MTL - The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide-Chapter 161 real world

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Lu Xiuwen stared at the back of Ye Hao’s departure. He did not rush to go out, but turned to the bathroom and looked at the mirror in his present day. appearance.

Even if the mirror presents a completely stranger, Lu Xiuwen’s emotions are not fluctuating, and his expression is always indifferent. For anyone who has been born again and spent years in loneliness and despair, there is any unexplained Things, even if the world is destroyed, seem to have little to be surprised.

Every minute, every minute, is desperate, reflective, painful, and even waiting for relief. He has almost fantasized about all possibilities, even denying his existence and denying his entire world.

Everything that happens now seems to support some of his conjectures.

That is - is he a real person? Or is he just a dream of someone else, and he is sadly producing his own consciousness? Otherwise why can you die and resurrect, and then cross into other worlds and become another person?

Is this true? Still another illusion?

Why does the world exist and why does he exist? Rebirth, crossing, other people, love, common lover... One keyword emerges from his mind, and finally turns into a mist. It seems that only a little bit can see the truth, but it is impossible to go out.

If this is the reality, it is the time to wake up... I am afraid that the coming truth is even more cruel than before.

Lu Xiuwen closed his eyes and opened his mouth. There was no thought in the eyes. Only one deep squat was left, and he turned and went out.

At this moment, Ye Hao did not realize that the people around him had changed. First, because the time was too short, according to the law, it was not possible to change people. Second, Lu Xiuwen’s performance was too calm. It was not like an alien. By.

Ye Xie saw Lu Xiuwen came out and showed him a big smile: "I have prepared breakfast for you."

At this moment, Ye Xiaoying’s children’s shoes are full of father’s love for Jiang’s words. I feel that I owe too much to this child. I don’t know that my son’s eyes have become his father. If he knows, he’s already crying and crying. It is.

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Hao and his eyes were dark.

The young man in front of him was beautiful, his skin was fair and his eyes were bright. When he smiled, Lu Xiuwen couldn’t help but think of the boy who had been cared for for more than ten years. It was also beautiful, gentle, beautiful, and letting people Involuntarily for him to sink.

If you can not think about those complicated things, simply like Jiang Ci or Yang Gan and Ming Chong, think that you are dreaming or reincarnation, and reunited with your lover in another world. What a good thing?

Then he can tell himself that Ye Hao is Guran. It is God who has the opportunity to reunite with his lover. The self-deception is blinded by the beauty of the eyes, and the truth of the matter cannot be seen.

But in general, the more poisonous things, the more beautiful and beautiful the appearance, so that if you don't pay attention, you will fall into the trap and there is nowhere to escape.

Is this the case now?

Lu Xiuwen’s hand on his side was tight, and he lowered his eyes and said, “Okay, thank you.”

Ye Hao smiled and sat on the side, holding his chin in his hands, bending his eyes and smiling: "How, I am busy for the morning."

Lu Xiuwen took a porridge and smiled faintly: "Good." Only his hand holding the chopsticks seemed to be a little faint.

He seems to understand some people who are in front of him, why do you believe this in such a simple way, because this is really a strong instinct, the ultimate temptation... just like him now, after death, to the world, see To a person who is so similar to a lover will be involuntarily considered to be destined, and the pain of too long will make them feel like they are almost dying in the desert, and they can’t wait to see a glimmer of hope. It is not important whether the mirage is a mirage.

I only want to believe in the goodness of my eyes.

He loves him very much, he wants to believe in him, wants to be with him, he does whatever he wants...

In a short period of time, it seems that there is something in the chest that is strongly beating, let him surrender.

But how can I trust you?

The more you become a lover, the more you are occupied by others in the middle, how can you not be aware of it? But you pretend not to know, because you know that sometimes they may not remember each other, you know everything about them, you are familiar with their habits, understand all their you control them with ease.

And I won't let you know who I am, so you won't master me like this.

The man who is in the dark now is me.

Ye Xie saw Lu Xiuwen finish his own breakfast, and his heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment. I remembered how many years ago, the child had not eaten his own breakfast. At that time, he only wanted to complete the task, so he left the child for the task choice, but at that time he really hesitated to struggle, but... it was impossible to go back to change, and it seemed to have no meaning.

