MTL - The Star Light Shines When He Came-Chapter 115 Find the honey fruit of time (end)

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At the same time, Xie Fei came out of Elder Ning's room, turned around and prepared to go downstairs to pick up Ye Jing.

In the long aisle, he walked calmly, and suddenly his steps were slow, and he saw a man leaning on the stair railing and smoking a cigarette. The man wore a decent suit, but his neckline was pulled open. He looked dangling. Although he looked very handsome, his brows and eyebrows showed a hint of dissoluteness.

This person is the dude of the Rong family, Rong Ziheng, a famous **** in the upper class.

The relationship between Xie Fei and him was not good, so he just took a look and then withdrew his gaze, then he didn't stop for a while, and walked past him without squinting.

"Ning Yi." Who knew the next moment, Rong Ziheng called him.

Xie Fei paused and looked over.

Rong Ziheng licked his lips and smiled, reached out his hand to remove the cigarette in his mouth, and slowly protruded a circle of white smoke, and then said quietly: "I heard that the one called Ye Jing downstairs is your girlfriend?"

Jaffe looked at him noncommittal, his eyes lit by the light, bright and dark, giving people a faint sense of urgency.

Rong Ziheng didn't care too much, he and Jie Fei had always been two extremes. He Ning Yi is the proud son of the emperor in everyone's eyes, and he is a model of bad boy in the eyes of others.

This has always been the case since he was a child. Whether it is academic performance or social interaction, he has never been better than him. Even the brothers and friends who have played with him like him more, and even the girls who have been pursuing them so painstakingly have secretly promised him.

Now, he finally found something that could shame him, so he couldn't wait to come here to intercept him, he wanted to laugh at him fiercely and spare no room to vent the grievances he had accumulated over the years!

Thinking about this, the smile on Rong Ziheng's face gradually deepened: "Miss Ye is indeed a rare beauty, and she has a very good temperament. I understand that you like her."

He flicked the soot, and then said: "I like her a lot, not to mention her beauty, her figure is not average..."

Xie Fei's cold eyes rolled, staring at Rong Ziheng's face for an instant, his eyes sinking slightly, and a trace of impatience quickly passed through his eyes.

Rong Ziheng saw that his face was slightly displeased, and his whole body exuded an aura of compulsion. Not only did he not restrain his behavior and expression, but he smiled more and more wantonly: "I'm just a little curious. How did the dusty Young Master Ning Yining allow him to wear a shiny green hat on top of his head?"

"What do you mean?" The expression on Jie Fei's face did not change, his eyes darkened, and his always indifferent voice had a hint of coldness.

Rong Ziheng sneered when he heard the words, and said with a sarcasm: "Don't you know, your girlfriend, she lived with a man in her third year of high school, she is a second-hand product that has been rotten by others--"

Xie Fei's handsome face was dyed with a thin layer of anger. He watched Rong Ziheng's gaze getting colder and colder, and there was an incomparable chill in his deep gaze.

Without waiting for him to finish, Xie Fei clenched his fist and hit Rong Ziheng's chin fiercely. He only heard two "bangs", and the next moment he saw him fall to the ground in embarrassment.

Rong Ziheng didn't react for a while. He stretched out his thumb to wipe the blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and slowly got up with a chuckle: "Why, I talked about your pain? It's no secret anymore. After tonight, The entire upper circle will know about this, and it's useless if you hit me."

Xie Fei didn’t say much. Two steps forward, one hand grabbed him by the collar and pressed him to the railing. Then he lifted his right foot, and his knees slammed toward his belly with just a few clicks. , Rong Ziheng couldn't help but bend down and started coughing frantically, his face dripping with tears and saliva.

After Xie Fei released him, he fell to the ground with a "bang", curled up and vomited violently, and his bile was almost vomiting out.

Xie Fei took out the silk scarf from his trouser pocket and wiped his hands, and asked nonchalantly, "Who is it?"

