MTL - The Star Light Shines When He Came-Chapter 146 The killing spree of the last days

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Time flies by, dozens of hundreds of years are just a blink of an eye. During this period, all kinds of people have emerged, but no one has ever concealed the characters of Xie Shi Xie Fei and his wife Qiao Wan.

The two of them joined hands to create a new era of Internet-the holographic world.

They are the benchmarks of this era, and all young people follow the example of Jie Fei and continue to advance and promote the development of the era.

At the same time, the romantic and happy love story between the two of them made people yearn for and envy even more, and was even compiled into a book and passed down.

But this is just the most popular side of Xie Fei. Many people in the upper ranks realized that he had such a short-term and cruel side after knowing the truth behind the destruction of the He family. Those who despised Jaffe became afraid of him.

It is also because of this that Jie Fei has lived like a fish in water since he took charge of the Xie family. Internally, the Xie clan listened to his words, and externally, many people in power awed him. Xie's reputation and power have also been pushed to unprecedented resounding and powerful because of his existence.

In his later years, although Xie Fei dispersed the power in his hands, all the members of the Xie clan still respected and relied on the Xie Fei and his wife. Therefore, everyone was very sad after knowing that the old lady Qiao Wan was lingering and sick. The children of the grandchildren wanted to show their filial piety before coming to the bed, but they were all blocked by Jie Fei, because he knew that their time was running out and he didn't want people to see the vision when they left.

Qiao Wan was leaning weakly in Jaffe's arms. She has had a wonderful and happy life. Although she felt that her life was passing by little by little, she had no regrets in her heart.

She looked around, reminiscing little by little of the good memories of the past, and a faint smile was pulled up by the corners of some of her pale lips: "I look back on this life and feel that the best time of my life is when I met you. One day, although I made a fool of myself in front of you that day, I don’t regret it. It’s just...if I can go back in time, I hope that the first person I like is you..."

"What if it's not me, anyway, the last person you want to marry is me." Xie Fei raised his eyebrows and shook her hand with the ring in front of her eyes.

Qiao Wan glanced at him funny, and then stared at the unique ring on his finger. This was the wedding ring designed by Sheffield for the two of them. It has been with her for more than seventy years.

After watching it for a while, she slowly said, "Jaffe, if there is an afterlife, will I still marry you?"

"Okay." Xie Fei nodded slightly.

Qiao Wan immediately laughed when he heard the words, closed his eyes contentedly, and moved his head closer to his neck, rubbing it with attachment, and sighed softly, "It's great."

As soon as the voice fell, the next moment, she felt something trapped on her finger. She opened her eyes curiously, and saw that Jie Fei was tying a thin red rope to her hand, and the red thread The other end was tied to his hand.

"This is... the red line?" Qiao Wan straightened up and turned his head to look at Jie Fei in surprise.

"Not bad." Xie Fei nodded.

At this moment, Qiao Wan's mood was a little unspeakable. She looked at the man in front of her, who had never refused any request from him, even if the request was very unreasonable, this person who was infinitely tolerant of her arrogant little temper, This person who protects her from the wind and rain under his wings...

She pursed her mouth, her eyes were slightly hot, tears spread sharply, and her vision was blurred in an instant.

Such a big person is still in tears? Don't be ashamed!

Qiao Wan lowered his head in embarrassment, and said in a somewhat urn voice: "You don't want to be so good to me, I'm afraid I really have to be you in the future."

Qiao Wan has always known that she is not the most suitable person for Jaffe, and that her parents who have always petted her also said that she was lucky, so she has always worked hard to keep up with his footsteps and become better and better. Myself, stand side by side with him.

In the end, although she managed to do it, how much of it was he secretly helping herself?

So at that moment, she couldn't help but want to settle down with him, no matter whether there is this afterlife, such a good man who loves herself, she wants to...

But now, looking at the red thread in his hand, Qiao Wan suddenly felt whether he was too selfish.

Obviously he might be able to meet someone more suitable for him in the future, to have a considerate and gentle wife, and to live a better and happier life, but because of a word of his own, he will be tied to himself, himself It's too selfish...

Qiao Wan thought a little annoyed.

In the silent room, there was only a slight wind noise from the air conditioner.


Xie Fei's voice rang above his head, and Qiao Wan looked up and met his gaze. It was a look that couldn't be more serious. At that moment, she felt like she was hitting the bottom of her heart, and she was shocked.

Frozen, his slightly cold voice sounded word by word: "The red thread is closed, the vow has been made, and you have been mine for life. No matter what you become, no matter where you are, even if you and I forget Everything, no longer acquaintance, I will still find you, never give up."

Qiao Wan stared at him blankly. His aging face was no longer as handsome as it used to be. However, under the bright light, she saw the bright stars in his eyes as before.

For some reason, there was a kind of traction in her heart. Something seemed to break through the ground. She gently shook his hand. The red line and the wedding ring complemented each other, and she heard her firm voice.

"Well, I will always wait for you to come to me."

The moment the voice fell, a dazzling red light suddenly appeared between the hands of the two of them. Gradually, the light became more and more intense, covering both of them in a few seconds.

