MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 37 You are shameless! !

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The two girls wanted to catch up when they heard him admit it, and said with joy, "It's really you, little idiot!"


His voice was emotionless, and the suppressed anger could be faintly heard.

The two girls turned around and didn't dare to walk past when they saw the grudge, and then they realized that it was really not good for them to be called idiots.

If it is someone who knows Ran Dongling, you can still hear that this is just a nickname for ridicule.

The little idiot they said was loud, and the little brother who was guarding the counter also pointed his head to look at them, and his eyes quickly moved away from them.

In fact, with Ran Dongling's admission, they now see Qiu Ci head-on, and they recognize them by looking at their eyes, but Qiu Ci doesn't want to admit it, and they are embarrassed to say that to him. Just ask.

The atmosphere in the milk tea shop was a little awkward.

"I'm not." Ran Dongling suddenly stuck his head out behind Qiu Ci, blinking at them with big eyes.

He just admitted that he is a little idiot, and now he says he is not. One of the girls was amused by him and went down the steps following his words.

"That... I'm sorry, we got the wrong person."

Qiu Ci did not speak, Ran Dongling who was behind him looked up at him and replied to the girl, "Oh oh."

Looking at his innocent and ignorant appearance, he didn't even know what happened just now, Qiu Ci was angry in his heart, and now he has made him lose his temper.

When they walked out of the milk tea shop, the two girls did not catch up. When they went far, Qiu Ci began to educate people.

"In the future, if you hear strangers calling your name or calling you a little idiot outside, don't answer them, you know?"

Ran Dongling didn't understand and asked him why.

Chou Ci paused for a while, thinking whether to lie to him or scare him, let him know the seriousness of the matter.

After a while, he continued: "If they knew it was you, they would take you, and then..."

Ran Dongling interjected to help him add the second half of the sentence, "then will they sell me to the yard to sweep the floor, I won't be able to sleep in in the future!"

Chou Ci: Of course it's not as simple as selling it to the yard and sweeping the floor. Qiu Ci doesn't know why he thinks so, but seeing that he is very resistant to not being able to sleep in, he simply follows his words .

"Yes, so follow me closely when you go out, and if you don't know people tell you to ignore them."

"Oh." Ran Dongling started to go in and out of his left ear again, and he was still holding the cup of warm milk tea, which was much lighter than his cup.

After carefully comparing the two cups of milk tea, he told Qiu Ci of his findings, "Brother Qiu Ci, you don't have as many tips as mine."

Chou Ci's ideological education was halfway through, when he was interrupted, he smiled helplessly and helped him insert the straw.

"This cup is better than yours."

Both cups are the same milk tea, will they taste different?

Ran Dongling took a tentative sip.



The milk tea is mellow and sweet, with a bit of glutinous taro paste. It is completely different from his cup. It is still brother Qiu Ci's milk tea.

He drank the milk tea in one hand and Qiu Ci in the other hand. The two walked home slowly and walked into the community. Ran Dongling found that there was a familiar person in front of them.

"Brother Qiu Ci, look at the man's clothes in front of him are very long."

"He looks like an uncle."

"Is it not cold that he wears so little?"

"Is he shaking?"

Qiu Li just came back from a cocktail party. He didn't ask the driver to take him to the underground garage, but let him park at the gate of the community. He wanted to walk back by himself and sober up.

He was wearing a haute couture suit, which looked very intimidating. In fact, the suit was not warm at all. Walking, he regretted it two minutes after entering the community, but when he looked back, the driver was nowhere to be seen.

Hearing someone discussing him behind him, Qiu Li sneered and didn't look back to see who it was.

In this big night, the wind is so strong, the stars have no moon, and I am so stupid, walking around here, I did not expect that there are others as stupid as him, he has a lot of adults, so he will not be with them Calculated.

All the way from the gate of the community to the downstairs, the voices of the two discussing him still reached their ears not far or near.

Hehe, Qiu Li wanted to be a horseman, but he really can't let it go.

He stopped and waited for them to approach, estimating that the distance was about the same, Qiu Li suddenly turned his head and scolded: "You have something wrong, talk... What are you talking about, and tell my uncle too ."

"Uncle!" Seeing him turn around and seeing that he was really Qiu Li, Ran Dongling called him happily.

Qiu Ci raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the first half of his swearing words.

Who is at fault?

Qiu Li made up for himself, "What are you guys doing out at night?"

"Brother Qiu Ci took me to buy milk tea, it's taro mud Bobo milk tea." He waved the milk tea in his hand.

"The milk tea should be bought by someone, so why go out on your own?"

"I want to buy it myself."

Qiu Li saw that Qiu Ci also had a cup of milk tea in his hand, looked at the cup full of ingredients, and asked him, "What kind of eight-treasure porridge did you drink?"

The little couple is quite interesting and knows how to exchange drinks.

Qiu Li followed them upstairs, planning to go upstairs by himself after a while.

It turned out that the wind was blowing outside, but the smell of alcohol on Qiu Li was not so strong. Now that he was in the closed elevator, Ran Dongling felt that his uncle smelled bad.

He covered his nose, "Uncle, you've been drinking, it stinks."

Ran Dongling felt that the proof that adults were tired was stinky, but fortunately he was not tired, nor was his brother Qiu Ci tired.

The third episode of "Forever You" is about to be recorded. Before the program was recorded, the program team planned a live webcast on a certain platform.

