MTL - The Star Light Shines When He Came-Chapter 181 If you don't fall in love

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In an instant, bright fireworks burst out of Lin Zhiwei's mind, and the hand holding his shirt became tighter, and his hand holding the back of her head also clasped harder, his right thumb pinched her chin and lifted up. , Her lips were pressed tightly against her.

She was fainted by the kiss, and she didn't know what eve was.

In her confusion, she suddenly felt the chair under her slid backwards, the back of the chair leaned against the edge of the table, and her body leaned back slightly, and their lips and tongues separated.

But it was only the distance of a punch, and he quickly moved up again. But this time, his lips and teeth weren't as close to each other as before, he just rubbed gently like a peck and rubbing.

Lin Zhiwei half-opened his eyes and looked at him, only to realize that Xie Fei had somehow stood up, with his right knee bent slightly against the chair between his legs, one hand supporting his head, the other The forearm of the hand rests on the edge of the table.

The two of them were almost close to each other. She herself was half hugged by him, half lying in a chair, her right hand was still pulling at his collar, but her left hand was unknowingly clasping his neck tightly.

Looking at the movements of her hands, Lin Zhiwei gradually realized what she had done, and when she remembered the scorching kiss just now, she suddenly became red and her ears turned red, and she lowered her eyes not to meet Xie Fei's.

Xie Fei smiled in black eyes, her long eyelashes trembled, bit her ear beads, and whispered in a vague and **** voice: "Wei Wei, you say it again, saying you like me."

Lin Zhiwei was stunned when he heard the words in his arms, until the earball was lightly bitten by him again, she tilted her head a little bit painful and a little numb, put her arms around his neck, and said: "I like it You, I like you."

Then Xie Fei kissed her lips as if she was rewarding her: "What do you like about me?"

His face was very close to him, and the scorching breath sprayed on her shoulders and necks while speaking, and her heart trembled. At the same time, there was a tingling sensation flowing among the limbs, irritating her body. There was a shudder.

Lin Zhiwei bit her lip coyly, and it took a long time before she whispered: "I like you to look good."

"Little pervert." Xie Fei murmured against her forehead, "So you just covet my beauty."

Lin Zhiwei hummed, her arms clasped him more tightly, slightly raised her head and buried it on his shoulders, and asked inch by inch: "...Can I covet my life forever?"

"Covet for as long as you want, because I like you too..."

Xie Fei rubbed her lips and said softly. At the end of the talk, the words were swallowed into the entangled lips of the two.

Lin Zhiwei was startled, the tip of his tongue was sweet, his heart seemed to be mixed with honey, and a warm current gradually filled it.

He kissed delicately and lingeringly, with the tip of his tongue pressed against her teeth, gently biting. Then he stretched out a piece of tongue and rushed into her mouth, entangled and sucked with her tongue. From time to time, he even licked the base of her tongue, making her slurp into her mouth.

Lin Zhiwei was fascinated by the relative's confusion, blindly closed his eyes and let him do whatever he wanted.

The two of them clung to their bodies, their arms entwined, and their lips and tongue made a smacking sound, which seemed particularly loud in the quiet office.

Lin Zhiwei stretched out her hand to push him gently, and whispered softly, "Teacher...this is the office, keep your voice down..."

Xie Fei left her lips in a kind-hearted manner, and saw a faint silver wire drawn from the corner of her lips. His deep black eyes sank, and his thumb gently rubbed her red and swollen lips, opening his mouth to speak.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, he suddenly heard Yao Zhaoguo's voice faintly coming from outside.

Lin Zhiwei obviously heard it too. She and Jie Fei looked at each other and their expressions changed immediately. After pushing him hard, she quickly hid under his table.

Xie Fei was dumbfounded by her series of actions. He bent down and watched what she wanted to say, but saw Lin Zhiwei staring at him. Before he could react, she reached out and grabbed him. So he pulled him in and hid.

The door was opened by the two almost immediately after hiding. Yao Zhaoguo's puzzled voice came: "Hey, the light is on, why is there no one?"

Then there was the sound of getting closer and closer, and she could even vaguely see some leather shoes walking a few steps away.

Lin Zhiwei's heartbeat became a little flustered inexplicably, holding his breath, not even daring to get out of the atmosphere, his eyes were fixed on the pair of shoes that made her panic.

When she finally heard the sound of someone sitting down, she breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest and turned to look at Jie Fei, which happened to collide with his scorching gaze.

She discovered that the two bodies were intimately fitting, squeezed into the small space under the table, their breathing was getting hotter and hotter, and the temperature of his body was clearly transmitted through the thin summer shirt.

Looking at his face, Lin Zhiwei felt that it was necessary to explain why he was also pulled in, so he glanced at his lips and said: "You, your lips have my lipstick on them, so I..."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help tapping his lips with her finger, and curled her mouth somewhat proudly. The expression in her eyes was meaningful.

But her delicate look with wavy eyes seemed to be teasing, it was obviously naked/naked seduction. Jie Fei's heart was rippling while watching, but his face was self-sustaining.

"Really?" Xie Fei said silently, rubbing the corner of her mouth with her right thumb, and then slowly leaning over with a chuckle, grind her teeth lightly while holding her slightly swollen lips.

As soon as Lin Zhiwei's painful "hiss" sounded a little, her lips were caught by Jie Fei, and the lingering sound disappeared between the intertwined tongues.

