MTL - The Star Light Shines When He Came-Chapter 136 Great god, don't run!

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Song Yuchen looked at Xie Yanli, who was gradually turning into a dark shadow in the distance, his eyes blushed with so many days of suffering and anticipation.

Since the exposure of other people’s demon status, he has endured the pain of being broken in love and the swearing and ridicule of the people, and waited for Xie Yanli in the game, so that he could see him the first time when he came up and know that he had a good life. Okay, look for a suitable opportunity to explain everything to him face-to-face, explain that I did not deliberately deceive him, ask for his forgiveness, if possible, even want him to reconcile with myself...

After all, he felt that the relationship between the two of them could not be faked before. He didn't believe that Xie Yanli had no even the slightest affection for him. He believed that Xie Yanli just suddenly knew it was unbelievable.

But as long as the time is long, when everyone gradually stops discussing this matter, Ali will slowly figure it out. They used to be so affectionate, and those who loved each other would never be separated because of such superficial reasons such as age and gender. He firmly believed that as long as he persisted and didn't give up, Ali would definitely accept him again.

Song Yuchen comforted himself over and over again in his heart, this kind of belief supports him not to be crushed by the rumors, nor to shrink back. But he didn't expect that his sweetheart, the man who had made a pledge to marry him not long ago, promised to marry him in a glorious manner, forgot all this in a blink of an eye.

Xie Yanli had come up quietly two or three times before, and it was a short time. Song Yuchen guessed that he was here to see if the limelight had passed. He wanted to come forward and talk to him, but when he saw that his face was not very good, he thought that his anger should not have subsided, so he didn't bother him, thinking about waiting until he was in a better mood.

He thought that Xie Yanli would come up in a hurry this time as before, but when he saw him running towards a certain place purposefully, with doubts in his heart, Song Yuchen subconsciously followed him quietly.

He never expected that Xie Yanli actually went to Liuyun to be late. Not only did he call her "late night" so tenderly, but he even confessed to her, the jealousy in that tone, the clenched fists, and the unwillingness. The expression... is on Song Yuchen's heart for a moment.

He could tell that Xie Yanli was serious.

It doesn't matter whether he really likes Liuyun Wanwan, but at least he has a good impression of her and possessiveness.

At that moment, Song Yuchen had mixed feelings in his heart, and his heartache was difficult for him to breathe, and he felt sore as if he had accidentally fallen into the boundless sea. The sea water instantly flooded his body, choking and uncomfortable.

He got out of the game in despair, but he felt shivering all over in the warm air-conditioned room. Like a walking corpse, Song Yuchen plunged into the quilt and wrapped his whole body tightly, and silent tears slowly fell in the dim quilt.


It was three days after Song Xinge received the call from the coffee shop where her brother was working. The place where she worked was far from the rented house, so she applied for the staff dormitory and only went back to see her brother every weekend, so she was notified that her brother was already there. When she hadn't been to work for three days, and she couldn't even reach the phone, she was completely shocked.

Before he could ask why the other party didn't notify him earlier, Song Xinge asked his superiors for leave and rushed back to the rental house.

As soon as the door opened, a smoky stench rushed out, mixed with alcohol, garbage and other miscellaneous smells. The dim room was gloomy, and in the silence, only the old wall-mounted air conditioner "creaked" from time to time. .

Song Xinge frowned subconsciously, and then resisted the discomfort and stepped into the room. She turned on the light and found a beer can spilled on the ground. On the floor beside the sofa, a group of curled up figures were dazzled by the light, snorted annoyingly, turned over and buried them beside the sofa and fell asleep.

For so many years, Song Xinge had never seen the extremely decadent appearance of her beloved younger brother. She was shocked, ignoring the mess, and strode over.

"Yuchen, wake up, I'm my elder sister, Yuchen..." Song Xinge patted Song Yuchen's abnormal red face and called out anxiously.

Song Yuchen can't see women right now, and when he hears the female voices, he subconsciously brings them into the clouds in the evening.

