MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 71 poison apple

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For a long time, Qiu Ci has been trapped by Ran Dong many times, and these experiences made him very embarrassed.

And this time, Ran Dongling felt his embarrassment, his face flushed red and his expression tangled.

The original embarrassing feeling is like this, even the air will freeze, and even the sound will stop.

From their preface and afterwords, Qiu Ci guessed that Ran Dongling did not know that Li Bai was Li Bai, and chatted with him about Li Bai, and now he was caught by the master.

Li Bai usually doesn't squint when he smiles, he is imitating what Ran Dongling just said about Uncle Liu Tobu, after laughing like this for a while, he opened his eyes and said grimly: "Tell me Someone has written a letter of non-payment."

Ran Dongling is very embarrassed now, he turned his head mechanically, and then grabbed Qiu Ci's hand, his expression said: Brother Qiu Ci, take me out of here.

Qiu Ci is funny, I didn't expect that he would be able to see the embarrassment on Ran Dongling's face one day.

Just as she was taking people out of the classroom, Ran Dongling ran back to the first class with a grudge, far away from the second class.

He will never go to class 2 again, he doesn't want to meet Li Bai.

In the evening, the director told them not to go to the first evening self-study tonight, to gather in the classroom on the sixth floor, to announce their first mission in school - to attend the Valentine's Day party, and to join each class performance.

The teaching mode of the international department of this school is a combination of Chinese and Western, and the thinking is much more enlightened than the key department. On Valentine's Day, it is their tradition to hold a Valentine's Day party.

The four of the second class listened carefully to the director's speech, while the three of the first class had already known this in advance through the bet in the morning.

The performances of each class are generally prepared two or three days in advance. Simple songs can be sung, and difficult dances can also be performed. They do not need to perform well, they just want the atmosphere of the show.

Lan Wanru's bet was successful. Logically speaking, she didn't need to perform a show, but the bet was made by the students in private, and I don't know if the director knew about it.

Lan Wanru asked tentatively, "Director, what if the students in the class won't let us perform?"

Why not let them perform? These stars can sing, dance and act, and they can complete a show by themselves if they push it up. The director never thought about this issue.

He thought for a moment, "If the students don't let you perform, then forget it, but you can't take the initiative to mention it, it must be because they don't want to."

Received a satisfactory answer, Lan Wanru and Xiu Zhian smiled and nodded, and then said the bet.

The director who suspects that he has been put together:?

Ran Dongling who doesn't know the bet at all:?

Ran Dongling was very angry, if he knew the bet, he would choose himself to wake up in the third class, then he would not have to perform.

Angry is angry, he still has to participate in the lottery, and a group of performances needs four people.

There are fourteen students who lost the bet, plus Ran Dongling, that is to say, the probability of winning is 4/15.

Chen Yao was the first to draw, and the probability of success became 3/14.

Ran Dongling went up for the second draw, and the probability of success became 2/13.

Two lucky hapless people got the opportunity to cheer from the classmates and perform the show.

When a person is unlucky, he will feel unlucky.

Two people are unlucky, they don't feel unlucky.

Ran Dongling and Chen Yao both thought so, so they reluctantly accepted the result of the lottery, thinking that there would be someone to accompany him.

In the last evening of self-study, the monitor Yao Qiqi, the art committee, plus the four lucky ones, used one class to finalize the program they were going to perform and the roles they would play.

"Brother Qiu Ci, our class is going to play a drama, and I also have a role. Yao Qiqi said that this role is the most important and only me can play." Ran Dongling's eyes were bright as he spoke, making Qiu Ci in In the sky without stars, I saw another kind of stars.

"It's so powerful, what kind of drama do you play?"

Ran Dongling was listening to the squad leader and the others the whole time. He hadn't had time to read the script that was handed down. He only knew the plot, not the name of the play.

He found the script from the bag and handed it to Qiu Ci.

The script is only two or three pages thin, the paper is printed in black and white, the cover is blank, Qiu Ci opens the first page.

The three bold characters at the top are bolded and enlarged so that they can be seen at a glance.

One group to perform is Sleeping Beauty.

If he remembers correctly, Sleeping Beauty's most important role is Sleeping Beauty...

Chou Ci then read the plot below.

Plot Summary: One day, the innocent and lovely Sleeping Beauty was playing under a tree (circling in a circle), and accidentally ate a poisoned apple that fell from the tree (the class fee is 6 yuan). Go to the fruit store to buy three), then get poisoned and fall into a deep sleep.

In order to save Sleeping Beauty, the seven dwarfs found a prince on the side of the road, and spent ten gold coins (instead of chocolate gold coins, you need to use ten yuan for the class fee to buy from the canteen) to bring the prince to sleep In front of the beauty, ask him to wake Sleeping Beauty with a kiss.

The prince took money to do errands, kissed (you can close your eyes if you can't kiss) Sleeping Beauty, Sleeping Beauty woke up, and the two fell in love with each other.

