MTL - The Sage Who Transcended Samsara-v9 Chapter 11 Nether Decree

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In Yuqing Hall, returning to the quiet, Meng Qi held the three treasures in his heart, and spoke of the mystery of chaos and infiniteness, and the complexity and simplicity of the structure of time and space. These are the years of his hard work and the condensed realization of the illusory Dao. Beads, words can be freely spoken. For a moment, the surroundings are dim, and a golden lamp stands out from the air, as if a smallpox, which set off everything like a dream.

And the Yuxumen who came to listen to the lecture were different because of their own cultivation, or they were intoxicated or thoughtful. The higher the state, the more indulged.

Nezha relied on the body and natural talents bred by the chaotic Qinglianzi to become a fortune, better at magical powers and fighting, and relatively inadequate in understanding the origin of the Tao. With a smile on his face, or an excited expression, he was a little puzzled. Although he also got a certain harvest from the teacher ’s uncle's narrative, he was eager to try his own martial arts, but how could he be so disoriented?

At this moment, a golden lamp just fell from his eyes, and the light flickered, as if it contained the most subtle and subtle point. Looking at it, there would be cause and effect, good and evil, front and back, The past and the future ... It seems that all the descriptions of the truth between heaven and earth are gathered here. The more I want to see the score, the more I feel endless. In the end, illusions appear, and that point becomes more and more. Lines, lines form a plane, the plane is superimposed into a world, and then penetrates time. The more it evolves backward, the more difficult it is to describe with words, and finally it becomes a point where all the elements, such as void time, curl up together, like never before. Has not changed ...

Looking at this scene, Nezha got deep into it, only to feel that the realms of legend, creation, and other shores were completely covered, and he didn't blink his eyes, so as not to miss any details and the thoughts in his mind worked by themselves. I want to replicate a similar evolution.

Suddenly, the golden lamp fell to the ground, extinguished and dissipated, all the mysteries and all the subtleties came to an abrupt halt, Nezha could not help but reach out to fish, but fell into the air, and his heart suddenly lost.

He slammed a cleverness, and returned from this state, as if in his own disorder:

"Am I as fascinated as Master Guangcheng and them?"

At this time, Meng Qi had stopped preaching, and slightly proclaimed:

"There is too much greed, so here it is today."

After waiting for Guang Chengzi and Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun to express their regrets, he continued:

"Sister Cihang."

Cihang? Avalokitesvara? Guang Chengzi and other golden immortals seemed to realize what they were, and they turned their eyes to the immortal demon!

The immortal demon slowly stood up in the eyes of the doubts of the younger disciples such as the three generations, the fourth generation, and the fifth generation:

"What does the palm teacher teach?"

He admits that he is a philanthropic person before the god, and after he is god, he is a goddess of mercy Guanyin? Qi Xionggong was shocked and taken for granted, but after he escaped from Lingshan, why did n’t he return to the Western Elysium and be trapped in Tianzhu Mountain?

Meng Qi tone and martyrdom:

"The epoch is coming, the end is coming, all sentient beings are suffering. If you fall into the ninth, have you ever forgotten the wish of the past to save suffering?"

The immortal demon was silent for a moment, solemnly: "This wish is always remembered in my heart."

Meng Qi sitting on the lotus platform nodded:

"Then the Nether Rescue."

In his voice, he pointed with a finger, and a black mist rose from the immortal demon god, like a heavy death, like a fallen spirit. The two entangled with a nearly clear road pattern, but quickly spread and returned to the original nothingness.

As soon as the black mist disappeared, immeasurable golden light burst forth from the body of the immortal demon god, and the sounds of chanting, prayer, and praise echoed around, and the Yuqing Hall was stained with a bit of purity and compassion.

Jin Guang converged, and the immortal demon **** has restored his appearance as a prince in white, thanking and solemnly saluting:

"Take charge to teach the decree of heaven."

He nodded his head to his brothers and other brothers, turned around and walked out of the Yuqing Hall, left the Yuxu Palace, turned into a clear light, and went straight into the Nether.

Guang Chengzi looked at the back of Guanyin and sighed softly, "He hasn't been easy for so many years ..."


After receiving the decree, he walked out of the Kunlun realm. Cihangdao people looked down at the current Qianqian weather. After a little groaning, he descended into the Shuiyueyuan Dojo on the ground of Buddha.

——After the fall of Da Zhou, as the inheritance of the blissful Pure Land Great Bodhisattva, Shui Yuezhen has no doubt integrated into the land of Buddha on the ground.