Hearing this, Rong Ziheng gasped and laughed, his whole body trembling horribly: "Many people, many people hahahaha..."

Xie Fei took a deep look at him, but after staying a little longer, he turned and walked downstairs.

After thinking about it a little bit, he almost guessed that it was Lin Manyue's handwriting. He thought that he had not received the commission of the trader Ye Jing to punish her. As long as she stayed safe and guarded herself in this life, she would let her go, but she was wrong. There is no way to go to heaven, but no way to hell.

Yes, Ye Jing's final failure in the last life was not because she showed her feet, but because of Lin Manyue's impetus.

When Xie Fei chose to use Ning Yi's body to complete the task, she accidentally saw some secrets. It turned out that when Ye Jing met Ning Yi and Lin Manyue in the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital, Lin Manyue recognized her in that moment. First love.

At that moment, Lin Manyue had a lot of emotions in her heart, a little jealous, but more of disdain, contempt and superiority. However, after returning home, she found that Ning Yi was in a daze in the study and asked to investigate Ye Jing. News.

His concern for first love was like a fuse, which caused Lin Manyue's jealousy and unwillingness to surge. She secretly checked the information sent back by Ning Yi's men, and then quietly sent someone to Ye Shimian to pass the message.

So Ye Jing's careful assassination plan was so insighted by Ye Shimian, and finally she lost her life when she was tired.

Perhaps death is the best destination for Ye Jing, who has been tortured, but she can definitely kill her enemies and arrange her daughter's destination before she can die quickly, because Lin Manyue, she even died so miserably, then despair.

Although Ning Yi later learned the cause of the incident, for various reasons, he did not divorce Lin Manyue. Despite the loss of the relationship between husband and wife, she still lived a good life.

First, Xie Fei did not receive Ye Jing’s entrustment. Second, he felt that Lin Manyue’s mistakes were not as good as he did. He wanted to punish her as a little ugly, but didn’t want her to be harder. In this way, she really was in nature. So vicious, you can destroy a person's life at will because of jealousy and dissatisfaction, without any conscience.

Then he doesn't need to be merciful, the things he collected before can be taken out.


Near noon, the waiters prepared everything properly. The old man Ning was helped by Jiang Zhiguo to the stage of the banquet hall. After saying a word of thanks to everyone for coming to the banquet and congratulating the birthday star, he gave the microphone to Ning Mu, Ning. After the mother said a few words, she was ready to open a banquet.

At this moment, Xie Fei took Ye Jing's hand and walked onto the stage unhurriedly. A cold voice resounded through the microphone in the entire banquet hall: "Take this opportunity, I have one more happy event to share with you today. "

As he said, he looked at Ye Jing affectionately, and took her hand to signal everyone: "This Miss Ye Jing next to me, she has been living with me, and only me. Since two years She has been my fiancée identified by Ning Yi since the beginning, and she will still be my wife in the future."

The lively hall was suddenly silent, and everyone was a little bit overwhelmed, and it took a long time to talk about it.

Lin Manyue faintly heard her name being mentioned, and she shot around to see the lively eyes, she was angry in her heart, but she could only clenched her teeth unwillingly.

The mother Ning next to her looked at this scene in disbelief. She would never have thought that she had pulled Lin Manyue around to introduce her before, and now her biological son was slapping her in the face on the stage.

Ning's mother looked at Ye Jing bitterly. Two steps forward, she wanted to grab the microphone and talk. Before she could get closer, the big screen behind her that was showing Ning's photos suddenly flashed, and the next second, one after another was vulgar. The photos of occupies the entire screen, and then there is an unbearable video.

The whole hall reverberated with the boy’s gasping breath, and the "pop" he slapped on the girl’s **** from time to time. The girl always moaned twice at the right time, moaning/groaning from her throat. good", "dear~sogreat", "comeon~baby"...

