MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 88 so fierce

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Because the tall back of Qiu Ci blocked everyone's sight, everyone could not see what actually happened between the two.

From their point of view, they could only see Qiu Ci slowly bowing his head, as if he kissed Ran Dongling, and then a shocking scene happened.

Ran Dongling vomited!

He was vomited by the hatred!

This is more shocking than seeing them kiss with their own eyes. The person who kisses him is hateful. How disgusting does it have to be to vomit?

He patted Ran Dongling's back lightly, turned his head and asked the stunned assistant below to bring water and tissues.

Ran Dongling just felt nauseous. The act of vomiting was done subconsciously, but nothing came out. After the inexplicable nausea was relieved, he took a deep breath and shrank into a ball and squatted on the ground.

Qiu Ci wanted to hold him down to rest, Ran Dongling shook his head and didn't want to move, and as soon as Qiu Ci approached him, his frown deepened.

Chen Yun walked over quickly. Seeing that Ran Dongling didn't vomit, he handed over a glass of warm water and said gently: "Xiao Ling, come on, drink some water first, what's going on, is there any discomfort?"

No discomfort, he just felt that brother Qiu Ci stinks a little, smells a little disgusting, and he feels a little nauseous.

He said this in a low voice, only a few people close to him could hear him.

Chen Yun was a little surprised for this reason, and looked at Qiu Ci carefully. Sure enough, Qiu Ci's unsightly complexion was now even more blue.

Ugly and ugly, he was not angry with Ran Dongling, he took a few steps back, lowered his head and sniffed the robe on his body.

He rolled around in the soil and grass today, and the robe smelled of soil mixed with grass. It didn't smell good, but it didn't make you want to vomit. Otherwise, the enmity will not be able to bear it first.

He didn't smell anything himself, he could only guess that Ran Dongling had a smart nose and smelled something he didn't smell.

Sighed silently, Qiu Ci stepped aside, let Chen Yun help Ran Dongling go down to rest, and then gave Ouyang Ou a look in the air, meaning that this scene will not be filmed.

Ouyang Ou understood what he meant, came out to control the scene, and said that today's shooting is all over, everyone who worked hard, you can go back early and have a good rest, so as not to affect tomorrow's shooting.

It's alright, he left.

In the crew lounge.

Chou resigned from the bathroom to remove makeup and take a shower. Ran Dongling, Chen Yun, and Ouyang Ou waited for him in the lounge. The three shared a bag of soft and sticky sweet potatoes to eat.

Seeing that Ran Dongling was okay, Chen Yun nibbled at the dried sweet potato with a grim expression, and asked him for the third time, "Xiao Ling, are you really okay? Is there any discomfort? Do you want to vomit?"

Ran Dongling was eating something in his mouth, and his words were slurred, "It's alright, I just felt a little uncomfortable, I'm all right now." After chewing a piece of dried sweet potato, his mouth felt very dry. , took another sip of milk tea.

It's fine. Seeing that he can eat and drink now, Chen Yun is relieved.

I just don't know if Qiu Ci is still good now.

Chou Ci took a bath in the bathroom for a full half an hour, washing away all the earthy smell on his body, and when he changed his clothes and came out, he also let Xiao Chen smell if there is any other smell on his body .

Xiao Chen took two steps forward, smelling the faint woody fragrance, he quickly shook his head, "Brother Ci, no more."

During the time they were waiting, the three of them finished eating dried sweet potatoes and had nothing to do, so they started chatting. It's delicious. Do you want to cook another pot for everyone to try tomorrow?

, I plan to cook another pot tomorrow.

Chen Yun didn't know the price of tea last time, so she accompanied Ran Dongling to make a fool of herself. Later, she learned from Qiu Ci that this bag of tea cost hundreds of thousands, and she never dared to eat tea eggs again.

While hinting at Ran Dongling euphemistically, she wondered why Qiu Ci hadn't finished taking a bath yet, maybe she was stimulated by Ran Dongling's stinky vomit, so she rubbed a layer of skin in the bathroom.

After chatting and chatting, Qiu Ci finally appeared at the door. Ran Dongling saw him come in, his eyes were rolling, he preempted and ran up to hug him.

"Brother Qiu Ci, you are so fragrant." He tried to make up for the bad words he just said Qiu Ci.

Chou Ci looked at his deliberately pleasing actions, and felt amused, "Why don't you usually say that."

"Because...because..." Ran Dongling's mouth was stuck, and he didn't know how to answer the revenge.

Several people looked at him with a smile, to see what he could do.

"Because you are very fragrant today." He clapped his hands and added a special to the previous sentence.

Chou Ci was helpless to him, and scratched his nose dotingly, "Little fool."

Back to the hotel.

The filming is also coming to an end, three days later.


Ouyang Ou looked at Qiu Ci on the screen and finished the last shot of the movie.

"Ghost" was officially completed, and the staff quickly sent the prepared bouquets.

"Congratulations to Mr. Qiu for finishing!"

"Happy Mr. Qiu! "Ghost" is happy!"

"Congratulations! Happy finishing! Everyone has worked hard!"

The end of the stage, the rest is post-production and get the calibration file.

Ran Dongling joined in the crowd. As the mascot of the crew, he was given two cakes full of fruit, two cups of bubbling Coke, and two steaming fried chicken legs.

Human happiness is so simple, Ran Dongling can eat three things at once.

He took a bite of the cake, the sticky cream stuck in his throat, a little greasy.

Drinking Coke again, the Coke has too much bubbles, and it doesn't seem to be as delicious as I imagined.

Finally, I took a bite of fried chicken drumsticks, tasted the oil, and the feeling of nausea and nausea surfaced again.

