MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 76 Flying down three thousand feet

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Ran Dongling didn't know at all that Chen Yao wanted to settle accounts with him after class.

He is immersed in incomparable happiness now, because his new deskmate is a tall, handsome, and well-studied male classmate.

Whoever sits with this kind of male classmate will be happy, not to mention the male classmate's name is Qiu Ci.

The smile on his face has not fallen since he entered the second class, and until the class, he still smiled stupidly, with a bright smile, which made the teachers who came to class suspect that he was Not picking up money on the ground.

Ran Dongling's little brain has never been so smart. He not only asked the director to promise him to change the classroom, but also promised to replace his brother Qiu Ci next to him. They are now sitting in the last row by the window.

Chou Ci saw him smirk like this for half the class, and was infected by his smile, he didn't realize that he was laughing with him.

Take a pen and tap Ran Dongling's finger lightly, Qiu Ci lowered his voice and asked him with a smile, "So happy?"

I'm so happy!

"Brother Qiu Ci, I really like going to school now."

For Ran Dongling, there is only one hatred between disliking school and liking it.

For Chen Yao, there is one less time between liking school and disliking school.

The get out of class bell rang, Chen Yao ran faster than the teacher, and angrily killed the second class.

He doesn't have to look for it, someone can see Ran Dongling as soon as he enters the classroom, because his position is obvious.

He sits on the left with Qiu Ci, on the right with Xiu Zhian, and in front of him is Lu Lu, the four of them have their own star halo, and they have an inexplicable aura when they gather together. Avoid them and give that corner an undisturbed space.

Chen Yao came to break the silence.

"Ran Dongling!" His killing intent has already started, and today he must kill a little idiot to relieve his hatred.

Xiu Zhian saw at a glance that he was looking for trouble, took two steps forward to block Ran Dongling, and looked at Chen Yao with a bad expression.

"Why are you talking so loud."

This is louder? He usually speaks at this volume, and Chen Yao was not good at getting out of the apprenticeship, and he was beaten back to his original shape in the first step.

But Xiu Zhian had already spoken, so he had to lower the volume twice. The harsh words he said were not imposing. Chen Yao asked Ran Dongling as if he was discussing things with him.

"Xiao Ben...Xiao Ling, how did you think of talking to the director about the exchange student?"

This question is a good question, because thanks to Chen Yao, Ran Dongling has been in modern times for too long, and the forgotten thought of male and male marriage has awakened again, so he said.

"I want to be with brother Qiu Ci."

There is nothing wrong with his answer, everyone thinks so.

If you want to be with Qiu Ci, just separate him from An An, right!

Chen Yao snorted coldly, his voice suddenly increased, "Then you..."

"Also, Brother Cheng Nuo also wants to be with Sister Wan Ru. Yu Han said that he and Lu Lu couldn't study well in the same class and wanted to change classes." Ran Dongling added the second half of the sentence, he just That's what I told the director.

In fact, Ran Dongling is not the first person who came to the director to discuss changing the class. Before him, Qiu Ci, Yu Han, Cheng Nuo, and Lu Lu all came to the director, saying that they wanted to change the class, Only the director did not agree.

Because it's only half the matter, although four of the eight people want to change classes, the remaining four may not want to change.

You cannot influence others for your own selfish desires.

Until the fifth person appeared, Ran Dongling broke the balance of nothing but half.

The director began to think about changing the class. The program was halfway through. The guests were used to school life. Can capture new points of view.

However, he also sought the opinions of the other three guests. If Lan Wan knew that Cheng Nuo could be replaced, she agreed without hesitation. Chen Yao went to the toilet and was not in the classroom. He hesitated for two minutes, then nodded in agreement.

He was located in front of Chen Yao, and every day in class, he could feel a cannibalistic gaze shot behind him, and as soon as he turned around, he could receive the wink flying over from Chen Yao.

Xiu Zhian couldn't stand such a big dog clinging to him. If he knew he could change classrooms, he should have asked the director to tell him on the first day.

The three of them left one sentence and one sentence right, and restored the whole thing to Chen Yao. Qiu Ci never spoke, and looked at Chen Yao coldly.

Chen Yao came angrily and walked away dejected.

His back is so sad, which reminds Ran Dongling of a movie line-he looks like a dog.

The days on the second shift pass much faster than on the first shift.

Ran Dongling felt that he was just chatting with brother Qiu Ci, pinching his hands under the desk, and drawing cat heads on books. It was night, and the time was so fast that he couldn't believe it.

In the first session of the evening self-study, Ran Dongling was lying on Qiu Ci's arm, watching him write the exercise book, his cheeks were squeezed and he looked very good.

