MTL - The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide-Chapter 100 Rebirth

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Ye Ye stood at the door and looked at Lu Xiuwen.

He knows what it means to return, meaning he promised Lu Xiuwen to be his lover.

He was very hesitant about this, but his reliance on Lu Xiuwen eventually brought him back.

Since he can't lose this person, why not try to change it... and he can't be so selfish that he only wants to get Uncle Lu's care, but he doesn't pay anything.

Ye licked his lips and finally walked slowly. His nervous palms were cold sweats. When he was close, he didn’t wait for him to react. He was pulled into his arms by Lu Xiuwen and sat on his lap. His chin, kissed again!

Ye Hao shuddered, instinctively wanted to escape, but this time Lu Xiuwen did not loosen him as gentle and obedient as usual, but hugged him more tightly, so that he could not move!

This kiss is so hot and blazing, just like the time when Lu Xiuwen was drunk, the fierceness contained in it made Ye Hao’s eyes slightly fearful.

It seems that I have to swallow him thoroughly!

Ye Hao is not used to such a fierce and overbearing Lu Xiuwen. This side makes him feel scared, but he has already promised to come back... If the connection is rejected, will it be too much... This is the lover’s original What he would do, so he endured not being used to letting Lu Xiuwen kiss him.

Lu Xiuwen pressed Ye Hao’s waist tightly and let him lean on his own arms. He could finally kiss this person with a bright and beautiful attitude, treat him like a lover, instead of desperately suppressing his love and impulse, playing a The role of a qualified elder.

The emotions of the two worlds, the desires accumulated for many years can no longer be contained at this moment, just want to completely occupy this person at this moment!

Lu Xiuwen picked up Ye Hao and placed him on the sofa. One knee squatted on his side, holding Ye Hao’s shoulder, pinching his chin and staring deeply at the person under him. Go down again.

Ye Hao felt the man's aggressive atmosphere. He knew what Lu Xiuwen wanted, and closed his eyes to let Lu Xiuwen kiss him, trying to adapt himself to the habit until he discovered that Lu Xiuwen intended to enter him...

Still afraid to cry out, too, it’s terrible, this kind of thing... he is scared...

He is a man, but he has to be another man...

Lu Xiuwen stared at the face of the leaves full of tears, and the action suddenly went on, and did not continue.

Ye Hao bit his lip, close his eyes, tears flow down the corner of his eyes, and his face turned white because of fear. At this moment, he suddenly felt that Lu Xiuwen’s movements stopped, and he opened his eyes and looked at him. The black scorpion is like a flustered little animal, because it is feared by the beasts who have a lifeline.

Lu Xiuwen gently rubbed the warm tears, slightly retreating some, put the clothes on the leaves of the leaves, and gently held him in his arms, his voice hoarse and low: "Do not do, don't be afraid."

Ye Yiyi, he embarrassed to wipe the tears, he can feel that Lu Xiuwen has been on the string, now it is difficult to stop it? But he was really scared and didn't want to progress so fast... Lu Xiuwen finally stopped to worry about him, which made him feel uneasy: "Uncle me..."

Lu Xiuwen looked at him tenderly, his eyes were deep and tolerant, and his tone was comforting. "It’s normal for Xiaoran to get used to it. It’s too urgent for me, I want you too much..."

Lu Xiuwen's straightforward and affectionate words made Ye Hao's face red again. The gentle Lu Uncle made him unable to parry. In the end, he could only bury his head in Lu Xiuwen's arms without snoring. He grabbed his collar and seemed to be unaccompanied.

Lu Xiuwen smiled lightly. He bowed his head and kissed Ye Hao’s hair, his eyes full of strong love.

This world, you will be my person, you will fall in love with me.

You can come back, I am really happy.

[叮, Lu Xiuwen blackening value -20, current blackening value 45]

Lu Xiuwen hugged Ye Hao, put it in his bedroom, kissed his forehead and said, "Get some rest early, and go to school tomorrow."

Some of Ye Hao did not dare to look at Lu Xiuwen’s eyes and bowed his head.

Lu Xiuwen knows that Ye Hao is definitely not comfortable at the moment. He has not stopped doing more. The relationship has been confirmed. He still has a long time to slowly let Ye Hao get used to him to accept him. He is not in a hurry.

Ye Hao saw Lu Xiuwen leave, went to take a bath and went to bed.

