MTL - The Star Light Shines When He Came-Chapter 140 Great god, don't run!

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This hot pot meal was very enjoyable. At first, Qiao Wan was restrained and did not dare to eat more. Later, Jie Fei kept adding vegetables and meat to her bowl, and she kept eating, and then...she actually did it alone. Eat more than half of the dishes...

Afterwards, she looked at Jaffe with embarrassment, and said coyly, "Actually, I don't usually eat much. a special situation."

"En?" Xie Fei raised his eyebrows to look at her, then nodded indifferently, and said solemnly, "At the moment of beauty, Madam's appetite has naturally improved a lot."

Qiao Wanjiao's face was red, and he secretly sighed that the man was misleading.

The two of them didn't seem to have eaten until two o'clock, and Jie Fei drove to the hotel reserved by the game company.

Soon we arrived at the destination. The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel. A waiter stepped forward and took the suitcases of the two, while Jie Fei threw the car key to the parking brother who was waiting aside.

I checked the identity information in the lobby, and then sent someone to take the two to the door of the room. Because Jun Zi Feifei is the top player in the entire server, and the game company knows the identity of Jie Fei privately, the treatment of the two is the highest of all specifications.

Qiao Wan said goodbye to Jaffe at the door and arranged to attend the New Year's Eve meeting together in the evening.

Not long after returning to the room, the people from the hotel brought the suitcase over. Joe took the plane a few hours late and experienced a thrilling meeting after getting off the plane. Now the tiredness finally hits her head. She is simple After tidying up, he lay down and rested.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the door of the room was knocked, and Joe got up in a dazed sleep to open the door. When she saw someone standing outside the door, she reacted blankly for a few seconds before she woke up slightly.

"Why are you here?" Qiao Wan asked embarrassedly. She couldn't help crying when he thought of her shabby appearance being seen by him, and a little blush gradually appeared on her small face.

"It's six o'clock, and we will gather in the hall at half past seven. I'm afraid you overslept, so I came to ask you to get up and clean up." Xie Fei pointed to the watch in his hand and said with a smile.

Qiao Wan's face turned redder, and she did almost overslept: "Just call me and let me know, so I don't have to run around in such a hassle."

"No trouble." Xie Fei shook his head, lowered his eyes and glanced at her, with a smile in his eyes, "It just happens that I want to clean up."

"Huh?" Joe didn't understand it for a while.

Xie Fei pointed to the room and motioned to enter the room. Qiao Wan nodded obediently and turned his body sideways to let him in.

Then the next second, at the moment of the wrong body, the wrist was tightly held in the hand. Qiao Wan's little heart suddenly throbbed, and she looked up at him stupidly, followed his footsteps and walked two steps into the room, until the "click" sound when the door closed did she come back to her senses.

It was obvious that the room was so big, but she didn't know why, but with one more person, she felt that the space was a bit cramped and the atmosphere was a lot more awkward.

Leaning too close, the smell of his body clearly passed into her nose, and Qiao Wan's nervous palms were a little sweaty, and she twitched her hands, but did not twitch.

"Aren't you going to clean up, don't you go back soon?" Qiao Wan pursed his lips and whispered.

Xie Fei took her to the luggage compartment, then let go of her hand, and smiled at her slightly: "My suitcase has been sent to you."

"What?" Qiao Wan was taken aback, looked up, and found a **** box beside her suitcase. She was rather embarrassed, "I didn't notice this."

"Actually, it doesn't matter." Xie Fei squatted down/opened the box and took out a new suit from it. "It's very convenient for me to change clothes here."

When he said that, he walked to the sofa, flexibly untied the watch on his left wrist with his right hand and placed it on the coffee table, drew his slender fingers across the suit jacket, took it off in the blink of an eye, and then buckled the tie and gently pulled it twice. Open, change hands and unbutton shirt dexterously with one hand...

Then, the delicate collarbone, strong chest, and thin waist were all imprinted in Qiao Wan's eyes.

In fact, his series of actions were smooth and sexy, and Qiao Wan had no time to react, so she saw all the male looks. Her face exploded and flushed along her neck to the base of her neck.

She couldn't help but averted her gaze, thinking that he might change his pants later, she resisted the agitated mood, and quickly took a set of clothes from the suitcase and rushed into the changing room.

By the time the two had packed up and went out, it was already a quarter past seven, and many people had already arrived in the lobby under the game company. The entire hall is divided into many small groups, with gangs as a camp.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women is always eye-catching, let alone one of them is the famous Ryuyun Wanwan. After seeing her, everyone turned their eyes subconsciously to look at the handsome man next to her, guessing that this was the mysterious No. 1 expert in the whole service.

The two of them have long been used to the gaze of others, so they walked directly towards the location of the Bihai Liuyun Pavilion without seeing a blind eye. When the two approached, a boy in a sweater stood up on the sofa and greeted Jaffe with a glass of wine. : "Xie Dashao, you are too late, right? Fine wine and fine wine!"

Xie Fei raised his wrist to check his watch, and said lightly, "It's still two minutes before the time is up."

"Hahaha, you said that two minutes is two minutes away. Go and sit down." The boy laughed loudly, drank the wine in his glass, and walked towards the sofa with Jaffe's shoulders.

And Qiao Wan was taken by Xie Fei tightly to sit down, and everyone's eyes turned towards the two of them one after another.

