MTL - The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide-Chapter 113 End of life guide

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Ye Haoran’s eyes narrowed, and he suddenly realized that Yang Gan might never have thought about giving him freedom.

He hates him like this, how can he let him go so easily?

So the so-called opportunity is just a fool, just let him try the taste of despair, let him know that he can never escape his hand. Yang Gan blamed himself for choosing Huo Yi, so when he was able to come back, he tortured him in this way and wanted him to regret his choice.

Ye Xin’s heart is cold...but if he didn’t do that at the time, he used the so-called bones to resist, and it’s the two of them who died. Is it wrong to sacrifice oneself to give each other a chance?

But at the moment he thought, maybe he was wrong...

In this end of the world like hell, if all the persistence and hope of the heart are gone, what is the meaning of living?

If there is hope for such pain, can only be completely indulged, and the incarnation of the devil or the servant who has no dignity, what is the meaning of living?

Yang Gan pinched Ye Hao's chin and forced him to turn his head and smiled low: "You don't look happy at all. Do you like me to treat you like this? Or are you used to others?"

There was a slight **** smell at the intersection of the lips and teeth. Ye Hao closed his eyes and made a hoarse voice: "What do you think about it." Anyway, what I said, you will not believe it.

Yang Gan’s expression was condensed, and suddenly he raised his hand and slammed Ye Hao’s slap!

Ye Hao was slap on the sofa with a slap in the face, and the burning pain on his face, this slap, was played by his favorite person.

He will not forget how much this person once loved him, even if he is at a dangerous moment, he will use his life to protect him. Even if he has the last bit of food left, he should leave it to him. It is this person... let him think This dark end is not without hope.

Living is still a thing worth looking forward to.

But now, it is this person who slaps all his dignity and insists on taking back what he has given him.

Yang Qian grabbed Ye Hao’s hair and dragged him to the mirror in the hall. The cold face with scars was reflected in the dim fire. Like a ruthless demon, he spit out a ruthless and cold words: “Look There is no more disgusting person than you are."

Ye Xie looked at the people in the mirror, the clothes that did not cover the body and traced the body, and the people with wrinkles on their faces were really dirty and disgusting.

Ye Hao couldn't bear to look again, closed his eyes, and he hated himself.

Yang Gan's jaw is tight and his eyes are cold. He knows that he is cruel now, but this is what he is now. When he comes back from the death, the only thing left in his heart is hatred.

He once hoped for the world. He protected the people he loved. As long as this person is still there, he feels that there are hardships and perseverance. It is not meaningless to live.

But in the end he lost him. If the world, only the cold devil can survive, and only if he is cruel to others, he will become a demon.

Abandoning the extra sympathy, compassion, and abandoning those useless and ridiculous things, wouldn’t it be easier?


When the next day was bright, Zhao Jin came back.

Ye Hao opened his eyes in a confused way. He was sore and could barely stand up. Yang dry patted his face, wrapped him in his coat, and immediately picked him up against his shoulder. Just went out like this.

Ye Hao’s stomach was uncomfortable and struggled, but he couldn’t get rid of Yang Gan. He looked at the contemptuous eyes of those people, and he was as if he was being looked at with a cargo, making him feel ashamed and painful.

This time, Ye Hao did not have the right to sit alone in the back. He was thrown into the back seat by Yang Gan, and then he was placed on his own leg, and he set off on the bumps.

On the way back, I did not encounter a large number of zombies, and a small number of zombies in front of the Yanggan team were like being cut and meloned, which was not a threat.

When he was resting in the evening, Ye Hao was an appendage of Yang Gan and he could only stay with him.

Because there are many people next to him, Yang Gan did not do anything to him, but Ye Hao did not have any luck in his heart, because he knew that this was only temporary. On such a day, he could not see hope and a way out.

The night was very cold, and Ye Hao couldn't help but shrink his body. Yang Gan noticed it and reached out and put Ye Hao in his arms.

Yang Gan’s arms were strong and warm, and instantly dispelled the chill of the night. Just like a long time ago, he also held him to warm him. Ye Hao’s painful closed eyes, he did not want to be so weak again, do not want to A little bit better, I keep thinking about how gentle this person has been to him...

Those are gone.

