MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 85 secret

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When the starling opened his mouth, everyone on the field was stunned.

Myna didn't know what shocking words he said. After he said three sentences, he tilted his head to look at the tall man in front of him, laughed twice, and spoke again.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

"My name is Xie Dongling, the old Xu family in the west of the city."

"My name is Xie Dongling, the old Xu family in the west of the city."

"My name is Xie Dongling, the old Xu family in the west of the city."

The props teacher was so surprised that his jaw dropped. When he went to the flower and bird market to buy myna, the owner of the bird said it was smart and could speak very quickly.

But the starling didn't learn a few lines except for that line.

Now it seems that the boss doesn't have a donkey, it's the starling who has to pick someone to learn how to speak! After teasing it for so long, I only learned the phrase [Old Xu Family in the west of the city], and it only spent half an hour with Ran Dongling before he could learn what he said.

They don't know who Xie Dongling is talking about, but they are very familiar with Ran Dongling. When the two Donglings are stacked together, people immediately think that the starling has misremembered the name.

It records Ran Dongling as Xie Dongling.

So stupid, the flaw was revealed by the starling.

"Silly bird!" Ran Dongling also heard what the starling said. It was so loud that no one present could not hear him. His whole face was as red as a peach, crimson, I just said a few more words to this starling, who knows that he will record them all.

What Xie Dongling, what husband, how did you say it!

What a fool!

He ran over in a hurry, wanting the starling to shut up.

Mynah saw a familiar person running over, the yellow mung bean blinked, and said again.

"Brother Qiu Ci is my husband, my husband, and my husband is my husband."

"No, no, don't talk nonsense! Shut up!" The words he said were heard by so many people, Ran Dongling was about to die of shame, and was in a hurry to reason with the myna in the bird cage.


"It didn't talk nonsense." Qiu Ci said with a smile, "I am indeed your husband."

Ran Dongling is ashamed and angry, he is not thick-skinned enough to call her husband husband outside, and he usually doesn't call him Qiu Ci. .

The starling, with the bird and the cage, was held in his arms by Ran Dongling. With a grudge on his face, he discussed with the prop teacher if he could wait for the filming of the scene and lend the starling to him for a few days, He wanted to cleanse the memory of mynah.

I said too much just now, and I don’t know if there is anything I shouldn’t say. The name Xie Dongling can be explained. Both Ran Dongling and Dongling have the word Dongling. Otherwise it would be bad.

And husband and wife can't talk nonsense!

Qiu Ci and Ouyang Ou stood beside him, and the props teacher quickly said yes, and wanted to take the birdcage in his hand and take it away.

Ouyang Ou rubbed his bald head. He gave Ran Dongling to play with this myna. He didn't know that this myna was talking so fast.

He waved his hand to stop the prop teacher's movements, "Forget it, this scene will be filmed in two days, so let Xiaodong "clean up the memory" first. "

Ran Dongling didn't dare to stay here any longer, at least he didn't dare to stay here today. When he thought of what had just happened, his face became faintly hot as soon as the heat disappeared. He brought two The bird returns to the RV to rest.

The filming ended at noon, and everyone went to rest. Qiu Ci was not in a hurry to return to the RV, so he went to find Song Xi first. He still had a question in his heart that had not been resolved.

"Brother Ci, do you have anything to do with me?" Song Xi was a little nervous in the face of Qiu Ci, and sure enough, what the agent said was right. Staying on the set, you can really get familiar with it. In the morning, the director came to him, and the actor also came to him.

Chou Ci walked with him to a remote corner and asked casually, "You really don't know him? Isn't it his third brother?"

He was referring to Ran Dongling.

Song Xi scratched his head, didn't Chen Yun say that Ran Dongling recognized the wrong person before? Why does Qiu Ci also come to ask himself now?

"I'm really not, I don't have him in my memory, and... uh, Brother Ci, I'll tell the truth, I grew up in Laoniu Town, the farthest place I went. It's the provincial capital, I still came here after I was admitted to university, I think Xiaoling has never been to Lao Niu Town, right?"

"He told me everything, his surname is Xie." Qiu Ci looked into his eyes to see if he was lying just now.

"Ah?" Song Xi didn't understand what he meant by this sentence. Isn't Ran Dongling from the Ran family? It turns out that his surname is not Ran, but Xie.

Is this the secret of a wealthy family? Song Xi was distracted and thought about this question for a few seconds.

