MTL - The Sage Who Transcended Samsara-v9 Chapter 178 Flat Sword and Flat Sword

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Ananda Xuying opened his eyes suddenly across the pure land of the country of hundreds of millions of calamities, calmly saying:

"Su Meng is about to hit the other side."

Ran Deng heard inexplicable, almost blurted out: "He is going to hit the other side? Today? Today?"

This is too sudden and unexpected, right?

Since Yang Yan cut off the lifeless mother and reached into Jiuyou's hand, he and Meng Qi worked together to isolate the black Emperor. The burning lamp ancient Buddha was obscured by the condition of Jiuyou, and I did not know that Meng Qi was carrying a sword and a sword. , Step by step towards the real world.

"Yes," Ananda Xuying replied briefly.

"How could this be?" Ran Deng's tone was full of doubts. "He accumulated enough to speak, but the positions of the other great figures have not changed much. Do not wait for the variable and opportunity of Miller's testimony. Why rely on it? "

And it's so bright, I'm afraid others don't know!

This is not the year when the Qing Emperor broke free from the hardships. The people on the other side have not yet returned, and the interference they can make is limited!

Behind the scenes he didn't know, some big men on the other side have changed their attitudes and the situation is developing in the direction of Sumeng and Meng, so he has no fear and hits the other side with the most direct and most arrogant gesture?

Thinking of this possibility, the Lantern Heart Lake Lingtai rippled, and there was fear that I hadn't felt for years.

If this is the case, not only will the path to enlightenment be completely cut off, but it is also likely that there will be no place for burial.

Which side will change their attitude? Let Su Meng make the current decision to break free of suffering?

Golden Emperor? No, he is like the sea like Su Mengqiu, and Gu Xiaosang's death knot, it is impossible to compromise and good.

Bodhi Buddha? The three corpses are deficient because of Su Meng, and the grievances are very serious, but it is not impossible to resolve them, as long as they pay enough price and enough hope. Of course, He and Amitabha have always moved forward and backward, and will not unilaterally change their attitudes.

Amitabha? He valued himself very much, but for the sake of Maitreya there was no obstruction on the other side, nor was it impossible to reach a secret agreement with the moral deity ...


The Lantern Ancient Buddha seemed to hear his silent heartbeat, and it seemed that Su Meng stepped out of the other side and stepped on his heart again and again.

He was no longer sure about the situation, and as a perfectionist, he was on the other side of the battlefield. There is really limited access.

Just then, he heard Ananda's shadow calming down God:

"Don't worry, Su Meng can't stop if you leave Jiuyou. If you leave, you will fall."

The determination in his tone calmed down Lan Lan's heart a lot, but he was shocked and seemed to understand something. He turned his head to look at the ruins of Lingshan, and looked at the three treasures Ruyi pressed on top.

Could it be the devil ...

He dared not think again. My heart also made a decision. If the other side completely has the upper hand, then wait for the "Tao Yinyin" to start. If the two sides form a balance of power. He didn't care about that much anymore. He ended up in person and tried his best to obstruct Su Meng's landing.

At the critical moment of impact on the other side, the perfectionist can also cause damage. Just like when the young emperor preached.

In short, things have no room for change, and they are constantly on the go. Suffer from chaos!


On the ground of the Buddha, there are white lotus everywhere in the Buddhist temples, Gongdechi can be seen from time to time, and the original palace of Changle City, where the 11th Lotus Terrace is quietly blooming, carries the fat body of Maitreya's belly.

He got a mention from Amitabha, and his face with a smile on his face was a little surprised, apparently did not expect Sumeng to step out of Jiuyou so suddenly and so recklessly, and hit the other side of the land.

As for the accumulation of Su Meng, Maitreya actually had some vague understanding. He vaguely guessed that Amitabha, Bodhi, and the immortal mother were concealing and indulging, so that Su Meng had the courage to leave Jiuyou, so he has actually completed the retrospection of the past. The three "historical road signs", in order to occupy the inevitable future events, grasped the possibilities. Once the "past" is removed from Jiuyou, this aspect can be immediately broken.

As for the fruit of illusory Taoism, his infinite chaos is already possible.

But accumulation is only an important aspect of the other side, but not all. The attitudes of the big people on the other side are important. The time and place can not be ignored. The mind is more refined. His own touch to the threshold of the other side is because there is no whim or inspiration. It's not long before I dare to try this step.

Originally thinking that Su Menhui would wait until he hit the other side to touch the muddy waters, but now it seems that he still chose to ask his heart, seek his nature, and follow his own path to preach.

When he stirs up a thousand waves with one stone and completely disrupts the situation, his opportunity may appear!


Lu Ya hid in the shards of Taikoo, and re-sacrifice the previously damaged Seven Arrows.

Suddenly, he frowned slightly, with a bit more complex and unspeakable emotion on the ancient awkward face:

"Su Meng is about to leave Jiuyou and impact the other side."