When Ye Hao struggled, he wanted to get rid of it, but when he was just moving, he was forced to hold it down. He bowed his head and smiled in his ear: "I really disobey, do you want me to do something for you? I don't mind here. Do, slaves like you, but they are used to vent yu anytime, anywhere."

Ye Hao’s face was white. He didn’t know if Yang Gan’s sentence threatened him, or would he really do it...

If the previous Yang Gan, it will definitely not do this, but now Yang Gan, maybe, right?

Ye Hao didn't dare to gamble, but he couldn't move any more, and his eyes were embarrassed.

Yang Gan gave a ridiculous low smile. It seemed that it was not enough. He kissed Ye Hao’s lips again, but his eyes had no temperature. He said, “You better learn to please me. If you don’t even like the host, I will. I will give you to others, although you may not mind who you are with... but others may not be as generous as me, but you can also have enough to eat and put on clothes. Since you want to sell, you sell it to the strongest one. One, are you saying yes? After all, you are a smart person, just like you would choose Huo Yi."

Ye Hao’s chest undulating, what he wanted to say, and finally said nothing. If this humiliation can make you happy, then follow you.

Yang Gan did not refute Ye Hao, and his smile was dismissive.

You see, this is the right way to get you. People like you really don't have a point of care. Instead of wasting those useless emotions, it's better to become stronger.

In the last days, as long as you are strong, you can get everything.

including you.

The weak should deprive everything and be enslaved and bullied. This is the reality. I should have known this for a long time.


Ye Hao felt that she should be very painful and sad, but Yang Gan’s arms were too warm. In the end, she slept unconsciously. When she woke up the next day, they were already on the road.

Ye Hao was awakened by the bumps, a sudden brake, Ye Hao's nose hit Yang Yang's body, and he woke up.

It turned out that two people suddenly rushed out in front and stopped in front of the team.

It was two young men, but one of them was injured, and one leg was broken, and a wolf was desperate, but at this moment, the team was exposed with excitement and excitement. They waved their hands with excitement and said, "Save us. , save us!"

They had encountered zombies before, and the partners were bitten. In order to save their lives, they could only cut off one leg. Now they are very heavy and have been unconscious. I thought that they were dead. I didn’t expect to see this team. There are so many people, they are finally saved!

Shi Yang turned back to Yang Gandao: "Boss, are we going to save?"

Yang Gan glanced a faintly. "The person is injured. The possibility of bringing this back to life is very small. If you survive, it is a waste. There is no need to waste medical resources. Another person is just ordinary. People, not much use, drive directly."

Shi Yang hesitated a moment: "Direct drive? Do you want me to let them go?" In fact, he felt that asking the uninjured person, if you can bring it back, it is not impossible.

Yang dry lips and pick one, "No need, they know to let go."

Shiyang will not say anything anymore. Although he is a little sympathetic to the two people, they are indeed not charitable organizations. Since the boss refuses to bring it, then he does not bring it. No one in the last world has the obligation to help others.

Ye Hao got up and saw the upper body. The two people outside were still very young. At this moment, they looked at them with hope and a finally saved face, but what they didn’t know was... their fate has been easily give up.

Ye Xie couldn't bear it in his heart. He said to Yang Gan: "The base...the base still needs people, and it can be used to bring them back..."

Yang Gan looked at him meaningfully. "It's hard to protect yourself, and you have to care about others."

Ye Hao’s face was pale. “I just... I think it’s just a good thing to bring them...”

Yang Gan decided to look at him for a moment, suddenly looked up and smiled: "Go." Although the voice is laughing, but cold and unquestionable.

Shi Yang got the order, and stepped on the gas pedal to drive forward.

The man was hopefully waiting to be rescued, but he did not want the car that had stopped to drive up again, and did not avoid the flashing forward acceleration, it was actually to crush their rhythm directly!

Seeing that the vehicle was about to hit them, the man quickly hugged his injured companion to the side of the ground and sneaked away. He watched the team go away, and the face of despair looked like a prisoner from heaven.

Why, why not save them?

Ye Hao looked at the rear, until even the figure could not be seen, and finally looked back at Yang Gan, the bottom of his eyes was the color of disappointment and anger.

Why not save them?

