MTL - The Sickly CEO Asks For Hugs Everyday After Obtaining The Ability To Read Minds-Chapter 25 Pretending to be a grandson

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As soon as Feng Si Rui's words came out, the whole living room fell silent.

Everyone's eyes were focused on that stern face.

Shen Yu frowned slightly, wondering in her heart,

- "Dog man took the wrong medicine? He actually wants to protect me?!"

- "Think your family's ugliness can't be made public?!"

- "Yes, before the divorce, the lover is imprisoned, and it is not very pleasant to say it."

- "These two idiots are real, can't they think of other ways of revenge? Do you have to keep the Feng family from coming to power?!"

"Feng Si Rui, are you going to cover him up?!" Li Fenghua suspected that he had heard it wrong, and stared at him with wide eyes.

She remembered that Shen Yu had no status at all in the Feng family, except for the old man Feng, everyone despised him.

Why didn't the old man speak yet, but Feng Si Rui was the first to stand up for Shen Yu? !

"It's a fact of hitting someone, you don't want to deny him, right?!" Shen Chen got up from the ground in pain, with a look of indignation.

He and his mother were originally invited to a dinner party, but unexpectedly they were beaten as soon as they came.

And the person who beat him was actually his brother who was bullied at home.

Shen Chen, who has always had the upper hand and has never suffered a loss, suddenly felt unacceptable, and could not wait to throw Shen Yu into prison immediately to relieve his hatred.

At the same time, he also wondered,

How did this cowardly and incompetent brother suddenly become so strong? !

"I didn't see Shen Yu beating anyone..." Feng Sirui's expression was indifferent and his tone was calm, "There is no surveillance here, so how can you prove your words?"

Shen Chen was taken aback.

He didn't expect that Feng Si Rui could reverse black and white without changing his face, so surprised that he was speechless.

The mother next to her pointed at Aunt Mei sternly, "She can prove..."

"She was there the whole time!"

"You said, did Shen Yu beat us?!"

The corners of Feng Si Rui's mouth raised a cold arc, and he looked sideways, "Aunt Mei, it doesn't matter, just tell the truth, did Shen Yu do anything?"

"I—" Aunt Mei was stared at in horror, swallowing her saliva, and said tremblingly, "I, I don't remember..."

"You lied!" Li Fenghua became emotional, "You clearly saw it!"

"You actually—"

Before the high-pitched voice could finish shouting, a fury interrupted her.

"Enough!" Old Man Feng smashed the faucet stick to the marble floor tiles, "Is there any end?!"

"Where do you think I'm Fengjia?! You can slap if you want?!"

After being reprimanded for a few words, Li Fenghua suddenly lost his arrogance and said in a sullen voice, "Master, we are victims..."

Mr. Feng's eyebrows are stern and cold, and his deep facial features can vaguely distinguish the handsomeness of his youth. Sen Han's serious expression is not angry and arrogant, "Shen Yu is our family's daughter-in-law, and you can't tolerate such slander..."

"You are not welcome here, please!"

No matter how wronged Li Fenghua was, she didn't dare to compete with the Feng family. Even if the old man wanted to cover up, she could only bite her gums and swallow it in her stomach.

"Xiaochen, let's go."

"Mom, just forget it?!" Shen Chen was angry and unwilling.

Li Fenghua glared at Shen Yu, who had nothing to do with it, and said in a serious tone, "Listen to me and leave now!"

Even though her mother had spoken, Shen Chen didn't dare to disobey, so he could only caress his chest and walked out of the villa with difficulty.

After leaving the house, the mother and son drove to the hospital.

On the way, Shen Chen asked depressedly, "Mom, I can't be beaten for nothing!"

"I can't swallow this breath!"

Li Fenghua felt the same, his eyes were full of resentment, "Don't worry, Mom won't let you suffer!"

"Wait and see, I will make Shen Yu kneel down and apologize to you!"

"For every kick you suffer, I will make him pay back a hundredfold!"

After the short-term turmoil passed, Aunt Mei was kicked out of the living room by the old man, leaving Shen Yu and Feng Si Rui behind, "What happened just now?!"

"Grandpa, I was wrong." Shen Yu lowered her eyes with a sincere expression, "As soon as Li Fenghua comes in, he will hit me indiscriminately..."

"I couldn't get angry, so I fought back."

Old Master Feng sat on the sofa, frowning, "If you want to fight back, you can't leave evidence!"

"Look at the video of you beating someone, but you don't have any sense of precaution!"

Shen Yu raised his head in surprise, "!"

- "What's the matter, has Grandpa spoiled me to such an extent?!"

- "I'm really touched!"

- "I have decided that even if I divorce the dog man, I will be filial to my grandfather for the rest of my life!"

The dark-faced Feng Si Rui said, "..." I spoke to you just now, okay?

Why don't you have a little gratitude for me? !

"Grandpa, I remember your teachings..." Shen Yu nodded heavily, not paying any attention to the indignation of the people beside her.

The old man Feng looked at Feng Si Rui again, "Xiaoyu had a very hard childhood, how much you love him, just like today, no matter what happens, you have to stand by his side, you know?!"

"I know, Grandpa." Feng Sirui said solemnly.

Shen Yu glanced at him.

- "Hmph, dog man, face to face and back to back, didn't you agree well last time, you turned your face and didn't recognize people in a blink of an eye."

- "If I put the brakes on, how can I be so stupid? I don't know the law?!"

"In the future, I will fully trust Xiaoyu and will no longer doubt him." Feng Sirui gritted his teeth and added.

Shen Yu was moved and sneered in her heart.

- "Pretend to be a grandson!"

- "Oh, forget, he is the real grandson!"

Feng Si Rui, "..." I will endure it!

After a while, the family banquet began, and the Feng family gathered all the people. More than a dozen people sat around the dining table, shoving cups and changing cups, and complimented.

Only she turned a blind eye to Shen Yu, the daughter-in-law of Feng's family, as if everyone knew it, it was difficult for this daughter-in-law appointed by grandfather to stay in Feng's family for a long time.

However, Shen Yu was also happy and comfortable, with knives and forks interlaced, and feasting. Unfortunately, there are always people who live impatiently and bump into the muzzle.

"Brother Rui, I see that you have participated in a variety show. The votes are very high. If no one is holding back, you will definitely be the first!"

The person who flattered was Feng Si Rui's cousin Wang Ruina, a typical gold-worshiping woman, vain and conceited.

This kind of cannon fodder female partner, how could Shen Yu be accustomed to her, put down her knife and fork, and evoked a beautiful but cold arc on her face, "Who do you think is holding back?!"

Wang Ruina was stunned by the sudden question, and then smiled disdainfully, "Who knows..."

"Is it necessary to clarify?"

Shen Yu gave her a contemptuous look, "I don't know if you are blind or not. Weibo voted the most anticipated guest in the next issue. It seems that there are only two words."

"I don't know if you can push it out loud."

Wang Ruina retorted, "You are too embarrassed to say that the abuse on the Internet is simply unsightly. I really don't understand, the reputation is like this, and you still have the face to stay in the entertainment circle?"

"If only I would have retired long ago!"

"Heh..." Shen Yu sneered disapprovingly, "You are too embarrassed to come uninvited and flatter the family every day, why can't I support myself in the entertainment industry?!"

Wang Ruina was stabbed in the sore spot and choked immediately, "You—"

"What are you, you can shut up and eat..." Shen Yu rolled her eyes, "Is it interesting to be humiliated by yourself?!"

Read The Duke's Passion