The nearby Han Guang's breath became more and more misty, like the sky and the sky, with the Bodhi tree on his knee, and he groaned for a moment before he said, "Where is the spirit of Su Meng?"

Jiuyou's condition has been isolated for a long time. Su Meng, who is holding the Bodhi tree, barely noticed that Su Meng was close to the edge of Jiuyou. Where did Lu Ya know this?

"Su Meng's confidence is not necessarily known, but he chose to believe in Gu Xiaosang." Lu Ya hesitated. "Gu Xiaosang thought he could hide the sky, but couldn't hide it from me."

Can't hide the one behind you? Han Guanghan smiled.

"Su Meng is still too reckless. When Maitre tries to testify and the situation is more chaotic, his chances will be even greater." Lu Yap was regretful or gloating. "At that time, I must borrow your bodhi tree."

Han Guang shook his head and said, "The way of others is not my way. Su Mengruo is as prudent as you are, and he has lost his most important spirit and courage in the first line. Hey, after all, the emperor Tianzun is still a mad sword. It is thunder. The mad monk is a reckless King Kong. "

Lu Ya no longer spoke, her eyes half-opened and half-closed, reconciling her body and mind, waiting for a shot.

In the heavens and the world, a powerful supernatural person with a big figure on the other side knows that the former emperor of the Japanese yen will soon leave Jiuyou. Seeking the way to the other side, they have moved to the glass world and the ancient hibiscus realm. , Thirty-three days and other places, so as not to spread to themselves.

The era is about to end, the end is coming, after the emperor, is the emperor's testimony?

Or did he vanish and the Yuxu Palace completely withdrew from the struggle of this era?


In Jiuyouli, Meng Qi has a sword and a sword, his eyes are deep, looking into the real world, each step is condensing momentum and containing the past.

Since Xiao Sang said that the preparation is proper, he believes that the preparation is really proper!

The preparation is good, the accumulation is enough, and it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day.

This is not a reckless decision, but a decision of his own way. If Wang Siyuan, there is no problem in taking advantage of the "potential" of Miele's landing, just like how he used the nine-step power to climb to the sky, but he can't do it. , A lot of spirit will be dispersed in the heart, short of the first line of brewing, the "knife" of the open sky will no longer be pure.

Because obstruction on the other side is the biggest obstacle to overcome the sea of ​​suffering, the world often ignores the danger of landing on the other side, not only outside, but also inside, even if there is no big person to intervene, even if there is enough accumulation, and there are some flaws in the mind, it will inevitably die. In the end, Emperor Zhenwu is a respected boy. He has a deep background, many treasures, and he has been enlightened at the origin of life and death for many years. His accumulation is definitely no less than that of the current one. He is a little lucky at the last moment. The spirit of "Evening Death is enough", using Yuan Yang's ruler, he failed.

No more arrangements, no more planning, no more preparations, all of them turned into a void, and came to an abrupt end.

This is the other side, and this is the most difficult part of practice!

Seeing that the border of Jiuyou was in sight, Meng Qi closed her eyes, and the red and black four sword lights appeared in her mind. Their moths struck the bright and perfect bright moon, swallowed up by Guanghua, and couldn't stir the waves.

"Return to my mother, I have always protected the Yuxu Palace!" Meng Qi muttered this sentence, and his left hand stretched out, and he drew out the Emperor's Sword. day.

His eyes were not yet open, as if he had heard the faint sound of the piano, and the bottom of his heart highlighted the pure and pure Jianguang. The "past past" followed, and there was a sweeping sand during the first encounter with the goose and yellow girl. There are mad knives returning from the wounds in the sword-washing pavilion, young men who taste the treasured dishes of Panpan, and sighs when watching Leng Yan girl persuade Doumu Yuanjun ...

More than a hundred years ago, I didn't have the ability to save you, leaving you to face death alone, waiting for help.

After more than a hundred years, I can finally scream:

"Reinforcement is here, we will die together!"

Holding the handle by his right hand, he pulled out the knife, the purple light emptied, the thunder and lightning were overwhelming, and the domineering meaning was real!

"Third brother, come to the other shore with your hope!"

Gao Lan's words echoed in his heart, and the cold and indifferent figure of the emperor seemed to outline his thin lips, showing a smile of expectation ... Meng Qi opened his eyes, where pain, grief, hatred, and madness were flowing. Explain the emotion hidden in the heart, brewing momentum to the extreme.

"Okay, brother, put your hope on me today!"

The corners of Meng Qi's eyes were mottled, just like he had when he was screaming madly, and took a step forward, leaving Jiuyou.

Today, the light is hitting the other side, just to cut off all hesitation and thoughts, break the boat, and fight against the water!

As soon as his figure left Jiuyou, the flawless bright moon rose slowly, and the immortal mother went straight!

"Dark lady, wait for death!" Meng Qi seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and the overlord sword and the man's sword in his hand were already vacated, and the purple and light gold were entangled, welcoming the bright moon.

This knife has no progress!

This sword lives on death! (To be continued.) 2k novel reading network

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