Now, he only wants to cherish such a simple and calm time. From the beginning of his real life being disrupted, everything begins to gradually lose control.

Ye Hao and her mother had an appointment to go home for dinner at night. It was still very early. It was not long before Fang Sheng gave him a call, let him go to the company to report tomorrow, participate in a reality show, and now he is very good in the entertainment industry. There is a good reputation and topic, whether it is a good reputation or a bad reputation, in general, everyone is willing to see him, for a artist is also a good thing, taking the opportunity to wash white may also earn a sympathy.

Ye Hao is of course full of promises, but he is determined to be a man in the entertainment circle!

He hangs up the phone and goes out to go shopping with Lu Xiuwen. Since he wants to go home to see his parents, he still has to help the old attacker to pack it. The first impression is very important!

Lu Xiuwen was incompetent and silently followed Ye Hao.

Ye Hao is not bad money, and Lu Xiuwen is going to the top-end shopping mall. If it is not too late, he feels better by tailoring it, but now he can only buy ready-made clothes. Fortunately, Lu Xiuwen has a good figure and looks good. There is no such thing as a bad way to buy clothes. It means that ordinary clothes are also very good on his body, let alone those clothes that are not cheap.

It didn't take long for Ye Hao to buy Lu Xiuwen from head to toe, and looked up and down satisfactorily, perfect!

Lu Xiuwen has been silent and rarely expressed his opinions. Even if Ye Hao asked him, he also answered very succinctly, because he said more and more mistakes, and Ye Hao is obviously not a good deceit.

Ye Hao has become accustomed to the silence of the old attack, and did not think much. He walked over and took Lu Xiuwen’s hand and smiled and said: "Let's go home!"

Lu Xiuwen nodded and looked at him with a soft look: "Okay."

Ye Hao thought that she was ready to deal with today's affairs, and went home with Lu Xiuwen with confidence.

Ye Jia is very luxurious, and its luxury level is similar to Lu Xiuwen's Lujia in the world. Lu Xiuwen stood beside Ye Hao and came to the front of the villa with some embarrassing feelings.

But he is not a person who easily reveals emotions, so no one has found out that he is different.

Ye Hao hasn't been home for a long time. The first time I took my boyfriend back home, I was a little nervous, but I thought that only my mother was a little relieved at home. Compared with my father, my mother obviously had a softer heart and talked more. What is disgusting, I think it is not difficult to cope.

He took a deep breath and pushed the door in.

Although Ms. Ye is near middle age, but her maintenance is good, she looks like she is in her early thirties. She looks gentle and elegant. Today, she wants to go home to eat for Ye Hao and her boyfriend. .

At this moment, I saw Ye Hao coming back, showing a smile: "Small is coming back."

"Mom--" Ye Hao walked over and gave her a hug. She took a sip on her face and smiled: "I am back."

——It can be seen that Ye Hao’s home is very pleasing, and Ye’s mother is so fond of him. Compared with the more powerful and independent Ye Hao, Ye Hao is more lovely, and his face is thick and will sell Meng’s treasure. People feel that they can't be too good for him. It is the treasure that the whole family holds in their hands.

Ms. Ye was very happy, but her face was pretending not to be so happy. She said: "How old is it, what it looks like."

Cough, mainly, there are others today.

Ms. Ye turned her head and looked at Lu Xiuwen. The smile was slightly restrained and said: "This is Xiao Yue."

Lu Xiuwen nodded and his voice was low: "Auntie is good, this is my little wish." Then he handed the gift to the maid.

Ye’s mother’s eyes showed a satisfactory look. She didn’t care what gift Lu Xiwen could bring. Ye’s family was not bad. She was satisfied with Lu Xiuwen’s calm and respectful attitude. This young man looks quite sensible, first The number of times of courtesy is thoughtful.

Ye mother does not care what Ling Ling is doing, or what kind of family life, Ye Jia never come to marriage, the key is to be true to his son.

"Come in and sit, all standing at the door." Ye mother smiled and greeted the two.

