MTL - The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide-Chapter 143 Brother's revenge story

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Indulge in Ye Hao and rushed to the hospital.

Ye Xie was **** on his forehead, his eyes closed and his arms hang down weakly.

In the eyes of Shen Yan, his eyes were nervous and annoyed. He only looked at the escape. He did not expect that Ye Hao would chase him, and he would accidentally fall off the stairs. He blamed him for not being thoughtful enough!

The doctor came over very quickly. After checking, he found that the leaf was not heavy. He bandaged him for a moment. He said to him: "He is fine, he will wake up and do another inspection."

The sinking face was a little loose, and I vomited a breath. "Okay, thank you."

The doctor nodded and left.

Sinking sitting on the side of the bed, fingers inserted into the hair, and fixedly looking at the leafhopper.

For a long time, he reached out and reluctantly touched Ye Hao’s face. He finally took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Zheng Sen.

He is not assured that Ye Hao is alone, but what qualifications do he have to stay to take care of him? What he brought to him is always unfortunately suffering... It must be a painful thing to hand over what he loves to others. He knows now.

But he has no choice.

The indulgent eyes are the color of depression. In a short period of time, there has been no sharpness and enthusiasm. It is still young and handsome, but it seems that the soul has entered the coveted year.

The things that he bears are too heavy, and he can’t breathe.

When Zheng Sen came over, he saw Shen Yan sitting on the side of the hospital bed. His eyes were dark and silent. He was originally full of anger, but suddenly he could not make it out at this time.

It is about this person who has been suffering enough to regret it. It is superfluous to do anything else.

Shen Yan slowly raised his eyes and said: "We accidentally encountered it today. When he asked me, he accidentally fell down the stairs, but you can rest assured that the doctor has seen it without problems."

Zheng Sen licked his lips and said in a cold voice: "Yes? Then you can go."

Shen Shen stood up. He didn't even look at Ye Hao again. His voice was low and hoarse. He was calm and waveless. "I am preparing to go, but when are you going to look at him like this, today he will be like this, maybe he will still Curious and don't give up."

In the eyes of Zheng Sen, he passed the color of frustration. Do you want to tell Ye Hao, who is amnesia? Although he realized in his mind that this was not a long-term policy, Ye Hao was injured today, and he could not stay with him all the time. It is difficult to guarantee an accident next time.

Shen Yan also understands this, but he can't tell the truth to Ye Hao. He is more afraid than Ye Zheng to suffer from Ye Hao's injury, and he can't say those.

Those things in the past are the unforgiving areas of their ignorance and things they don’t want to mention.

Zheng Sen knew that he had to be more careful about the situation of Ye Hao, but he did not intend to say more with Shen Yu. He just said: "That would not be your business."

The sinking hand tightened, and the corner of his mouth was opened. The voice was depressed: "I am gone."

This is not where he should stay.

But just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a voice coming from behind: "Wait."

The indulging action, the legs stiff standing there, Ye Hao woke up.

Zheng Sen also found out, and quickly walked over to help Ye Hao sit up and said, "How are you?"

Ye Hao looked at Zheng Sen, slowly showing a smile and whispered: "I am fine, but I want to ask you for a favor."

Zheng Sen did not hesitate: "What?"

Ye Hao said in a word: "I have something to say to him alone, can you go out first?"

Zheng Sen's expression suddenly solidified. He looked at Ye Hao's calm and deep eyes, and his heart was in doubt. This is the first time he made such a request to Ye Hao after his memory loss. Isn't it... What do you think of? !

Shen Yan slowly turned around and his heart was lifted up. He had the same doubts as Zheng Sen in the eyes of Shang Ye. This moment, the brain is blank, I don't know how to be good, worrying and uneasy... I am saddened by sadness, and all kinds of emotions are surging in my heart.

Zheng Sen hesitated for a moment, and finally he suppressed the anxiety in his heart and stood up and said, "Well, I am outside."

When he went out, he warned and looked down.

There are only two people left in the room.

Ye Hao looked at Shen Yu, and the eyes were the complex colors of mixed feelings.

He finally remembered.