"Forget it, if you remember one day, you can contact me directly." Seeing his appearance, Qiu Ci was certain in his heart, turned around and left after saying this.

Leaving Song Xi, who was confused, stood on the spot with a confused expression.

Back to the RV, Ran Dongling sat on a chair with chopsticks, seven or eight heat preservation boxes were placed on the table in front of him, and two bird cages were placed on the next table, one of which was covered with a black cloth.

"Brother Qiuci, you're back, then we can eat." He opened the lid of the insulation box, and there was steaming food inside.

After a phone call between Ran Dongling and Lin Yuan two days ago, Lin Yuan sent a chef over the next day. The chef is from the old house and knows their taste. The dishes are cooked, with one or two new dishes mixed between each meal.

The familiar taste greatly increased the appetite, Ran Dongling cooked two bowls of rice in one breath, and finally sat on the chair with his stomach in a daze.

"Jeep, ji ji!" The little chubby bird kept staring at them while they were eating, and when they finished eating, they began to chirp, meaning it would eat too.

Chou Ci was attracted by its sound and walked over. He didn't understand the meaning of the little fat bird, so he ignored it, raised his hand and tore off the black cloth beside him.

This time it didn't say anything strange, not even a word, Qiu Ci didn't know how Ran Dongling cleaned his memory, and even gave him the habit of training him with the previous prop teacher. forget.

Standing for two minutes, myna flapped its wings.

"The old Xu family in the west of the city."

Training the starling back to its original state? Qiu Ci was a little curious, how did he do it?

"I won't tell you." Ran Dongling covered his mouth, refusing to tell Qiu Ci how he had a spiritual exchange with Starling just now.

"Brother Qiuci, it has become normal, you will return this stupid bird in the afternoon." Ran Dongling didn't want to see this starling at all, seeing it would make him feel bad 's memories.

Qiu Ci was not in a hurry to return the bird, and made an excuse at will, saying that he would return it tomorrow.

Ran Dongling didn't go to the crew in the afternoon. He didn't want to face the actors and staff in the crew, so he just slept in the RV and received a call from an unexpected visitor.

The person on the other end of the phone claimed to be his cousin Ran Feng, and asked Ran Dongling to transfer 3 million to him now. He needs it urgently and will pay it back after a while.

If it is 300 yuan, Ran Dongling will lend it to him; if it is 3000 yuan, Ran Dongling will also lend him; He; but asked him to borrow three million in one breath, Ran Dongling refused to borrow it.

"You don't have money? Didn't Qiu Ci give you money? And you also participated in the show with him, do you have a notice fee?" Ran Feng's tone is not very good, he can't add Ran Dongling's WeChat , the number of calls I made a few times was also blocked, and today I deliberately changed the number to call.

Ran Dongling didn't know that Ran Feng was blocked by himself. These are all things that Qiu Ci said helped him "handle".

"Why do you want so much money?" Ran Dongling wanted to hang up his phone. Out of curiosity, he also wanted to know why Ran Feng asked him to borrow money.

Ran Feng paused for a while, as if thinking about something, and asked him, "Don't you know what's going on in the circle?"

In what circles? He had never heard of it.

Ran Dongling told the truth and answered that he did not know.

"I don't know, it's not a big deal. You call three million first, and I'll talk to you later." Ran Feng said a series of bank card numbers, and asked him to send this Cary made money, three million, not a penny.

Ran Dongling was of course not happy, and he hadn't agreed to lend Ran Feng the money.

Ran Feng endured him at first, but spoke to him in a good voice, listened to him again and again, and refused to lend his money again and again, and his tone was not restrained at the moment. Said: "Oh, Ran Dongling, don't you borrow it? Then you say, if I reveal your secret to those paparazzi, how much do you think the enemy will spend to block this bottomless pit?"

"What's the secret?!" Ran Dongling raised his voice abruptly, his scalp tingling, he is very nervous now, does Ran Feng know that he is not really Ran Dongling?

Ran Feng didn't say it directly, and said vaguely: "What secrets do you have, you know it yourself, hurry up and call the money, I will keep this matter tight-lipped. Don't worry, three hundred Wan, I asked you to borrow it, and when the company's funds are returned, the three million will be returned to you together with the principal and interest."

Ran Feng said the bank card number again, asked him to write down the card number, called three million before five o'clock, and hung up.

Ran Dongling was apprehensive, he had little contact with the Ran family, but only met Ran Feng once, and even the closest brother Qiu Ci did not discover his secret, why Ran Feng would know?