Looking at this plot, I can't believe that this is the "Sleeping Beauty" in the impression of others. Qiu Ci turned a page, and the last page was also blank. One page story.

Qiu Ci opened his mouth and asked, "Are you playing the leading role?"

Ran Dongling nodded and told Qiu Ci, "Yes! My role is very important!"

Qiu Ci clenched the script with five fingers, and his voice became low and hoarse, "Who is the prince?"

It was a male classmate that Ran Dongling didn't know. He didn't remember the boy's face, nor his name.

It's good if you don't know each other, and Qiu Ci unconsciously put on a tone of coaxing children.

"Will I come to your class to play a drama?"

When Ran Dongling heard these words, despite them walking on the campus road, she hugged her hatred tightly.

"Okay! Brother Qiu Ci, it happens that we are short of people in our class. You can stand beside me and accompany me."

Station? Shouldn't Sleeping Beauty lie down and fall asleep?

Although it is not the same as the sleeping beauty in my impression, the plot of this version of "Sleeping Beauty" is more trendy, maybe Sleeping Beauty sleeps standing up.

On the second day, Qiu Ci found some personal relationships and joined the first class as an exchange student in the second class.

When Qiu Ci was doing the exchange, he didn't directly say that he wanted to be a prince, but euphemistically said that he wanted to play against Ran Dongling.

He is 1.88 meters tall. He is not suitable for being a dwarf. He can barely be a prince.

Yao Qiqi listened to him, and her expression was a little embarrassed. There is only one character who has an opposite role with Ran Dongling.

She did not dare to assign this role to Qiu Ci, and suggested that he go to the scene to see their rehearsal first. If he really wants to be after watching it, the classmate of that role is very happy to exchange with him.

Xiu Zhian and Lan Wanru didn't need to perform, but they wanted to join in the fun, so they asked the monitor for two characters who didn't need to speak, and the four went to the rehearsal classroom together.

When they came to the classroom, a male student with a crown turned his back to them, he stood in front of the two desks joined together, and spoke his lines emotionally.

"Oh! My dear princess, I'm about to kiss you, are you ready? I want to kiss? Three! Two! One!

"Yes! My dear princess, I woke you up with a kiss! Your lips are as delicate as roses, and when I kissed, I was afraid that I would disturb this unblooming rose. !"

"Please stop thanking me, I didn't do anything great! I just accidentally passed by and saved a beautiful girl!"

When I heard this line, Qiu Ci's heart of wanting to be a prince was diluted by 90%, and the remaining 10% was because the princess was Ran Dongling.

Ran Dongling was also in the classroom, wearing a dark green hat on his head, standing behind the desk, listening carefully to the male classmate's speech.

He didn't see anyone entering the classroom. After listening to that paragraph, he seriously commented on the male classmate, "Prince, you act very well, and you are very emotional."

"Linger." Qiu Ci called him.

Ran Dongling saw him and ran over, "Brother Qiu Ci, Brother Xiao An, Sister Wanru, why are you here? Do you want to come and perform?"

Xiu Zhian nodded, "We asked the squad leader to get a role."

"What role?"

Yao Qiqi came over with three dark green hats and said, "The same character as you."

Xiu Zhi'an and Lan Wanru didn't know what Ran Dongling's role was, so they took the hat and put it on.

Qiu Ci knew that his character was Sleeping Beauty, so he didn't understand who the prince would kiss if there were four Sleeping Beauties.

Everyone is here, and the rehearsal of the first class officially begins.

Ran Dongling stood behind the desk, and Qiu Ci followed his movements and stood beside him.

"Sleeping Beauty" begins with Sleeping Beauty coming under a tree.

In order to make up the time, the art committee added a piece of music in front of the show, and the princess will not play until the music ends, so the tree on the stage now...

Due to time constraints, the squad leader and the art committee did not prepare too many props, and chose something for each of the four actors that could represent their identities.

Prince is a birthday crown given by the store on her birthday.

Princess is a red scarf sponsored by Yao Qiqi.

The dwarf is a piece of cardboard that says: I have six brothers by my side.

The tree is a dark green hat.

The four green hats are high on both sides and low in the middle. From a distance, they appear to be sunken.

Until then, Qiu Ci found out again that he seemed to have misunderstood Ran Dongling's thoughts.

The most important role that Ran Dongling said was definitely not Sleeping Beauty.

His Adam's apple rolled and asked in a low voice, "My dear, the most important character you it a tree?"

Isn't the most important character of "Sleeping Beauty" not Sleeping Beauty, what would be a tree?

And now there are three more trees, is it still important to have more trees?

Ran Dongling frowned, feeling that the words of brother Qiu Ci looked down on him, and retorted: "Brother Qiu Ci, trees are also very important, I am different from you, I am a talking tree. tree, and!"

He took out a red apple from his pocket, "And I am a tree that can talk and drop poisonous apples."

After he finished speaking, he took a bite of the red apple.

"Sleeping Beauty ate my poisoned apple and..."

Halfway through his words, he closed his eyes and fell down.

Read The Duke's Passion