MTL - The Sage Who Transcended Samsara-v9 Chapter 181 Ananda

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As for external changes, Meng Qi was not distracted at all. His energy and all his thoughts were on the other side, focusing as if Mr. Lu Da possessed it.

Only by preaching the other side as soon as possible can the situation be changed. Otherwise, there is no other way!

The glazed lamp of Daoyi stands in the void and shines through the heavens. On each side, there is a slowly formed imaginary Tao fruit floating, or dark and chaotic, or purple gas hiding in white. It locates the current node for Meng Qi and holds the aura of nature. Bitter sea, half immersed in time.

With this, Meng Qi hooked up with the first "historical road sign" left by himself, that is, the 37-year-old Tianle planted a demon self for the innocent landlord!

The figure floated, and he flew towards this signpost. The water of time was no longer illusive, and became solid, sticky to prevent his backtracking.

His thoughts gradually dissipated, but Meng Qi's heart only had that indelible spirit, and he was extremely courageous. Even if he had forgotten everything, he still maintained the speed and release to the "signpost", fast and firm!

This process is one of the difficulties on the other side. Whenever there is a little hesitation, a bit of self-confidence, a hint of luck, leave and sink into the long river of time, decompose in the vast bitter sea, completely disappear, and there is no possibility of resurrection, just like the original Black Emperor !!


In Yuxu Palace, Meng Qiduan sits on a futon. Nearby are Guang Chengzi, Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun, Red Sperm, Jade Dingren, Daoxing Xianzun, Nezha, and Xiaotian Dog. They are discussing who to recommend to teach temporarily. thing.

"This position of teaching is not good, at least until the other side, this Yuxu Palace can not be completely controlled." Guang Chengzi stood up with a smile, and shot a head to Meng Qi:

"I've seen Su Zhangjiao."

Meng Qi trembled suddenly, the river flowing around, a few flashes of Ming Wu flashed in his eyes, and a warm smile appeared on his face.

A few brothers, long time no see!


Xishan Buddha Temple. Under the linden tree.

Wang Siyuan mixed famous teas such as Xueya, Zhujun, Dragon Tiger Peak, Tiehua Tea, Qianlong Tea, and reminded Meng Qi with a mixed taste and pointed out that "all kinds of past, smoke disappeared" can only be obtained from the overlord knife There are fakes.

Meng Qi slowly got up, his complexion asked slightly, "Why do you give me pointers?"

The chess pieces in Wang Siyuan's hands suddenly fell, hit the chessboard, splashed everywhere, and messed up the chess game just now.

His face hid in the shadow of the linden tree, his voice drifted:

"Helping you break is helping me break."

Meng Qi glanced over and suddenly heard the rushing sound of the river as far away as the sky. His body was inexplicably shocked, and his eyes were a little more stunned.

Looking back again, looking at Wang Siyuan, the corner of his mouth caught up and whispered secretly:

"God stick, I saw you once and wanted to beat you once,‘ now ’I want to say, you friend, I made it!”


Deep fog at night. The two "drunk ghosts" carried the wine jar and shouted the inexplicable tune "A laugh in the sea", wandering in the quiet alley.

In the eyes of Gao Lan, the remnants of Qingming remained, and he moved forward. An intriguing smile looked at Meng Qi, confused, and patted the door of others.

Bang Bang!

The figure shocked the neighbors, and the owner of the yard rose up and yelled:

"Who? What's the matter?"

"Buy. Buy roosters, also, and there are yellow papers." Meng Qi answered vaguely.

The yard owner's expression was dull, and then he became angry:


"Where the **** is the lunatic!"

Where do I have a rooster?

Bang Bang!

Meng Qi did not doubt, and went to the next yard, was poured cold water, still drunk and persevered, knocked next to each other, someone wanted to punch him, went to see the corpse in the alley, and closed the doors and windows with fright , Dare not squeak.

In the end, the neighborhood was unbearable. Someone lost a rooster and somebody spilled yellow paper.

As soon as they had done all of this, they saw that the silver was accurately caring for a while, and they were suddenly confused.

This, is this a lunatic?

Meng Qi carried the chicken, and Gao Lan held the yellow paper and the wine jar. The two returned to the original abandoned yard, lit the weeds, burned the yellow paper, cut off the chicken head, and spilled blood into the wine.