When we were desperately struggling in the last days, I hope that someone can help us, but good people are always too few. Most people have become devils for survival. Those who are strong have always bullied the weak... Turn a blind eye to help.

At that time they made a wish to each other, if they could also become stronger, have the power to help those who can help.

Yang Gan once said to him that if I have the ability, I want to build a base, as our new home, to accept those who need help... He had hoped so seriously that he could build a paradise in this last age as their The place to stop, perhaps naive, but warm.

But now, he can look at others ruthlessly and ruthlessly.

Ye Hao suddenly felt very sad. I thought you just hated me, so no matter how you treat me, I can accept it. This is the price I leave you, but now I know that this is not the case. You hate not only It is me, and the whole world.

You hate it all.

What made you look like this, just because I abandoned you?

Yang Gan looked at Ye Hao’s eyes, and suddenly his lips smirked. His voice was low and he said: "You are blaming me for not saving them?"

Ye Hao said in a word: "You can save."

I won't ask you to do anything beyond your ability, and won't let you risk losing your life to save others, because in my heart your life is the most important... but these are just things that you can do, do what you can, don't The danger is not difficult, but you still stand by and there is no humanity.

It’s your pleasure to watch others fall into the abyss of despair.

Yang Gan’s laughter grew bigger and he seemed to see something funny. He took Ye Hao into his arms and said, “I can, but why should I save them, there is no benefit. ""

This answer made Ye Hao heartless, his painful opening. "You used to be like this..."

Yang Gan rubbed the lips of Yeh's abdomen and chuckled: "I am very interesting. Did you find out that I have changed now?" He lowered his head and stared at Ye Hao's eyes from a very close distance, the dark eyes. It seems to contain endless darkness: "You don't know at all, what I have experienced."

When you are with Huo Yi and enjoy the comfort, you don't know what kind of **** I live in.

And why do you still maintain such innocence? A person who wants to survive and sell himself, pretending to be a Madonna, is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world.

Ye Haozhong shimmered in the water, he looked at the scar on the face of Yang Gan, looking at this cold face.

I don't know what you have experienced, but it must be very difficult, very painful... But now it is, are you really happy?

Before dark, they finally returned to the base. Looking at the team that was full of rewards, the people at the base were very happy. Even if Huo Yi left, he changed his new leader. It seems that nothing has changed. He still lives under the hands of these powers. Is it Huo Yi or Yang Gan, what is the difference?

As long as they can protect them and keep the base, they don't care who becomes the new owner. Anyway, the days will not be better, as long as the difference is worse.

Yang Gan returned to the villa with Ye Hao, took the chain and put it on the neck of Ye Hao, then pushed him into the house.

Ye Hao was a beggar, almost fell to the ground, the chain on the neck was very heavy, like a very heavy shackle, trapping him in this desperate place.

Yang Gan’s lips showed a scornful smile.

Ye Hao never left the villa again. Yang Gan kept him here, gave him food and drink, and if he wanted to take possession of him, he would humiliate him with words and trample on his dignity.

It seems that tormenting Ye Hao in this way will make him happy.

Ye Hao has never resisted, nor said anything, but he is silent, and sometimes he will not say a word for many days.

[Ye Ye: I have been working with him for almost half a month, and I have only dropped 10 points of blackening. 】

[888: Oh. 】

[Ye Wei: Hey... boring, my family Yang Qian used to be a good young man with love. Now he has changed, hey, this is a ruthless society that has changed him. 】

[888: ... Is it because you betrayed him? 】

[Ye Ye: Not me! It is the fault of this society! 】

[888: It is your fault. 】

[Ye Ye: The mistake of society! 】

[888: It's yours. 】

[Ye Ye: Social! 】

[888: Yours. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye: Well, I have a reason, but I am not trying to wake up the truth, goodness and beauty in his heart? I believe he is different from Huo Yi! 】

[888: Hehehehehe. 】

Yang Gan did not have time to stay at home all day to look at Ye Hao. He was still very busy. Not only was he responsible for going out to search for supplies, but he also had to fight with other hostile forces. When Yang Gan went out, he did not bring Ye Hao again. By the side, I will keep him at home.

However, Ye Hao’s eating and drinking will never be less, even if Yang Gan is not there, he will be responsible for giving him food.