He opened his hand on his face vigorously, frowned and shouted: "Smelly woman, get out, don't bother me!"

Song Xinge was beaten for a moment, but there was no discomfort, but the curiosity in her heart was mixed with anger even more-who on earth caused her baby brother to be like this, let her know that she will never let it go!

Seeing that Song Yuchen was only drunk, his tone and consciousness did not look like alcoholism, Song Xinge's heart was a little calmer.

She put down the bag, helped Song Yuchen into the room and lay down on the bed, and then prepared to cook some porridge and boiling water in the kitchen. It has been two hours since she settled Song Yuchen into bed. After taking anti-drinking pills and porridge, her brother vomited twice. Now she has improved a lot. He is lying in bed and falling asleep. Li muttered twice from time to time: "Ali..."

Song Xinge guessed that Song Yuchen was broken in love. While cleaning up the garbage in the house, she thought that it was the girl who made her brother so sad, but she felt incredible. In the impression, her brother seemed to like boys since he was a child. Are women involved? Is it possible that the younger brother likes straight guys, or straight guys with girlfriends?

After everything was cleaned up, it was already late, and Song Xinge fell asleep on the pillow tiredly.

After another day and night, Song Yuchen woke up from the bed. After being drunk, his mind was a little dizzy, and his scalp felt a faint pain like a needle prick.

He sat on the bed blankly, feeling as if he had slept for a long time, his mind drifted through the fragments of the past few days, and his ears seemed to echo his sister's voice.

At this moment, his door was pushed open. Song Xinge saw that he was awake with a happy smile on his face. The next moment he closed it again, staring at him and training: "You can be patient, learn to get drunk! Your sister, I worked hard and laboriously outside to earn money all day, but you still don’t let me worry about it, and you’re giving me trouble!"

After a pause, she went on to say, "What's the big deal for you to abuse yourself like this? You are the treasure of our Song family. If you feel wronged, you will swallow it secretly?"

"Sister..." Song Yuchen pressed his temples, shouted "Sister" and hesitated, "I haven't been wronged, nor have I abused myself, I just--"

"You're just distressed by love, use alcohol to dissipate your sorrow?" Song Xinge sneered, "Have you never heard of "Drinking sorrow to dissipate sorrow"? If there is something unsatisfactory, just let it become a wish.

Song Yuchen smiled wryly: "How easy is it."

"Oh? Could it be easier for you to die and live at home?" Song Xinge raised his eyebrows, "Well, I won't talk to you about these things. I will eat out first, and talk to you afterwards. "

Song Yuchen had a bad appetite, so he put down his chopsticks after eating half a bowl of rice. Under the strong pressure of Song Xinge, he swallowed the remaining half bowl of rice.

After the meal, Song Xinge began to inquire about Song Yuchen. Song Yuchen didn't want to say it, but he was flustered again. After repeated questioning by his sister, he finally began to slowly narrate word by word.

He was full of happiness, sweetness and nostalgia, talking about the process of acquaintance between him and Li Shangmuxue in the game, and then the romance between the two slowly turning from acquaintance to love, and then he talked about the arrogant lady who wanted to steal her boyfriend. He was scolded by Ali, and then said with a face of shame that his identity as a ladyboy was exposed, and the whole network abused himself, and finally choked his boyfriend with tears in his eyes to abandon himself and pursue the night of the cloud...

Seeing his precious brother crying like a child who has suffered all his grievances, Song Xinge's anger rose up.

When she thinks that her younger brother in her palm is being teased and abused so much, she can't help but feel angry. Isn't it just some stinky money, so she can do whatever she wants without restraint?

Although his brother was wrong in concealing his true gender, it was not Yu Chen who was rushing to pester Li Shang and Mu Xue to fall in love. It was obviously he used all means to pursue Yuchen. I got it but didn't cherish it. She would never let her innocent and lovely brother look like this!

And the one who called Liuyun late... Song Xinge sneered again.

