MTL - The Sickly CEO Asks For Hugs Everyday After Obtaining The Ability To Read Minds-Chapter 64 you know what i'm thinking

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For a few days, Feng Si Rui stayed at Shen Yu's place, as if he was in love with the filming and was unwilling to be separated.

Finally, on a rainy and depressing day, the two were blocked at the door of the hotel, with cameras and microphones in front of them.

"Mr. Feng, there are rumors that your marriage with Mr. Shen is because of a third party. Now you are staying in a hotel for several days. Are you doing your best to dispel the rumors?"

"Mr. Shen, I heard that you received the Feng family's heirloom. Does it mean that the Feng family has recognized your status and will become the actual ruler in the future?"

"President Feng, who is that third party? Is it Yan Ruiqing?"

The reporters were chattering, and the bodyguards wanted to come forward to stop them, but Shen Yu thought that this was a good opportunity, maybe she could get rid of the entanglement of the sick girl, so she grabbed the microphone, "What about this third party..."

Before he could finish speaking, Feng Si Rui actually grabbed the microphone back, turned his head and stared at Shen Yu, "There has never been a third party..."

"I only have Shen Yu in Feng Si Rui's heart..."

"All the news of the marriage change are rumors. When Shen Yu was holding the Fengjia jade pendant, it was self-defeating..."

"It's impossible to take back the heirloom that is sent out..."

"That is to say, in our Feng family's dictionary, there is no divorce, only widowhood..."

Shen Yu's eyes widened, her mouth couldn't close at all,

—Fuck, is this a blatant personal threat? !

- That jade pendant is really unknown...

Feng Si Rui didn't give him a chance to continue complaining, he directly grabbed the back of his hand, turned his fingers and intertwined, facing the reporter, "Isn't what I said clear enough?"

"Waiting for a divorce, give up as soon as possible!"

Shen Yu, "..."

- There is connotation to it!

The hospital appraisal result came out soon, Shen Feiyu just glanced at it, and handed it over to his subordinates to send it abroad.

Seeing this, Feng Jinghe raised his foot to leave, but was stopped, "What are you going to do?"


"What are you filming, don't you have all your scenes?" Shen Feiyu asked dissatisfied.

Feng Jinghe glanced at him, "I still have to watch Teacher Shen's play! I have to study."

"What to learn, you can just play tickets!" Shen Feiyu dragged him out, "Follow me to the hotel!"

Feng Jinghe struggled, "What are you doing, I'm not going!"

"You set up fire yourself, you solve it yourself!" Shen Feiyu's voice was filled with inexplicable emotion, but his tone was vicious.

Although Feng Jinghe was reluctant, he was still pulled away.

When night came, Shen Yu was nostalgic for the studio and refused to leave.

The director was about to finish work. Seeing that he hadn't left yet, he came over and asked, "Tonight, Mr. Feng..."

Shen Yu raised his hand, "Don't mention him!"

Heart pain!

Not only is the heart uncomfortable, but there is a place where it is even more uncomfortable.

"The couple quarreled again?" the director asked with a smile, "It's alright, there is a quarrel at the head of the bed and the end of the bed, you have to lie down together sooner or later, it's useless for you to escape!"

Shen Yu, "..."

The lights on the set went out, and he had no reason to stay here any longer, so he could only walk to the hotel in a hurry.

- Otherwise, run away, if you continue like this, you will fall sooner or later!

- The body can't hold it anymore, at least one has to hold on to the heart,

- The technical figure of a dog man can't be covered, so I want to...

Shen Yu lowered his head and didn't pay any attention to someone approaching behind him, until the moonlight cast a shadow on the ground, and he turned back to attack after realizing it.

I didn't expect the other party to respond faster, so I grabbed my waist with one hand and locked it in my arms, "It's better not to have the idea of ​​running away..."

"Because you can't run away in this life!"

Shen Yu stared at the handsome and affectionate face in horror, "You know what I'm thinking?!"

Feng Si Rui chuckled, "So what if you know?"

Read The Duke's Passion