MTL - The Star Light Shines When He Came-Chapter 10 Who has pity for the red fragrance?

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The seats of Tang You and Chen Yuyan are at the front of the banquet, and they have not noticed the commotion at the door. They are surrounded by wretches, each of them looks like a person, but the content of the conversation is not serious. Up--

"There are so many beauties at today's banquet, Brother Tang, which one do you like?" Chen Yuyan raised her eyebrows and smiled.

Tang You smiled: "I like it all."

"Brother Tang, you can't be too greedy." Another man in Tsing Yi answered.

"My name is Huaxin, not greedy." Tang You said sternly, "I like beautiful beauties. They are beautiful, so I like them all. What can I do."

These words made Chen Yuyan laughed, and they grabbed things around him and hit him. Tang You was chased by several people and dodged, and ran around the seat several times.

"Tang You, stop, stop if you have a seed!"

"Regardless of our brotherhood, if you eat meat and soup with you, let's just lick the pot?"

Amidst the noise, Xie Fei walked over with Xiwen slowly, and Tang You, who was chased out of breath, had his eyes glowing, and he approached Xie Fei with a shy face. The wicked first complained: "Brother Fei You see, they actually teamed up to bully me."

The few people who followed him stared at Tang You fiercely when he heard the words: "It deserves it, who made you guilty."

Tang You still needs to reply. Xie Fei glanced at him and said lightly: "Okay, the banquet is about to begin. I will get to my seat with Xiwen."

"Oh, Fei, did you bring your family?" Tang You said, looking up at Xiwen who was hiding behind Xie Fei.

Xiwen's face was already red when she heard the word "family family", and now she looked over with a few pairs of eyes, she directly covered her face with her hands in shame.

Xie Fei slightly turned sideways to block the sight of several people, separated Tang You's head with his hand, looked at him and said: "Xiwen is a delicate temper, don't scare her."

Tang You looked at Chen Yuyan uncomfortably and asked, "Am I scary?"

Those people nodded tacitly, and then started a new round of chasing after me.

When Tang You and the others returned to their seats, there was a male voice from the chairmanship: "The first prince, the second prince, the fifth prince, and the ninth prince are here—"

Everyone stood up and saluted. The four princes took their seats one by one, and the eldest prince smiled and motioned for everyone to take their seats.

The banquet began, and people held pots of chrysanthemums of various shapes and colors and placed them around the courtyard. Suddenly, a scent of chrysanthemums filled the garden.

The ones in the front are basically common chrysanthemums such as bonsai chrysanthemum, marigold, calendula, tricolor chrysanthemum, and the few people who walked in the end carefully carried the chrysanthemum to the center of the banquet. Everyone was curious. He craned his neck, and his eyes widened in shock in the next instant. It was unexpectedly precious and unusual Green Peony, Mohe, Phoenix Zhenyu and Xihu Liuyue, which are all hard to buy chrysanthemums.

"Thank you for your appreciation, and for coming to participate in the chrysanthemum banquet, to show our gratitude, the palace specially sent someone to search for these peerless chrysanthemums. Please enjoy them all." The prince said with a toast with a smile.

Everyone agreed and drank, the second prince lifted his lips and smiled and said: "Brother, just admiring the chrysanthemum is a bit too boring. The ladies here are all proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, why don't we hold a competition? ?"

"This is a good idea, but I don't know what the bet is?" The fifth prince echoed his palm.

The second prince's eyes flashed, and said: "Just take these four pots of precious chrysanthemums as a reward, eldest brother is willing to cut love?"

"Why don't you give up?" The eldest prince said with a faint expression, and then asked everyone, "What do you think, ladies?"

The purpose of the young ladies present at the banquet was to make the capital famous, and today’s banquet was not the son of aristocratic family, or the talented people among the poor, and there were even four princes who had yet to marry their wives. All of these men have unlimited prospects. If you want to get their favor, this is not a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

All the ladies tacitly acquiesced, only Xiwen, she is now looking at the four pots of chrysanthemums in the middle of the courtyard, especially the pots of green peony. Its outer petals are light green with dark green heart petals. Curl upwards, green like jade, crystal clear and dazzling.

At the same time, Chen Binger in the distance looked at the ladies who were gearing up to perform their talents, and frowned tightly.

She has lived in the countryside since she was born, and she is good at fetching water, cooking, washing and chopping wood. As for piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, and girly skills, she doesn’t know anything about it. Although she started to learn after she arrived in Beijing, she didn’t know much about it. In just half a month, how can she compare to these young ladies who have been studying hard since childhood? She is afraid that she will be laughed at by others, but I only hope that Brother Liang will not be burdened...

A simple performance stage was quickly set up in the middle of the banquet. Miss Li from the Book of Etiquette volunteered to be the first to perform on stage. She played a melodious and fascinating flute. For this section, Lianbu danced a wavy dance; Miss Lu from the Qinggui Family played a wonderful pipa song; Miss Liu from the Zuoxiang Mansion even attracted beautiful butterflies with her wonderful hands!

With such a rare opportunity, these ladies all took out their special skills at the bottom of the box. The crowd was dazzled, and they clapped and applauded. For a while, they really couldn't tell the difference.

