MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 54 Forgot to take medicine!

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Why are there bruises on the ankles, because Ran Dongling is disobedient and wants to leave.


The tie was pulled by him, Qiu Ci felt the tension on his neck, and had to look up at him and meet his round cat-like pupils.

Next time?

He showed a playful smile, kept moving his hands, and helped Ran Dongling put on the other foot.

"Okay, then next time I'll be a kitten." He said casually.

He speaks so well, but Ran Dongling finds him strange.

It's really strange, brother Qiu Ci agreed to be a kitten, didn't he lie to him?

"Really?" When he said it himself, he was still very unconfident, in a questioning tone.

"Well, brother Dongling, can you not be angry with me?"

I used to hear him call him Ran Dongling, Linger, and darling, but now I always feel that what he said is strange.

It's not right, it's not right.

Qiu Ci didn't know what he was thinking, and the small expressions on his face kept changing.

Changed for a while, and finally stopped at a small expression with suspicion.

Ran Dongling thought about it for a while, then loosened Qiu Ci's tie and stood up with his shoulders.

"Alright then, I'm not mad at you anymore."

He hadn't been angry for five minutes before blowing away like a gust of wind.

They packed up, and when they were about to go out, Ran Dongling grabbed the hem of Qiu Ci's clothes.

"Brother Qiu Ci, bow your head."

Ran Dongling feels that his relationship with brother Qiu Ci has changed, they are now husband and wife, so there must be some intimacy between husband and wife.

When my father sent my father out in the morning, the two would secretly kiss, as would my eldest brother and eldest sister-in-law.

Ran Dongling thought that this was a certain family rule of the Xie family, and two people who got married would do this, so he stood up on tiptoe and kissed Qiu Ci's face.

After he kissed, he blushed first, and said hesitantly: "We will go out in the future...we will kiss each other."

Qiu Ci was softened by his sudden action and thought he was really cute.

He squeezed Ran Dongling's chin lightly and gave him a minty kiss.

They went to the restaurant. When walking, Ran Dongling always felt that his posture was weird. As he walked, there was a faint sourness in his legs and waist. Before he got to the restaurant, he asked Qiu Ci: "Brother Qiu Ci, am I weird?"

Chou Ci couldn't see anything strange about him.

Is it weird to wear a turtleneck under a shirt?

Or the half-milk yellow socks exposed under the suit pants?

These are not strange places in Qiu Ci's eyes, so he asked Ran Dongling, "No strange, what do you think is strange?"

"I walk strangely and my waist is sore. Brother Qiu Ci, is anyone getting married today? I want to take a holiday."

Listening to him, Qiu Ci felt that he underestimated Ran Dongling's physical ability, so he should pay more attention next time.

He said that no one is getting married today, and the show can't be on holiday, but it's fine for him to complete today's task.

Ran Dongling sighed, then walked forward, walking, he suddenly thought of one thing, did he forget something that night.

Forgot what?

He can't remember anything, and what he can't remember shouldn't be a big deal.

Since it's not a big deal, it's okay, since it's okay, then he doesn't think about it.

He forgot about it and walked into the restaurant with Qiu Ci.

Yu Han and Lu Lu were already sitting in the restaurant. Seeing them coming, Lu Lu greeted them, and then indicated the director's direction.

The director was stuck and clicked on the live broadcast room, not one minute earlier, for fear that if it was earlier, he would be scolded for an extra minute.

The audience who was pigeoned for a day yesterday entered the live broadcast room with anger, and the barrage sent out was very yin and yang.

[Hehe, the program team is too embarrassed to start a live broadcast? 】

[Yo, isn't this pigeon pigeon? Coincidentally, do you want a bowl of the pigeon soup I just cooked]

【Your tomorrow and mine are different】

When the director is blind and cannot see the content on the barrage, he greets the guests who come first to come over and say hello to the audience.

Ran Dongling was the closest to the camera. When the camera moved in front of him, the barrage of the Yin-Yang program group disappeared and was replaced by a barrage that complained about his dress.

