MTL - The Star Light Shines When He Came-Chapter 142 Great god, don't run!

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Winter in City G is like early summer. At around 8 in the morning, the warm sun shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows evenly on the wooden floor next to the bed, making the entire room much brighter.

On the big bed not far away, Qiao Wan was sleeping soundly in the quilt, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised to show her good mood. I don't know what kind of dreams she was dreaming at this time.

At this moment, a knock on the door rang, and the original unmoving quilt shrugged twice, and from the quilt came the grunt of dissatisfaction that Qiao Wan's dream was disturbed.

Last night she didn’t know how long she was rolling in excitement on the big bed. Of course she didn’t know when she fell asleep. Anyway, she fell asleep so vaguely. Now it’s just when a good dream is in full swing. Not happy.

Qiao Wan pulled the quilt over his head, and wanted to turn over and sleep again, but the constant knocking on the door finally opened her eyes. She stretched out her hands from the quilt, sat up sleepily, put on her slippers, got up and walked towards the door.

After opening the door, Xie Fei was standing at the door half raising his hands in a knocking posture. He was wearing a tailored casual outfit. He was refreshed and refreshed. He didn't look like someone who stayed past two o'clock in the morning.

Qiao Wan wanted to "prompt the teacher to ask sin", but when he saw him, his mind went blank. She opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word, only the fact that the two of them hugged each other last night kept flashing before her eyes, and then her little face turned red in an instant.

Fleeing avoiding his sight, Qiao Wan turned around and walked into the house, but didn't want to be grabbed by someone's wrist quickly, and took advantage of the opportunity to pull the person into his arms.

Qiao Wan was startled, subconsciously raised his head to look at Jie Fei, opened his mouth to ask him what to do, but only saw his face in front of her in the next second, and then a warm kiss fell. .

I only felt that there was a turmoil in my head, Qiao Wan was blindfolded in an instant, until her lips were lightly sipped twice, a trace of sobriety flashed in her mind, and she struggled to push him away a little bit. She lowered her eyes in embarrassment, and panted against his lips: "I haven't brushed my teeth yet..."

"It doesn't matter, I like it." But this kind of cowardly refusal is completely useless, Jaffe said in a hoarse voice and then attacked more fiercely.


Qiao Wan only had time to hum, and the rest of the words were swallowed in the intertwined lips.

The two embraced and kissed in the corridor at the door. In the silent corridor, there was a faint "tsk" sound from lips tossing and sucking. Qiao Wan's heartbeat was faster than ever, and the whole person was nervous and embarrassed. .

What if someone comes out and sees it?

Oh, yes, there is also a camera...

Thinking of this, Qiao Wan looked around and saw that a camera on the ceiling not far from the corridor happened to be shining on the two of them. The dark and bright lens was like a person's piercing eyes, which was very interesting. Staring at them.

She suddenly became embarrassed and struggling with both hands to push Jaffe away. She retreated and dodged under her tongue, but in vain, it caused someone to embezzle.

Qiao finally found the time at last, panting for air pressure and said anxiously: "Camera... there is a camera..."

"Concentrate." Before her voice fell, Jaffe bit her lip punitively, and then gently blocked it.

Qiao Wan turned his head and dodged, holding his thin waist weakly with both hands, and whispered softly, "Go in, go in... Someone will see..."

Unsurprisingly, it was useless. The person on her body directly stretched out a big palm to hold down her turbulent head, regardless of recklessness, sucked up again, the whole fiery body pressed against her tightly, restrained tightly The hand on her waist almost broke her waist.

Qiao Wan's mind was blank, and her eyes were a little dizzy. Gradually, she was weakly leaning on Jaffe, her hands clinging to her shoulders unconsciously, and then hooked on his slightly lowered neck, slightly raised. The neck leaned back unconsciously, and his throat swallowed at his rhythm.

In the chaos, she closed her eyes, her feet followed the person on her body with the feeling, and somehow they turned around, and the two of them had already entered the house, and there was a "click" sound from behind.

The door is locked...

Qiao Wan only had time to think of such a sentence. The next second, when a pair of long legs approached, she was pressed on the door panel, her wrists were pressed on the head with one hand by Jaffe, and her lips were also pressed. He bit and bit, she was just dizzy and wondering what eve was.

I don’t know how long it took, and finally both of them stopped panting. Qiao Wan leaned on the door and stared at him blushing and heartbeat. His eyes were filled with accusations, but he didn’t know it was in someone’s eyes. Where is staring at him, it is clearly to seduce him.

So Xie Fei obediently lowered his head and kissed her, looked at her deeply, and whispered: "Late night, don't seduce me, you will be overwhelmed."

Qiao Wan was very embarrassed and said a bit aggrieved: "I don't have it, it's because you have poor self-control."

"Facing you, I don't need self-control." Xie Fei kissed her forehead, then raised her wrist and looked at the time: "It's half past eight, you go to wash and change clothes, we will visit after dinner. game company."

