MTL - The Sage Who Transcended Samsara-v9 Chapter 29 Undercurrent behind calm (third more)

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The hall was deep, the emperor was high, and the majesty seemed invisible, but it seemed to cover every corner. The heavy pressure on Tan Ping's heart made him panic and fear.

If this is just the brand of Emperor Tianhe used to maintain historical changes in time, the action will be extremely stiff. In the face of the loss of the Fengshenbang, it is only possible to take a shot and grab it. How can it change the world like today? To the front, unpredictable?

Therefore, He is the real Emperor of Heaven. I do n’t know why it did n’t fall back and return mysteriously at the end!

The matter of Fengshenbang finally caused a great figure on the other side!

The next change, Tan Ping can no longer imagine, despair permeated, cold sweats.

Not only is he so, Shuizu is also upset and trembling. He just caught up with Tiandi ’s old enemy Cheng Tang, and he was caught by him. He also changed his time and space with an irresistible mystery, and fell into a dilemma where he could not find help. !!

This hand surpassed Shuizu's knowledge of the Emperor, and a ridiculous but reasonable idea suddenly emerged in his heart:

The young man next to him said that he came from the future and was himself a reincarnation who got rid of the congenital spirit ... The Emperor ’s realm is suddenly different from the past ... If the former is true, does it mean that the present belongs to history and the Emperor is in “ "Future" has achieved the other side, so can you show the level of overlooking the bitter sea whenever you want?

If it was n’t for the innate gods who did n’t have the so-called sweat, the ancestors were already sweating, and the reason why he secretly turned into a soup and hesitated, he did n’t want to offend either side, because the “current” emperor and Cheng Tang are both good and bad, and have explored the other side With accumulated insights, it will be difficult to say who will be on the other side of the sea in the future, but the facts in front of me tell myself that "the future" Heavenly Emperor wins, and is overwhelming.

Thinking of this, Shuizu could only silently pray to Heavenly Emperor not to temporarily change his mind, it is best to spare himself like "the past", let himself live to the current node, and reincarnate as a young man next to him ...

The emperor looked at Shuizu and Tan Ping quietly, seeing that they couldn't help the double-stranded war, and wanted to ask for his life, and then said indifferently:

"It's better not to change things than seal things."

With a flash of gold in his right hand, Tan Ping's must-have list in the mustard ring appeared on his palm, calm and tame, and the streamer was gentle.

Immediately afterwards, Fengshenbang flew out, fell into the Nether, and re-hanged on the Qishan platform.


At the top of the ancient hibiscus tree, two players are playing against each other, one is green and the other is black.

Meng Qi looked at the game with **** sandwiched between his fingers and said leisurely: "Since the incident of Miles, 'Huang Liang Pillow' and Tan Ping have been completely exposed to the eyes of fellow Taoist friends. During the year of the gods, I wanted to fight against the grass and see the snakes, to see which Taoist friends wanted to take the Fengshen list from the Golden Emperor, and what are the plans after they get it? "

Sealing the God List is not the only thing in the past, the present, and the future. The current node is in the hands of the Golden Emperor, which does not mean that it belongs to him in the past. Therefore, if the history of the Seal God List is greatly changed, it may cause him to lose the Seal God List, that is, He Every effort will be made to maintain the relevant processes.

In this way, if the idea of ​​sealing the **** list at the current node is "held" by the golden emperor, it can only be directly operated by the other bank, and it cannot be detoured, but in the history of snatching, it can only send out its powerful supernatural powers. They tentatively test each other, and there is room for manoeuvre, so as not to encounter unexpected changes and suffer unnecessary damage or weakening.

The Qing emperor saw Meng Qi rushed, and also gave a son at will: "The Golden Emperor's response was quite smart. Before waiting for your temptation, he sent the Fengshen List by Shen Gongbao, which greatly changed the history and left all Taoists confused. He couldn't see the subsequent changes, doubted each other, and didn't rush in, so he successfully delivered this thing to the Emperor of Heaven. "

After the collapse of Yin Shang, although the gods in the heavenly courts have always taken the famous names of the gods as the main body, this treasure has never belonged to the emperor. The list is hanging near the capital of the Zhou Dynasty. The whip is owned by Jiang Ziya and his descendants. With the moral Tianzun holding the hand of the emperor, this time, Fengshenbang passed the hand of the emperor, leaving his mark on him, and subtly changed the history.

Meng Qi played with the chess piece in his hand and smiled, "The response of the Emperor was quite unexpected, and the Fengshen list was returned only by leaving a mark. Apart from having a certain tacit understanding with the Golden Emperor, he could not peep into the corresponding future for the time being. Variety."

Unless the people on the other side continue to wonder, they will be able to go back in time, even if they did not rush into the seal of God.

The Qing Emperor did not answer, as if in chess.

"Jin Emperor is so confident, isn't he afraid that the Emperor Tianqiang will keep the list of Gods, and let his Yin Cao Difu lose its support?" Meng Qi said unhurriedly.

The Qing Emperor smiled indifferently: "He has always been good at layout and planning. He has always been more like a monarch than me, and has obtained the relics and many secrets of Yuanshi Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun. The ancient Buddha and the devil Ananda suffered a great deal like them. "

"Good." Meng Qibu next son, palmed his hands and laughed, "At the beginning, when Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun Yang Jun went to Daozunzhi's crossing to the treasure raft to take away the poor Taoyuan himself, he thought that this secret was left behind by Yuanshi teacher, but Jinhuang already Acknowledging that after the enigma of the two deities, the traces that appeared to them were all faked or played by him. That is to say, he knew the place where Daozun crossed the world's raft and could pry into Daozun's remains, but he has always been patient If you do n’t send it, the devil will not even notice it, and you will lose count. ”

"Since the poor landed on the shore, although he seems to have suffered no loss, he has made it possible to go further. However, on the bright side, he was forced to abandon the vacuum hometown in the real world first, and then shrank. Confined to Yin Cao Di Fu, now also sharing the list of Fengshen, really concede step by step. "

"The more so, the poorer the more vigilant he is, fearing that he has always been winning but deliberately showing weakness, in order to finalize the critical moment."

The Qing emperor mentioned a few words: "What's the chance of winning?"

"There are not many keys to concealing me and waiting for the other bank. When the poor were freed from the misery, Jin Huang had already revealed a lot. The rest should be the secrets related to Yuanshi teacher and Uncle Lingbao, such as their Tao fruit. The method and current state of the situation are unpredictable. "Meng Qi pointedly said," Like Taoism, the poor Tao always did not understand why Amitabha and Bodhi Buddha should be on the side of Yuanshi teacher and moral teacher. To jointly deal with Master Lingbao who lost the ally of the demon emperor, let the rivals on the other side lose all suspense. From the perspective of the dispute between the roads, help the weakest Master Lingbao and drag the most. The ancient Yuanshi teachers are their inevitable choice. "

"I didn't understand why this change happened." Qingdi nodded slightly.

Some things can't be understood by going back in time, because some transactions and some secrets only exist between the other shores. If there is no opportunity, it is difficult to see.

"Unfortunately, you and I are out of the heat, otherwise you can‘ help ’Master Lingbao, act as a god, throw stones and ask for directions, and force out‘ intelligence ’.” Meng Qi looked at the Emperor with a smile and flew a son.

Today, Yuanshi Tianzun and Moral Tianzun are just imprints, and then acting as Fengshen can not be considered.

The Qing emperor looked at the chessboard calmly, and put down the pieces in his hand, occupying the advantage of this game:

"Hope for this opportunity." (To be continued.) 2k novel reading network

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