In Shuiyueyu, the contemporary master Zhuzhen sat in the face of the golden statue of the Great Mercy Bodhisattva Guanyin Bodhisattva, struggling with a wooden fish, and adhering to the wishes of her master, she finally demonstrated the Fa body in previous years.

Dudududu, the solemn and ethereal Zen singing suddenly sounded in Cizhen's ears, and the nose was penetrated with fresh and strange fragrance.

When she moved her heart, she opened her eyes and saw that the lamb's jade jar placed in front of the statue of the Buddha had a soft glow, and the willow branches with long branches and leaves inside became more fresh and detached.

A little bit of glazed golden light fell out of thin air, the pale golden Great Mercy Guanyin Bodhisattva's image suddenly faded from rigidity and silence, glowed with vitality, brightened its color, opened its eyes, and opened its eyes with mercy and compassion.

Ji Zhuzhen really understood the current situation, folded his hands and whispered:

"The South has no great mercy and pessimism, and the disciples welcome the advent of the ancestor."

Ci Channelists solemnly spoke:

"At the end of the calamity, all who have compassion in their hearts must walk in the world."

He asked Cizhen to congregate Shuiyue's disciples, while manifesting himself at the border between the earth ’s kingdom of Buddha and the vacuum hometown, in order to understand the suffering of all beings, and to understand his own behavior.


Buddhism can be seen everywhere on the border of the country of Buddhism. The crops in the ground grow on their own. The harvest is in seasons. People live and work in peace and happiness, often with smiles. Everyone reads the Buddhist scriptures. The scene of pure land, how can it be miserable?

Cihangdao people should recite the sound of Guanyin Bodhisattva manifested into a beautiful robe of black robe, holding a bowl and knocking on the door of a family's house.

The courtyard door opened, and the owner was a middle-aged man in his forties, with a kind and peaceful smile on his face:

"But this teacher is here to come?"

"There is a Laojushi," said Bhikkhuni, who was converted by Guanyin.

The middle-aged man took the bowl, turned inside, took a full meal, and recited the Buddha's name along the way, without any slackness.

Avalokitesvara took the bowl and smiled and said, "Jushi is so religious."

"Fun Zan Wu Zan." The middle-aged man smiled humblely. "If I was as religious as Shi Tai said, I would have seen Maitreya Buddha for a long time, got fruit, enjoyed bliss, and never worry about being old or sick."

"You can enjoy bliss and achieve fruitfulness by devotion to a Buddha's name," said Guanyin, who frowned slightly. "How do you see that there is such a heart in your heart, that you can find your own nature, or that your ancestor of Maitreya himself came?"

The middle-aged man shook his head blankly: "I don't understand what is coming in my heart, I am coming here, I only know how to worship the Buddha sincerely."

Avalokitesvara gave him a deep look, without words, turned and left.


Another of him, who should be dressed as an ordinary person, has come to his hometown of vacuum. What he sees is almost the same as that of the Buddha on the ground. The people do n’t worry about eating and drinking. Everyone is in peace and quiet.

Guanyin Ying, dressed as Donghai Xingshang, entered the inn and found a gossip with the shopkeeper.

The treasurer is a kind-hearted, kind-hearted man full of love, modesty, and in his thirties. He is fat, talks elegantly, and has a wealth of knowledge, but any topic will be related to Supreme Master ’s salvation.

"My mother has compassion for all beings. I don't want me to end in the end, so I deliberately came to save the world and turned all the dust into a vacuum hometown. Even if the sky collapses in the future, I can live in my hometown forever ..." .

Avalokitesvara groaned and said, "The people who saved the world also include those in the north?"

Upon hearing this, the shopkeeper's eyes suddenly became fierce, and he hated:

"It is they who believe in demons and evil gods and accumulate torrents of iniquity, and the end will appear in the heavens and the earth, only to pay for death!"

His kind eyebrows and kind eyes, his benevolence and humility, all twisted into a trance at this moment, giving people an abominable impression.

Guanyin listened quietly, and sighed quietly.

At this time, he was sitting in the main hall of the Shuiyueyu Hall and suddenly felt the changes in the air and space between the heavens and the earth. He saw the trend to the bodhisattva, and the stars of the future.

"Did the 100-year peaceful coexistence of the Buddha and the vacuum hometown on the ground come to an end?" Cihang Taoist sighed.

After the Golden Mother ’s League, the master teaches Tianzun to visit the other side, this peace has become more fragile than tissue paper, it is no wonder when it will come to an end!

Somewhere in the vacuum hometown, there is a pure white Buddha hidden, and his eyes stare at this scene. (To be continued.) 2k novel reading network