MTL - The Sickly CEO Asks For Hugs Everyday After Obtaining The Ability To Read Minds-Chapter 11 How can a dog man be so vicious

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I have to say that Mr. Bing Jiaoba took a bath very fast. When he came out wearing his own robe and bath towel, he saw Shen Yu lying on the window of the RV and looking out.

- "I haven't seen Geweisi's eight-pack abs for half a year, and it's obviously a lot. Tsk tsk tsk, look at those smooth muscle lines. If it is placed in China, any video business can attract millions!"

- "Ryder is also good, the mermaid line is so sexy, and the buttocks are quite upturned, if you touch it, it must feel good!"

Feng Si Rui, "..." You haven't divorced yet, and you can't wait to look for candidates? !

I really didn't see it, so you are such Shen Yu? !

He suppressed the anger in his heart, took off the tightly wrapped robe and pajamas, leaving only a pair of boxer bottoms, then cleared his throat and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing?!"

- "Fuck, scare Lao Tzu!"

Shen Yu turned back with lingering fear, and directly faced the sturdy body that was naked and sturdy with water droplets remaining, her pupils enlarged unconsciously, "Rui Rui Rui, Brother Rui, you're done washing? Why don't you wear pajamas, it's easy to catch a cold!"

- "Dog man has an exhibitionism?! He has not found out after three years of marriage?! Ah yes, he has never appeared at home!"

- "Isn't he ashamed to wear so little?!"

Feng Si Rui, "..." He can't see such a good figure? !

Are you blind? !

Or...selectively blind? !

Shen Yu hurriedly turned her eyes away, stood up from the sofa in the RV, and went straight to the door, "Brother Rui, I'll go prepare dinner first, and come out after you get dressed."

The flustered back made Feng Si Rui very uncomfortable.

Just now you were admiring other people's bodies, but now you turn a blind eye to your husband? !

What's wrong? !

The moment Shen Yu opened the door, the camera that had been hiding at the door hurriedly captured the scene in the RV, and her strong figure hit the screen directly.

[Wow, is this something I can watch without spending money? ! 】

[Feng Husband's figure is not covered? ! Full of male hormones, I can't hold it anymore! 】

[Faced with this temptation, Master Shen is actually unmoved? ! Still swaggering out, leaving Husband Feng aside? ! 】

[I admire Master Shen's concentration! 】

Netizens are sometimes very strange. They don't say anything, but their attitude changes quickly. Before, they thought Shen Yu was a scumbag, and it was a pig who made a cabbage. This will be another mouthful of Shen.

I have to say that the one-day filming has made the image of the mouth gun deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, not to mention Feng Si Rui's powerful wife and wife, which has had a subtle influence on netizens...

The number of people who spray him is dwindling.

This is an effect that the director did not expect.

[Fuck, isn't this the top-of-the-line Mercedes-Benz RV? One night in a foreign country is expensive! Don't ask me why I know, I just lived there. Is this really what Shen Yu was looking for? ! Two nights for free? ! 】

[Just came back from another live broadcast room, Feng Huanmei and Qi Lulu's pair did not go well. This is the city center, and the surrounding hotels start at 500 A, and they will have no money for two nights! 】

[So, for this kind of poor travel show, you must not find too willful guests, and I don't know how they were voted at that time? ! 】

Shen Yu sat next to Gervais, his eyes fell on the BBQ turned over in his hands, the corners of his mouth were raised high, and he asked in fluent English, "How long will we wait?"

"Soon!" Gervais is a typical foreigner, with blond hair and blue eyes, a sunny smile, and a warm and thoughtful body.

He obviously liked Shen Yu very much, and got closer, his voice suddenly complained, "After you left last time, you haven't contacted me, and it's too boring."

"Ah, don't mention it..." Shen Yu felt exhausted when she remembered the villain task she was carrying. "There are too many things at home, and work is not going well."

- "While I want to act with Xiao Bailian, while waiting for President Ba to file for divorce, how can I have the time and mood to contact Xiao Xianrou?!"

"When will it be finished? Didn't we agree to go on a tour together?" Gervais looked at him expectantly.

Shen Yu stared at the burning fire, her delicate face was illuminated brightly, "Come on..."

- "As long as I work harder in variety shows, act more demons, and show my viciousness, Feng Si Rui's disgust value will definitely be full, and will I be worried that I won't be able to get the divorce agreement?"

Feng Si Rui, who was not far away, listened to the conversation between the two, including their inner thoughts, and the corners of his mouth evoked a mocking arc,

What if I don't let you do it? !

He walked over quickly, stretched out his hand and pulled Shen Yu up, "Sit next to me."

Gervais raised his head and looked over in surprise, "..."

Feng Sirui said coldly, the traditional British pronunciation spit out from the thin lips, "Shen Yu is my legal lover..."

"Do you have any question?"

[Fuck, fortunately he can speak a little English, Feng Husband is taking an oath of sovereignty, so handsome, isn't it? ! 】

[I didn't expect that husband Feng would also be jealous, but Xiao Xianrou is also good. Shen Yu is suddenly so attractive? ! 】

[The beauty is there, and foreigners are also tempted? I really don't know what to say! 】

Just as Gervais was about to speak, a soft voice sounded behind him, "Everyone came out so early, what are you going to eat at night? I've already begun to look forward to it."

Everyone followed the sound and saw a woman wearing a black lace suspender nightdress walking by.

The exposed collarbone, smooth shoulders, slender and slender calves, as well as the seemingly non-existent perfume in the air, all reveal Wang Xiner's careful thoughts.

The makeup on her face was more gorgeous, the corners of her mouth were upturned, with a sweet arc, she picked a seat very close to Feng Si Rui and sat down, "Wow, it's a BBQ, I like this kind of American fast food very much."

All the men present were a little embarrassed, but Shen Yu showed a sly smile indifferently, "Aren't you afraid of catching a cold when you wear so little?"

Before Wang Xiner could answer, he continued to mock and insinuate, "Yes, it's a bit of a waste of resources to not show such a good figure."

"I'm used to dressing more comfortably before going to bed, and this kind of suspender skirt is very common?" Wang Xiner smiled a little embarrassedly, and suddenly asked Feng Si Rui, "President Feng, do you mind?"

Feng Sirui didn't look sideways, and sat down beside Shen Yu, "I don't mind..."

Wang Xin'er breathed a sigh of relief, a smug look on her face,

She is very confident in her figure, and basically no man can resist...

Just thinking of this, Wang Xiner heard Feng Sirui continue to say, "I just find it annoying."

Her smile was stiff on her face, and she was a little embarrassed for a while,

Shen Yu couldn't hold back a "puchi" and laughed,

"The person who wants to show him the most, actually finds it annoying, what should I do?!"

These words have already put Wang Xiner's intentions on the surface.

She couldn't hold back her face, and got up angrily, "I'll go back to the car first, I won't eat dinner!"

After dropping this sentence, Wang Xin'er turned her head and left, her black skirt rippling in the night wind.

Shen Yu was secretly happy, but she pretended to be innocent, "Brother Rui, is she angry?"

"Should I say something wrong again?"

- "Quickly say that I have a bad mouth and don't leave room for others, and then think of Xiao Bailian, who is kind and gentle and never argues with others. In contrast, she got up in anger and shouted to quit the variety show!"

Feng Si Rui turned his head slowly, with a strange arc on the corner of his mouth, "No, you said it well, someone with a serious mind like Wang Xiner should expose her face on the spot..."

"Let her stop acting."

Shen Yu was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth, "..."

- "Why is the dog man so vicious?!"

Read The Duke's Passion