Lu Xiuwen smiled a little, did not humble and walked in, did not twist and pinch, the attitude is free and easy, as if they have enough emboldenedness and they are on average, there is no uncomfortable because of Ye Hao's family.

At least things have progressed to the present, and Ye’s mother can’t pick up his fault.

Not long after I arrived at dinner time, because Ye Hao did not come back for a long time, Ye mother specifically told the servant to prepare the dish he liked, full of a table, smiled and said: "All you like, it is rare to come back and eat more. ......"

Ye Hao looked at this table dish, his expression was slightly stiff for a moment, although he was the dish he liked, but now Jiang is still there! However, fortunately, it is Jiang’s remarks... The world he and Jiang resigned together is a few poorer worlds. The days are very ordinary and they have not lived in any luxury houses. As for these dishes, they don’t eat much. Don't you think of anything? And Jiang Ci thought that he was dreaming, it should not matter...

If Lu Xiuwen is awful, when he was in Lu Xiuwen’s world, he lived with the big masters who are now in common, living in almost the same mansion, eating almost the same dishes... yes! People's tastes are hard to change, so in the world, Ye Hao children's shoes are very brazen and let the servants still do the dishes they like to eat. It can be said that his identity in the world is the closest one to reality!

The only difference is that the person who cares for him in the world is Lu Xiuwen, and the real world is his father and mother, and then he is in the world of Lu Xiuwen, disguised more innocent, but life habits are often played in the true colors. .

Fortunately, it’s not Lu Xiuwen!

Ye Hao thought this way, showing a silly smile to Lu Xiuwen, and his son is still more worried.

Lu Xiuwen looked at him and silently overtook his head and helped Ye Hao with a chopstick dish.

At the first glance, I just wow, I just like it! My son really knows me, is this a heart? Tianda had a big meal, and Ye Hao was very happy.

Ms. Ye smiled and looked at them. She noticed Lu Xiuwen’s look at Ye Xie’s eyes. The gentle love was not fake, and the heart was quite satisfactory. In fact, I heard that my son had talked about his boyfriend, but he did not. When I heard the greetings at home, I was still a little angry. Later I watched the TV program and saw that Ling Ling’s maintenance of Ye Hao in front of everyone, gradually let go of my heart, and I had some good feelings about Yue Ling. He brought people back.

I have seen a real person now, more gentle and considerate than on TV, and the details are also very attention, it is not worthy of my son.

Ye mother’s pretentious dissatisfaction to Ye Hao smiled and said: “Hey, if I asked, what time are you going to take?”

Ye Hao smiled: "I want to give you a surprise."

Ms. Ye said: "Is it sure not scared?"

Lu Xiuwen chuckled at the side and took Ye Hao’s hand: "I am sorry, I was not prepared before, not his fault."

Ye mother snorted: "You don't want to help him cover, I still don't understand this stinky boy."

Ye Hao’s expression was wronged and he snorted.

Lu Xiuwen couldn't help but smile, then licked his lips and pressed down the evanescent feeling of pain. He said, "You don't blame him, it is my problem."

Ye mother is not really angry with the leaves, see Lu Xiuwen so active to pull the responsibility to his body, give her a step, very satisfied with the knowledge and interest of this son-in-law, although knowing that Ye Hao’s fault, but still I am happy to see someone being petted by him... This is not a very reasonable thing, but it is also a human nature. After all, no parent is willing to see others blame their children. Lu Xiuwen is more like the elders.

Ye Hao’s hand was held by Lu Xiuwen, feeling the temperature of his palm, inexplicably feeling calm and reliable, just... What was the strange feeling in my heart just now? It seems that many older people are more calm and inclusive. The men around them seem to be more like Lu Xiuwen.

Oh, it must be his illusion! It must be the reason for the occasion, he will not produce such a terrible fantasy!

A meal came down, no matter what Ye’s mother said, Lu Xiuwen responded decently. When the dinner was over, Ye’s mother was very satisfied with Lu Xiuwen. The attitude was very different from the initial ambiguity. It was obviously very kind. .

"Small Yue, the surname is more, it is also a family 100 years ago, this is fate..." Ye mother laughed.