[Ye Wei: Ah... I finally got this step, the relationship is certain, and the nightlife is not far away. I don’t think Lu Shushu can’t wait for a long time. 】

[888: Didn't you have anything else in your head? 】

[Ye Wei: This is a painstaking value in people's homes. Lu Shushu has been married for two lifetimes. How can I not eat my blackening value? Grievance jpg



Ye Hao got up and went downstairs to eat the next day. Everything seemed to have changed nothing before. Lu Xiuwen waited for him to eat breakfast as usual.

Because of yesterday’s incident, Ye Hao was uncomfortable when he saw Lu Xiuwen, and there was a suspicious flush on his face. God... He promised to be Lu’s lover yesterday. Isn’t he dreaming? Until now, there is still a feeling of incredulity.

Because I was thinking about not sleeping all night, I still have tired eye bags.

Lu Xiuwen sighed softly and knew that Ye Hao’s heart was not afraid of entanglement, but the child’s innocence was still indecisive. If he had to keep him entangled, he might have to entangle himself into his next life. Some things are still for him. The decision is good.

Lu Xiuwen first finished eating a leaf, and slowly wiped his mouth and smiled at Ye Hao. He seemed to have no change in peace day, but the look of his eyes seemed to be subtle, like the weekdays. Deeply hidden feelings are no longer contained, and become exposed, with the slowness of Ye Hao, can feel the temperature of Lu Xiuwen to see his eyes.

Ye Hao is even more uncomfortable. After eating the rice and putting down the chopsticks, he is ready to leave. Lu Xiuwen suddenly said, "Wait."

Ye Hao quickly stopped moving and looked back at Lu Xiuwen.

Lu Xiuwen got up and walked to the front of Ye Hao. He bowed his lips and kissed the lips of Ye Hao. The dark and deep eyes looked at him, and his lips raised slightly: "I am sending you to school."

Ye Hao’s eyes suddenly widened. This, don’t you use this? He stuttered and said, "No, no, you have arranged a car to pick me up..."

Lu Xiuwen looked at him deeply. "It's not the same. I want to send you in person."

Ye Hao also tried to resist and said, "But uncle, you are very busy, will you delay your work..."

Lu Xiuwen smiled faintly: "My job doesn't care for such a moment. The time to pick you up is still there. If I am really busy and can't go in person, I will call you."

Ye Wei: "..." I feel like I suddenly became a kindergarten child.

Lu Xiuwen touched Ye Hao’s cheek and smiled. “You are my lover. Shouldn’t I pick you up?”

Ye Wei: "..."

Where is Ye Xiu's opponent of Lu Xiuwen, so Lu Xiwen is holding the hand on the car with red face, and the driver Li Shu sitting in front of the face without expression, seems to have expected the general, but Ye Hao is very uncomfortable, fear Others saw his relationship with Lu Xiuwen in a different way.

After waiting until the school, Lu Xiuwen gently slammed Ye Hao down.

Ye Hao stood in the same place with a complicated look at the direction of the car leaving.

[Ye Wei: It’s easy to find an old man to fall in love. If you are not careful, you will be raised as a son. 】

[888: I have to correct you. Ordinary human males are not so caring. Most of them are stocking policies, especially this overbearing president. They don’t personally pick up their sons who are over twenty years old (stressed) every day. (accented) will not be like this. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye Wei: So, what do you want to express? 】

[888: When the daughter is pampered, it is still a little bit possible. 】

[Ye Wei: ... Are you questioning my manhood? ? ? 】

[888: Ye Sanfen. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

No, this world can't be better, fall!

Ye Hao was severely hit by 888. She couldn’t afford to fight all day. She felt that her male dignity had been seriously insulted and decided to work hard to exercise!

Although Zhang Hongzhi and Ye Hao are not a professional, but as a competent good friend, they always try to contact Ye Hao. For example, they will eat together with Ye Hao every day and will help him occupy a seat.

He looked at Ye Hao and seemed to be somewhat uneasy. His eyes flashed and asked: "Gu Shao, have you made progress with that person?"

Ye Hao’s face was red, half awkward, and he said, “Yes, there is one.”

Zhang Hongzhi’s face with a look of gossip, his eyes glazed: “Don't he confess to you? Have you promised?”

Ye Hao nodded and answered.