Don't think about it, he must be a master of love, saying things like "give up" and "not love anymore", but they are just some tactics. As the saying goes, it’s far fragrant and near smelly, and only things that are vying for will attract people. Liuyun left late and immediately found a better suitor. Under such a stimulus, Li Shangmuxue was unwilling to be picked. It's strange that he doesn't care about it!

As for the grand wedding, it was just another fire on top of this stimulus, which caused the man's unwillingness to reach its climax. I can’t even say that the post revealing that my brother is a ladyboy is all her own...

One link after another, the method is really clever.

Those rich people of them, ah, they are really turning people around.

But why? !

Why should they be superior to others, do whatever they want, and don't want it if they don't, and they won't consider other people's feelings at all!

And why should people like them be allowed to play with and be slaughtered by others? They obviously also have the right to say "no"!

Although in reality, Song Xinge can't fight them, but if it's in the game, that's not necessarily the case.

It's just a game. It's a big deal to fight for a few months of salary, and let it be reckless. Anyway, no one knows anyone in the game.

Thinking of this, Song Xinge raised his eyebrows and sneered, and said to Song Yuchen: "Yuchen, breaking up is never a unilateral act. Why does he say that he divides, and where does he put you? Besides, this matter is clearly not. Your fault, when Li Shang Muxue pursued you at the beginning, he didn't ask clearly, and assumed that you were a female, so he blamed him for his bad eyes!"

"Sister..." Song Yuchen bit her lower lip and hesitated. "But I really deceived him. I should tell him that I am a man as soon as possible."

"You are not stupid." Song Xinge glanced at him with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, "Forget it, just leave it alone, I will definitely seek justice for you, dare to bully my brother, that's a price. of!"

After that, Song Xinge selectively ignored Song Yuchen’s expressions and stopped talking, turned around and went back to the room to download the game. As for the scanner, she didn’t plan to buy it. Not only was it a waste of money, but she was going to take revenge on others, her own body. You don't need to look at the attributes to know that they are far inferior to the game configuration.

Song Xinge boarded the game that afternoon. She didn’t know what happened to Song Yuchen this time, so she took a week’s vacation and took care of her younger brother for two days. The remaining five days, except for cooking and sleeping, she All spent in the game.

This is the first time she has played such a large-scale game. She has also played some mobile games in the past, and she is tired after playing it for a few days. Unlike "Genesis", she finds it more interesting the more you play.

Of course, she didn't indulge in it, and still remembers where she came to the game. In the past few days, half of her time was spent on task upgrades, and half of her time was spent on official website forums.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy can win all battles. She has to search for the information she needs in these forums.

Song Yuchen has been obedient since he woke up from a drunk two days ago. Although he is still very sad and sad, he no longer needs to use alcohol to vent after talking to his sister. However, he didn’t want to be alone. He didn’t want to be alone in the house, so he listened to his sister, resigned and signed up for a January tour of Asia, ready to go out and relax and come back again, maybe with sister’s help. Next, when he came back, things had already taken a turn for the better.

At the same time, Song Xinge's vacation was quickly over, because she had to go to work, so her play time was greatly reduced. In order to get things done before her brother came back, she had no choice but to find a power leveling, and she also paid the highest price for the fastest upgrade order with first-class equipment.

Time flies quickly, and half a month is fleeting. Song Xinge got her account back from the power leveling. During this period, she would also log in to the game when she had time, but most of them were down at a glance.

Because it is approaching the end of the year, and she has taken another week of vacation before, there are not only a lot of things, but also very complicated. Recently, she has been busy and dizzy, sleeping and eating are full.

However, the past few days have improved a lot, their department is almost busy, and the next thing is the affairs of the finance department.

Tomorrow is the weekend, Song Xinge took a shower after eating, then turned on the computer and couldn't wait to board the game. After half a month, the game is not only as lively as before, but it is even worse than before. The reason is not because of the current New Year's Eve meeting half a month later.

Song Xinge knows this of course, but her account is not enough to climb the middle and upper level of the technical statistics sub-list of the celebrity list, and the popularity in the whole server is not even as good as the nameless "Mo Yuqing" on the list of his younger brother. "He", so the meeting has nothing to do with her.

