love with each other.

After a long time, Lin Ling felt that her face was a little wet. Panting, she pushed Lu Yu away and looked at the gray sky in doubt. After a few seconds, she tentatively stretched out her palm: "Is it raining?"

Read The Duke's Passion