【I really help, why wear a beige turtleneck under the shirt? totally inappropriate]

【Everyone is not allowed to say my treasure! I think this looks pretty good. It looks very warm at first glance. Bao, is this your own clothes? 】

Ran Dongling saw that everyone was very interested in his clothes, and answered them, "This is what Brother Qiu Ci helped me to wear, doesn't it look good?"

The audience was speechless. They saw the hatred behind Ran Dongling, looked at the camera with a bad expression, and could feel his chill through the camera.

[Very good, keep warm]

【Accidentally got this way of wearing】

The audience dared to be angry and did not dare to say anything. They chatted with him about everyday things, and asked him what he and Qiu Ci were doing yesterday.

He didn't go anywhere yesterday, he lay in bed all day.

Of course he couldn't say why he lay down all day, he learned the word euphemism.

"I slept with brother Qiu Ci in the room for a day."

The sleep he said was serious sleep, the kind that just covered the quilt and chatted.

Most of the viewers heard that they slept for a day, some fans heard that they slept together for a day, and some CP fans heard that they did/did for a day.

It seems that every time there is Ran Dongling in the live broadcast room, the barrage is very strange, and it does not meet the network requirements of green Internet access.

It happened that Chen Yao and Xiu Zhian came in. The director saw that the situation was not right, and hurriedly asked them to come over to say hello.

Xiu Zhian didn't rest well, her eyes drooped, her hair was not as neat as usual, it was messy, adding a messy beauty.

Ran Dongling greeted him, Xiu Zhian nodded, and said hoarsely.

When all the guests have arrived, the director will start today's process.

Director: "Good morning, everyone, today is the last day of our recording of this episode. Everyone is dressed so formally, so we should have a more formal breakfast today."

He clapped his hands, and the maids pushed the trolleys in an orderly manner and brought exquisite dishes one after another to the table.

These dishes were so hearty that they were not like breakfast, and none of the guests dared to touch a fork.

Cheng Nuo has a sauce elbow in front of him, although I don't know why there is a sauce elbow in Western food.

But the elbow was full of color and fragrance, and it looked like it was just out of the pot. A burst of fragrance spread to his nose, he swallowed, "Director, is this the last supper? No? Let's take us on our way when we're done eating."

Director: "Why, it's just an ordinary breakfast. Thinking of the last day of the day, I specially invited the chef to cook it. Don't be polite, just eat it."

He said so, but no one dared to move the fork.

Except for Ran Dongling and Qiu Ci.

Ran Dongling looked around and saw that no one was moving, so he picked up his chopsticks and ate a xiaolongbao.

He ate those nourishing meals yesterday, and it didn't taste good all day long. Now, looking at these delicious foods, he can't wait to eat them all.

Qiu Ci didn't eat it by himself, he was busy picking some food for Ran Dongling that he could eat, but mainly light food.

When the guests saw that Ran Dongling was eating deliciously, the director didn't seem to want to make things difficult for them. Could it be that this breakfast is really an ordinary breakfast?

It doesn't matter, anyway, Ran Dongling is fine after eating, at least not poisoned, they put their minds at ease and moved their forks and chopsticks.

They are fragrant, and the director is also fragrant when he eats bread. After they finish eating, the director will start to do business.

Director: "Everyone was very happy with what they had just eaten. In fact, the hearty breakfast just now is also related to our task today. The process we experienced two days ago is the future, and today's The process to go through is to return to the age of eighteen and participate in a coming-of-age ceremony in country S."

The rite of passage in country S is to do three things.

These three things change each year with the wishes of the children who are coming of age in that year. The three things this year are:

First thing: put on a suit that represents an adult and have a hearty breakfast with your family.

Second thing: enjoy a ski.

The third thing: confess to the person you like (if there is no one you like, you can also confess to your favorite family member)

[Is country S so open? And this coming of age ceremony]

【This is not better than the balloon red carpet in my school? ? 】

[Confess to the person you like (thumbs) (thumbs)]

The first thing they've just done.

Cheng Nuo apologized for thinking it was the Last Supper, and then ate half an elbow.