Everyone in the world was talking lively about the current New Year's Eve meeting, and suddenly a message appeared, which caught everyone's attention.

[World] Orange Song Muyu: Late night in the clouds, you shameless villain, you used despicable means to harm my brother so miserably, but you are very happy and happy in the game! If you don’t give me an explanation today, I will not let it go, and see if you are tough or I am strong!

Because she didn't know how to find where the players were, and Song Xinge planned to make the matter a big deal, she directly publicly spoke on the World Channel.

The reason for this is that Song Xinge knows that the female player named Liuyun Wanwan is really poor in technology. What she loves most is wealth, beauty and being married to the top player of the whole server, but she really has nothing to do with it. The shot is out.

In fact, she wanted to find Li Shang Muxue first, but according to feedback from other players, she hadn't seen him for a long time. Besides, compared to the night of Ryuyun, Li Shangmuxue is sixth in the total list of celebrities. No matter how bad his skills are, I don't know how many times he is better.

Persimmons still have to be soft and pinched.

As soon as Song Xinge said this, there was an uproar in the world. Everyone looked at it with dumbfounded expressions. The quick-reacting people had already secretly started to ask questions, waiting to see a battle.

[World] iii.: Oh, oh? Who is this person, who dares to publicly challenge the wife of the No. 1 master of the whole service and the spoiled wife of Kuangmo, I admire and admire it!

[World] Jiaojiao: What's the situation? Is there any big melon I missed before and didn't eat it? Ask the insider for popular science~~

[World] The secret of love: brother? Has any male player been miserable lately?

[World] Big beads and small beads fall on the jade plate: Isn't it the ladyboy? In my memory, it was a big trouble with this matter...


Song Xinge kept staring at the screen, but he didn't see the reply "Liuyun is late".

Seeing that the players started to guess one by one after a few words, and then the topic got farther and farther, she immediately sent a few more messages.

[World] Orange Song Muyu: The clouds are late and late, don't be like a tortoise, dare not recognize it! Every day, my brother was ridiculed and abused by everyone, which made him feel depressed and had to use alcohol to relieve his sorrow. If I hadn't found out in time, he might not be in this world now!

[World] Orange Song Muyu: This is a fresh life, I know, in the eyes of rich people like you, the lives of those of us are a sordid life, worthless. But that is for you, for me, my brother is invaluable!

[World] Orange Song Muyu: I am different from you, and I disdain to use unbearable methods. I will ask you a word today.

[World] Orange Song Muyu: You, Liuyun is late, dare you come to the PK field to compete with me? As long as you win, I will never pester you from now on and I will apologize publicly to you, but if I win, you will apologize publicly to my brother. Do you dare to come?

Song Xinge came like this. The world channel, which was extremely lively before, was silent for a while, and then the atmosphere suddenly became hot.

[World] Shuqingqian: What did I see? It's really the ladyboy's sister who came to find the fault!

[World] Monk loves to eat meat: You people are too bad, don't you want to be called people like men and women, they are called Mo, Yu, Qing, and He!

There was a burst of laughter in the world, and Song Xinge's eyes widened when she saw this situation, and she forced her heart to roll in angrily.

[World] Orange Song Muyu: I would advise you to stay in Germany. Your mouth is not used to spray manure. To respect others is to respect yourself.

[World] Taoist priests don't pretend to be garlic: Oh, hey, you can frame others at will, can't we just say a few words? It's so grand-sounding, and you have the ability to show evidence, be careful, I'll give you a bitch!

[World] Young Master Su San: What about the evidence? What about the evidence... I'll get hairy if I can't get it out, and the consequences will be serious!

Song Xin vomited blood, she never expected that so many people would help Liuyun to speak late. Obviously, the forum said that Liuyun had a bad temper. Her brother also said that she had no friends other than gentleman Feifei. These people sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and asked her to take evidence... She had no evidence, but it was all speculation.

Obviously in reality, as long as the public opinion is guided well, even if there is no evidence, there will be faith, but why is it different in this game?