Zhang Hongzhi was very excited and smiled awkwardly. "Ah, hahahaha, I said that he likes you! Sure confession? Did you agree? Congratulations, when will your boyfriend be brought out to meet us? ""

Ye Xin said how he might bring Lu Xiuwen out to meet friends. If others know that he and Lu Xiuwen have become such a relationship, they still don't know how many gossips they have to face. They coveted: "Let's talk about it later."

Zhang Hongzhi also knows that Ye Hao will not agree, but he is still performing his duties: "What is shy, my boyfriend has seen you, and it is not enough to let you take your out to disagree."

Ye Hao blushes and can't speak, some are embarrassed.

Zhang Hongzhi knows how to stop, asks a few words to stop mentioning this topic, and instead tells Ye Hao about some interesting things in the school, and one day soon passed.

By the time of school, Lu Xiuwen’s car was ready to stop outside.

When Ye Hao got on the bus, he saw Lu Xiuwen sitting in the back seat of the car, looking at him gently, laughing: "Let's go out to eat at night."

Ye Hao had no opinion on this, just nodded innocently.

Lu Xiuwen told Li Shu to drive, and the hotel that had been eaten had already been booked. It was a very high-end and sentimental hotel.

Lu Xiuwen personally opened the chair for Ye Hao. Ye Hao saw Lu Xiuwen's meticulous action, and he was embarrassed, Lu Shushu... This is completely treating him as a lover, but he is really not used to it!

But it didn't seem to be a good match. Ye Hao had to go over and sit down. Lu Xiuwen helped him put the chair and finally sat down opposite him.

The hotel's soft light falls on Lu Xiuwen's face, and his face is handsome and deep, mature and steady. This extraordinary charm makes Ye Xin's heartbeat speed up, and when will he be as mature as Lu Shushu? Not like a child, he always wants to take care of him.

Lu Xiuwen has already cooked the dishes, and then smiled and said to Ye Hao: "I ordered some dishes you like. Do you want to see if there is any need to increase?"

Ye Hao looked at the soundtrack: "No need."

After living together for so many years, Uncle Lu knows his taste well, and he knows what to eat and what he does not eat.

In fact, it seems to be very hard now, because if you don't care, you will never pay attention to these details.

Ye Hao had not come out to eat with Lu Xiuwen before, but at that time, only Lu Xiuwen was regarded as an elder. This was the first time that he came out as a couple. He only felt very embarrassed and uncomfortable. The change, but Lu Xiuwen's purpose is to slowly accept this change. In the past, he always restrained himself, not close to Ye Hao, afraid that he would find his own mind, and now he can finally hide it. He took care of himself as his own lover, which made Lu Xiuwen very satisfied.

After dinner, Lu Xiuwen took another box and smiled and said to Ye: "Give your gift."

Ye Hao is very helpless. You can eat a meal. Why do you want to give a gift? He opened it and saw that it was a watch. When he saw it, he was very expensive. He looked up and said to Lu Xiuwen: "Uncle, it is really unnecessary. You sent me a lot of things..."

In the past, he received a gift from Lu Xiuwen. Only when Lu Xiuwen took care of him as a younger generation. Now that Lu Xiuwen is still sent, he is even more embarrassed. He promised to be Lu’s lover, not for his things.

Lu Xiuwen smirked at the lips. "Receive it, it’s just a little bit of my heart."

Ye Hao was red and sighed and had to accept it. He knew that Lu Shushu was not bad for this money. It was just a matter of heart, but his gifts were too much to be piled up. It was really distressing.

On the way home at night, the two were sitting in the car, and Ye Hao felt the breath of the man around him, and was very nervous and sitting in danger.

At this moment, Lu Xiuwen suddenly put Ye Hao in his arms, and reached out and gently opened the broken hair of the leaves of the leaves, the deep eyes of the eyes under the night with a gentle light: "Shy?"

Ye Hao was nervous and couldn't speak. Then he saw Lu Xiuwen slowly bending down and kissed his lips a little bit in his sight. Lu Xiuwen squinted, his eyes and leaves were opposite, and he was deep. The feelings seem to drown people like the ocean.

This moment Ye Hao thinks that Lu Xiuwen may really love and love him very much.

He remembered how many years they got along with each other and remembered Lu Xiuwen's care for him.

I am obviously not a child of Lu Xiuwen, nor have any blood relationship. He is so good, and there is no one else around him.

And Lu Xiwen was good to him. He used to be only the elders and the younger generations in his eyes. All of them changed Lu Xiuwen’s love for him. He didn’t know when Lu Xiuwen started to have this kind of thought for him. But it must have been a long time ago.