I remembered that I had assassinated Shen Dayao’s failure to shoot a gun, remembered all kinds of my memory loss, and remembered what he had done for him since this time. For him, he found out the murderer who killed him, found out his body, and sent his father to prison... to the whole Shen family.

I don't know, you made so much for me when I forgot you. It must be very difficult to make such a decision.

And you never want me to know, so just leave silently.

You and I understand that there is no possibility for each other.

This is a dead end.

Ye Hao gave a low smile, not knowing whether to laugh at the fate of the fate, or to laugh at his incompetence. There are so many people in the world, but they have to fall in love with someone who can't love.

The sinking hand clenched, he had a hunch, and Ye Hao should have remembered it.

He did not think that Ye Hao would think of everything so suddenly. The whole person could not move because he was being subjected to some kind of fixation. He had imagined that one day Yeh remembered everything, what he should say and what to do.

Apologize, give him the company, do everything he can, and wait for the verdict as a prisoner of death.

But at this moment, he discovered that it was so difficult to speak a word.

At this moment, Ye Hao first spoke.

"What is the relationship between you and me?" Ye Hao slowly said, the deep blind man looked at him: "Don't just know it... obviously, you are worried about me, don't you?"

Indulging in a sigh, the whole person is like a roller coaster. He still faces the most cruel judgment at the last moment, and the next moment he tells him that the sentence has been postponed.

Ye Hao did not think about it?

Ye Hao smiled and decided to look at Shen Yu: "When I fell, are you not very nervous?"

[888: ...What are you doing? Don't you pretend to think of it? 】

[Ye Ye: I was pretending to think of it. o(∩_∩)o~]


[Ye Wei: Well... Although I think of it, I don’t have to be so direct. Can I pretend that I didn’t think about it? Now is a good time for me to eliminate the blackening value! In order to complete the task, I am also very hard! 】

[888:......] He thinks this person is really annoying.

Although he was beaten, the smile on Ye Hao’s face did not change at all.

Indulge in the question of Ye Hao, and he was speechless for a time.

He didn't want to answer, but he was worried about stimulating the newly injured Ye Hao, fearing that he had another accident, and finally slowly said: "Yes, I am worried about you, but we really have no relationship now."

Ye Hao asked again: "What about us before?"

Sinking and hoarsely said: "It used to be no longer important, because I made a mistake and you will not forgive me."

Ye Hao’s eyes showed a sad color. He opened his mouth and said, “Don’t try, I know how I will not forgive you.”

Looking up indulging, looking at him incredulously.

This is something he can't dream of, he can't think, Ye Hao will forgive him... Even if only this sentence makes his almost dead heart beat, but the next moment he understands it... this is just Because Ye Hao doesn't remember anything.

If he remembers, he won't say this.

But despite this, he was satisfied, and he smiled and said: "Maybe."

[叮, sinking blackening value -2, current blackening value 2]

Ye Hao sighed softly: "Do you like me?"

Shen Hao has said so much, and does not care to say a truth, he nodded, "Yes."

Ye Hao asked again: "Now is it?"

Shen Yu did not hesitate, his eyes were gentle and firm: "My heart has never changed."

Ye Hao closed his eyes with some exhaustion and pain. He didn't know why he had to ask these words. Why did he ask questions that he knew the answer from beginning to end? He could use his means for revenge, even if it hurts innocents. Retreat, but... hurting someone who loves him is not a happy thing.

In particular, he also loves him.

In fact, amnesia may be a good thing, just a pity...

Ye Hao looked at Shen Shen deeply: "If this is the case, then will you come to see me?"

Shen Yan looked at Ye Hao unbelievably, looked at the gentle look in his eyes, listened to the gentle words, as if he had returned to a long time ago, the person he loved, looked at him with a smile.

He turned out to hope that he would visit him? why? Obviously he has not remembered anything...

Ye Hao said this sentence, it seems a little tired, he said: "I want to rest." Finished lying down again.

Shen Hao did not know how he left the ward. He was embarrassed, and he still echoed the words of Ye Hao just now. He asked, would you still come to see me?

Shen Shen knows that he should leave, and should disappear, but he tells himself all the words, all the armor that he has erected, and the solid wall that he created, in front of this gentle sentence, instantly collapses and collapses.