The temperature of the surrounding air rose rapidly, and the breathing of the two under the narrow and dark table gradually became a little hot and rapid.

Lin Zhiwei squinted her eyes in a daze, and slightly raised her head to meet Jaffe's neck with her hands, and the tip of her tongue painted and entangled her lips unconsciously.

Xie Fei's eyelashes trembled lightly, and after a brief surprise, he turned back to attack and pressed the back of her head to kiss it harder. But this kiss didn't dare to be too wanton, only caught her lips or tongue and sucked.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Zhiwei felt a little numb at her feet. As soon as she was about to move, the person pinched her waist, and she was so scared that she couldn't move.

Xie Fei let go of her lips, Lin Zhiwei shook slightly, and the whole person fell into his arms in the next second.

"Hold your arms?"

Xie Fei hugged her waist on her chest, bowed her head and pecked at the tips of her ears, feeling clear in her heart, but trying to tease her.

Lin Zhiwei punched his chest angrily, raised his eyes and stared at him: "Don't make trouble, my feet are numb, what should I do now?"

"Wait." Xie Fei smiled and held her hand and kissed him, then raised his right hand and stretched it to the table to touch the phone. Lin Zhiwei's eyes widened in fright, and his nervous heart beating with breath holding. When he actually took the phone off, she was relieved.

Xie Fei sent a text message to Yao Zhaoguo with his cell phone, and after a while he heard the sound of his getting up and leaving.

After the door closed, the two got out one after another.

After Xie Fei straightened his shirt, Lin Zhiwei looked at Xie Fei with a blank eye after sitting on the chair and looking at his affectionate appearance on the phone.

In the end, she took a copy of Jaffe's book, and ran back to the bedroom with her head down and concealed. It was not so conspicuous after dusting her powder and lipstick for a long time.

At the same time, Yao Zhaoguo handed Xie Fei the agreement to resign from the principal and the contract of the external professor of the research group: "No, Xie Fei, why did you resign quietly a month ago? Is it because of the previous scandal..."

"No." Xie Fei looked at the resignation agreement and smiled with satisfaction, "That's not a scandal. I resigned to be able to fall in love with her honestly."


Because of Zhao Yiming’s long-sleeved dance, he always spared no effort to discredit Xie Fei and Lin Zhiwei in reality, unobtrusively aroused the interest of the classmates and provoked their aversion to Xie Fei, so even under the suppression of the school, the classmates Still discussing in private.

However, when Zhao Yiming was even harder to circulate, he didn't even know that an anonymous new post appeared on the campus post bar and forum, which attracted everyone's attention and became popular at an unprecedented speed.

The post is also well-founded, with pictures and the truth.

The content in it simply subverts everyone's cognition, and it clearly reveals that it was a person named Zhao Yiming who had previously published the rumors about the love between Xie Fei and Lin Zhiwei. This person has been following Lin Zhiwei secretly for a long time. The pictures taken by witnesses and the insider indicate that he had been utterly unsettled since seeing Lin Zhiwei for the first time and had secretly inquired about the girl. After the school suppressed the message, he jumped up and down with his classmates. The purpose was because he fell in love with Lin Zhiwei at first sight, and he could not see her and other men get close. As a math assistant, Lin Zhiwei would inevitably come into contact with Teacher Xie, and Zhao Yiming was jealous. Next, I used these specious photos to compile the previous teacher-student love scandal.

Everyone was in an uproar. Some people thought of Zhao Yiming, who had been extremely active recently. His behavior was indeed very inconsistent with the usual, so they left comments under the post to second.

There are many reasons for the rapid popularity of this post, and the main reason is that among these follow-ups, there are several people who have been punished by the school for rumoring about Xie Fei and Lin Zhiwei's scandal.

Now they know that the culprit of the rumors is Zhao Yiming, and in order to achieve his own goals, he does not think it is a big deal, but he has not suffered the slightest loss. Instead, they deducted credits and wrote reviews and criticized the whole school.

Do you think they can not be angry?

So, Zhao Yiming started the same life as Lin Zhiwei before.

Although there is no school to help suppress this time, because he has an advantage over Lin Zhiwei, that is, his family has money, so he uses the family money to compensate those who have been punished by the school on the one hand, and hire the navy to delete posts on the other. , Say good things to clean yourself.

The scene was once controlled by Zhao Yiming very well.

But is Jie Fei someone who would easily let others go?

When the turmoil was about to come to an end, a large number of hot new posts suddenly appeared on school forums and post bars. Most of these people who were exposed were those who took the lead in insulting Lin Zhiwei in the previous life.

For example, the orange-yellow wavy-haired girl and her partners have interpersonal chaos. Cheating, fighting, and abortion are common occurrences. The most incredible thing is that they still take drugs.

For example, that looks like a job fair man, in fact, is a guy who hires someone in private. With his not-so-good looks and high education, he deceived many girls, and he was dating many girls at the same time.

People who made up rumors indiscriminately on the Internet or advertised that Lin Zhiwei's deeds forced her to stay in the company are also being exposed.

Even if they came back for the first time, they still haven't changed at all. They were also very active under the previous scandal posts of Xie Fei and Lin Zhiwei.

The only difference from the past is that they have not yet moved to the front of the curtain for the time being.

The author has something to say: Zhao Yiming: Want to fix me? It's not that easy!

Xie Fei: Wait for Ang :)

Good night, babes, tweeted~

Read The Duke's Passion