Ye Hao was shy and moved. Even the original contradictory and complicated emotions were diluted a lot. Since he does not hate Lu Shushu’s closeness, he should also like him. For themselves, the only difficulty is to transform this feeling and change their relationship, but... he wants to try it.

Because he loves this person as well.

And don't want to live up to his love.

Lu Xiuwen felt the obedience of Ye Hao, the kiss was more gentle and delicate.

Not long after the car returned home, Ye Hao was panted by Lu Xiuwen’s kiss, his cheeks were red, and he was ashamed to bury his head in the ground. Just now... Li Shu was in front, he must have seen it.

Ah, it’s really shameful... I actually did this with my uncle in front of others.

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Hao’s embarrassment and gave a low smile. In fact, if he was not afraid of Ye Hao’s shyness, he could do more than he did, instead of just restraining him, Ye Hao’s character was simply introverted. I need to take it slowly.

Back home, no one else, Lu Xiuwen directly pressed Ye Hao on the wall, hands on his side, and bowed his head again.

Ye Hao’s face is burning up, they...have they just decided the relationship? But Uncle Lu is too... Even if he is in love, is it too fast? He is eager to bear it.

Although the words are like this, but his character is docile, and he is facing Lu Xiuwen, and he can't bear to refuse. The last two kissed the wall from the wall.

Lu Xiuwen followed Ye Hao almost all but the last step, and lowered his head to help him release once. Looking at the young man under his body, like a cooked shrimp, it became more and more difficult to restrain his desire, and his voice was hoarse and low: "Go to my room, ok?"

Ye Hao was a little scared when he heard this sentence. He... He just accidentally saw the size of Lu Xiuwen. When he thought of the step they had to do, he was a little scared. He shook his head again and again: "I want to go back to rest." I am going to school tomorrow!"

Lu Xiuwen’s eyes were dark and he finally did not reluctantly. Instead, he said softly, “Well, let me hold you for a while.”

Ye Hao listened to Lu Xiuwen and said that he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and because of his heart, let Lu Xiuwen hold him.

Lu Xiuwen did not do anything more, and finally put Ye Hao back to the room.


Since the relationship was confirmed, Lu Xiuwen really insisted on going to school to pick up and drop off Ye Hao every day. Even if there is an urgent work meeting occasionally, he will take time to send a message to Ye Hao, telling him that he can't come, let him eat well, go home early. .

If Lu Xiwen’s care for Ye Hao was meticulous, it is now meticulously multiplied by two, and many things that were inconvenient for me to do by myself can also be done by hand.

You can kiss Ye Hao, you can feed him to eat, you can hug him anytime, anywhere...

In addition to not doing the last, everything else is like a close lover, Ye Hao is gradually not so open at first, under Lu Xiuwen's Raiders, gradually getting used to Lu Xiuwen's approach, and enjoying Lu Xiuwen's approach to him. Love.

After more than a month, eating one night, Lu Xiuwen once again proposed to Ye Hao: "Xiao Ran, move to my room to live?"

Ye Hao’s expression was stiff, and he could accept anything else, but he was a little scared about it. He was determined to make a decision. He felt that if Lu Xiwen did it, would he be very miserable? I always feel that the pain may be more than happy, not too dare to try.

Ye Hao said with a smile: "I think it's good to live like don't need to move..."

Lu Xiuwen looked at him deeply: "We are lovers, why should we sleep all the time? Living together is the right thing to do."

Ye Hao didn't dare to look at Lu Xiuwen's eyes, biting his lips and showing a restless look.

For a long time, Lu Xiuwen sighed and no longer mentioned this matter.

Ye Hao returned to the room and began to painfully hit the bed with his head.

[Ye Wei: I want to move over and move over and move over! Hey, I want to move over, I don’t want to stay alone! QAQ]


[Ye Wei: And my uncle is so hot, how big is it! 】


Time passes by, and blinking is another month. Just in Ye Hao, I can't help this slow rhythm. Don't want to be beaten every day, but the best is not in front of you. Self-control is about to collapse, ready to find a suitable day. The time was for Lu Shushu to do the last time, and he was surprised to find that Lu Shushu couldn’t help but start first!