Qiu Ci thought so, put down the pen and started to do it, it was really soft and easy to pinch.

Ran Dongling has no temper, and is not angry when being pinched by others. He looked at the exercise book and suddenly thought that he had drawn three paintings for Qiu Ci, which were sandwiched in the exercise book.

He got up and looked for the workbook, but he couldn't find it after rummaging through the desk, leaving the desk in a mess.

"What are you looking for, I'll help you find it." Qiu Ci asked him.

"My exercise book is gone, I don't know where to put it..." Ran Dongling patted his head, remembering that he lent it to Yao Qiqi.

The answers are printed on the last pages of the workbook. After completing the exercises, students will turn to the end to check the answers. classmates.

He went back to class and asked Yao Qiqi to take back the exercise book. When he was holding it, he casually flipped through the scratch paper inside. The three paintings were still there.

As soon as she walked out of the door, Ran Dongling saw Li Bai walking towards him. Li Bai lowered his head and talked to a girl, but did not notice Ran Dongling in front of him.

Ran Dongling still retains the previous embarrassment towards Li Bai. In the second class, he can hide if he can, but he does not dare to face him. But I don't want anyone behind me.

As soon as he turned around, he bumped into a girl. The girl had nothing to do with her back against the wall. Ran Dongling was knocked to the ground, and the exercise book in her hand fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, are you alright." Ran Dongling got up from the ground and apologized to the girl.

When the girl saw that it was Ran Dongling who bumped into her, her face instantly turned red, and she waved her hands in a panic, "It's okay, I'm sorry." She lowered her head and picked up a workbook, and walked away with her companions.

That exercise book belongs to me. Before Ran Dongling could say it, she saw that there was another exercise book on the ground.

He picked up the workbook and went back to class two.

"Brother Qiu Ci, I want to show you something, guess what it is?" He put his hands behind his back, revealing a purple workbook cover.

Qiu Ci pretended not to see it, put on a very puzzled expression, and said, "I can't guess it, tell me what it is."

"Dengdengdeng!" Ran Dongling took out a workbook from behind.

"There are pictures I drew for you!" He shook off the exercise book and took out a piece of scratch paper.

The front of the scratch paper falls on the table, blocking the contents.

"Brother Qiuci, look first, there are two more inside." Ran Dongling then shook off, strange, he clearly drew three, why only one fell out?

Qiu Ci picked up the scratch paper and wanted to see what Ran Dongling had drawn.

He glanced at it, the whole person froze, looked at it again, then took a deep breath and put the scratch paper face down and pressed it back on the table.

"Brother Qiu Ci, do you like it? I have drawn several lessons."

Ran Dongling asked him with expectant eyes, and was a little embarrassed, smiled shyly, and whispered: "My drawing skills are not very good."

Drawing for several classes... Is he drawing these things in class?

Seeing Qiu Ci did not speak, Ran Dongling was afraid that he would not like Yun Chao's dress, and Nuonuo said: "Don't you like it, I even showed it to Xiao An, he said you would like it ."

Show others?

Chou Ci is really unable to hold back his expression, is this something for others to see?

"Who else did you show it to?"

I also gave it to Yao Qiqi, Chen Yao, Chen Yao's tablemate, Sister Wan Ru, the literary committee member, the male classmate who played the prince, the male classmate who played the dwarf, etc.

Every time he spoke to someone, Qiu Ci's temple swelled once, and when he heard the words "wait", the temple began to ache.

Ran Dongling couldn't shake the other two paintings, so she simply turned it over by herself. As a result, there was no shadow of the two scratch papers in the exercise book. Did it just fly out when it fell to the ground?

He muttered to himself, Qiu Ci heard two more paintings flying out, and his eyes almost went black.

Probably because the expression on Qiu Ci's face was getting worse and worse, Ran Dongling became at a loss, timid and trembling, could it be that he painted very badly, brother Qiu Ci hates this painting so much.

He reached for the painting to see which painting he painted.

Turning to the front, he was stunned, his face visibly reddened, and then slammed the painting back onto the table, covering his face.

The sketch paper is not a painting by him, but a spring/gong/map!

The title of the painting is written in the lower right corner of the painting - "Flying down three thousand feet, it was originally Qiu Ci blasting Dongling".

The author has this to say:

Suddenly found that their childhood sweethearts are also delicious;

Grow up together and go to school together, the popsicles have to be shared by two people;

The Raiders mode of Qiu Ci has changed from the novice mode to the **** mode;

Ling Ling's three brothers are brothers, it is impossible to call someone else's brother outside;

My father spoiled him as a palm treasure, and the three sons in the family did not like it, and the stinky pig who wanted to do it was even more disliked Education, tell him boys to protect themselves and record

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