MTL - The Star Light Shines When He Came-Chapter 159 Killing game of the end times

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It's been a long time since Shen Yin had gone back to the room, but Duan Huirong and Duan Huirong still had the stiff expressions in Shen Yin's mind. After lying on the bed and laughing for a while, she suddenly asked Xie Fei in a low voice: "I smiled so happy when I looked at them like this. , Am I a little unfilial? Although my mother is a little bit biased, she also raised me, Shen Wei and she..." At this point, she paused, "She won't say anything. Anyway, After all, they are my relatives. Now I am in troubled times, and I am eating spicy food myself, but I don’t want to give it a bit..."

"What kind of relatives are they, vampires are about the same." Xie Fei said calmly.

Shen Yin looked at Xie Fei in amazement. She didn't expect to get along for only a few days. He complained about them more deeply than her.

"Although they are a bit hateful, but..." Shen Yin muttered hesitantly.

"It's nothing good." Xie Fei interrupted her directly, seeing her tangled appearance, walked over and sat down, half hugging her in his arms and said, "Actually, this is for their good, but now it's not the past anymore. , The better you are towards them, the more soft-hearted you will hurt them."

"In this cruel world, they can't always rely on you for everything, otherwise the more they get behind, the more they will not survive. They must learn to survive and learn to fight by themselves. Let them solve this small matter by themselves, regardless of methods. Method, you can rest assured, I will never let them starve to death. As for you, you only need to show up at a critical moment when their lives are at stake."

His voice was not loud, but it shocked Shen Yin. She couldn't help but follow his imagination, and couldn't help feeling that what he said was very reasonable: "You are right, I can't be so soft-hearted."

"Don't think about it, go to bed, and get up early tomorrow." Jaffe smiled without a trace and patted her head.

Early the next morning, the group of people sorted out and moved on again, but the team behind them became bigger.

During this time they experienced another game, but they were on the way at the time. Although they met some fellow travelers, no one dared to come up and provoke them in the huge caravan of Jaffe.

However, during a routine check after the game, Jaffe and the others got two news, one bad and one good. The bad news is that many of the people who followed their team were warned to be inactive once, and they were all people like Shen Wei and Duan Huirong. The good news is that there is another ability player, but it is not in the team, so it is useless.

Since then, those who have been warned of being wary of negativity have become more active, and Duan Huirong and the two have become more diligent, and they have begun to grab materials in large and small packages, regardless of whether it is useful or not.

Time flies, and there are still two days before the third game begins. In the past few days, the group of them has passed through two small towns, but the recent operations of searching for materials have exposed some people's dark thoughts.

Those who follow Jaffe are no longer satisfied with the soup, they want to eat meat anymore.

The courageous ones began to secretly dissatisfied, inciting other people to follow suit, unwilling to watch a large number of materials taken away by the people in the team, but dared to be angry but dare not speak, and gradually gave priority to the spontaneous behavior of Xie Fei and others. Transformed into their domineering monopoly.

Shen Wei is also one of them. Although she is much better than most people, she still can't help being jealous, because the person she compares is always Shen Yin.

Everything they eat, drink, and wear is not as good as Shen Yin, not to mention that the five Jie Fei greeted her one by one, which was completely different from their own attitude.

In such a weird atmosphere, the group finally found a dilapidated gas station before dark. The surrounding area was desolate. Sometimes a few three-story buildings were also very dilapidated, even in the dark. Depression taste.

There was a dead silence in the gas station, and the surrounding walls and the ground were faintly visible traces of fighting. Several gas pipes were scattered on the ground in a mess, and the pungent diesel was winding around.

To be safe, Wang Tao took a few brothers to check it out under the bright car lights before calling everyone to camp and rest.

The gas station suddenly became lively, and everyone rushed towards the supermarket when they got out of the car. This kind of small shop Jie Fei didn't like it and gave them to them. Although they are not sure if there is anything left, what if? No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat!

Shen Wei curled her lips when she saw this, and confessed that Duan Huirong went to find a better room and then went to the toilet alone anxiously, forgetting to be afraid.

She was very uncomfortable to hold back all the way.

The toilet is in the back of the gas station. Compared with the noise in front, the quiet here is a bit abnormal. The darkness always makes people unconsciously nervous. Shen Wei stood in front of the black and quiet toilet door that looked like a huge mouth in the abyss, and slowly squeezed the small torch and stepped in.

There are black holes all around, as if hiding a pair of eyes quietly watching her every move. The harsh wind came into her ears through the gap, and the branches roared in the wind. Shen Wei looked around with a torch in fear as she went to the toilet.

After going to the toilet with trepidation, she put on her pants and was about to run. Who knew that she had just walked to the sink, and a cool sharp object hit her neck, followed by a vicious male voice: "Don't move. Don't bark, or you will be killed!"

Shen Wei's heart was lifted in an instant, she couldn't help but shivered in fear, her mind was blank, through the mirror and the faint light, she saw a man with a pale face and a gloomy expression.


Shen Yin was eating. When she looked up, she dazzled and saw a figure who left in a panic. She was a little familiar. She craned her neck to look more carefully, but was startled by Xie Fei's face suddenly approaching: "What are you doing?"

"What are you looking at, so serious." Xie Fei also turned his head and glanced.

"Nothing." Shen Yin shook her head, "It just seemed that someone was watching us."