"Come, sacrificed to heaven and earth, and drank blood wine. We are brothers of righteousness. He is definitely older than you. He is the elder brother and you are the second child." Gao Lan smiled boldly.

Meng Qi was so drunk, his eyes were confused, and he stuttered: "No, no, second child or something, second brother or something, too, too **** * mother *, it's awful, I want to be the third, me, I want to be the third younger brother!"

"Hey, interesting." Gao Lan smiled. "Just do it!"

He pulled Meng Qi to kneel and said to the place where the yellow paper had burned out:

"Come, worship God, let's end Jinlan!"

At this moment, the night seemed to float, and there was a faint sound of flowing water. Gao Lang was unaware of it, but Meng Qi trembled suddenly, his drunkenness faded instantly, his light was restrained, and it seemed as if he was hiding another world.

He looked at Gao Lan next to him, with eyesight and sentimentality in his eyes, then turned his head and bowed heavily.

Emperor, this time, I am willing!


In Yuexiu Tower, Ruan Yushu and Meng Qi killed Qualcomm and relaxed. The dishes just ordered were placed in front of them.

Mentioning chopsticks, Meng Qi enjoyed the food, and at the same time realized that Ruan Yushu was just watching, without moving chopsticks.

"Eat, I invite you." He said with a smile.

Ruan Yushu bowed her head gently, sweeping the table full of wine and dishes with graceful and graceful movements and the speed of the wind and wind, and she could see Meng Qi stunned. I couldn't believe a girl with a cold temperament would behave like this.

Ruan Yushu's face was reddish, and he seemed to have a sense of tide. He looked up and said, "You invited me to eat, I, I've always been kind."

Meng Qi almost smiled, and suddenly saw an illusive long river in her eyes, sparkling, flowing quietly, and a figure came up against the current, approaching quickly, and realized that she was herself!

The two figures overlapped arrogantly, Meng Qi's eyes softened, and he said to himself:

"You're welcome, I will often ask you."


The cold moon was hanging high, Guanghua sprinkled on the river, dancing in silver and white, and the water was rippling.

The sound of the flute was gentle and melodious, as if crying, as a boat sailed out of the darkness, a girl in white stood on the bow. Exquisite and unspeakable, temperamental and ethereal, the skirt fluttering in the wind, beautiful like a fairy, she pressed a tube of green jade Xiao with her hands, her lips dangled in Xiaokou, and the sound of whimpering whistled.

Opposite Meng Qi's complexion changed, he drew his sword and held his sword, took an aggressive posture, and converged. Blandly said: "Girl, little mulberry, don't come here?"

Gu Xiaosang left Xiao Guan with her lips, and Xingmu looked at Meng Qi with a resentful look: "Fu Jun, you are here, but you don't want to meet the little girl. How can I be fine?"

Fu Jun ... when we met, we called each time ... Meng Qi twitched his face, and suddenly felt that the river was surrounded by the river, and the flow was endless. The deceased was like a husband.

His eyes burst into a little smile and tenderness. Low answer:

"Yes, lady."

Lady ... Gu Xiaosang's expression seemed stiffened.


In Shaolin Temple, in the Zen heart courtyard, Meng Qi's chest was covered with a long sword wrapped in a heavy bronze sheath. The balance was maintained, and in front of her was a beautiful girl with a dark face, a goose egg face, and a big eyebrow. The black hair was simply rolled up, draped softly, and dressed in a goose yellow dress.

She sneered and said, "You look like a family boy. Not a young monk, you should call a female donor."

Then the sword was reversed, and a gift was also given: "Well, my name is Jiang Yanwei, disciple of Xijiange, I am sorry to let you get involved in the battle between us."

Meng Qi was waiting to speak, only to feel that the surrounding light faded, sparkling, as if sinking into the deep sea.

He saw a pair of eyes, he saw himself, his eyes suddenly passed Ming Wu, and he looked at the **** the opposite side, sighing secretly:

"You say I'm not like a young monk, but I called my young monk all my life ..."


Sitting on a futon, Meng Qi looked at Xuan Ku holding a ruler and asked a child's name and the reason for entering Shaolin.