The host will randomly connect four groups of guests during the live broadcast time, and the connection time of each guest should not exceed fifteen minutes.

Although it is random, in fact, the director has arranged the order, and even the questions that the host will ask are packaged and sent to them to eliminate all possible uncertainties.

On the day of the live broadcast, Ran Dongling wanted to play with the dog. He secretly took the room card upstairs and met Qiu Li at the door.

"What is Xiaoling doing here?" Qiu Li asked him.

"I want to play with a dog." He was a little guilty, because brother Qiu Ci said that he was going to live broadcast today, so it was not convenient to have a dog at home.

"Well, come in, I'll find a leash for you." Qiu Li didn't know about them, thinking he simply wanted to walk the dog.

A Samoyed dog is not happy living in such a big house, and still wants someone to play with it. When the owner comes, his tail turns quickly.

The last time I brought the dog back, Ran Dongling was stopped by Qiu Ci and did not go in. This time, Qiu Li who came up with him did not stop him.

Ran Dongling looked at things like wooden sticks curiously and walked to the other side of the glass box.

Then met a pair of golden vertical pupils.


Chou Ci put the computer in the living room, adjusted the interface of the live broadcast room, wanted to find Ran Dongling, and found that he was gone.


Hearing the sound of the door being opened, Ran Dong ran into the room like a wind, his mouth was flat, with tears on his face, he was obviously crying.

After he entered the room, he looked around for Qiu Ci's figure, Qiu Li followed behind him, more flustered than him.

"Xiao Ling, don't cry, it's not a bug, and it's not scary."

When he saw Chouci, he threw himself into his arms and cried, and complained to him, "Brother Qiuwu, there are some really big bugs in my uncle's house."

The live broadcast begins.

The waiting netizens can't wait to enter the live broadcast room.

【Little **, mom is here】

[Why are so many words banned, small bc, ttq, fs, lp…]

[Green Internet access, start from you (dog head)]

It turned out that Qiu Ci and the others were in the second group, and they were not online when the time came. The program team had to temporarily bring up the guests from the third and fourth groups. Fortunately, each group The guests only had 15 minutes of live broadcast, and it was all right in advance. When the connection of the fourth group of guests was about to end, there was still no response from Qiu Ci.

The host played on the spot and made up a paragraph, "Everyone is a little tired after watching the live broadcast for so long, let's take a break after watching an advertisement, and then continue the live broadcast, don't go away, the advertisement will be more exciting-"

There are question marks in the live room.

[Did you make a mistake, there are advertisements in the live broadcast? ? 】

【What is this show/operation? 】

Qiu Ci hugged him and coaxed him for a while. Ran Dongling stopped crying, but still thought about the dog.

Chou Li's pet scared people, so he didn't dare to stay here, and went upstairs with Qiu Ci.

Chen Yun called Qiu Ci a few times but didn't get through. Qiu Ci would be busy coaxing people and didn't bother to answer the phone, so she had to try to call Ran Dongling.

Ran Dongling saw Chen Yun's name displayed on the screen and picked it up.

"Xiao Ling, is there something wrong with you, the live broadcast will be coming to you soon, and it's still advertising."

"I was frightened by bugs, brother Qiu Ci went up to lead the dog."

"Then you tell Qiu Ci soon, the live broadcast will come to you, and you have to enter the live broadcast room immediately after the dog is brought down."

"I will too, then I will go in now." He asked Qiu Ci's brother in the morning, and Qiu Ci called out the live broadcast interface to demonstrate to him, saying that just click in.

Chen Yun was worried that he would operate alone, "Do you want to wait for Qiu to resign before opening?"

"No, I'm in!"

Chen Yun was taken aback and looked at the live broadcast room. In addition to the camera on the host's side, there were half black shots on the screen.

【Why is the lens black? 】

[I can't see anyone]

"What are you talking about? What black?" was Ran Dongling's voice.

[The lens is black, treasure, turn on the camera! 】

[Will it be open? You do this first, then do that, see if you can do it, if you can't, try it again]

Chou Ci brought the dog down, Samoyed wanted to pounce when he saw Ran Dongling, he didn't forget the person who played with him for a long time.


Qiu Ci was still holding the leash in his hand, so he didn't let it run past.

Ran Dongling is still fiddling with the computer, and the host is also teaching him how to open it, but he still doesn't know why the camera is black.

"I don't understand it. I'll fix it when Brother Qiu Ci comes back."

"Brother Qiu Ci!"

The barrage is still waiting for him to turn on the camera, who knows that his brother will be gone after he shouts the revenge.

Host: "Xiao Ling? Hello? Are you still there?"

The live broadcast room was quiet and no one answered her. The host gave them an excuse to comfort the netizens watching the live broadcast first.

Host: "Xiao Ling should have seen Qiu Ci just now. They may have something to deal with. We will wait for him."

After a while, the voice of Qiu Ci came, he said in a low voice, and the audience vaguely heard what he seemed to say hug.

Then Ran Dongling's voice.

"It's so comfortable to hold."

"Don't kiss me."

"Ugh, it's itchy, don't lick me."

[Where to lick (saliva soybean)]

【You are shameless! It's still live! Let go of my cub! 】

The author has this to say:

bc: idiot;

ttq: Donut;

fs: break up;

lp: wife;

Good morning everyone!

Read The Duke's Passion