At this time, a boy with a baby face sprang out from the other side. He looked at Qiao carefully, raised his lips and laughed, and two dimples were looming at the corners of his mouth: "I'm oh, stop, you are the helper wife, right? Long admiring for a long time! Sure enough, I saw it today. Standing with my elder brother is a perfect match!"

Hearing this, the boy who greeted Jie Fei snapped his head and said: "Look at me confused, Mrs. Gang hasn't seen us yet, let's introduce yourself."

When he said that, he smiled at Qiao Wan and said: "I'll come first. I am a Taoist priest. Don't pretend to be garlic. This is my wife. The nun loves to pretend to be garlic."

After talking about this, a 25-year-old woman next to him blinked at her and smiled, then looked at Xie Fei ambiguously, and asked her silently, "Are you together?"

Qiao nightly nodded, in fact, she didn't know if it counted as being together.

Then came a greeting introduction.

Everyone here was talking lively. Not far away, an eighteen or nine-year-old boy came over with a glass of wine and approached him. Qiao Wan found out that he was Xie Yanli.

After so many months, now she looked at Xie Yanli again, and found that her heart was not even a ripple. Those actions at the beginning seemed so naive and funny now.

Xie Yanli came to the lobby very early. He knew from the game company employees that Qiao Wan would follow Jun Zi Feifei to the banquet, and he ignored the ridicule and discussion of others to attend the offline meeting, the purpose of which was to meet Qiao in the evening. , Have a good talk with her.

Therefore, when Qiao Wan walked into the hall, he was the first to see it, but before he could be happy, he was splashed with cold water on his heart, and his whole body trembled.

He didn't expect that gentleman Feifei, the top player in the entire server, was actually his cousin.

How could it be, how could it be him? !

At this moment, Xie Yanli's heart was full of mixed flavors, and the uncomfortable feeling rushed in his heart. This uncomfortable feeling reached its culmination when they saw the two of them talking happily.

He couldn't help it anymore, and impulsively walked over with the wine glass, he wanted to confirm whether they...are really together.

The people in the Bihailiuyun Pavilion also saw Xie Yanli and saw that he was Li Shangmuxue. They were all very smart, and in a blink of an eye they guessed that the drunken man was not interested in drinking, and their eyes were bright and waiting to watch the two men of the dog blood drama Fight for a woman.

Xie Yanli dazzled his eyes and saw the hands held by Xie Fei and Qiao Wan. He twitched the corners of his mouth bitterly, and asked unwillingly: "Cousin, you... why are you here?"

Still with Joe late...

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, this is still a bigger **** drama, the two brothers turned against each other for love, and it was so exciting to think about it!

Xie Fei raised his eyes to look at him, smiled lightly, and asked, "Why, I can't come?"

Xie Yanli was taken aback, shook his head and smiled: "Why, I'm just a little curious...Cousin, do you also play "Genesis"? What is your name, let's go back and add a friend."

"No need." Jaffe refused, "I never play with my defeated opponent."

Xie Yanli immediately understood that he was gentleman Feifei.

Feeling his blushing and hot, the playful eyes of those people swept back and forth on his body, Xie Yanli looked at Qiao Wan, who had been hanging his head, bit the bullet and asked, "This is...?"

"Don't you know her?" Jie Fei curled up his lips with a smile, and his cold eyes seemed to see through the careful thoughts in his heart. "She is Qiao Wan, and you will be your cousin from now on, so why don't you call someone. "

"Tang, cousin?!" Xie Yanli blurted out.

Qiao Wan was originally flushed by Xie Fei’s "counsel-in-law", and he squeezed Xie Fei severely with the hand held in the palm of his hand, but he saw Xie Yanli look pale in shock, his eyes grumbled and laughed. Said: "Hey, my cousin is so good. Go to your seat and sit down. The banquet is about to begin."

Everyone laughed at the words, and Xie Yanli couldn't say a word. The next second he turned around and left in a hurry, not even preparing to attend the banquet.

At the same time, He Yu and Song Xinge on the other side witnessed the whole process, and he did not expect that gentleman Feifei was actually Xie Fei, the second in command of the world-renowned giant company.

He Yu's face was a bit ugly. He knew that Qiao himself hadn't even thought about it now. Qiao Wan was so lucky that he actually found Xie Fei as his boyfriend.

But how long can a man's relationship last?

As for that Xie Yanli... should still be able to operate, they all thought that the relationship between Xie's branch and the family was very good, who would have thought that it was just so.

In Xie Fei's eyes, Xie Yanli was probably not even later than Joe that woman.

Thinking of this, He Yu half admonished and half warned Song Xinge next to him: "Xinge, we can't move this woman named Qiaowan. The plan will change."

"Why?" Song Xinge stared at He Yu, biting his lower lip and said, "I hate her, I think..."

"Don't even think about it," He Yu interrupted, with a solemn expression, "I just can't move her right now."

Xu felt that his tone was not very good, and He Yu patted Song Xinge's hand in comfort, and said softly: "Xin Ge, it's not that I won't let you take revenge, can't, I can't provoke the man next to Qiao Wan Start, will you be considerate and considerate of me?"

"We can retaliate against Xie Yanli first, and when Jie Fei gets tired of Qiao Wan, she will do everything with you then, okay?"

Song Xinge also understands the truth of accepting as soon as she sees it. Besides, she has to rely on He Yu to get revenge. Although she is not reconciled, she still agrees.

The author has something to say: I didn’t get used to it on the first day, it was half an hour late~~

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