Ye Hao proudly laughed. When he was at the time of Ling Ling, he just took the name casually. Let him and his mother surname. I didn’t expect it to have the role of pulling distance. He wanted to talk to his mother. And your surname, it is destined to be a family... It’s hard to stop, not talking.

Ye mother said again: "You will live at home this evening. It is rare to come back and don't have to hurry."

Ye Hao heard this and finally looked at it. Although things have progressed smoothly now, it is still not possible to live at home. His room is not suitable for getting in, because I don’t know if I will wake up tomorrow. Now, only Lu Xiuwen, Cossen and Shen Wei are not present. Any one who comes out is dangerous at home and easy to reveal.

He immediately said: "No, I have to participate in a program tomorrow, I have to go back tonight to prepare..."

When Ye Hao’s sentence was just finished, he heard the door open, and a steady, steady voice came to his ear with a strong pressure: “So what to do so urgently.”

Ye is a stiff, bad road, and Dad is back!

Ye Dao is the most stern person in the family, and Ye Hao, who has no way to wipe his butt, and Ye’s mother who has no son, is not the same. Ye’s father only knows how the stupid boy is in trouble. Not pleasing to the eye, selling Meng is useless!

He has always opposed Ye Hao’s entertaining entertainment circle, but he couldn’t help himself, but he could only endure it, but now Ye Hao has not only entered the entertainment circle, but also made such a scandal, even openly out of the cabinet, which makes him very Angry.

Ye Dao is not abandoning homosexuality. The family knows Ye Hao’s sexual orientation, but Ye Hao’s irresponsible behavior is the root of his anger.

In a short period of time, he has investigated the information of Yueling. A person who has inexplicably emerged has no identity in the past. He was accidentally taken by Ye Hao, and he did not even have a serious job. He ate Ye Hao’s drink Ye Hao. I don't know what happened in the past, what kind of heart is Ann... Is such a person still wanting to enter the room?

Therefore, he learned that Ye Hao would bring him back tonight when he came back with a special trip. He will come back to give him a horse!

Ye Hao was a little bit guilty of his father, and laughed: "I have something..."

Ye Dad sneered: "What do you think, what do you think is a big star? Isn't it a scandal who knows you? Is it not ashamed to be proud?"

Ye’s mother’s expression is also a bit embarrassing, but she still came out to maintain her eyebrows: “What do you say about the old leaves? You are so dark outside, you don’t comfort him, you are jealous.”

Ye Dad is very painful. This stinky boy is so spoiled. Does he see those people who are not angry with black leaf? Did you almost smash the table? ! But how can he be a father with a little majesty, no matter whether he is a kid, he does not know the convergence! Maybe someday I made a big mistake, not to mention the fact that there are outsiders today. How can I not face it like that?

Then, with the pressure on it, he continued to face his face: "He will encounter such a thing. Except for the mistakes of others, wouldn’t he reflect on himself? Why would he offend so many people that everyone would fall into the rocks? No one helped him. Speaking? I don’t know how to converge in the world, I’m doing my own thing, I’m a good enemy everywhere, I want to stay in the entertainment circle.”

Ye Hao took the head and looked like a training. When he was shackled, his attitude must be obeyed, so that his father wouldn’t get rid of it. Mom would look pitiful to help his father. He is already very experienced!

Sure enough, Ye’s mother felt distressed when she saw it. She pulled Ye Hao behind her and angered: “You say a few words!”

Ye Dad pulled his face and looked at the little poor son hiding behind his wife. He almost didn't come up, so I wanted to smoke him a meal! Is it pitiful to be the son of Ye Boming all day long? !

Ye Dad took a deep breath and pointed his finger at Lu Xiuwen. Cold and cold: "And you, have you considered Ye Lan together with Ye Hao? Have you prepared for all the difficulties with him? For a lifetime It’s not a sentence of fever. Anyone who speaks well will say it, but it’s not that easy to do.”