The men and women on the screen hugged each other and put on various shameful postures. Although the key parts were coded, they were still ashamed of others.

The men in the photos are all kinds of foreign hunks, but the girl is the same person from beginning to end, it is Lin Manyue who was introduced and shown off by Ning Mu.

Everyone's eyes fell on her one after another. Mother Ning hurriedly stepped aside after being shocked. Someone in the crowd was talking about how Lin Manyue said he was conservative.

The quiet hall became lively again for a while, and everyone subconsciously moved away from Lin Manyue, looking at her as if looking at something disgusting, leaving her alone in the middle of the field.

And everyone in the Lin family not far away turned around angrily or ashamed and left the door, regardless of the frightened Lin Manyue.

When Old Man Ning was shocked, he made a decisive decision. He immediately had people cut off the power supply and took Lin Man to the room to rest, while he asked people to find the person behind the scenes, but this was done by Xie Fei using a technique, and there was no trace at all. Staying, in the end, can't stop it.

It’s just that no matter what, there are so many people with good looks at the banquet today. Even the prestige of Mr. Ning can’t stop everyone’s gossip. Although they will not publicize or talk face-to-face, they will inevitably give secretly behind the scenes.

Elder Ning shook his head helplessly, and had to end the banquet early.

Not long after the banquet, although the relationship between the Lin family and the Ning family remained unbroken, it was also much worse than before. Lin Manyue was also decided to go abroad by the Lin family. Forget about this time.

Lin Manyue calmed down a lot after returning home. The more she thought about it, the more wrong she became, and she always felt that Ye Jing was taking revenge on herself. Therefore, when she heard the news that the old man Ning Yi and Ning Yi were cohabiting together, the news that they had been formally engaged to get married, the hatred in her heart reached its peak.

She herself was laughed at by everyone, but Ye Jing was happily engaged?

She is unwilling, she is jealous, she wants to retaliate, and she wants Ye Jing to be so often affected by public opinion!

Therefore, Lin Manyue would never return to the country or have any relationship with the Lin Family in this life, and asked the Lin Family to help her investigate Ye Jing carefully, not letting go of a single bit.

Soon her people got shocking news from Qiu Min. Lin Manyue asked friends abroad to help her find out about Ye Shimian's news. After a while, she secretly contacted Ye Shimian and asked him to return home to help her quietly. Own, not only gave him a large sum of money, but also gave him Ye Jing.

Ye Shimian couldn't hold back his heartbeat and agreed. On the day he returned to China, Lin Manyue secretly went to the airport to pick up people, but he didn't know that her every move had been under Jie Fei's surveillance.


Xie Fei took the opportunity to catch the two of them at one go and took them to the former villa of Ye Family in City B. He bought this house when it was first auctioned off in order to imprison Ye Shimian like Ye Jing was imprisoned in the previous life. It seems that there is a better arrangement.

After moving the two to the basement, Xie Fei made a magic trick and created an illusion for the two of them. Ye Shimian took Lin Manyue as Ye Jing, and Lin Manyue also lost his original memory and regarded himself as completely. Ye Jing.

As long as Ye Shimian went to bed, he would dream of Ye Jing and other people. The pain was so painful that he would use various methods to imprison and torture Lin Manyue after waking up. While Lin Manyue would experience romantic love time after time when he was asleep, but he was repeatedly broken by Ye Shimian. He could only watch the despair of his lover and other women. After waking up, he was tortured by Ye Shimian. Take over...

Day after day, year after year.

Blinded by desire, constrained by illusions, no matter how painful they are, they are unwilling to liberate themselves, let alone liberate the other party.

Since then, the two have tortured each other in this way, the double struggle of body and spirit, the interactive influence of reality and dreams, the two have no joy in life, and death is impossible.

The author has something to say: Huh, this world is finally over~~The next world online game! ! ! I read my outline last night and found that I have three stories about online games. I really want to write them. I’m still struggling~~