Zheng Sen leaned at the door, cold and sullen, and he just faintly heard the words inside. Although he was very unhappy, he had to admit that Ye Hao liked it in the end, even if he could not remember anything. Even if there is such a grudge, I still remember this person.

Shen Yan looked up at Zheng Sen, and the bottom of his complex color, his lips trembled.

Zheng Sen didn't have a good spirit: "Look what? Han Xu let you come, but I won't let you hurt him again." He also knows that Shen Yan will not hurt Ye Hao again. After all, he loves him. Do not hesitate to break with his father, in the end this is nothing but a slogan.

Shen Yan pulled a corner of his mouth and whispered, "Thank you."


After he returned to the company, he was thinking about Ye Hao all the way. Although he had just left the hospital, he could not wait to go back immediately.

However, he kept telling himself that Ye Hao didn't remember now. He just said it casually. Maybe it was because of good intentions. If he really stayed there all day, I am afraid that Ye Hao would be troubled. Or... It’s just a slogan of Ye Hao, he thinks more.

Sinking has never been so entangled in one thing, even if it faces billions of cooperation, it can not change its color and judge, but only in the matter of whether to visit Ye Hao, he has never been undecided, his heart Struggling with contradictions.

Shen Yu was so uneasy for two days, every time I would look at the date of the phone, and finally drove to the hospital again.

Since Ye Hao said that sentence, probably... I hope he can come to see him...

When he was in the past, Ye Hao was sitting in a hospital bed, and the care worker next to him was taking care of him. Zheng Sen was not there.

He saw Shen Yan coming, his expression calm, and smiled lightly: "You are here."

Sinking nodded, he felt that his throat was dry, he couldn't speak, and he was uneasily placed on the table next to him. He looked at the patient's office and hoarsely said, "Are you better?"

Ye Hao smiled and said: "Much better, the doctor said that there was a slight concussion and he could be discharged from the hospital in a few days."

When he nodded, he did not know what to say.

Ye Hao did not take the initiative to speak, just sitting there reading a book, although now using a mobile phone, but occasionally holding a paper book feels more.

Sinking sat without saying a word, greedily looking at the people in front of him.

One afternoon passed quickly. When Zheng Sen came to work, Shen Yu left consciously.

It’s been a few days.

Shen Hao came over and sat for a while every day. Ye Hao didn't ask them about it before. It seemed that he didn't care at all. This made Shen Shen breathe a sigh of relief.

Another weekend, when Shen Shen came over, Ye Hao took the initiative to talk to him.

He said: "I will be discharged tomorrow."

Indulged for a moment, "Oh... that's fine."

Ye Hao looked at the appearance of Shen Yanmu, could not help but smile, whispered: "You come over."

Shen Yan went over and was close to the hospital bed.

Ye Hao looked up at him, suddenly grabbed the indulgent tie, pulled his head down, and gently kissed his lips in the shocking eyes.

The sinking lips shook a little. The kiss was very light and cool. He felt that he was afraid that he would not be out of heart and mad, and he would have such an illusion...

Ye Hao looked at the indulging appearance, and the laughter could not help but be a little bigger. In his ear, he said: "I used to like you too?"

The eyes are so complicated and painful that I cannot answer this question.

Ye Hao’s word: “I will forgive you for whatever you have to say sorry about me.”

Sinking eyes are more and more painful, unable to face the person you love. If you think of everything, you will not say such a thing, and I will accept your affection, and you will hate me in the end.

At this moment, Shen Yan even wants to tell the truth in desperation, he can not enjoy this person in such a selfish and despicable manner.

But Ye Hao stretched out his hand to cover the indulgent lips, and his eyes were gentle and tolerant: "Now don't say anything."

If you don't say it, I can pretend that I don't remember. In this short time, I forget all the troubles and pretend that we are still good.

But I know that this illusion is coming to an end, and there will always be a day of self-deception.

The meaning of my rebirth is revenge, but there is nothing else, but I still want to tell you, I never blame you, I will forgive you, and... Sorry, can't accompany you.

Sorry, it brings you so much pain.

my lover.

Ye Hao looked at him with a glance. "Even if I think about it, the sentence I just said is still valid."