[Ye Ye: That's great. This kind of thing makes Lu Shushu's first shot more secure, and sure enough it is victory! I am sobbed. 】

[888: Oh, congratulations. Indifference jpg

Zhang Hongzhi Zhang is not afraid to take money to do things. He is a good assistant to Lu Xiuwen. He always has his figure at the crucial moment. He can say that he is responsible and dedicated!

On this day, the two of them went out to eat together. Zhang Hongzhi sneaked and asked Ye Hao: "Gu Shao, how is your progress with your family?"

Ye Yan said with a red face: "That's it."

Zhang Hongzhi said: "How is this?"

Ye Hao thought for a moment and said: "Every day to eat together, occasionally go shopping...that is, like ordinary lovers."

Zhang Hongzhi is obviously not interested in these unintended things. He looks like a mysterious and curious question: "Hey, what about your family... How is your work?"

Ye Hao’s face is redder, how can this privacy be said to others, and they have never done it before! He turned his head and didn't talk.

Zhang Hongzhi glared at his shoulder and said, "How? How long does it last? Give no strength? How is the skill? Is it cool?"

Ye Hao took his hand and said: "Nothing!"

Zhang Hongzhi glanced at him and immediately looked at him incredulously: "You don't, haven't you done it yet?"

Ye Hao’s face was seen through the sly expression, not snoring.

Zhang Hongzhi looked at him silently for a long time, and suddenly spit out a few words: "Gu Shao, you are really innocent than I thought."

Ye Hao was a bit unwilling to be evaluated by other men for innocentness. He said: "We have only determined the relationship soon. Isn't it normal to go to bed?"

Zhang Hongzhi shook his head: "I listened to what you described before, and I think he must love you very much, but every time I endured it, I didn't do it. Isn't that normal? You are not afraid that he will come across something?"

Ye Xie was a little shy in her heart, and she was not snoring. For a long time, she said weakly: "I, I am just..."

Zhang Hongzhi sighed and patted Ye Hao’s shoulder: "I can see it. You still have too little experience. They are all men. Since it is normal to fall in love together, go and see you today to see the world."

Ye Hao was pulled away by Zhang Hongzhi and said uncomfortably, "Where are you going?"

Zhang Hongzhi smiled. "If you go, you will know."

Half an hour later, Ye Hao and Zhang Hongzhi sat in a noisy comrade bar, and they were uncomfortable and didn't dare to look around.

Zhang Hongzhi hit Ye Hao with his shoulder and smiled. "You haven’t been here before. It’s all homosexual. Everyone doesn’t know what they know. They are familiar or unfamiliar. Look at the eyes and open a room together. It’s normal, just like you are talking about a love, like a child, you can’t open it, I suddenly have a headache that hurts your family.”

As he spoke, he made a drink and said to Ye Hao: "Drink?"

Ye Hao used to drink almost no alcohol. She shook her head and said, "I don't like drinking."

Zhang Hongzhi is also speechless. He did not force himself to swear and he drank himself.

Ye Hao looked at all the men here, and there were people who kissed together in a big crowd. They were so embarrassed that they wanted to go back. Suddenly they saw a few people coming over and sitting in front of them, looking at them. They: "Drink a drink together?"

Ye Hao shook his head. He wouldn't drink with strangers he didn't know, and he didn't think it was a good person at first glance.

Zhang Hongzhi’s eyes sighed and said, “No need.”

If someone usually can't just leave, it's just a matter of leaving, but today these people seem to be unwilling. One of them looks at Ye Hao with a sly look and says, "Children drink a little, come here, let go. play?"

Ye Hao looked at the other men and looked at Zhang Hongzhi and himself. Obviously not an opponent, he got up and said: "I want to go home."

Zhang Hongzhi also stood up, but at the moment the other person suddenly went to their side, sitting down on Zhang Hongzhi’s shoulder and said to Ye Yuyin’s test: “Drink a few cups and go, otherwise it’s not too bad. Give your buddies a few faces?"

Ye Hao did not know where he was in trouble.

Zhang Hongzhi's face was a bit ugly, touched his pocket, and his expression was stiff for a while. He turned his head and said to Ye: "Calling Lu to pick you up, my mobile phone forgot to bring it."

Ye Hao was a little panicked and quickly listened to Zhang Hongzhi’s instructions to call Lu Xiuwen’s phone.

But before he even had time to get Lu Xiuwen connected, the mobile phone was stolen by the opposite man. The man said, "It’s not going to call the parents. The students are really delicate."

Ye Hao was completely panicked and shouted: "You return the phone to me!"