In the face of Ye Boming's power, Lu Xiuwen did not fear, even the momentum was not half-pointed, he looked up: "I love him, there is preparation for everything with him, as for whether you can do it, you can see later ""

Ye Boming’s accident flashed past. I didn’t expect Lu Xiuwen to be able to withstand his pressure. The heart was estimated to be an accident. The young man did not know the height of the sky. He said: “Okay, let’s assume you are prepared, but you Is there the ability to do this? Love is not everything, love can not help you to level the difficulties, you now know the identity of Ye Hao, but also choose to be with him, know how much you have to bear? No one can escape from their own Identity, Ye Hao is not likely to leave with you, he is the child of my Ye family, his future will not be in the district entertainment, have you thought about it? Do you have the preparation to stand by him?"

Lu Xiuwen smiled. He looked at Ye Hao and looked soft. "I think his future is going to be chosen by himself. If he wants to stay in the entertainment circle, I will accompany him and let him be a big star. He wants to inherit his family business in the future, and I can help him manage the company. I think that no matter what he does, he can be happy and happy."

In this case, Ye’s father turned out to be...can’t refute, and then he screamed uncomfortably: “The young man has no ability, but he will say it in a big way.”

Whether it is a mixed entertainment circle or a management company, where is it so easy? But in Lu Xiuwen's mouth, these seem to be like trivial things, the high attitude in the upper jaw, and the petty attitude towards Ye Hao...what is like a young man in his twenties, it seems like and He is a young man who sees people all over the world.

Lu Xiuwen is still calm and his eyes are calm and gentle. "I think I can prove that this is not a big talk."

Ye Dad’s eyes on Lu Xiuwen’s eyes have finally become a little dignified. Whether the young man is bluffing or not, at least from now on, he can’t be underestimated. He slowly said: “Yes? Then you talk about it, the next step is your plan. How to do?"

Lu Xiuwen almost didn't need to think much, he said: "The previous public opinion on the Internet was very unfavorable to Ye Hao. Now, although I reversed part of it, it is not enough..."

Lu Xiuwen's tone is low, clear and clear, and he has a well-thought-out plan. It is not a kind of squatting person who takes a step by step, and even considers many details. It can be said that it is all-inclusive.

Ye’s mother’s eyes lit up and she didn’t expect the child to be so reliable.

Ye Dad looked at Lu Xiuwen. Although he was very angry when he came back, he wanted to give the two men a horse. But in a short period of time, Lu Xiuwen’s response and discourse made him no longer despised, although This person still does not trust, but he overthrew his previous views, and Lu Xiuwen's demeanor... inexplicably made him dare not take a nap.

Obviously a young man, why would he give him the illusion of talking with the deepest peers in the city?

Compared with Ye Hao's rising sensibility, Ye Dad's slightly relaxed attitude, Ye Hao almost shivered... It's not right, this time I really feel that something is wrong!

He was too familiar with Lu Xiuwen, and Lu Xiuwen stood there talking about it. It seemed that the stormy waves could not make him have the slightest moving city, the gentle and calm tone...

Is this Lu Xiuwen?

When did he come over? If he is really Lu Xiuwen, then he not only came over, but also concealed his identity and continued to play the role of Jiang Ci, and he did not know anything about it... Ye Hao could not help but shudder.

Why did Lu Xiuwen do this, why should he hide his identity? Is it because he is suspected?

Ye Hao thought that the cold sweat was coming down here...

Here, Ye Hao is full of confusion, and Ye Dad has already chatted with Lu Xiuwen. The two are sitting on the sofa. Ye Dao continues to take the problem with Lu Xiuwen, whether it is about entertainment or business. Xiuwen is all answering questions, and sometimes the countermeasures mentioned are better than Ye's own own, which makes him feel a sense of openness.

Gradually, Ye Dad completely regarded Lu Xiuwen as a peer, and he also had a smile on his face. He was no longer limited to asking questions, but he talked about some problems. Then he found that the world view of life was not much problem, and he was able to use Lu Xiuwen. The ones he just said are really not big words.

Ye's father read countless people, so he couldn't even see it at all. On the contrary, it was because he was well-informed and admired Lu Xiuwen's ability. Although the age was quite different, there was a feeling of forgetting the year.

Ye Hao didn't even have a chance to interject. He looked at Lu Xiuwen, who was sitting there talking to his father, and almost shivered...