Strange, so strange.

Chou Ci took a group photo with everyone, found Ran Dongling in a corner, and found that he was looking at chicken legs and thinking about life.

"Why don't you eat it? Didn't you always crave fried chicken legs before?"

Ran Dongling fed the fried chicken leg to his mouth, "Brother Qiu Ci, take a bite, do you think it's delicious?"

Chou Ci took a bite and it was ordinary fried chicken.

Listening to what he said, Ran Dongling felt that it was because of the change in his own taste.

As people grow up, their tastes will also change. Foods that were once disliked will become favorites, while foods that once liked are not so fond of.


For the first time, Ran Dongling did not refute him, and nodded in agreement.

The second day after the completion of the project, they returned home from the ancient city. After two days of rest, what Ran Dongling had planned for a long time was finally put on the agenda.

He invited Chen Yao and Xiu Zhian to their house.

On a sunny Saturday, Ran Dongling and Samoyed greeted the guests downstairs.

"Good morning, Xiaoling, I brought you some biscuits." Xiu Zhi'an saw a big white dog from a distance, and then saw Ran Dongling, whom he had not seen for a long time, and found that he was even bigger than before. Thin.

"Good morning, Xiao An, I miss you so much." The two exchanged gifts and walked in front to talk about what happened recently.

Samoyed wanted to keep up with Ran Dongling's pace, but found that someone was pulling him behind him. For some reason, the leash around his neck was being held by Chen Yao.

"Woo? Woohoo!"

"What are you humming, you see that your master doesn't want you anymore, and my wife doesn't want me anymore. Are we considered brothers and sisters? Hahaha."

Chen Yao was amused by his own words, and when he walked into the elevator, he thought that he and a dog were brothers and sisters. Isn't that saying that he is a dog?

The three went up to the floor, and as soon as they entered the door, Xiu Zhian heard a bird call, and following the bird call, they walked into the living room. Later, Ran Dongling moved in. After daily accumulation, the cold wind disappeared and was replaced by the warm doll wind.

And now the cozy doll-style living room has something that is out of tune with the surrounding decoration - a large piece of black cloth.

I don't know what is covered under the black cloth, but an arc protrudes, which looks even more abrupt.

Ran Dongling told Chen Yao that this was a bird from the crew. After the filming, the staff saw that he liked it and gave it to him. It was not a bird of any kind, but an ordinary bird.

"What is this?" Xiu Zhian asked, pointing to the black cloth next to him.

Ran Dongling looked at the black cloth and twitched the corners of his mouth. This refined starling was also given by the staff. He didn't like it very much, but he was worried that the starling was talking nonsense, so he also brought it with him return.

It turns out that he didn't worry too much, the starling really can talk nonsense.

On the first day they came back, Lin Yuan came to see them, saw this stupid cute starling, and made a lot of jokes, this joke made the starling remember her, and also remember what she said if.

Xiu Zhian tore off the black cloth, and the starling inside burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, darling, Mommy misses you so much, come and hug."

"Mom loves you, Mom loves you."

"Son, son, don't be angry, Mommy loves you, Mommy loves you too."

Mynah only saw the light for a minute, and the black cloth was covered again.

Chen Yao laughed until his stomach hurts and wants to buy this starling with a lot of money. He thinks that the starling has a talent for singing.

"You don't have to buy it, I'll give it to you." Qiu Ci, who was beating eggs in the kitchen, heard their movements and came out to greet them.

"Real or fake? I think he's so dark, he fits well with our cat Hugh, so he can be named Hugh bird, hehe."

Xiu Zhian punched him in the chest, preventing him from telling dirty jokes.

After saying hello, they asked them to be polite, play casually, and go back to the kitchen to cook by themselves. They had egg fried rice at noon today, and his chef, Ran Dongling, set the plate.

"Where is the TV remote control?" Chen Yao sat down on the sofa and asked Ran Dongling.

"On the sofa."

"Why didn't I see it."

The three searched around the living room, and even searched the corners of the sofa, but still could not find the shadow of the remote control.

"Qiu Ci, do you have a spare TV remote control?"

"There are spare drawers under the TV cabinet, find them yourself." Qiu Ci was busy picking eggshells in the bowl and asked Chen Yao to find it himself.

Ran Dongling and Xiu Zhi'an were sitting obediently on the sofa when they saw Chen Yao walk carelessly in front of the TV, crouched down and tried to open the drawer.

Ran Dongling immediately got up and walked over, "Chen Yao, what are you doing?"

He saw what was inside clearly, his pupils dilated.

The inside of the drawer was red, full of neat red envelopes, some of which contained too much money and leaked out the corners.

Xiu Zhian swallowed. It was the first time he had seen so many red envelopes. There must be hundreds of thousands of money here.

In addition to the red red envelopes in the drawer, there is a white box next to it, occupying a third of the place.

Ran Dongling remembered that she only put the red envelope in it, why did she have an extra box.

The box was closest to him, and he reached out to open it to see what was inside.

Chou Ci finally picked the eggshell out of the bowl, heard their conversation outside, and suddenly thought that there were other things under the TV cabinet.

He didn't know that Ran Dongling could get pregnant and give birth to a child before.

But not now, just in case, he bought a box of essentials.

Ran Dongling has such a shy temperament. When he sees these things at home, he will secretly throw them away when he is not careful.

So Qiu Ci temporarily put the necessary supplies in a place that Ran Dongling would not usually get close to - the TV cabinet where the private money was hidden.

"Chen Yao!"

Before he had time to rush out of the kitchen, Chen Yao's voice of seeing the world came from outside.

"Fuck! So fierce!"