The man smiled ridiculously: "So, if you drink this glass of wine, I will return it to you, okay?"

Ye Hao is not willing to drink, still refuses to move.

Zhang Hongzhi quickly said: "My classmates are not very likely to drink alcohol. Let me drink for him."

The man didn't seem to be reluctant, just sneered: "Okay, but if you drink on his behalf, you have to drink a double cup."

Zhang Hongzhi whispered: "No problem." He is still able to drink, directly two glasses of white wine, the face does not change color!

Ye Hao was somewhat worried. Zhang Hongzhi shook his head to him, indicating that he had no problem with a few glasses of wine, but he could not come hard to avoid losses.

In this way, every time Zhang Hongzhi was drinking on behalf of Ye Hao, he drank nearly two bottles in a blink of an eye. Even Zhang Hongzhi was a little bit ugly, his face turned red, and finally wowed out.

Ye Hao was very worried. While giving Zhang Hongzhi water, he asked: "Are you alright?"

Zhang Hongzhi spit out the temperament, and barely smiled: "I am fine..."

The opposite man smiled and said to Ye: "Why, let him continue to help you drink this time?"

Ye Hao looked at Zhang Hongzhi's appearance. Where did he dare to let him help, but Lu Xiuwen did not come yet, anxiously, finally said: "No, no, I drink."

He frowned and picked up the glass of wine, and he sipped it for a while.

The amount of leaf simmering is not good. These cocktails have nothing to drink. In fact, the degree is not low. It will not be long before there is some drunkenness, the cheeks are red, the eyes are blurred, and the more anxious.

The opposite man looked at the two of them, and smiled and gave Ye Hao a cup of wine.

Ye Hao felt that she was going to die, but Zhang Hongzhi couldn't do it anymore. He drank more than him and spit it several times. Zhang Hongzhi apologized and looked at Ye Xie and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect..."

Seeing that time has passed for a long time, the two have been unable to get out. These people are afraid that they are not going to drunk them? Ye Hao was very desperate. The hands holding the glasses were a little trembling. The wine was sprinkled out. When he was preparing to force himself to drink, the glass on his hand was suddenly taken by one hand.

When Ye Hao looked up, he saw Lu Xiuwen’s tall body standing there. The deep-faced face was even cold and majestic under the dim light. Shen Sheng said: “Don’t drink.”

Ye Hao did not expect that Lu Xiuwen suddenly appeared. I felt that I had to rely on it for a moment. As long as Lu Xiuwen was afraid of anything, the voice choked and said: "Uncle."

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Hao’s grievances and glanced at the few people. “Not yet?”

Those men can bully a young man like Ye Hao Zhang Hongzhi, but when they see Lu Xiuwen, they will be paralyzed, and they will leave quickly. It seems that they are afraid of being troubled.

Ye Hao rushed into Lu Xiuwen’s arms and his eyes turned red: "Uncle..."

Lu Xiuwen looked at him with some blame and helpless eyes: "Who made you come to these places?"

Ye did not dare to speak with his lips, and he did something wrong.

Lu Xiuwen couldn't bear to blame him again. He told the bodyguard to send back the drunk Zhang Hongzhi, and he picked up Ye Hao and left.

Ye Xuan was held by Lu Xiuwen, and he was drunk, but he was only afraid of being confused. Even if he arrived at home, Lu Xiuwen refused to let go.

Lu Xiuwen looked down at Ye Hao, his eyes were dull, his footsteps paused, and he suddenly turned and held Ye Hao directly back to his room, put him on the bed, untied his collar, revealing the silver on his neck. Necklace, and a sparkling azure gemstone pendant, lining the slightly reddish skin is fascinating...

Ye Hao does not seem to know where he is. He only knows that Lu Shushu is the safest and most reliable, holding his hand.

Lu Xiuwen bent over and stared at the face of Ye Hao. The beautiful black eyes were drunk at this time. They looked at him with a look of dependence, and the ruddy color of the opening: "Don't go..."

Lu Xiuwen was determined to look at him, his fingers gently touched the face of Ye Hao, for a long time, the low voice in his throat: "I will not go."

Then he bowed his head and kissed the lips of the leaves.

Sweet and mixed with wine, it seems more intoxicating than in the past, Lu Xiuwen's eyes are dark, and finally no longer restrain himself, holding Ye Hao's shoulder in one hand, tearing his placket and kissing his neck.

Read The Duke's Passion