In addition to the addition of a collar on the neck, and the days of the two years around Huo Yi is no different, is the canary that is captive, as long as Ye Hao does not try to escape, no one will stare at him all day.

Ye Hao only eats a small amount of food every day, hides the rest, and secretly comes to the garden to give two children.

These two children are orphans. Their parents are dead in zombies when they perform tasks outside. There are no orphanages and no welfare institutions in the end. No one will give extra food to two children. People are hard to protect themselves. .

So they licked the garbage left by others, or stole things to live alive. Occasionally, they sneaked into the garden of Ye Hao’s villa, and they were discovered by Ye Hao. Ye Hao looked at them and gave them their food. They are.

The two children were thin and dirty, and it was the first time they saw someone who would give them food - clean, hot food. I didn't believe it at first, but I quickly got close to Ye Hao. It was because of the indifference of the world that someone showed goodwill more valuable.

Ye Hao sighed in his heart.

[Ye Ye: This is the end of the world. It is simple to buy people's hearts. A bread is enough. If you are in peacetime, you don't know how difficult it is to bear children. 】

[888: I have to remind you that you have eaten too little recently. 】

[Ye Wei: Fortunately, I don't feel hungry. 】

[888: Did you forget something? He suspected that the spicy chicken had forgotten the hungry mask.

[Ye Ye: Ann, you can't die~]

[Ye Wei: You see that I am not so easy to give hungry people to give others, this is the end of the world... God, I have to be touched by myself, how can there be such a good person in this world, just the light . 】

[888:......] Don't be like this, I really can't stand it.

888 decided to play a few games to calm down.

Ye Hao re-finished the fun. Looking at the eyes of the two children looking forward to gratitude every day, I felt that the sense of accomplishment was overwhelming. Although he helped two children, he also helped others.

The most important thing is that he has no fun.

In this way, a few days have passed, Ye Hao grinds Yang Gan almost to find out, must let him discover his true, good and beautiful! Although he is in adversity, his heart has never changed. He is not the kind of person who will fall.

Yang Gan saw that Ye Hao didn't look too tight, and he didn't worry that he could run away. After all, the base was so big that no one would dare to disobey him.

On this day, Yang Gan came back from the outside and saw Ye Hao staying at home as usual.

Yang Gan took off his **** clothes, revealing a strong and beautiful upper body, took a shower in the bathroom, and came out to Ye Hao in a moment: "Come here."

Ye Hao sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes lowered and his eyes were indifferent. He walked slowly and slowly, and as soon as he approached, he put Yang Qian in his arms.

Yang Gan held Ye Hao, his brow wrinkled, and the person in his arms seemed to be getting thinner and thinner. The bones still had some hands. The light fluttering seemed to crush him with a little effort. He never ruined his life. Say it shouldn't be so thin, is it so uncomfortable to be with him?

The hatred in Yang Gan’s heart was unwilling to start again. He finally regained this person now, retaliated against him, tortured him, but happy in his heart?

It seems that it is not so happy, and it is not so satisfying, but he will not let go.

This world is like this, even if you hate me again, you can only stay with me.

Yang Gan sneered and pressed Ye Hao on the bed.


But not long after this, Yang Gan suddenly found that the people under him did not respond. Ye Hao began to struggle weakly. Later, he did not move at all. He turned Ye Hao over and found that people had fainted. No **** breath is weak.

Yang Gan’s heart glimpsed. He looked at Ye Hao’s thin face, his closed eyes, and suddenly an inexplicable uneasiness appeared. How could this be?

Yang Gan loosened the leafhopper, his brow wrinkled, and immediately arranged his hand to call the doctor at the base, and then paced back and forth in the room.

What went wrong?

In less than a quarter of an hour, the treacherous doctor was taken to the villa. He carefully examined Ye Hao. After a while, he was afraid of Yang Gan. "He, he has nothing wrong with it... It’s been hungry for a long time, not full. It will faint."

Yang dry eyes cold, staring at the doctor, "Look again."

The doctor was panicked by the heart. "Well... then I will check it again, but now the medical equipment is not comparable to the previous ones, and it is not always possible to check out what..."

After Yang had been working for a long time, spit out a word: "Okay."

The doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead, dropped a bottle of salt water for Ye Hao, and then took his blood sample and went out. He was still shaking when he went out. The new leader is still terrible than the former Huo Yi. He was tortured to death, and he didn't eat enough to eat. He was so fierce.

Yang Gan looked at Ye Wei for a while, turned and walked out, and asked his men to ask about the whereabouts of Ye Hao during this time.


Ye Hao didn't know that he was hungry in bed, and he didn't feel it at all! He woke up in a secluded way and found that he was hanging on the water in his hand. He couldn’t work hard, and his heart was overplayed. Wouldn’t he really starve?

Um... It shouldn't be, Yang Gan has already discovered it, and he will not let him come again.

He lay down for a while and heard the sound of the door being pushed open. Yang Gan came in with milk and bread and placed it on the edge of the bed, looking at Ye Hao with his cold eyes.

He didn't mention the fact that Ye Hao was hungry, but he said: "You'd better take care of yourself. If you have been so weak, I don't even have the qualification to be a slave."

Ye Hao’s eyes showed a self-deprecating look, silent.

Yang Gan added: "This is your breakfast."

Ye Haomu looked at the plate and slowly sat up, biting the bread a little bit. He was really hungry, and said that Yang Gan was in front of him, and he was not good at playing tricks.

Yang Gan has been watching Ye Hao’s points to eat something, and he stood up and said: “I’m going to go out today, I will come back tomorrow.”

Ye Hao nodded, still expressionless.

Yang Gan glanced at him and turned and went out.


After eating breakfast, Ye Hao rested in bed for a while, and did not go anywhere in the house.

[Ye Wei: Brother, what about my family? Where? 】

[888: Waiting for the rabbit. 】

[Ye Ye: Oh, oh, I am even more excited when I think of an audience today! 】


[Ye Ye: I don’t break out in silence, but I die in silence! 】

[888: Shut up! 】

In the evening, Yang Gan’s men sent the food in as usual and went out.

Ye Hao saw the other party go out, stared at the food in front of him for a while, stuffed the bread into the clothes and went to the garden. This road was very smooth and did not meet others.

Just waiting for the garden, but did not see the usual two children, Ye Hao face a little worried look, today have no time to come out to see them, do not know if there will be an accident.

While Ye Hao was uneasy, a soft voice shouted: "Xiaofei brother, we are here."

Ye Hao turned his head and saw a thin boy with thick eyes in the grass hiding in the rushing leaves. The garden was neglected for a long time, so the weeds were very tall.

Ye Hao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, his face showed a gentle expression, and walked over and squatted in front of him: "Sorry, I am late, hungry, Xiaofeng? Why didn't you see him today?"

The boy pulled his head and said sadly: "He was stolen today and he was beaten, so he could not come over..."

Ye Hao is very worried: "Is the injury serious?"

The boy shook his head and said, "It's not very heavy. Those people look at him small and don't have a hand, but they can't come over."

Ye Hao was relieved. He took out the bread he had secretly taken and handed it to the boy. He said softly, "Take it back, be careful on the road, don't be discovered."

The boy looked at the bread in the hand of Ye Hao and swallowed a slobber. He was so hungry that he could only get a little decent food here, and there was no better person in the last days than Ye Hao, but... He ate this, what about Ye Hao? These days they have been accepting the help of Ye Hao, unable to refuse the temptation of food, but really worried about Ye Hao.

The boy was hesitant to hesitate. He didn’t reach out and pick it up. He said weakly: "Xiaofei brother, you gave us what you have eaten, then what about you?"

Ye Hao looked at the boy's worried eyes and couldn't help but smile. He touched his head and stuffed the bread into his arms. He said, "I'm fine, I still have a lot to eat."

The boy asked: "Really?"

Ye Hao nodded seriously: "Really."

The boy looked at his head and thought about it. Maybe Ye Hao really had a lot of food. After all, he lived in such a luxurious villa. This is the villa of the leader. He is the leader. It may not really Lack of food?

Yang Gan stood upstairs not far away, watching this scene coldly.

So this is the reason why Ye Hao fainted... He saved his food to others, but he was hungry.

Yang Gan looked at the big one and two small people below, watching the gentleness of Ye Hao's eyes, the smile on his lips... like a beautiful picture. He suddenly thought, how long has he not seen Ye Hao laughing like this?

