MTL - The Sickly CEO Asks For Hugs Everyday After Obtaining The Ability To Read Minds-Chapter 53 What are these two goods

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I have to say that Yan Ruiqing has a trick to sell miserably, and will soon reverse the situation that is not good for him.

After all, there are no bottom-line issues such as pornography, gambling, drugs, etc., and the broad masses of the people have an acceptable tolerance for him.

Shen Yu in the lounge pouted, turned off the mobile phone live broadcast, and turned her head to face Feng Si Rui, but she changed her appearance, aggrieved and aggrieved, "Brother Rui, if Yan Ruiqing cheated, I can't..."

"Don't say it, I know." Feng Sirui nodded slightly, "What are you going to do next?"

Shen Yu was taken aback.

- "What else can I do, go to the show team to ask for money, mine is 100,000 yuan!"

"Don't forget, half of the bonus is mine." Feng Si Rui couldn't help reminding.

"Uh..." Shen Yu rolled her eyes in her heart,

- "Isn't it worth hundreds of billions? Do you want to take advantage of this?!"

- "It's obviously all my efforts..."

"Without me being your husband and wife variety show partner, you wouldn't even be able to participate in this show." Feng Sirui poked it mercilessly.

- "Nima, why did he hate what I was thinking?!"

- "The sharp-toothed mouth is more powerful than me!"

Shen Yu squeezed out a hypocritical smile, "Brother Rui, what are you talking about? If mine isn't yours, what else is there to share?"

"Let the money go to me first, I'll keep this little money for you."

Feng Si Rui raised his eyebrows, "Let me go, I'll keep it for you."

Shen Yu's smile froze,

- "Dog man is trying to cut me off?!"

"What? Don't want to?" Feng Sirui's lips curled up in a sinister arc, his eyes were a little sharp, as if he was about to pierce the mask of the person beside the pillow.

Shen Yu could only nod, "Yes, why not."

- "I haven't paid alimony for so many years, and I have to manage money when I open my mouth and shut my mouth. A dog man is looking at money, right?!"

Sick Jiaoba always has his own wishful thinking.

Since Shen Yu is extremely important to money, he must first cut off from the root and then control...

Feng Si Rui thought so, took out a black card from his suit and handed it over, "Take it."

Shen Yu was stunned, took it with both hands, looked down at the word "Diamond VIP" on it, and raised his head, "What is this?"

"My co-branded card, you can just swipe it in the store." Feng Sirui raised his chin, looking like he was rich.

Shen Yu dismissed it, and then asked with a smile, "Can I withdraw cash?"

Feng Sirui, "..."

After holding back for a long time, "I can't!"

Sending away the chaebol husband, Shen Yu sighed at the black card,

- "Why don't I buy something and find a place to discount it?!"

Feng Si Rui, who had just taken two steps in the corridor, stumbled and almost fell.

In another building, Lin Lufei stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the 33rd floor, holding a coffee cup in one hand and looking into the distance.

The reinforced iron and mud buildings shot straight into the clouds, as if they could break through the sky and bring the cold and ruthless into the distant outer space.

The secretary knocked on the door and walked in, looking at Lin Lufei's stern face, his cheeks blushed, "Lawyer Lin, your lover has been waiting for an hour."

"You really don't plan to meet?"

Lin Lufei turned his head, "Let him come in."

A subtle disappointment flashed across the secretary's face, but he had to turn and walk out of the office.

Not long after, Yang Qiqi rushed in, "You can't divorce me!"

"How could the Lin family lose such a big person?!"

Lin Lufei sat behind the desk, with disgust mixed with indifference, "Are you embarrassed or the Lin family?"

"It's not that I didn't give you a chance, but you are getting more and more excessive."

"I'm too much?!" Yang Qiqi's eyes were flushed, and the emotion she was holding back broke through the ground, "If it wasn't for being treated coldly and violently by you, would I be able to get to where I am today?!"

Lin Lufei curled the corners of his lips in disdain, "Since he managed to get on my bed, he should have expected his fate."

"I've already checked what happened that night."

Yang Qiqi's face changed, "Check, check what is clear?!"

Lin Lufei sneered, "Paper can never hold fire. If you don't want to be ruined, then divorce happily, otherwise it's not just the Lin family who won't let you go..."

"And the Feng family won't let it go!"

As if struck by lightning, Yang Qiqi took two steps back, slumped on the ground, and burst into tears, "You can't treat me like this..."

"I don't want a divorce, my heart is full of you, how can you treat me like this..."

Lin Lufei stood up, walked to Yang Qiqi, looked down at him, "Wrong..."

"You only have yourself in your heart, and you can do anything to achieve your goals..."

"When you gnaw on a pig's head, you should know that the Lin family will never open the door for you again."

Yang Qiqi stopped crying and raised her head with a pale face, but Lin Lufei had already walked out of the office with her long legs.

The secretary was just outside the door and heard the boss say lightly, "Pick up the garbage in the house."

"Okay, Lawyer Lin!" The secretary answered happily.

The fifth diamond king is going to be single again, and everyone in the whole building will be happy, right? !

When she heard the news of the divorce, Shen Yugang had just finished filming a fight scene, and Wang Meng was pestering him to make an appointment for the next movie.

It is said to rush into Hollywood and show Chinese style.

Shen Yu was very interested, so he asked, "How much is the salary?"

Before Wang Meng could answer, a surprised voice came from there, "Yang Qiqi is divorced?!"

"Damn it, the whole network knows that he is wearing a cuckold, can he not leave?!"

Shen Yu rushed over, "what's the matter?"

The newcomer respectfully gave way, "Mr. Shen, let's look at Weibo. Lin Dazhuang issued a statement saying that he and Mr. Yang Qiqi divorced amicably, and we will give our blessings in the future!"

"Divorce can still be friendly?" the initiator asked in surprise, the monologue in his heart was wonderful,

- "You can get a divorce by wearing a green hat? Why don't I try it too?!"

Feng Sirui, who came with long legs, said, "Shen Yu!"

A system that has no choice but to monitor every day, "Warning!"

Shen Yu turned back and frowned,

- "These two goods are really haunted!"

Feng Surui's face was gloomy, "..." Who are these two goods? !

"Brother Rui, why are you here?" Shen Yu asked innocently.

Feng Sirui pursed the corners of his mouth, "When someone else's divorce makes you want to move too?"

"How could it be possible..." Shen Yu's expression became sad, "It's such a pity for a broken marriage, I can still vaguely remember the happy scene when Yang Qiqi and Lin Lufei got married, and they went their separate ways in a blink of an eye..."

Feng Si Rui, "They got married, you don't seem to be there? The happiness scene is made up for your brain?"

Shen Yu, "..."

- "Dog men have such a good memory?!"

- "Why did you forget about your divorce?!"