MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 10

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Hearing the barking of the mutated beast, Lin Ling was flustered in the wind. When he bit the wolf just now, he was more fierce than a wolf. How could it be a dog?

The mutated dog that was biting the wolf meat noticed Dao Linling's gaze, thought of her sharing half of his steamed bun just now, hesitated for a moment, threw a dead wolf to her feet, and growled at her twice , motioning her to eat.

Lin Ling didn't expect that the fierce and terrifying-looking mutant dog would give her a wolf. Although this wolf was skinny and barely fleshy, it was a rare gift in the last days.

"Thank you." Lin Ling glanced at the dead wolf. After experiencing the apocalypse, she no longer regards it as a national protected animal. It is meat! fresh meat!

A minute ago, she wanted to dispose of the wolf carcass for safety, but this minute her eyes have started to shine, her mind has thought of 108 ways to make meat, and her mouth has started to secrete saliva. Cleaned up the meat and ate it.

Fortunately, she still remembered that it was not safe at night, so she simply dealt with the wolf and packed it up, then dug a hole and buried the remaining wolf skin, blood, and a pile of dirt in the stomach, so as to avoid attracting mutant beasts.

The mutated dog was full and went back to sleep next to the fire. Lin Ling didn't dare to fall asleep after the middle of the night, and kept guarding the fire. Fortunately, there was no movement in the second half of the night.

After dawn, the fire gradually extinguished. Lin Ling pushed the shopping cart outside, and the sound of the wheels turning woke up the mutant dog who was being trained. It looked up at Lin Ling, and then lay down again.

Lin Ling turned her head and glanced at the mutated dog she met by chance, and walked outside without saying anything.

It was dark when I found this place last night, and I couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly. Now I came out and found a cemetery not far from the yard, with dozens of graves scattered here and there.

Because it was still early, Lin Ling walked around the surrounding villages. The house had been unoccupied for too long, and slowly collapsed due to lack of popularity. Only a few brick houses in the center of the village that were newly built two years before the end of the world were still intact.

Go in and take a look, the inside is messy, many people have gone in and flipped through it, there is a skeleton lying on the sofa in the living room, and there is a diary on the small table beside him, which records his days after the end of the world Live in anxiety.

After he sent away his relatives, friends, and everyone he knew day by day, he collapsed in despair at the beginning of the second year of the last days, and finally chose to commit suicide.

Lin Ling put the diary back by his side, then turned and left the house.

If she was just an ordinary person and survived without wood-type abilities, she might choose this way to leave this world when she ran out of ammunition and food.

The vast majority of people are ordinary people, without supernatural powers, dare not go out to take risks, did not survive to rescue, and failed to survive the end of the world, which is why there are very few people in the world who survived.

Lin Ling sighed softly, pushed the shopping cart and continued to walk forward, and it was already afternoon when he saw a small piece of green silk grass.

"I'm finally back." Lin Ling's stomach was already so hungry that he had to take out the wolf meat and make wolf meat and leek dumplings to eat? Or spawn some big radishes and make a radish stew with wolf meat?

Lin Ling couldn't help swallowing after thinking about it, and walked towards the house at a faster speed.

The way back was in a different direction from the way she went out yesterday. She came back from the other side of the village. When she made the detour, she passed an abandoned house. The firewood is probably placed here before the end of the world.

Lin Ling thought that the dry firewood in the temporary house was almost burned out, and the nearby hills could not find any firewood because they were burned. She was worried about not being able to find firewood, and now she had ready-made firewood to move back home.

Lin Ling rolled up all the dry firewood with a rope, tied it up, and dragged it back home.

After returning home, Xiaolu couldn't wait to go to the pond to take a bath, and Lin Ling started to process the meat brought back, because it had been dead for a long time, the meat was already stiff, but it hadn't started to rot yet, so it didn't affect eating.

Because the stew is useless firewood, Lin Ling plans to fry it directly. After the meat is processed, cut it into finger-thick small pieces, and then add the chili noodles, pepper powder and other seasonings that he picked up yesterday. They're all expired, but she can't be picky, it's too bad without a little seasoning.

After adding the seasonings and stirring them evenly, and waiting for the taste to taste, Lin Ling took the leftovers, bones and other things to the pond, intending to add a meal to the **** fish. They worked hard to spray water on the ground, and the nutrition was as good as superior.

When she walked to the edge of the pond, she saw little green riding on the **** fish domineering: useless little brother! run faster!

The **** fish chirped: Brother, don't hit me!

Xiaolu shook the leaves, and smacked the **** fish's head in disgust: Then what are you dawdling about? Believe it or not, I will kill you!

Big black fish: Hey, hey...

Lin Ling covered her face, she couldn't see it. Is this how it usually bullies the **** fish?

"Little green."

Xiaolu, who was bullying the **** fish, suddenly heard Lin Ling's voice, her feet slipped in fright, and she fell into the water all of a sudden.

Xiaolu quickly climbed out of the water and shook the leaves at Lin Ling: Do you want to take a bath?