According to the program flow, the guests first wore suits to take adult photos in the manor, and then went to the place where they did the second thing.

Connors Grand Ski Resort.

This is one of the largest ski resorts in country S. The program team has contracted a third of the private ski resorts to record the program.

The program team conducted a survey and found that one of the four groups could ski and the other could not.

So enjoying the skiing, the program team decided that with the help of teammates, the two smoothly skied down on the primary ski resort.

Ran Dongling changed into his ski equipment and saw a vast expanse of snow outside. He could skate but not ski.

"Wow!" His eyes lit up and he was about to run out to play.

"Linger, come here." Qiu Ci was afraid that he would fall, so he chose a set of knee pads and hip pads for him.

The knee pads are in the shape of a little turtle, they look ugly, and they have to be worn behind the buttocks.

Ran Dongling thought it was not good-looking and didn't want to wear it very much, and then he was reluctantly put on by Qiu Ci, who threatened to be careful about the second bloom of the buttocks.

He helped him get dressed, Qiu Ci went into the locker room to change, Ran Dongling didn't wait for him, and went out first.

When everyone saw the little turtle behind him, they couldn't help but laugh.

Lan Wanru: "Hahaha, Xiaoling, why are you so cute, you still wear a little turtle to ski."

[die laughing]


【This turtle is very suitable for little idiots】

No matter how much everyone laughed or how unwilling Ran Dongling was, Qiu Ci didn't let him take it off, and told him that it would be useful when he fell.

The guest who can ski in each group first takes the other person to learn to ski, and when the learning is almost the same, everyone can take pictures and enjoy the process of skiing together.

Ran Dongling has a foundation in skating, so learning to ski should not be difficult for him, but when he straps on his skis, no matter how he lifts his feet, it feels wrong.

Qiu Ci took him to a gentle **** and was about to teach him when someone called him on the other side.

Yu Han: "That, Qiu Ci, can you come and help us?"

He and Lu Lu both looked pale, and they stood together awkwardly.

Chou Ci went over to see what happened to them, and asked Ran Dongling to wait for him to come back.

Ran Dongling is really good, he just wanted to change positions, and then the skis slid down the slope, and he didn't fall down until he slid down.

When he stopped, the soles of his feet slipped, and his hands tried to keep his balance.

His **** was going to suffer again, when he fell, Ran Dongling thought.

There is no imaginable pain. When he fell, there was something blocking him under him, and he did not fall directly into the snow.

He touched behind him, and it was the turtle hip protector that he disliked.

Qiu Ci didn't look at him for a while, and when he looked back, he saw that he had slid down by himself. Fortunately, the **** here is not large, and he just slid forward for a certain distance.

Before the revenge came over, he saw that he failed to control his skis and fell on the snow.

The ski suit on her body was too heavy, so Ran Dongling simply lay on the snow, waiting for his resignation.

He looked at the blue sky above and during the day, a white bird flew over, and then the face of Qiu Ci.

He stretched out a hand, "Brother Qiu Ci, pull me up."

Qiu Ci picked him up with both hands, shook him up and down, and shook the snow off his body.

Before Qiu Ci started teaching, Ran Dongling spoke again, "Brother Qiu Ci, I want to go up to drink water."

On the high platform, Ran Dongling drank water from a hot water bottle and watched the person on the opposite side ski.

Opposite is the children's ski resort, many parents bring their children to ski.

The older ones are seven or eight years old, and they can ski without the need of their parents to guard them. The youngest are only two or three years old. , can also slide out a distance.

Children can skate so well, so he has to learn quickly.

He turned to look for revenge.

Just after taking two steps, he stopped and looked back at the child opposite.


Ran Dongling's eyes widened suddenly, he seemed to remember that he had forgotten something.

After he and brother Qiu Ci finished the game...

Forgot to take your medicine!


The author has this to say:

Some distant memories:

Li Rui: Brother, you have to protect yourself, you need to take medicine in the future, do you know?

Li Rui: Barbara… give birth to a child;

Linger: oh oh oh oh

Read The Duke's Passion