MTL - The Sickly CEO Asks For Hugs Everyday After Obtaining The Ability To Read Minds-Chapter 22 How much more are you hiding from me?

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Shen Yu hung up the phone, her face became cold, and her eyes glanced somewhere like a sharp arrow.

Over there, Meng Qixiang and Wang Xiner were showing their affection with smiles all over their faces.

"What's wrong?" Feng Sirui asked in a low voice, realizing that something was wrong.

"It's nothing." Shen Yu pouted, looking nonchalant.

- "Anyway, it's a vicious character design, and a few more pieces of black material can hold it."

Black stuff? !

Feng Si Rui narrowed his eyes, and his body was emitting cold air unconsciously.

Forced to stop work early with the camera.

Flying back home on the latest flight, Shen Yu slept heartlessly, and wiped the corners of his mouth after he landed, "Are you there?"

"Where's my money?" He woke up instantly, groping around, and sure enough, he found the divided red envelope in the pocket of his clothes.

Some happy and some sad.

Fortunately, the balance of the card can finally increase,

Sadly, there should have been half of the 30,000 people who were taken away by the stinky man.

Shen Yu looked over resentfully, beeping in her heart,

- "When you get divorced from a dog man, I must take back what belongs to me!"

Before Feng Si Rui opened his eyes, he heard Shen Yu thinking about the divorce property, and his brows could not help frowning.

Want to Divorce and Divide the Estate?

How can I make you wish?

I haven't turned on my phone for a few hours, and when the signal is turned on, dozens of messages jump in.

Shen Yu didn't close the Weibo notification, and when he opened it, he saw that most of them were private messages and abuse from netizens.

- "You can't even scold people in new ways. The cultural level of netizens in this session is really low."

- "What slut, licking dogs, mentally retarded, can such adjectives really be used on someone as wise and talented as me?!"

With the private message, he opened the first video of the hot search.

From the angle alone, the photographer should be outside the RV,

Explain what?

This shows that there must be a fourth person present at that time!

And that person definitely has a grudge against him, otherwise why would the video be taken out of context? !

To say there is hatred,

The scope of suspicion is wide.

Except for Li Hao, the participating guests are still friendly. Who else has not been attacked?

However, Shen Yu was too lazy to guess who secretly filmed the video, and only regretted that he didn't kick a few more kicks to show the arrogance and domineering a little more affectionately.

"Did you do it that night?" Feng Si Rui's voice sounded from his ear.

Shen Yu seemed to be frightened, turned her head nervously, and hid her phone on her back in a panic, "No, no..."

"Brother Rui, everything you see is not true!"

"How could I be so violent?"

- "Quickly grab my phone and scolded me for why I did this!"

- "The video is in front of you, but you still have to make a quibble?!"

- "I didn't expect that you are not only vicious, but also so ruthless, how can such a person deserve to stay in the Feng family?!"

- "Speak quickly, speak quickly, the lines have been thought out for you!"

Looking at Shen Yu's eager eyes, Feng Sirui carried the suitcase and walked around expressionlessly, "Forget it, you have your own reasons, I shouldn't ask more."

Shen Yu, "!"

- "Why don't you ask more?!"

- "Aren't you curious at all?!"

- "Just say a few more words and let me answer it for you!"

Feng Sirui quickened his pace, and Shen Yu chased after him.

The other guests in the program group looked over with complicated eyes.

Meng Qihui received a call long ago and was notified that the video was on the hot search. He walked beside Wang Xiner and lowered his voice to warn, "Do you know what to do?"

The latter nodded timidly, "I know."

"If you dare to talk nonsense, go back and break your legs!"

Meng Qihui gritted his teeth, completely taking the anger of his beating on his wife.

Wang Xiner didn't dare to say a word, and when she secretly glanced at Shen Yu, there was a trace of guilt in her eyes.

Outside the airport, a black Maybach is waiting.

The bodyguard in a suit and leather shoes with sunglasses stood beside him, and when he saw Feng Si Rui come out, he immediately went to meet him.

"President Feng." The bodyguard leaned forward.

Feng Sirui nodded slightly and handed over the luggage. The phone rang and connected, "The meeting has been moved to two in the afternoon, and I have arrangements for the evening."

As he spoke, he glanced at Shen Yu, who wanted to sneak away, and said to the bodyguard, "Take Mr. Shen into the car."

So, Shen Yu was grabbed by the neck and collar, and a word came from his ear, "Offended."

Sit in the Maybach in seconds.

"Brother Rui, I have to go to the company..." Shen Yu frowned, "Sister Qin still waiting for me?"

"I'll take you off..." Feng Sirui didn't look sideways, and added after a pause, "Then I'll wait for you in the parking lot."

Shen Yu was a little surprised, "Brother Rui, don't you have a meeting this afternoon?"

"You can have a video conference..." Feng Surui raised his head and glanced at Patek Philippe, "and the time is too late."

Shen Yu, "..."

- "What medicine is sold in the dog man's gourd?!"

- "Don't you want to see me being scolded by Sister Qin's **** head?!"

- "But then again, this time it's really hard to deal with, maybe you'll have to sit on the bench."

— "Forget it, forget it, don't think about it, love it, if you really can't, just go home and stay, focus on being a demon..."

He looked out of the car window with a bit of melancholy, and suddenly saw Yan Ruiqing's figure looking out, and he immediately cheered up and showed a provocative expression.

- "Have you seen it? If you don't drive me out of the palace, you will always be the blood of mosquitoes on the wall!"

- "Even the Maybach can't sit!"

- "Work hard, buddy?!"

Feng Si Rui silently caressed his chest, feeling flustered and short of breath, urgently in need of antihypertensive drugs to calm down.

Soon, the car was parked in the underground parking lot of Huayu Company.

"Brother Rui, if you are in a hurry, go first, don't wait for me deliberately..." Shen Yu said sympathetically.

Feng Si Rui flipped through the financial statements for the past two days without raising his head, "Nothing urgent."

"I'll wait for you to go to grandpa's house for dinner."

Shen Yu nodded clearly.

- "The dog man turned out to be to deal with the old man, no wonder it's abnormal."

Reaching this conclusion, he felt a lot more at ease, and got off the bus with a smile on his face.

The moment he closed the car door, Feng Si Rui lifted his eyes and followed him with stern eyes. When he saw the figure get into the elevator, he took out his mobile phone, "Help me contact Wang Xin'er's manager."

"Also, check the video source..."

"I want to know who posted it on Weibo."

Hanging up the phone, the handsome and innocent face is extremely cold, like a dormant beast in the jungle, calm but extremely aggressive.

After a long pause, Feng Si Rui suddenly thought of something, hesitantly opened a Weibo that he had never logged in with his fingertips, and spent ten seconds to find the most popular video.

The picture is muted, but it can be seen from the range of motion that the man who strikes is extremely ruthless.

The posture of closing the legs is extremely capable and fast, like a level that can be achieved after years of training.

Feng Si Rui suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, his eyes were deep,

How much more are you hiding from me?

Shen Yu?