Lin Ling looked at the muddy water disturbed by Little Green and Big Black Fish with disgust, "Come out quickly."

With the help of the **** fish, Xiaolu bounced onto Lin Ling's shoulder, and touched her cheek affectionately with the leaf.

"Don't touch me, there's a fishy smell." Lin Ling put Xiaolu on the side stone in disgust, "You can't approach me until the smell is gone."

Xiaolu lay down on the rocks aggrieved: "Boom, you dislike me," "Yes." Lin Ling turned to look at the half-filled pond, and said to the **** fish, "You haven't been lazy these two days, I Reward you with something delicious."

The **** fish that was afraid of being beaten and hid under the aquatic plants suddenly emerged from the water, its eyes glowing, what is it delicious?

Lin Ling fed the **** fish with the corners and other things in the basin. The **** fish, who hadn't eaten meat for a long time, wagged its tail happily like a dog.

Lin Ling asked, "Do you like to eat?"

Big black fish: delicious.

Lin Ling: "Eat more if it tastes good."

The silly **** fish was deceived by the kind-hearted Lin Ling: Thank you master, I will spray more water in the future.

Lin Ling hummed: "I like you."

Big Heiyu was like a novice in the workplace, he couldn't be happier after being coaxed by Lin Ling's few words, and wished he could work with all his strength.

Seeing this, Xiaolu covered her face with Ye Zi: How silly!

"You still have the nerve to talk about others? Are you catching a fool to bully you?" Lin Ling walked back with Little Green and warned it: "If you bully the **** fish badly, you will spray me with water!"

Little Green put her hands on her hips angrily: Why?

"Why? Just because you lied to me before!" Lin Ling was angry when she thought that Xiaolu could fight without her activating her powers last night. Fortunately, she thought Xiaolu was just a cute mutant vine, which was useless. "You said What the **** are you?"

Little Green drooped two leaves and pretended to be dead: I don't know anything.

Lin Ling angrily threw Xiaolu on the table and poked its leaves: "You just pretend to be me!"

Xiaolu fell on the table, looking like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Lin Ling didn't know what to say for a while, she was obviously deceived, but she felt like a wicked mother-in-law who did all kinds of evil, "I'm too lazy to argue with you, if I want to be lazy again in the future, let's get together and hang out."

After speaking, Lin Ling went to the kitchen. The meat had already been marinated, and there was a peppery aroma. It should taste good after frying.

Heat up the wok first, then pour some rapeseed oil into the wok, put the seasoned meat in it and fry it indiscriminately. After frying until golden and fragrant, remove all of it, and then fry it again. One batch, after they are all fried, put them into a small bowl separately, put the rest into a stainless steel basin, and then pour all the oil that fried the meat into it. It is very hot in the daytime, soaking the meat in oil can preserve the meat take longer.

After frying the meat, Lin Ling used the little oil left in the pan to bake a few pancakes, and only stopped after the oil was wiped clean, resolutely not to waste a single drop of oil.

After the pancakes were ready, Lin Ling's stomach was so hungry that she cried out countless times. She went to the vegetable field to pick three cabbages, washed the leaves, cut them into several sections, put them in bowls, and brought them to the dining table.

"Xiong, I'm eating." Lin Ling said to Xiong across the table, and then started to do it. First tear off a piece of dough, then put a leaf, put a few slices of fried meat, roll it up and put it in your mouth to eat.

Lin Ling, who is used to gobbling in the last days, has not corrected this habit until now. He finished eating after two bites of one roll, and rolled another after eating, and the movements of his hands never stopped.

Xiaolu looked at Lin Ling who was eating meat, and was a little greedy: Is it delicious?

Lin Ling said without thinking, "It's delicious."

To be honest, Lin Ling's craftsmanship is mediocre, and the taste of the dishes she cooks is also mediocre, but she can't help it that she hasn't eaten meat for many years. As long as it is meat, she says it is delicious even if it has no salt or taste.

But Little Green didn't know, it quietly moved to the side of the bowl, took advantage of Lin Ling's inattention, picked up a piece of meat with two leaves and ate it secretly.

Lin Ling looked down again and saw Xiaolu leaning against the bowl: "What are you doing?"

Little Green shook the leaves: I want to taste it.

"What do you taste like? You are a plant, you are only suitable for photosynthesis!" Lin Ling threw Xiaolu out and continued eating.

Xiaolu landed on the window sill, looked at Lin Ling through the glass, and thought angrily: You won’t let me eat it, but I still ate it, cheapskate!

After the small bowl of meat was finished, Lin Ling was almost full, so she put away the remaining slices of pancakes and saved them for tomorrow.

After a brief tidying up, Lin Ling planned to go out with a bucket to fetch water to irrigate the vegetable field. The one-acre vegetable field had already grown lush and green, and it would be harvested after a while.

I didn't see Xiaolu when I went out, and I searched in the yard but couldn't find any trace, so I called out a little worriedly: "Xiaolu, where are you?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was movement in the kitchen. Lin Ling walked over to take a look, and found Xiaolu hanging on the edge of the meat basin.

Read The Duke's Passion