When everyone was hesitant, Tang You's eyes fell on Xie Fei and Xiwen. He smiled and said, "The prince, Princess Anping hasn't performed yet!"

As he said, he looked at Xie Fei in favor, and said, "Brother Fei, let your princess play a song. I've heard of Princess Anping's superb piano skills, but unfortunately I missed the Queen Mother’s birthday party last time. You will satisfy me the next time and fill my ears."

Xie Fei put down the wine glass in his hand and said lightly: "I don't care, Xiwen is willing to do it." With that, he turned his head to look at Xiwen next to him.

Xiwen raised her small face slightly, a pair of clear eyes full of longing, she pursed her lips and said hesitatingly: "I, I like the green peony..."

"Then go, I'm here, don't be afraid." Xie Fei nodded and smiled Qing Qian.

Xiwen nodded overjoyed, smiled unconsciously, and said briskly: "Then I will show my ugliness."

When she said that, she got up and walked to the stage, flicking her sleeves, Shi Shiran sat in front of the piano stage, and placed a pair of white Shengxue's slender jade fingers on the strings and flicked gently.

The sound of the piano rang like spring water, and the sound was tactful and lingering, just like the meeting of mountains and running water, and then turned like a yellow ying ying. As the fingers gradually accelerated, the sound of the piano became clearer and more ethereal, and then it became lingering and restless. Wen suddenly raised her eyes to look at Xie Fei. The two eyes met in the air. Xie Fei's eyes were focused and affectionate. Suddenly Xiwen only felt that everything around her was gone, only the two of them were left.

Everyone looked at the way the two men looked at their concubines, and they only felt that the sound of the piano became more and more intoxicating, turning into a graceful fairy and entangled between the two.

At the end of the song, everyone was still intoxicated. When Xiwen returned to her seat, everyone woke up like a dream. They all cast envy and admiration at Xiwen: "Princess Anping’s piano skills are really superb. It’s hard to remember."

"This song should only be found in the heavens, how many times can I hear it in the world? I am considered to be truly insight today!"

Everyone was talking in high spirits, Xiwen lowered her head very shyly, her plain white hands stirred the handkerchief under the table, her white cheeks were already red hot, and even her neck and ears were stained with blush.

Xie Fei looked sideways at the petite woman next to her, her cold eyes were stained with a smile, and she said calmly, "It's a good play."

His voice was so low that Xiwen almost thought that she had auditory hallucinations. She raised her head in a daze, and was facing his lowered and smiling eyes. Her heart became numb for a moment, blushing and stammering: " Many, thank you for your praise..."

The ladies did their best to perform their best performances, but they finally made wedding dresses for Xiwen. Although they also admitted that no one could match Princess Anping's piano art, they were really unwilling to let them give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Just as the ladies frowned and thought about countermeasures, Miss Li, the daughter of the household servant, happened to see Chen Bing'er's mouth with a faint sneer. She became angry and said coldly: "Looking at Ms. Chen's well-established look, could it be Is there a better talent, why don't we show it for everyone to appreciate?"

The banquet that had just been extremely lively quieted down for a short time. During the stalemate, Chen Bing'er frowned and said: "Miss Li, Bing'er was born in the countryside and is not good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, I'm afraid it will disappoint you."

After hearing this, Miss Li's eyes lit up, and her heart couldn't help but become happy. All she wants is that you are not good at it. Since Princess Anping is so beautiful, then you can set off us again, and immediately laughed: "Ms. Chen doesn't have to be humble. Since you can be in the eyes of Master Liang, there must be something extraordinary. Please give me your advice and give you a performance."

During the conversation between the two, the other ladies also figured out the key points, and invited them one after another. Before Liang Shao saw Xiwen and Xie Fei flirting with each other when he was playing the piano, he felt uncomfortable. Now, regardless of Chen Bing'er's embarrassment, his brain heated up and said, "Bing'er, you can perform one."

Liang Shao thought very well. He thought that as long as she was a woman, there would be one or two talents that he could do well, but he didn't know that it would be nice if Chen Bing'er could eat and wear warmth. Where could I have spare money to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, let alone There is no skill in the countryside, so even if you have money, you can't learn the skills of a woman in Beijing.

Chen Bing'er couldn't, so she got up and went to the stage. There were malicious gazes from the daughters who were waiting to see her jokes. She hesitated for a while amidst the urging of the crowd, and she sang a song from her own country. Folk song.

In fact, this song is pretty good, especially Chen Bing'er's own voice is lovable, but none of the skills of these daughters has been tempered through thousands of times. It is conceivable that Chen Bing'er's song is really good. No countertops.

As soon as they sang a few words, the princes and ladies couldn't help but laugh. Gradually, the laughter became louder and louder. Chen Bing'er's blush became a piece of blush, and his throat seemed to be blocked. Her trembling mouth slowly tightened, her hands hidden in her sleeves were clenched into fists, and the back of her hands bulged.

Holding back the tears, he spoke again. After singing, Chen Bing'er staggered back to his seat. Liang Shaohu beside her stared round and his face was pale. Not only did he not comfort him, but turned angrily. head.

The author has something to say:

I want to see Kunchi Rock, but I am scared. Have you ever seen the cutie, give me a horse/Sykeon?

Read The Duke's Passion