MTL - The Sage Who Transcended Samsara-v9 Chapter 32 evil creature

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History has changed. The Devil King has never been to the Happy Buddha Bodhisattva, has not drank the water of Sansei III, and has not encountered the niece * Yin species. , Hidden fairyland.

As soon as she was up, she suddenly heard a sigh, as if from the chaos, and seemed to reverberate in the future, feeling the helplessness and complexity of using the heavens and the world as a chessboard and the movement of life as chess pieces. Regret chess ", when there is power, there is also persistence!

The sound came to my heart, the bodhisattva was inexplicably frightened, and I saw the sky suddenly dim in front of me. A sleeve robe hung down from the sky. It covered all things, and then stood up!

Not punishing Nezha does not mean that Meng Qi will do nothing in this matter, dare to count under the Yuxu door, really when Yuanshi Tianzun is the one who can swallow his voice?

Especially the joyful bodhisattvas that are hands-on, that will certainly not be missed!

The sleeves were opened, instead of heaven and earth, the Bodhisattva immediately fell into unspeakable darkness. At this moment, a little wave of light suddenly appeared, like jumping out of the water of the long river silently and illusionlessly. Infected with a layer of emptiness, Qinghui swims, chaotically slows, and goes back in time.

Tiandi shot!

The darkness faded a little, the sleeve robe returned to the high altitude following the original trajectory, slowly and heavy, until it resisted the "rewind" of time by the time knife, and "released" a blank expression of happy Buddha.

Daoguang Gaomiao seems to resonate in all directions, splitting the relationship between the sleeve robe and the river of time, so that it can no longer land in the turbulent river, nor can it directly interfere with the real world.

The mystery of this sword is indescribable, which shows the arrogance of the Emperor when he was crushed!

In the gloomy Jade Palace, a clear air turned into a blue-blue glazed Buddha, with his right hand hanging down and facing outwards, making a gesture of pursuing sentient beings. At the same time, the sleeve robe shrank, revealing a A powerful fist with only five fingers holding a virtual grip, pulling and shrinking time and space, brought the original chaos and the first Promise!

The light of Buddha and the Promise fall together, seemingly dark but not dark, bright and not bright, and at a glance, they neutralize with the unpredictable time, bringing the light, the breeze and the blue sky.

After cutting out the true fix, Meng Qi can resist the emperor who once crushed the past!

At this time, a scroll rolls out in the hall of the demon emperor, including the mountains and rivers, the sun, the moon, the stars, and its own fairyland and Jiuyou, instead of the reality around the happy bodhisattva.

However, the sky was suddenly dark red and swirling, like another crazy and chaotic eye, and Jiuyoune jumped out of a mysterious and strange seal, so that the heavens and the world in the map of the Shanhe Society fell into reincarnation. , Turned into resistance, the demon Buddha and the monster of the heaven together, blocked the scroll and the demon holy gun respectively!

For a while, without the others on the other side intervening, the two sides were almost tied, and it would be difficult to change the current state of Happy Buddha!

Meng Qiduan sat in the Yuxu Palace, his eyes were so deep that he never gave up.

Two or three hundred years ago, in the fairyland, he sneaked into the palace of joy and tried to kill Jingyan Bodhisattva.

With a sword in his hand, purple electricity dangled, suddenly swelled, and rose sharply. The thunder, which could only cut away the forbidden scene in front of him, turned into lightning that can destroy the world!


Half of the fairyland is about to be submerged by the thunder sea. Every inch of the land of joy is shivering, and I feel the "fear" of ash and smoke, and the joyful Buddha who wanders in the forbidden space woke up suddenly, but feels inevitable!


The dull sound burst, the light poured down from the infinite height of the fairyland, wrapped the thunder, let the time go backwards, and the various lightnings of purple, white and gold condensed into the first point, neutralized each other, and disappeared invisible.

The fighting between the two sides will not only continue in the present, but also continue to the past, while trying to grasp every opportunity, while eliminating any hidden dangers!

Such a battle is no longer something that can be observed by all living beings in the bitter sea, and there is no description in the universal knowledge world.

Bang, Bang, Bang! The battle between Meng Qi and the Emperor of Heaven was beautiful over a thousand years ago. In the early Middle Ages, when they had not been taken up by the Xuan Nu, they fell in the heavens.


Hundreds of thousands of years ago, in the Purple Bamboo Forest of the South China Sea.

The Great Mercy and Great Compassion Guanyin Bodhisattva sat on the lotus platform, explaining the Heart Sutra to the virgins and virgins in the Pure Land. The external lightning flashed and thundered, heavy rain, sometimes dim, sometimes brilliant, as if the end of the day had come.