The child was in his early twenties, with red lips and white teeth and a handsome appearance. Mumunana replied, "My name is Fang Aqi, and I was sold to a monk because I could not eat enough."

Meng Qi almost laughed, but suddenly there was an imaginary river in his eyes, and an epiphany appeared in his mind.

He converged and smiled, looking at Fang Aqi, and looking at the true wisdom in the future. Many thoughts completely disappeared, and he sighed:

"Little brother, I can't think of you like Yang Yan ..."


Without the interference of the Golden Emperor, Meng Qi's figure traces back to the past. With the help of the rest of the universe in the real world, all the parts involving himself are traced back one by one, awakening the past and penetrating himself.

This speed is very fast, seeing him approaching the beginning of birth!

In the pure land of the Buddha nation across hundreds of millions of calamities, the burning lamp suddenly saw the situation suddenly go down, and the golden emperor was temporarily entangled by the heavenly monster. No one stopped Su Meng. The thought flashed in his mind and quickly made a decision. The glazed ancient lamp flew out.

At this point, it's time to fight the details of both parties' creation!

I will do my best and never hesitate!

In the western bliss world, the world-famous King Buddha is also in one's palms, and the Buddha and the Luo religion are ready to go!

Not only the number of perfectionists, but also the great magical ones, the alliance between Buddhism and Luojiao is better than the camp of Qingdi, Yuxu and morals, and the demons will not intervene too deeply, just like the demonic emperor, It depends on how Lingbao Tianzun chooses it!


On Xiaoxiao Island, the law was banned, and with a few aftershocks, Yunxiao looked at the sky and sighed suddenly:

"We can be resurrected, thanks to the gift of Su Meng, let's break this cause and effect now."

Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao both smiled and agreed.


In Yuxu Palace, Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun knew Sanxiao's temperament early, and had no doubt about their shots. At this moment, she couldn't hide her excitement, because the situation began to look in a good direction, and for a while, Brother Su was hopeful. Preaching the other way!

Maitreya is still hesitant to use this testimony. The burning lamp has its own blocking. The free Buddha in the world has the Nine Spirits and the Bodhisattva obviously has reservations. It seems that the prospective Taoist and Hei Tiandi will not join the battle. In this case, there is no other good fortune to intervene. As long as Sanxiao takes the shot and sets up the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, no matter how many Buddhas and Luojias combined fortune, it does n’t make any sense.

It depends on the attitude of Duobao Tianzun ...


Just as Meng Qi was about to go back to the infant state, just before the light and other creations were about to be shot, a dark red suddenly appeared in the eyes of the demon Anan at the peak of Lingshan.

Chaos and madness are like the dark red of the heavenly monster!


There was a loud noise at high altitude, and the irregular dark red vortex suddenly disintegrated into a horrible giant. He abandoned the Golden Emperor, turned around, and patted Meng Qi!

The demon Buddha can actually manipulate the heavenly monsters, and if it is an arm commander, it is definitely not the reluctant influence of Wang Siyuan, Gu Xiaosang and others!

Seeing this change, Jin Huang hardly hesitated, and that white and beautiful finger nodded again.

Seeing this scene, the cruel and happy smile appeared on the corner of the devil's mouth:

Since ancient times, the Emperor Taiyi, that is, the monstrous monster, has always been controlled by me. I acted in accordance with my will and did not dare to drive it until it was suppressed by the Buddha, lest the gap be too large and suffer backwash.

Decades ago, I quietly got out of trouble, but this secret hand has not been motivated, what is waiting is today!

Wang Siyuan, Gu Xiaosang, how could your intentions be hidden from me?

Otherwise, how dare Su Meng leave Jiuyou?

I also don't want to think about it. After I landed on the other side, I would be afraid of the cause and effect of Shusheng, so I let go of the Wang family. The reason I let it go is because you have always been my chess pieces, the puppet of the heavenly monster!

Without the secret output of the heavenly monster, do you think the overlord has become a perfect sword? Can I stay imprinted?

Nowadays, the lifeless mother and the monsters in the sky are in trouble together, see how you can resolve!

The demon's eyes were deep, revealing something:

Meng Qi, you are dead! (To be continued.) 2k novel reading network

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