In fact, how did she know that there was nothing wrong with this sentence, but the fault was that she was fighting alone.

In reality, she has more or less friends to help her speak, so the credibility will be greatly improved. As the saying goes, "three people become a tiger" is the truth. In the current game, she doesn't have a friend, and because of Jaffe, Qiao Wan has the largest gang in the whole server behind her to support her. Even if there is evidence, everyone in the gang can drown Song Xinge, let alone frame it without evidence.

In the previous life, Qiao Wan entered the game at the end of September, and she pestered Xie Yanli like crazy, was very unfriendly to the members of the gang, she lost her temper at every turn, and she was still looking for someone to turn to Song Yuchen in the game. Such an arrogant and domineering personality has caused everyone to dislike her. Compared to her, many people prefer the gentle and lovely Song Yuchen.

Although everyone later learned that Song Yuchen was a ladyboy, after the comparison, he would be more tolerant of him. Moreover, when Song Yuchen was chased and killed, everyone helped resist the enemy under the leadership of Xie Yanli. This experience of shared suffering made him feel more tolerant. After everyone knew that Song Yuchen was not very good news, they were more supportive of Song Xinge's coming to Qiao Wan to provocative duel, so there were many people who helped her speak, naturally it was much easier.

The most important thing is that the news that Song Yuchen was a ladyboy was indeed what Qiao Wan said at the time, which was obvious to many people.

Of course, there is another biggest difference between the last life and today-that is the variable of Jaffe.

In the previous life, Song Xinge only invited Qiao Wan to a duel on the World Channel. As for other things, she told Qiao Wan in private chat. This time, Qiao Wan was named by Xie Fei as "the wife of the first master in the whole service will be a lot." "Stranger harassment" coaxed to close the stranger private chat box early.

That’s why Song Xinge said everything on the World Channel. She was still very clever and didn’t mention Song Yuchen in her first speech. She wanted to be a pioneer, but Ms. Qiao, who could not bear any provocation, was in a contest with her husband. After losing again, he didn't say a word.

Then Song Xinge was naturally anxious, and she said everything in a hurry, and then the people in the Bihai Liuyun Pavilion began to take the rhythm, and then the current situation appeared.

[World] ζ Mengcheng Mushroom Cool*: Can't get it out, right? You dare to bully our wife, you are so courageous, PK come out quickly, help the rivers and lakes!

【World】King of PK: Here comes the bitch, come PK come PK come PK come PK! Madam Gang, wait for her to kneel and beg you for forgiveness hahahahaha!

Under the frolic of the people in Bihai Liuyun Pavilion, Song Xinge burst into flames and almost exploded with anger. She gritted her teeth fiercely, no matter what these people said, she only turned her spear on Liuyun Wanwan with a cheeky face.

[World] Orange Song Muyu: When the clouds are late, when are you going to hide? But it's just a sentence, do you answer this PK or not?

As soon as the words came out, the players in the world made a lot of booing, and the sentence after sentence "received" was like swiping the screen, which made people dazzling.

This time Song Xinge also kept looking at the screen without stopping, seeing the double image and not seeing the reply of "Liuyun late night", she sneered, her fingers crackling and tapping on the keyboard.

[World] Orange Song Muyu: Oh, as timid as a mouse, what else is the wife of the gang leader of the first big gang? My level is just right at the same level as you, and my equipment and experience are not as good as you, so you dare not fight, and I have nothing to say.

Everyone in the Bihailiuyun Pavilion has ever been embarrassed like this, although this person is talking about the wife of the gang leader, but as the representative of their gang, the whole gang has no light on their faces.

Just when the members were angry, a piece of news stunned everyone.

[World] Send Jun Qianli: SB! Our gangmaster has already returned for the gangmaster's wife, polish your dog's eyes and go back and have a look!

The author has something to say: Xie Fei: Guess what I said?

Qiao Wan: I didn’t show my face today, but the name runs through the whole chapter~

Xie Fei: I haven't even appeared my name, I'm not happy  ̄へ ̄

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