"Oh." Qiao Wan answered faintly with a bulging face. When he walked to the bathroom door, he couldn't help but ran back and kicked Jaffe. He snorted and ran to wash.

Xie Fei looked at her high back and couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

Qiao Wan looked at his slightly red and swollen lips in the mirror, and couldn't help thinking that he had been teasing his gang members yesterday, and was a little annoyed and depressed and flew a knife at the person on the sofa.

Then she picked a lip glaze and applied it to her lips, and she covered it slightly. Fortunately, her lips were thinner, otherwise others would understand what was going on.

After applying the lip glaze, Qiao Wan walked up to Jaffe and asked, "Can you still see it?"

Her red lips were slightly swollen, like pouting her mouth to beg for a kiss, and she was very seductive when she spoke. Jaffe couldn't help but stretched out her long arms and hugged her to her lap.

Qiao Wan struggled to avoid him, stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, and glared at him: "You are not allowed to kiss, you have eaten the lipstick."

Xie Fei finally stepped back a little bit, his dark eyes looked at her deeply, and after a long time after a hundred revolutions of light, he took her hand and kissed, "I see."


After dinner, the group started to visit under the leadership of the head of the game company. Originally, people of the same sect basically walked together, but Xie Yanli was at the end of the team alone, and he was obviously reluctant, and he didn't know why he came.

Without surprise, Qiao Wan was teased by the nun and some acquaintances who met again and asked if the spring breeze was once last night. Even the red and swollen lips were constantly pricked, but she couldn't justify it because the lips were so true. It was made like this by someone.

Even if she said that they just pulled a little hand and kissed a little mouth, they wouldn't believe it, the adult world...hey.

Not long after returning from visiting the game company, Qiao Wan unexpectedly received a gift box from the front desk. She went back to the room and opened it. It was full of various lipsticks...

Qiao Wan blushed.

I have to say that Xie Fei is still working hard for his own welfare, so she will give him face.


The three-day holiday on New Year’s Day is coming to an end, and everyone who came to the meet-and-greet party has also begun to go home. Song Xinge, who has been monitoring Xie Yanli and Qiaowan, finally couldn’t help being excited, and went to see He Yu early this morning. The dignitaries are ready to take revenge.

He Yu was busy climbing friendship with Xie Fei, thinking that she had warned Song Xinge, and she had always listened to her words very much, so she agreed to her request, only secretly instructed the bodyguard leader to say "Don't make life" and it was over. .

He didn't know that Song Xinge was thinking of her own little calculation-she didn't want to let Qiao Wan go.

When she was struggling with which one to look for first, she found that Xie Yanli was actually following Qiao Wan. She suddenly felt that it was God who helped her, so that she could solve this pair of dogs at once.

Song Xinge, who was secretly proud, never expected that her every move would be clear to Xie Fei’s bodyguards sent to protect Qiao Wan. Just when she ordered the bodyguards to get out of the car to knock Xie Yanli unconscious and abduct them, both The figure has come to the car door silently.


"It hurts...hiss——" Being thrown on the ground without mercy, Song Xinge woke up with furrowed brows and moaning. She was lying on the ground all over, her bones being smashed like scattered. The chest pain was a little numb, just like the frame, and only a fierce throbbing pain when I was breathing.

She wanted to turn over and make herself feel better, but she didn't have the slightest strength on her body, and she couldn't even move her fingers.

While she was struggling, there was a sound of footsteps coming in from the dim room, Song Xinge looked towards the door with enthusiasm, and five fierce men in leather boots walked in in an orderly manner.

They were wearing masks and couldn't see their faces, but the pair of malicious eyes made Song Xinge's heart a bad premonition.

Sure enough, the next moment, they picked up a syringe and a small bottle of bright red liquid from the plate behind them, and walked towards them step by step.

Song Xinge wanted to retreat in fear, but she could only watch them approaching herself, and then inserted the syringe into her blood vessel...


After personally sending Joe off the plane at night, Jie Fei drove directly to the box of a very hidden private club in the center of City G. At this time, sitting inside was Su San, the son of the gang who rarely appeared in the gang, and his actual identity was the Xie family. Su Yu, the youngest son of the Su family, has a deep personal relationship.

The Su clan became famous in his early years as a black/dao. Later, Father Su saved Father Xie’s life. Since then, the two families have met, and the Su family has also begun to whitewash, but the secret underworld-related business has not completely given up, but darkly opened up. A bodyguard company.

"Xie Shao." The waiter on the side respectfully brought a glass of wine, and Xie Fei waved him out.

"Here." Su Yu pushed down the gold wire glasses on the bridge of his nose, took a sip with the transparent glass wine glass in one hand, glanced at the transparent wall opposite the box, and said casually: "I have already pressed you. I was given an AIDS injection, what are you going to do now?"

The author has something to say: Xie Fei: I will buy you as many lipsticks as you want!

(It's starting to abuse the scum, and it will be over in one or two chapters, and then do you want to go to the kindergarten?)