Shen Yan closed his eyes, and he made a sound of ‘Hmm’, his throat burning and painful, his blood flowing through his limbs and carrying a hot temperature.

I know.

No matter what happens in the future, at least I believe in you at the moment, you say you will forgive me.

For me, this is enough.

[叮, sinking blackening value -2, current blackening value 0]

[The current world blackening value has been eliminated, please host the world within 10 days. 】

Ye Hao slowly released his hand and smiled: "You don't have to come over tomorrow, I am going to leave the hospital. If there is a chance in the future, let's see you."

Sinking and nodding, staring at Ye Hao, his look is gentle and incomparable: "Good."

Anything you say, any request, I will only say: OK.

Ye Hao looked at Shen Yu and smiled. In the night, the sorrowful color of the sorrow disappeared. I really hope that... time can stay, I can never remember, if so, it is not a good thing.

[888: You should be ready to leave. 】

[Ye Wei: I know ~]

[888: How do you plan to go this time? 】

[Ye Wei: I have already thought about it, I must go very aggressive! ^_^

888 is rare to ridicule Ye Hao.

He knows that Ye Hao will not stay for any world, just as he will not choose the identity of this passer. Everything, including 888 himself, is just a game for Ye Hao.

The real world is where he will stay.

When I was together, 888 wanted to get rid of this spicy chicken every day, and wanted to change to a more reliable host that wouldn’t be casually obedient, but it’s really different. It’s not so happy, probably I can’t see it. This spicy chicken is dead, I can't hear the spicy chicken, and I am not used to it.

888 decided to wait for the end of this task to go through the combing of his own data, fearing that it was not infected by the human emotions of this spicy chicken, it must be poisonous.


Ye Hao An An sleeps heartily, and when he gets out of bed, he rarely carefully sorts out the appearance. He said to 888 that if he wants to leave, he must go beautiful.

Ye Hao did not wait for Zheng Sen to come. He left the hospital alone in the morning and then took a taxi to another hospital.

Shen Dayao is at that hospital.

Shen Da Yao has been living in the hospital since he was released on bail. Shen Dayao is really sick. After all, he is not young, and he has suffered from his son’s betrayal and all kinds of changes. His anger and anger have fallen ill in prison.

When Ye Hao went, Shen Da Yao fell asleep in a special ward. The man looked even older and his hair became more and more white.

But Ye Hao does not have the slightest sympathy.

He walked over and took down Shen Dayao's ventilator, showing him a smile, his lips twitching: "Long time no see."

Shen Dayao woke up by Ye Hao’s move and saw Ye Hao appear in front of himself, making a sound, hateful saying: “It’s you!”

It is because of this person, Shen Yan betrayed him, because this person, harmed himself to this point, and Ye Hao this face is very similar to Han Xu, it is like a demon like a ghost!

"It's me." Ye Hao smiled.

Shen Dayao looked at him with his cold eyes and said, "Get out of here, who will allow you to come in!"

Ye Hao shook his head and said faintly: "You haven't seen me for ten years, but unfortunately I didn't understand it earlier, but I hope I can get your recognition."

Shen Dayao’s pupils shrank a little and his voice hesitated: “What do you mean?”

Ye Hao decided to look at him, and his eyes looked strange. "Although you don't want to see me again, I always want to come back to see you, I am Han Xu... you should not forget."

Shen Dayao’s eyes are horrified! "Impossible--" His voice suddenly became a bit higher, but before he finished, he was smothered by Ye Hao, and the end of the sound stopped, and his eyes looked terrified.

Impossible... This is impossible... Han Xu has already died!

He watched his body buried, and Han Xu died long ago!

Ye Hao bowed his head and stared at Shen Dayao's eyes. He slowly said: "I thought it was impossible, but in the world, anything is possible, for example... I can live and come and take revenge for you."

"Are you not thinking about it today?"

Shen Dayao’s body trembled a little, and he never feared anything in his life, but this time, unprecedented fear shrouded him, and desperation came to his face.

He didn't want to believe it, but he had to believe that he looked at Ye Hao's eyes, these eyes...

It’s like Han Xu.

So, you are still coming back and revenge.