Xie Fei raised his eyebrows and said, "Really?"

Seeing that she was a little absent-minded after speaking, she raised her chopsticks and knocked on her bowl: "It should be that we are eating well. Don't look at it. Eat quickly. Be careful I finish eating the meat."

"No, the meat is mine!" Shen Yin glared and guarded the two pieces of meat in the bowl.

After eating, the gas station gradually became quiet, and the night eroded the world again. The icy wind whistling in the darkness, Shen Yin always felt his heart beating fast in the quilt.

She was silent for a moment, and quietly touched the dagger and torch under the pillow with her hand.

This was given to her by Xie Fei, and the handle of the dagger was wrapped in a circle of muslin by him so that she would not hurt her during practice.

The restless heart gradually settled down, thinking about the scenes of getting along with Jaffe, and fell asleep without knowing it...

I don't know how long she slept, and she woke up suddenly in a daze.

In the darkness, Shen Yin lay quietly on the bed with his eyes open. The window was printed with branches flaring his teeth and claws in the wind. The cold wind roared outside the house, and the buzzing wind made the door vibrate twice.

Shen Yin felt a little abnormal for some reason, and a little cold sweat slowly appeared on her head. In the dark, she held her breath, her hand under the quilt slipped to the pillow, and tightly pinched the dagger.

Time passed by, just when she couldn't help but suspect that she was making a fuss, under the cover of the wind, an abnormal sound came into her ears.

Someone is prying the door!

who is it?

A panicked figure suddenly appeared in Shen Yin's mind. Could it be her?

While her mind was running at high speed, her heart gradually calmed down. No matter who it is, he must have no return today!

After a very light "squeak", someone crept in. Shen Yin listened carefully and counted silently in her heart. When the count reached one, a fierce wind hit her nose and lips, and Shen Yin drew a dagger and stabbed it in a reflexive manner.


The hot and humid liquid dripped on his face with a faint fishy smell, and at the same time, the visitor couldn't help but snorted in pain.

the man!

This low muffled grunt surprised Shen Yin. This moment of panic caused her to miss the opportunity to withdraw the dagger. After a moment, the person took a few steps back.

With a "clam", the dagger fell to the ground, and in the darkness there was the tearing and pulling of the cloth and the voice of the man while licking something: "She really didn't lie to me, the taste on you is so delicious, I can't wait to think about it. Try it."

The room fell into a terrible silence. While thinking about who this person was, who she or he was in his mouth, Bing Xing Ning listened to his approaching footsteps, and she grabbed the quilt as soon as she touched her hair. Throw, grabbing the torch and jumping out of bed while the person was subconsciously avoiding it.

The door is just around the corner.

However, the person had hurriedly chased him, and Shen Yin pressed the torch switch and lifted it towards him. Just when she decided to let the dazzling light fight for her vitality, the door was kicked open with a "clam", and she was in the dark. A pair of powerful hands hugged her waist and flashed, avoiding the person in the blink of an eye, and even took the opportunity to make up for a foot.

The body fell to the ground with a loud "bang" sound, and then there was a messy footsteps outside the house. Under the shining of the flashlight, everything in the house became clear.

Shen Yin felt scared when she saw Xie Fei, and she couldn't help but hug him tightly.

Seeing her bloodless face, his heart hurt so unexpectedly. He pinched her shoulder with the palm of his left hand to comfort him, then pressed the back of her head against his chest, and gently wiped the blood from her face with the other hand.

After the man was **** and taken away by Sun Hou, he gently kissed the top of her hair: "Is it hurt?"

The voice was hoarse and trembling.

Shen Yin bowed her head, and shook her head with her face pressed against his chest.

Seeing her silence, Xie Fei turned his head slightly to look at her, but only saw her long eyelashes trembling.

"Afraid?" Xie Fei asked her softly, "Don't be afraid, I am here."

Shen Yin shook his head again, and the arms around his waist became tighter, her voice muffled and said, "I'm fine."

She was really okay, but she couldn't help feeling all kinds of emotions after seeing him. Now, she just wants to lean on him, hold him, and feel him like this.

When Xie Fei took Shen Yin back to his room, Sun Hou was already waiting there.

The man's mouth was unusually hard, and he hadn't said a word since he was caught. Sunhou and the others had no choice, so they came to Xie Fei for help.

After hearing the words, Shen Yin thought of the panicked figure again, and said after a moment of silence: "Shen Wei has a problem."

Xie Fei also remembered that it has been so long since she hasn't seen Shen Wei. This is too abnormal. Shen Yin is the person she hates the most. Will she not come out to join in the fun?

The author has something to say: Xie Fei: Are you afraid? Don't be afraid, I am here, I will sleep with you~

Shen Yin: Laying on the floor ←←

Xie Fei: Good~ (Hey, plan to climb the bed in the middle of the night)

Shen Yin: (touched the dagger)

It was a sudden accident that I didn’t update yesterday, because I ordered a delicious takeaway at noon, and I got diarrhea soon after taking the medicine. It was midnight after taking the medicine, but I took the opportunity to watch "Golden Eyes" last night, Zhang Yixing It’s cute, but Miao Feifei’s character is really hard to say, I can’t help but fast forward~

ps: My dears speak enthusiastically, I haven't seen you for a long time, I really want to chat. Everyone study hard, work hard, and take good care of your health!

Read The Duke's Passion