When Ye Hao was in front of himself, there was always no expression, even if there was, it was only the pain side that was forced to torture by himself.

It is like a dead body, in the extreme pain, it will make people realize that he is still a living person.

Yang Gan has almost forgotten the appearance of Ye Hao, just as he forgot his appearance.

But in the face of the child, Ye Hao will laugh, his eyes will become warm and gentle, just like the one he once liked the most, even in this dark and desperate end, he still maintains an optimistic sunshine. It makes people feel warm.

So you have changed, and still haven't changed?

Why do you want to survive at all, sell yourself, betray me... while maintaining the goodness of your heart, Yang Gan’s eyes are full of painful struggles, but after a while, his eyes struggled to be covered with ruthlessness.

It’s ridiculous. Your so-called kindness is actually based on hurting others. Isn’t it? If you have everything, then pretend to be kind, can you make your heart more peaceful?

Have you forgotten how you betrayed me? Since you have chosen to be a despicable person who sells yourself, why bother to make a fuss!

It’s hypocritical and disgusting!

Ye Hao didn't seem to know that his every move was watched. He whispered to the boy: "Come on, don't let Xiaofeng wait for a long time."

The boy nodded, hiding the bread from the leafhopper and bending into the grass to prepare to leave from here. Suddenly a strong wind hit, the boy flew out and fell to the ground, and the bread in his arms rolled out.

He climbed anxiously and wanted to pick up the bread, but saw a foot on the bread, looked up, and saw a cold tall man, scared to squat! It shivered.

All this happened only in an instant. When Ye Hao returned to God, he saw Yang Gan standing there. Ye Hao’s expression was stiff and his eyes were uneasy and his heart was not good.

He was discovered!

Yang Gan slowly turned his head, the dark eyes looked at Ye Hao, and picked up the lips: "Whoever allows you, will give me something, just give it to others."

Ye Hao felt that Yang Gan at the moment was terrible. His lips moved: "I..."

Yang Gan lifted his footsteps and walked step by step to Ye Hao. The cold face and the dark eyes caused the huge pressure to make the air seem to be stagnant. His voice was dangerous and low: "You said... I should What should I do with this little thief who steals things?"

Ye Hao looked at the cold chill in Yang Gan’s eyes, his lips were white, and his lips whispered, “I’m sorry...but he didn’t steal anything, it’s what I gave, don’t blame him...”

Yang Gan suddenly smiled, looking at Ye Hao's eyes, his face was cold: "You are mine, and everything I give you is also mine. If he dares to take it, it is stealing my things. This is the rule of the last days... ...nothing is falling from the sky, and there is a price to pay for anything."

Yang Gan’s man lifted him up with a boy’s collar, and the boy’s expression was terrified.

Yang Gan faintly said: "Throw him out and let people know that I can't just come in and sneak in here."

The man should have heard the sound, and the boy went out.

The boy listened to Yang Gan’s instructions and looked at these terrible and terrible men. They were ten thousand times more terrible than the ordinary people outside. They are said to be murderous devils. Even the skin of the zombies is stripped, scared. A cry came out, a face snot and tears: "Xiaofei brother, Xiaofei brother save me!"

Ye Hao didn't even think about it and rushed to save people, but Yang Qian grabbed his waist and pressed it in his arms. He couldn't pass.

Seeing that the boy was about to be taken away, watching his crying and struggling face, Ye Hao suddenly felt very sad and incompetent in his heart.

What he did, he just divided his food out a little. He also knew that he couldn’t save so many people. He just couldn’t turn a blind eye to these... He just wanted to do his own thing to do something. .

It was just a child. He still remembers that Yang Gan used to be a child who likes children. The Yang Gan he knows is definitely not so ruthless to a child.

Ye Hao feels very sad, he is so patient and patient... What is the meaning of patience? Just for such a person who has completely changed?

Is it not until now that he can't recognize the reality, can't he recognize that this Yang Gan is not the one he is waiting for?

What is the difference between Yang Gan and the former Huo Yi?

all the same……

He has had enough!

Ye Hao’s eyes were red, and the backhand of the hand was on the face of Yang Gan’s face. His eyes were filled with anger and despair, his voice was hoarse and painful, and he stared at him: “You are no different from Huo Yi!”

"Let me go!"

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