The Promise Seal, Kaitian Seal, Purple Lightning God Thunder, and several types of Rorain palms are deployed in succession. The Emperor, who has been in the sword with three lives and three generations, fought against the purple bamboo forest, thirty-three heavens, and the demon emperor and the demon Buddha The heavenly monster is deadlocked at the current node.


As soon as the thunder sounded, everything was dormant. In the purple bamboo forest, there were virgins trembling all over, their eyes dripping and turning, the blackness was charming, peeping at the bright lightning engulfed by the sparkling rain.

She couldn't concentrate on listening to the Buddhist scriptures at this time. At this time, she couldn't concentrate, thinking about her own opinions and the experience of the last secretly underworld, thinking about the fast beauty that both body and mind are satisfied, but she felt hot.


This virgin is without danger, there is no wind or thunder in the purple bamboo forest, and it is calm and peaceful.

When the two sides are almost equal in strength, the other side that does not allow the change to take place is obviously more advantageous!

It is impossible to kill the Bodhisattva at present, nor can it ever be!

At this moment, the white tutor sitting on the lotus platform suddenly looked at the virgin, and a purple light flashed deep in his eyes, solemnly speaking:

"evil creature!"

She pointed, pointing straight at the virgin.

The eyes of the bodhisattva bodhisattva in his youth were blank, and he could not believe that the bodhisattva of great mercy and compassion would kill himself somehow!

I just violated a few unimportant precepts, and at most were expelled from the division.

The outside world was suddenly full of light, but it was swallowed up by the seemingly endless chaos, which was strengthened by the light of the glass Buddha.

This time, he replaced Meng Qi!

Hundreds of years ago, when Meng Qi entered Tianzhu Mountain for the first time and met the undead demon god, when he traced back to the time in Jiuyou, when he came to the gap between the two realms to ask about the undead demon god, he only branded him. The gorgeous overlord has a knife, and runs a seal of Tao, hides the sky and crosses the sea, and hands this peerless peerless to the undead demon god.

The immortal demon flew out of the true spirit, taking this time back, relying on the relationship between each other, temporarily occupying the golden body of the Great Mercy Guanyin Bodhisattva in the purple bamboo forest. At a critical moment, a barrier of sin was cleared the door and Meng Qi turned passive into active!

In the middle of the eyebrow, the color is empty, and the empty is color. The virgin-like bodhisattva is enveloped by invisible fire with a sense of consternation and terror, and it burns completely without any trace.


The river of time roars and rushes, and the figures of the bodhisattva of joy in history have all turned into fantasy bubbles, and the Taoism she left is like a spring * dream, waking up without traces, and has spread to ancient times, to the current node, Without the flesh-colored offerings of the heavenly women, and the classic division of big steps and small steps of medicine residues, only time has ended, and other avenues of supplementation have been born accordingly, which partially replaced the role of joy and made history change. Big.

At the current node, the face of the happy Bodhisattva is in fear, and the body is suddenly illusory, and even the traces disappear.

Who can calculate the Yuxu Palace without paying a price!

Time is flowing, and several new futures are separated.

At this time, the Emperor's humming sounded at high altitude, and the waves of light condensed into a ball, covering it up, shrouding the illusion of the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, turning it into reality, and going back, creating a brand-like figure that changed the river.

The brand keeps going back in time. The Bodhisattva Bodhisattva “this time” is no longer a virgin under the Guanyin seat. Instead, it is the object of the Buddhism Temple, but its talents are different. After going out of the martial arts, he later gained a lot of ancient Taoism, and eventually became legendary before Menci demonstrated the other side.

The other side is erasing the past and changing history, but the emperor can forge the past to maintain existence!

But for him, it was backwashing, and he couldn't easily cast it.

The Bodhisattva Bodhisattva returned to solidity and lived, but the traces in the past were false, and naturally cannot be furthered in the future!

Seeing this, Meng Qi retracted the sleeve robe and the overlord sword, so that the immortal demon **** returned to the original track, of course, she also woke up.

Then, sitting in the Yuxu Palace, Meng Qi, who had a bright and clear light, cast his eyes on the past again, and turned to Han Guang who was posing as Abbot Shaolin!

Han Guang, who was hiding inside the shard of Honghuang, was suddenly heart-warming, and Han Mao stood tall.

It was only this time that there was a bright and clear splatter in the vacuum hometown that merged with Yincaodifu, leaving everything tight and invisible.

ps: There are some things. I will ask for leave in the chapter tonight, and I will make up the day after tomorrow ~ (To be continued.) 2k novel reading network

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