The words of copying Liangke threatened Ran Dongling, no matter what, in order to prevent Ran Feng from telling his secret, he had to call Ran Feng three million first.

He can't transfer money with a bank card, and WeChat can't transfer a large amount of money. In desperation, he came to the studio to seek revenge.

Qiu Ci just finished filming a scene where he was rolling in the soil. He was covered in dirt and dust, and the collar of his sleeves was torn in several places, revealing the pure black undershirt inside.

Look over.

I found that Ran Dongling came to the set at an unknown time, standing pitifully and aggrieved among a group of staff, holding a mobile phone tightly in his hand.

Qiu Ci raised his hand and asked the staff to pause for a while. He walked to Ran Dongling and met his big panic eyes.

"Honey, what happened?" He was so dirty, Qiu Ci didn't start to comfort him, he could only ask in a slow tone.

Ran Dongling handed over the mobile phone in his hand, "Brother Qiu Ci, my cousin wants me to call him three million, but I won't, you help me."

Three million is not a small amount, but I still asked Ran Dongling for three million. This matter revealed that something was wrong. Qiu Ci asked him what Ran Feng wanted three million for.

Ran Dongling certainly couldn't say that it was because Ran Feng knew his secret and threatened himself with it.

"I don't know. My cousin asked me to borrow money and said that I would return it to me after the company's capital turnover."

When he said this, Qiu Ci immediately understood. Some time ago, he chatted with his father, and the two chatted with the Ran family. Qiu's father told him that a subsidiary company under the Ran family had a serious accident The accident was also reported on social news, and it was Ran Feng who was in charge of managing this subsidiary.

Father Qiu only said two sentences and skipped it. The rest is what Qiu Ci learned from his friends in the business circle.

In order to solve this accident, Ran Feng mobilized a lot of company funds, but the company can not mobilize enough funds, he can only ask relatives and friends to borrow money, borrowed a round, he barely made up the funds The gap, he is like tearing down the east wall to make up the west wall. If the company wants to operate normally, it still needs a working capital.

So he came to ask Ran Dongling to borrow money now.

Qiu Ci's eyes deepened, three million is not a lot of money for them, if it is an ordinary friend, it is fine to lend it out.

"Brother Qiu Ci, cousin asked me to call before five o'clock. This is his bank card number." Ran Dongling took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Qiu Ci, on which was written A string of bank card numbers, he was afraid that if he didn't call the money on time, Ran Feng would tell his secret.

"Did he just ask you to borrow money? Did he tell you anything else?" Qiu Ci asked.

Ran Dongling hesitated for a while, then slowly shook his head.

That is simply asking him to borrow money, Qiu Ci washed his hands, entered the string of numbers on Ran Dongling's mobile phone, clicked it, and said the money was sent.

Ran Feng hung up the phone and was anxiously walking back and forth by the floor-to-ceiling window. He has no choice but to take the fact that Ran Dongling can have a child as a condition to threaten, and he does not know that Ran Dongling is willing to Refused to call the money.

The phone ding-dong, and a text message came in.

[Qianduoduo Bank: Dear customer, your account ending in 0000 received RMB 250 at 4:11 on the 7th]


Ran Feng threw the phone against the wall, and the phone bounced back to his feet.

Although Ran Dongling slapped the money, Ran Dongling was still sullen and uncomfortable. Being told his secret is not a good feeling, like someone wrapped a rope around your neck , you don't know when it will pull back.

He was always depressed and had no appetite for dinner at night. He washed and went to bed after eating hastily. He surrounded himself with dolls and built a protective wall.

Qiu Ci obviously felt his change, and felt that Ran Dongling was hiding something from him in the afternoon. Ran Feng not only asked him to borrow money, but also told him something else.

As soon as he lay down, Ran Dongling leaned over, trying to find an arm that would give him a sense of security.

"What did Ran Feng tell you?" After taking care of the person, Qiu Ci directly asked the question he wanted to ask.

The room was very quiet, Ran Dongling did not answer him.

"Can't you tell me?" Qiu Ci asked again.

There was still a long silence, Qiu Ci patted him on the back, if Ran Dongling didn't want to answer this question, then he would just pretend that nothing happened.

Patting and patting, Ran Dongling suddenly turned over and turned her back to him.

"Brother Qiu Ci, I want to tell you a secret."

The author has this to say:

This secret can be linked to the confession letter at the end of chapter 56;