Xie Fei and Qiao Wan both watched this scene in astonishment, and before the two of them reacted, if there was another seemingly non-existent red line shining out from under that red line, two souls came out along with it.

Xie Fei was shocked. He hadn't cast a spell yet, but his soul came out!

He was still thinking, his eyes were black and bright, but in the blink of an eye he found that he had returned to the cave mansion.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged on the jade and performing power, just like when he left, except that there was a red thread on his hand. He followed the red line to look at the other end, through the hollow pavilion where the treasures were placed and the bead curtain behind, he saw Wei Jing lying quietly on the bed, and her slender fingertips on her abdomen were tied. Red line.

Xie Fei frowned slightly, and was about to get up to check, who knew that a severe sting came, as if something was rushing into Xie Fei's head from the red line connecting the two.

He suddenly couldn't help but stretched out his hands and hugged his head tightly. The severe pain made the expression on his face a bit distorted. He only felt that the nerves under his scalp were being pulled in all directions, and the temples on both sides seemed to be hot. The red soldering iron was burning.

The severe pain made him unable to help closing his eyes, and fell directly on the jade platform, curled up slightly.

Within a few breaths, puffy beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. After a while, his whole body was wet with cold sweat, and the gold-rimmed mysterious robe was wet on his body.

At this moment, Jaffe, whose brain was so painful that it was already chaotic, suddenly heard a painful low hum not far away, accompanied by a faint crying, she let out a depressed moan/groan: "It hurts, it hurts... , It hurts so much..."

This voice went from far to near, and went straight from the ears to the bottom of my heart.

who is it?

Why is the sound so familiar?

Suddenly, there was a moment of clarity in Xie Fei's mind. He gritted his teeth and opened his eyes. He followed the voice to see. Wei Jing Wan's face was pale, her forehead was cold and sweaty, her brows were frowned, her teeth clenched her lower lip, and a little blood stained her. The pale lips were dyed vividly.

She groaned/groaned in pain, but her two plain hands were holding on to the quilt tightly, and the big quilt cover was torn.

Jaffe couldn't help but feel distressed. He clenched his teeth and insisted on getting up and stumbled towards the bed. However, every step he took, the sting pounded like a tide, and then washed away. under.

He couldn't bear to cling to the cabinet, open his mouth and gasp, because of the pain, the breath was always strong and weak and intermittent.

After a deep glance at Wei Jing, Xie Fei gritted his teeth and insisted. He almost staggered to the side of the bed, and then fell directly on the bed.

At this time, his head was almost numb with pain, his teeth were weakly biting, and his cheeks were swollen.

Strongly supporting the last bit of will, Xie Fei's left hand movement slowly covered Wei Jingwan's right hand. Almost at the same time the two touched, the red line burst out with a red light, followed by a strong sense of dizziness. Hit the two heads.

When Xie Fei's eyes went dark, he fainted.

In the darkness, Jie Fei was wondering where this was. Suddenly, the dark environment changed, and countless light spots appeared in front of him, converging continuously, gradually forming a clear path.

After thinking about it for a moment, Jaffe stepped up without hesitation and walked towards the exit step by step.


I don't know how long it took, Xie Fei slowly opened his eyes, and in front of him was the top of the bed he was familiar with, covered with the brocade quilt he had used for a long time, except for...

Xie Fei moved her lower body slightly and looked down at Wei Jingwan, who was snuggling tightly in her arms. After a long time, the corners of her white mouth slowly curled up with a slight smile, and a little smile appeared between her eyebrows. If there is a gentleness like nothing.

"Wan, my wife."

Xie Fei hugged her in his arms, and a dumb voice whispered softly in her ear, and then his lips were very careful and cherished and kissed on the top of her hair.

"I finally found you." He lowered his head and rubbed against her ear, finally sighing like this.

At this moment, the bead curtain made a "crash" sound, and Jie Fei looked up and saw Houtu lift the curtain coming in, holding a tray with two green jade bowls on it.

"Huh, are you awake?" Houtu raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Xie Fei nodded when he heard the words: "En."

Hou Tu put the tray aside, staring at him with some doubts.

According to her estimation, it would take him at least half a month to wake up in a coma after breaking such a powerful seal, but now he woke up in only four days. Isn't that weird?

Although the seal was not forced to be broken, it was broken by the red line of marriage, but it was also tougher than broken by the long river of time. How could it take ten days?

What exactly is going on?

The author has something to say: Qiao Wan: Hmm~

Xie Fei: Hush, keep your voice down, I didn't lock the door.

Qiao Wan: Ah... Go and lock the door, what should I do if I hear it?

Xie Fei: No, I will kiss my lips~

Gao Shen: I'm sorry, but I am not allowed to tell you, I locked the door!

Author: Death TAT ~~ [waving silk ~ ~ Do not ah! ! !

(The last chapter was locked for a full 24 hours. I changed it nine times and I was really exhausted. To be honest, there was really no place to cross the line, which made me dare not write anything in the future... If you want to compare, we will see you after ten o'clock. , Come find me~~)

Read The Duke's Passion