Ye’s mother did not expect her husband’s imposing return. She was simply settled by Lu Xiuwen. She knew very well how high her husband’s vision was and how strong her character was. Lu Xiuwen’s appreciation was indeed not easy. .

However, she also breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that her son is still okay to find this time, and finally they do not have to worry about it.

Ye Dad and Lu Xiuwen talked for a long time. If Lu Xiuwen is his wife, it is still acceptable. Ye Hao, this stinky boy, did not do a few reliable things from small to large, but he did not expect to look for a wife. Very good, it can be considered that the cat has encountered a dead mouse, right?

Finally, Ye Dad ended the conversation: "Well, it’s not too early. Let's take a break."

Ye Hao has been carefully staring at the other side, and when the topic is over, the quick interface says: "Then we will leave."

Ye Dad blinked and looked at Ye Hao’s eyes as much. He didn’t feel too angry. “Where to go, can’t live at home? Just live at home!”

Ye Hao had already guessed that Lu Xiuwen had come, so definitely can't let Lu Xiuwen live here! That is terrible! He insisted: "The family hasn't lived for a long time, and I still have a job tomorrow..."

Ye mother timely replenished the knife: "I was able to help you pack it yesterday."

Ye Wei: "Mom." QAQ

Lu Xiuwen Shi Ran stood up and took Ye Hao’s hand and said: “Stay for one night and stay for one night. Don’t make your uncle’s aunt angry, huh?”

Ye Wei: "QAQ"

Lu Xiuwen nodded to Ye Daddy and Ye Mama, and took the soul out of the general leafhopper to go up.

Ye Hao walked to the door of his room, suddenly the soul returned, decided to dying and struggling! He stopped at the door and said with a smile: "You, you live in the room, it is not good to live with me for the first time."

Lu Xiuwen looked at him like a smile: "But your parents didn't say bad."

Ye Hao is still struggling: "I don't think so..."

Lu Xiuwen faintly glanced at him, reaching over the shoulders of Ye Hao and decisively pushing the door open.

Ye Hao retired from the back and saw that Lu Xiuwen’s tall body had come in. The instinct of scareness took a step back... Now he can only hope that his illusion is just now, is it right now? ! My son told me that you are ah!

Lu Xiuwen’s gaze was swept away from Ye Hao’s face, scanning the familiar room.

Yes, he is familiar with this room.

The wallpaper is also in light blue tones, with a bed in the middle, a desk next to it, a wall display cabinet against the wall, and a hand-made doll that Ye Hao likes in the cabinet. The table is cluttered with messy things. There is also a game console.

Lu Xiuwen closed his eyes, and when he was still there, his room was like this. Although it was a little chaotic, he was full of anger, and this game machine... Gu Ran was surprised when he saw this game console. I immediately bought it back. It was Lu Xiuwen’s rare to see that he liked it so much. Now it seems... this has always been his favorite.

Ye was stiff, he stared at the room, and his sights swept through the game console. At that time, he found the same game console in that different world. He was very happy and bought it back. He didn’t expect to be in the opposite world. There are similar things. It seems that the world created by the main world is a model... and his house, the hand-made dolls in the cupboard, are also similar to this one. Because of the habit of more than ten years, people always have Will place and use things according to fixed habits.

For a moment, he wanted to jump up and destroy everything, but it was too stiff to move, and it was too late...

Lu Xiuwen took a step forward, his fingers swept across the desk, the bottom of his eyes was a deep painful color, and there was a moment of confusion and sorrow.

For a long time, he finally turned his head and decided to look at Ye Hao.

The leaf vests are all sweaty, and they are so sloppy and squeaky about Lu Xiuwen’s bottomless voice. "How, what happened..."

There is a saying, called the Yellow River does not give up, not seeing the coffin without tears.

Lu Xiuwen just stepped forward and raised his hand and gently touched the face of Ye Hao. His movements were very light and his eyes were very gentle, but it seemed to contain other more complicated things.

His lips moved and gave a soft sigh: "Small, you are still the same as before."

Nothing has changed.

Ye Hao’s face suddenly became white, and he sat down on the ground and looked at Lu Xiuwen’s eyes in horror.

Read The Duke's Passion