Ye Hao sighed softly, and his eyes looked happy. He whispered: "Although I really want to hear you apologize to me, it is not the right time, so it is... After you go down, I apologize to my father and mother. , ok?"

He said that the temperature was soft, and a sharp knife appeared in his hand, slowly inserting Shen Dayao's throat.

Shen Dayao’s old and sick body suddenly trembled, and the blood in his throat rushed, making a squeaking voice, and he was stunned, but Ye Hao died and held him, staring at his eyes for a moment, watching him die. Finally stopped moving.

Until the moment of death, Shen Dayao could not believe it, so the end of the grass would be his ending.

Ye Hao looked at the bed stained with blood in a cold, and pulled the knife out of Shen Dayao's neck.


Sitting in the office, he knows that today is the day when Ye Hao was discharged.

Zheng Sen should pick him up, he doesn't have to worry, even though Ye Hao kissed him yesterday... but he didn't dare to expect more, but he still thought... at least they will have a chance to meet later.

This is actually the best ending.

I just don't know why. Today, there are always some uneasy feelings. Even the documents I have read and error have been mistaken. I am worried that I think too much, and I am ready to leave early. This time, the assistant rushed in and rushed in.

Shen Yan looked at the assistant's expression, his heart was awkward, and the unpredictable hunch hit his scalp.

The assistant said: "Shen, Shen total... you... it is best to go to the hospital."

Half an hour later, Shen Yan stood in the hospital.

The police have arrived and the scene is surrounded.

However, Shen Yu still can see everything inside from the open door. The **** bed, his father squinted until he was scared and unbelievable before he died, and another one he loved. The man... sat quietly on the sofa next to him, slamming his body weakly, blood stained his clothes, and the knife fell on his feet.

Everything in this bright red dyed his world.

Shen Shen stood there, unable to move, he suddenly felt very cold, the chill was cold, and just now, he still felt that the ending was actually good... The reality was cruelly slap in his face. Do not give him any chance to deceive himself.

Put the most cruel things in front of him without any cover.

At this time, he suddenly remembered the last sentence of Ye Hao and his last words, the last kiss.

He finally understood that Ye Hao had already remembered everything.

The reason why he pretended not to think about it was about the last gentleness, the pity for him, the farewell... because he was about to take his other close relative and die together, he knew... he would be sad.

Ye Hao, he knows everything...

But I can't even see such obvious things.

The sinking body shook a little, and he reached out and held the wall, staggered his gaze, and dared not look inside again.

The father’s eyes are still eye-catching, and he still seems to be reprimanding him. You are a filthy beast... and Ye’s smile seems to tell him, sorry, I love you.

If this is the end, living, probably is the real hell.

The assistant stood on the side, and some could not bear to see the scene inside. He looked worriedly at him, lest he could not resist.

But what surprised him was that Shen Yu did not fall.

He calmly cooperated with the police to make a statement, and calmly and calmly arranged the two people's aftermath.

It was not until all the dust settled that Shen Qiang returned home.

But once I closed my eyes, it was still the face of Ye Hao and my father. One smiled at him and the other looked at him. The last scene was fixed in their eternal appearance.


A year later, Shen Yu came out of the psychiatrist's clinic.

It is already deep winter outside, and the wind is cold.

The cold wind was like a knife on his face, the burning pain, the sinking slightly frowned. He hadn’t slept for a long time, and he could only sleep by sleeping pills, but the effect was getting worse. .

Because the weather is too cold, there are not many pedestrians on the street.

Shen Yan walked slowly, his look was awkward. Suddenly there was a man in a coat and a scarf around him. His side face was very similar to Ye Hao, and he squatted and suddenly ran back a few steps. Grab that person.

The young man walked well. I didn’t expect someone to suddenly grab his wrist. It was like trying to crush his bones. He thought he had a neuropathy and shouted: "Hey, what do you do, put Open me?"

Shen Yan looked at his eyes, and after a few seconds, he released his hand without saying a word.


He is not him.

The young guards took a few steps and whispered a sick and quickly left.

Shen Hao has been standing still for a long time.

He knows that that person will not come back, even if there is another chance to be born again, he will not come back.

He alone, still staying in place.

Waiting for someone who will never return.