MTL - The Sickly CEO Asks For Hugs Everyday After Obtaining The Ability To Read Minds-Chapter 57 Good eyesight, see through the essence

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Shen Yu, who was sitting next to the president on the Maybach, was a little uneasy at this moment, and his eyes were hesitant.

"Why didn't the dog man ask me?"

- "Don't you have any sense of social responsibility?!"

- "In broad daylight, do you even care if you see someone holding a beautiful murder?"

Pretending to be a murderer?

Don't forget to praise yourself?

Feng Sirui pursed his lips, a faint smile flashed in his eyes, turned his head and asked in a low voice, "Why did you conflict with Shen Chen again?"

"I can't stand him..." Shen Yu put on a vicious and jealous face, "He stole my father's love and made him..."

Just halfway through, Feng Si Rui interrupted, "It's time to fight..."

After a pause, he added, "I will pay for the medical expenses."

Shen Yu, "..."

- "How can a dog man be more vicious than me?!"

Towards the evening, Feng Si Rui and his lover appeared in the Feng family mansion.

Many media reporters squatted at the door to take pictures, and when they saw the two stepping on the carpet, they scrambled to ask, "Mr. Feng, this is the first time you brought your lover to this kind of occasion, do you want to prove something to everyone?"

"I heard that you and Shen Yu have been at odds all the time, and are forced to be together for the sake of the old man. Will they separate in the future?"

"You took care of Shen Yu in every possible way in the variety show, are you acting?!"

The series of questions attracted Shen Yu's attention, and his sharp eyes swept over immediately, "Which entertainment record are you?"

The male reporter blushed slightly and said shyly, "Nanli Magazine."

"I remember you." Shen Yu smiled strangely.

— "The little reporter has good eyesight. He actually sees through the essence of a dog man. He is very sensitive to entertainment. I can find him next time..."

- "Ahhhh, what is the dog man dragging me for?!"

"I haven't asked for a business card yet!"

"No comment." Feng Surui's face was gloomy, making him look more handsome, ruthless, and his taut jawline was three-dimensional, giving him a sense of sight.

When the husband walked into the Feng family mansion, the reporters began to discuss.

"Why do you think Shen Yu and President Feng are so compatible today? There are more than 100,000 high-definition clothes on the body, and they dress casually and naturally. It doesn't look like a deliberate response to the occasion!"

"It turns out that Shen Yu's temperament is so good? I haven't found it yet? Standing next to President Feng is not inferior at all!"

"Master Shen just talked to me. I'm so happy and happy. I'm a loyal fan of him. I'm looking forward to his divorce from President Feng, and he will make a big splash in the entertainment industry!"

"Wait, what's your mentality?! It's the same as me!"

The lobby of the Feng Family is grand and luxurious, as if to celebrate some important festival. Many guests have already arrived, standing together in groups of three or five, holding champagne glasses and chatting.

The background music of the piano is melodious and elegant. It is played by a woman in a black dress, and her professionalism is no less than that of a concert.

Shen Yu swept around and was stunned, "What day is it today?"

"Have you forgotten?" Feng Sirui raised his eyebrows, looking a little unhappy.

Shen Yu shook his head blankly, "I'm sorry, my brain is a little hard to use, what is it..."

Before he could finish speaking, someone came over with a glass of wine and said with a flattering smile, "Happy wedding anniversary."

Shen Yu, "..."

- "Who's getting married?!"

- "Could it be me..."

He turned his head to face Feng Si Rui in surprise, seeing his terrifyingly gloomy face, he couldn't help swallowing, "I—"

"Shh, don't talk..." Feng Si Rui leaned closer to his ear, pretending to be affectionate, "I'm afraid I'll go mad easily."

The guests who came to toast saw this and smiled a little embarrassedly, "Seeing the two of you are so loving, I sincerely wish you both."

After he finished speaking, he took a sip of champagne, and left angrily to return to his circle.

Someone in the circle whispered, "I thought they were at odds, but now it doesn't seem like the rumors."

"Maybe it's fake, aren't so many marriages all superficial happiness?"

"Even if it's a pretense, the Feng family's charity dinner tonight is definitely a big deal. Any auction item is worth a fortune. It shows how much Master Feng attaches to Shen Yu!"

"Speaking of which is quite strange. The two have been married for several years, haven't they? It seems that there has never been such a big banquet. Is it possible that the old man is maintaining stability?!"

Amidst all kinds of speculations, Shen Yu was in a trance, and was taken to the lounge by Feng Si Rui. As soon as the door was closed, she sighed heavily.

- "It's already, has been the fourth year?!"

- "I'm still not divorced yet?!"

- "God is going to kill me?!"

-"Ten billion…"

Feng Si Rui rubbed the position of his heart, and then said, "What do you want for the anniversary gift?"

"Ah?" Shen Yu returned to her senses and looked at Feng Si Rui's handsome face, "I still have gifts?"

- "The biggest gift is the divorce agreement!"

- "Do you dare to give it to me?!"

"Shen Yu!" Feng Sirui couldn't bear it any longer and roared in a low voice.

"No gifts..." Shen Yu shivered suddenly, "I just want you to love me."

Hearing this, Feng Si Rui instantly lost his breath, although he knew it was fake...

- "What is the dog man shouting?! Want to scare me to death, and then inherit my inheritance?!"

- "I don't have a dime!"

Feng Sirui, "..."


He gave up the struggle and said depressedly, "Tonight's auction is very important, don't make trouble, try to keep a low profile."

"Okay." Shen Yu looked cute.

Walking out of the lounge again, a figure of a pompous woman jumped into Shen Yu's eyes.

He pursed his lips and smiled, his eyes slyly.

"It seems that tonight is destined to be an extraordinary night."

Feng Si Rui, who was walking upstairs to the study, slipped on the soles of his feet and almost fell down the steps.

You promised to be fine just now, will you change your face when you turn around? !

Forget it, let him go.

Feng Sirui was helpless and let the situation get out of control.

"Yo, Mama Li." Shen Yu approached the lady with a glass of wine in her hand, her yin and yang were strange, as if she was calling a prostitute in the brothel.

Li Yuhua's face darkened instantly, and he turned around and said angrily, "Who are you calling?!"

"Who will answer my name..." Shen Yu didn't mind his vicious image that was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and looked around on tiptoe, "Why didn't your turtle son come?"

Li Yuhua's expression completely collapsed, his face full of sullenness, "The Shen family taught you such a thing?!"

"I haven't asked you to settle the account yet, but you actually delivered it to your door?!"

"Shen Chen is your relative, so you treat him like this?"

The crowd slowly gathered around to watch the fun, but Shen Yu disagreed, and the corners of his mouth evoked a sly arc,

The more people who eat melon, the better.

Let this vicious stepmother who abused her deceased husband's son's face go deep into the hearts of the people!

Read The Duke's Passion